An Ultimate Martial Art



The Demon General Competition began once more, but no matter how one looked at it, it was meaningless. At the very least, compared to the battle where Su Ye killed Wu Gui, these so called top tier Demon Generals were like playing house in the eyes of many spectators, and it was hard to interest them anymore.    


"Tell me, how did Su Ye cultivate? Although he seems to be a top Demon General, his strength is comparable to the Demon Lord's; it is simply too terrifying. It is completely impossible to understand. "    


"It's one thing to be strong, but the scarier thing is that Su Ye actually dared to kill Demon Marshall You Luo, he is a genuine top ten Demon Elder. Even if he was injured in front of him, he should be respected by my Demon Generals, how could he dare do that?"    


"It's better to strike first, and suffer later. This Su Ye, is truly a decisive person. It is too dangerous to be enemies with someone like him. "    


"It's a pity, Su Ye's actions have offended most of the Eternal Demon Elder, and in the future, it will be difficult for him to move an inch within the scope of power of the Eternal Demon Clan. Whether or not we can keep our lives is up to no good. "    


"No way, didn't that big boss from the hidden clans already say he wanted to protect Su Ye?"    


"You can believe that?"    


"What? Those are the words of a top rank 12 Demon Lord in front of everyone. Is that hidden clan elder going to slap himself in the face?"    


"Tsk, that's just a joke. What are you slapping him on the face for? The reason why the hidden tribes are hidden is because they rarely show themselves. They would never openly appear under the heavens like you and me. Unless they brought Su Ye into the Hidden Clan's territory, how would they protect Su Ye? But is that possible? "    


"That's true ?"    


Although the Demon General Competition was extremely intense, to many spectators, it was clearly not as attractive as Su Ye's matter. Many people were discussing in private, and all of them had their own views, but they all had one thing in common, that was, Su Ye's future was bleak!    


Peach Blossom Forest, somewhere.    


Su Ye and Liu Yan stood shoulder to shoulder.    


Xin Leng, Dao Baifeng, Meng Junyao and the six Junior Sisters were in front.    


The group of people looked at Su Ye with complicated expressions.    


Evidently, in their eyes, Su Ye's series of actions and actions were too brazen, so brazen that they could not find any words to describe them. In their original consciousness, this was a crazy act that only a reckless madman would dare to do.    


However, this man was Su Ye, a person who held a large share of power in their hearts. They could not say anything, but could not help but feel worried for Su Ye.    


"As you have all seen, Demon Marshall Ye's desire to kill me is unshakeable. In their eyes, I have already become an unforgivable sinner. "From now on, you all can't walk together with me anymore. You can't have even the slightest bit of relationship with me, and if there's one, it should be hostility as well."    


Su Ye said indifferently.    


The expressions of Meng Junyao and the rest changed as they opened their mouths to shout, "Su Ye!"    


But before she could continue, Su Ye interrupted her voice. "Don't be anxious, I don't view you as outsiders, nor do I think you will leave me in the face of danger.    


"Brother Su, then what exactly do you want to say?" Dao Baifeng said in a heavy voice.    


"As you all know, it has not even been ten years since I came to Eternal Heaven and Earth from Proterozoic Universe. Among the Eternal Heaven and Earth, other than the companions who came with me to the Eternal Heaven and Earth, I am the closest to you all."    


"That's why I can't let anything happen to you."    


"Brother Su, saying that is meaningless. You know, what you've done before might be audacious, but it's actually what we want to do, and we don't have the courage to do it. Seeing how you have disgraced the Divine Night Demon Sovereign and the others in front of everyone, you didn't know that I was happy ? "    


"As companions, friends, we cannot do these things together with you. Yet, you want us to leave in the face of danger. Do you think that we are just a bunch of people who are afraid of life and death in Brother Su's eyes?"    


Dao Baifeng looked displeased.    


There is a saying that one can do something but not do it.    


Even though he valued his life greatly, he would not rashly throw away his life. However, if everything in life was calculated for the sake of living and lived in fear, then what was the difference between that and being stubborn?    


It was rare to meet a close companion.    


He would never be happy in his life for the sake of his life.    


Su Ye could not help but laugh bitterly.    


"Dao brothers, I have already said that I did not mean to belittle you. "Hmm, don't say anything for now. Just listen to what I have to say."    


Su Ye stopped Dao Baifeng, who wanted to interrupt him, and slowly said: "I know you are not traitors of treachery. But you have to think clearly about who I offended this time. Once those people know that you are close to me, what would be the consequences? Yes, I know that you guys are not afraid, but what about the people behind you, relatives, friends, and relatives? "    


"You have to be clear, once those people can't deal with me, they will do all sorts of shameless things, directly taking action against your relatives and friends. What will you do then?"    


"This ?"    


Dao Baifeng's heart trembled, he had to admit that Su Ye's words were reasonable. If this really happened, then they would die for sure. However, the people of the Divine Night Demon Sovereign were all shamelessly smashed to smithereens.    


"In Eternal Heaven and Earth, other than the companions that came with me, I can almost be said to be alone. If I am to deal with those people alone, even though it will be dangerous, as long as I plan properly, it will not be a dead end. "    


"You are not the same. You are not alone. You have to consider your family and friends. So take yourself out, the sooner the better. Well, that includes you. "Liu Yan."    


With that, Su Ye looked at Liu Yan.    


"Me?" Liu Yan's expression froze, as if he did not expect Su Ye to mention her.    


"Yes, you are no exception. The Flower Fairy Clan was in a bad situation from the start, but you cannot be implicated by me at this time. It will have to wait until I have planned everything properly. "    


Amongst this group of people, Liu Yan was the one who knew Su Ye's plan the most. After hearing Su Ye's explanation, she did not object and nodded: "Alright, I understand. After a while, I will let people know that there is only a relationship of employment between you and me. "    


When the others saw this, they were shocked, even the Hundred Blossom Heavenly Jewel Master who had a close relationship with Su Ye had such a reaction, it could be seen how serious the situation was.    


Meng Junyao was still a little unsatisfied: "Is this really the only way?"    


"Yes, it has to be this way. Furthermore, other than you all, I would have to ask everyone else who is accompanying me to Eternal Heaven and Earth to help me arrange a new identity and place for them. I have a feeling that I won't be able to return to the Black Panther City in a short period of time.    


Everyone knew that Su Ye had set up a small base in the Black Panther City and that his closest friends were all silently cultivating in the Black Panther City. These few people were extremely important to Su Ye, so he could only agree.    


With this, at least some arrangements were made. Su Ye heaved a sigh of relief.    


However, everyone's expression was still somewhat heavy. It was obvious that they were feeling extremely depressed at Su Ye's action of preparing to run away by himself.    


Su Ye himself was actually a little heavy, because even he himself was not sure whether or not his following plans would go his way. Or rather, whether or not he would be able to live to the moment his plans were realized. However, facing the crowd, he feigned a relaxed smile and said, "Alright, now that everything is settled, I can set my mind at ease. "After you return, remember to train harder, but don't be like that weak chicken you are right now when I go find you."    


"When that time comes, I have something that I need your help with. If your cultivation is too low and your strength is too weak, then we won't be companions."    


Hearing that, Meng Junyao immediately raised her head, stared at Su Ye, and said resolutely: "Don't worry, I will definitely speed up my cultivation, I definitely won't disappoint you."    


Although Dao Baifeng and Xin Leng did not speak, both of their expressions were firm.    


Su Ye's gaze turned to Liu Yan, "After they return, they will inevitably get into some trouble because of me. If there's a chance, help me look after them."    


Liu Yan nodded, "Don't worry."    


Su Ye laughed, and fourteen storage rings appeared in his hands, "When we part ways, there is nothing for you to give me as a gift. One person will give you Water of Chaos s, absorb and refine them as soon as possible. The other four are to help me pass them to my comrades in Black Panther City. "    


After successfully breaking through the first stage of the Demon General Realm, Su Ye only had twenty million drops of Water of Chaos on him. These twenty million drops were all used by him in his recovery, but in actuality, he no longer had the slightest bit of Water of Chaos.    


But fortunately, he still had a portion of the treasures that he had extorted from the Venerable Smoke s. In order to curry favor with Su Ye, this fellow was really generous to him. He gave him two storage rings which contained an extremely rich amount of resources, and after Su Ye refined all of them, he actually obtained 140 million drops of Water of Chaos.    


Therefore, he divided the one hundred forty million Water of Chaos into fourteen points. Except Liu Yan    


In addition to Meng Junyao, Dao Baifeng, Xin Leng, the six junior sisters, the rest of the ten people, along with the Black Panther City's Su Qingwu, Thousand Divine Sha, Nie Jiyuan and the Head of the Illusionary Void Clan, each of them had a total of ten million drops.    


As for himself?    


Heh heh, with the Primal Chaos Arm, how could he still be afraid of not having any Water of Chaos to use?    


After handing over the storage rings, Su Ye didn't say anything else. After giving a deep look at everyone for a moment, he resolutely turned around and left.    


Everyone watched Su Ye's lonely figure as he left, and couldn't help but feel a heavy weight on their hearts, as they were extremely unwilling to accept this outcome. This matter was clear that Su Ye did it to prevent their relatives and friends from being implicated, but in reality, it was their strength that was lacking.    


They hated the fact that their cultivation base was insufficient. If they were all peak rank 12 Demon Generals, would they still be afraid of the Divine Night Demon Honored Warriors smashing them to pieces. Would they still need to leave in this sort of crisis?    


His nails had pierced deep into his palm and were still dripping with blood unknowingly, because she knew very well that part of the reason Su Ye wanted to go against the Divine Night Demon Elder was to attract firepower for her ?    


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