An Ultimate Martial Art

C1969 With a burst of divine light, he decisively left!

C1969 With a burst of divine light, he decisively left!

F * ck! The Demon Generals were indeed equipped with a secret treasure, and their originally foolproof attacks were actually unable to kill them in one go. Instead, they helped the Demon Generals to escape the suppression of the Concourse of the Underworld, restoring their freedom and strength, so it was obviously impossible for them to suppress the Demon Generals through the Concourse of the Underworld.    


If that was the case, then the only option left was to fight!    




Although Su Ye was infuriated, he was quick of thought. He sent the group of Blackwater Primal Chaos Demon Seeds flying with a casual strike, and in the span of a breath, he pounced in front of the Black Wyrm Demon General. The powerful sacred art left his hands and millions of sword beams quickly enveloped the Black Wyrm Demon General.    


Without the suppressive power of the Dark Asura Prison, the Black Demon General had already recovered his normal cultivation, so he would not easily be killed by Su Ye. He retreated, and the explosive strength of the attack was terrifying, the speed of the attack was not slower than the speed of light, causing Su Ye's attack to miss, he immediately instigated his ability to backfire.    


The two of them battled intensely, like two violent streaks of light clashing against each other. The instantaneous power generated caused the space in the large hole to distort, and the wrinkles and twists were like twisted clothes, shocking everyone.    


"So powerful!"    


"So powerful!"    


Regardless of whether it was Su Ye or the black eye demon general, both of them were exceptionally shocked. This short exchange of blows had already made them realize that they were facing the greatest opponent of their lives. He didn't dare to hesitate at all. He didn't dare to hold back at all. He used all of his strength to break apart his most powerful divine abilities.    


"Hey, what happened? Where is he?" Where did everyone go? "    


When Su Ye returned to the time to ambush and kill the Demon General, the Demon General Black Teng and his ten Blackwater's subordinates also entered a small cave on the other side. They quickly discovered that there was something wrong with the small cave.    


The little holy abode was empty. Not only was the Blackwater man in charge of guarding the little holy abode missing, the treasures and resources placed in the little abode by Demon Elder Hei Ying had also all disappeared.    


It was clear that something had happened.    


Sure enough, someone had snuck into the small cave under their noses and killed people for their goods.    


Demon General Hei Teng was utterly shocked.    


This was the treasure and resource of the Black Voodoo Cult Demon Sovereign, it had actually been stolen by someone. If he let the Black Voodoo Demon Sovereign know, how could he possibly be alive?    


"Quick, quick, search and find that damned thief!"    


Under the furious roar of the Demon General Hei Teng, the ten stunned subordinates immediately spread out and began searching the small holy abode. However, not to mention a person, not even a single hair could be found. Not only did the other party steal away everything in this small cave, he did not even leave a single trace. How could he explain this?    


"I don't believe it, I definitely don't believe it. Those treasures and resources were all protected by the restrictions personally left behind by Lord Black Victory. Unless one was an expert of the same level as the Demon Lord, it is impossible to silently break through the seals without leaving a single trace behind. "    


He did not believe that a master on the level of the Demon Marshall of Chaos could actually steal a treasure. If there really was such an existence stealing a treasure, then the first one to take action should be the genius from the big cave. That place was the treasure trove with the greatest value of this group of heavenly passages.    


It could only mean one thing. The other party was not the Demon Lord of Primal Chaos, even his own strength was not that high, and he was extremely wary of the guardians of the Great Cave of Heaven. He probably relied on some kind of treasure to silently remove the restrictions laid down by the Demon Elder of Hei Ying.    


If one's strength wasn't high enough, it would be impossible for him to leave no trace behind. In fact, it was very possible that the other party was still in a small holy abode, carefully dismantling the restrictions left behind by Demon Elder Black Vengeance. As long as he moved fast enough, it was completely possible for him to trap the other party.    


However, in the next small heavenly passage, there was still nothing.    


Then, one by one.    


A few minutes later, he had already led his men around the six small caves, but they were all empty. Not to mention catching the thieves, he did not even find a trace of them.    


What was even weirder was that after walking around the small cave, logically speaking, he should have met up with the Demon Generals from the other direction in the third or fourth cave. However, he didn't find any Demon Generals either.    


"My lord, do you think that damned thief has already been captured by Lord Black Vow and taken to the Great Grotto?" A subordinate of the Blackwater said in a low voice.    




Hearing this, the eyes of the Demon General Hei Teng lit up as he thought that it was really possible.    


He knew clearly in his heart that with such a huge incident, regardless of whether the treasures and resources in the treasury were truly stolen, as the ones in charge of guarding the heavenly passage, none of them would be able to escape Demon Elder Black Win's punishment. At the very least, it would be a crime of insubordination, and the consequences would be severe.    


At a time like this, whoever caught the thief would not only be able to offset the crime, but also gain the credit. If it really was the Demon General from another direction who caught the thief, then the Demon General wouldn't have notified him and would have definitely seized the thief and brought it back to the main cave right away, giving the Demon General the credit.    


Thinking of this, the Black Teng Demon General felt his entire being go sour.    


A group of heavenly passage treasures were stolen, so someone had to step out and take responsibility. There were a total of three Demon Generals who could bear the blame. When the Demon Generals caught the thief and were the first to reach out to the Demon General, the two of them immediately combined their powers, and undoubtedly, they would push the blame onto him.    


"Go, hurry back to the big cave!"    


Demon General Hei Teng could no longer hold himself back. With a roar, he led his men and charged into the big hole. Damn Hei Yun, if you dare to scam laozi, laozi will be done with you.    


"Eh? What's going on?"    


It was only a few minutes later but the interior of the cavern was already a complete mess. There were traces of cracks everywhere from the impact of the battle's energy, and the entire space of the cavern was twisting like a fried dough twist.    


A dazzling golden light filled the whole world, and one could vaguely see the silhouette of the black devilish general solidified in the golden light, struggling desperately. He let out an angry roar, and even a terrified roar.    


"Hei Teng, quick, save him!"    


It was only when an extremely urgent cry for help was heard from the golden light that the Demon General Hei Teng regained his senses. He raised his head and saw that his eyes met a pair of eyes. It was a pair of cold and somewhat mocking eyes, and the owner of the eyes was a handsome youth. He was someone he had never seen before, of an unknown race, but he could be sure that he was definitely not from Blackwater.    


"It's you!" "Dammit, it's you who stole the treasure, who gave you the guts to smash it?" The Black Teng Demon General flew into a rage as he charged towards Su Ye.    


However, in that instant, the golden light disappeared, along with the black devilish general and the ten experts of Blackwater who were originally in the sky above the big hole.    


They disappeared into nothingness.    


Demon General Hei Teng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He didn't know why, but he suddenly had a feeling that the Black Fiend General was dead.    


The Dark Witch, who had already reached the level of a fourth grade Demon General, had actually fallen in just a few minutes. How could this thief be something that he, Demon General Hei Teng, could resist?    




He had just managed to cultivate into a Demon General of the third rank with great difficulty. He still had a huge future ahead of him, and he was not willing to perish here because there was a possibility that he could advance to the Demon Lord of Primal Chaos.    


"You want to escape now? How could it be so simple? "    


He had already turned around before he could really attack Su Ye, but no matter how fast his reaction was, how could it be faster than the Divine Light of Return to Origin?    


In order to end the battle quickly, after Su Ye killed the Black Witch General, he did not even stop the chaos. Instead, he directly activated the first layer of the Divine Light of Return to Origin on the Black Teng Demon General and the others. Although it was only the first level of the Divine Light of Return to Origin, with the strength of Su Ye's current cultivation, he could already perfectly display the power of the first level.    


A flash of golden light appeared.    


In less than a hundredth of an instant, the Divine Light of Return to Origin had already enveloped the entire group of Black Teng Demon General. The terrifying binding power was even several times stronger than the one Su Ye cultivated in the Concourse of the Underworld.    


If even the Black Demon General was unable to break free from the Divine Light of Origin, it would be even more impossible for the Black Demon General to do so.    


Within a short span of ten breaths, the Black Wing Demon General and the others had turned into nothingness from the divine light. Like the Black Wing Demon General and the other Blackwater, they transformed into Water of Chaos, and formed a puddle of water in the middle of the Primal Chaos Wheel.    


There were twenty top-notch Blackwater Magic Seeds, two Blackwater Magic Generals, and they were even Demon Generals who had cultivated blue colored Magic Seeds. They were indeed great supplements, and the primal chaos essence within their bodies was far more valuable than ordinary treasures.    


This Water of Chaos had a miraculous ability. Not only could it channel the primordial energy from the Heavenly Passage World into the body to stimulate the development of the Heavenly Passage World, it would also evolve the Great Way of the Innate Ranker and make up for and perfect Su Ye's chaotic system. It could also be directly absorbed by Su Ye to raise one's cultivation. No matter which one it was, it was enough to raise Su Ye's strength by a level in a short period of time.    


He had made the right decision to take the risk this time. The benefits he had reaped from this were unimaginable.    


However, when Su Ye swept a glance at his surroundings from the corner of his eyes, he was immediately shocked. He realized that the restrictions on some of the treasures and resources within the big hole had been unconsciously affected by the Divine Light of Returning to the Origin.    


"Dammit, the thing I was most worried about actually happened!"    


Su Ye's expression became extremely unsightly. Previously, he was not willing to activate the Divine Light of Return to the origin within the small heavenly passage, but he was afraid that the Divine Light would be too fierce and cause a huge commotion to alert Demon Elder Hei won. In the end, he still chose to use the Primordial Divine Light as a last resort. As a result, the restrictions placed on the treasure by the Demon Elder Hei Ying had been destroyed, and this kind of destruction was not because Su Ye cleverly disintegrated from the restrictions, but was due to strong destruction.    


Su Ye was no longer able to guarantee that the Demon Elder, Black Victory, would not be aware of the changes here.    


If that was the case, then he had no choice but to run!    


He did not even want the treasures and resources that were still worth at least eight hundred thousand ancient spirit coins in the big heavenly passage. Even the group of heavenly passages that he had initially decided to refine with the origin energy directly gave up and left in a flash. Furthermore, he directly rushed towards the top of the Blackwater River.    


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