An Ultimate Martial Art

C1221 This was truly a test!

C1221 This was truly a test!

What a test!    


This kind of feeling was like studying elementary school knowledge after one had finished university. It inexplicably made Su Ye excited, and he wholeheartedly focused on learning the Innate Inhibition Formations, one after another. He felt that the secrets of these Innate Inhibition Formations were actually so simple.    


Shua shua shua.    


Su Ye completely forgot about the seven days promise he had with Six Half-Zhizun experts. He surrounded himself with Innate Inhibition Formations and in a blink of an eye, a month had passed.    


A large number of small paths, middle paths, and even great Dao restrictions, were easily comprehended by Su Ye and turned into his own True Meaning of Watercourse.    


It was also because of the condensation of these True Meaning of Watercourse s that he had obtained from the Innates that the various True Meaning of Watercourse s that he had forcefully merged with his body through devouring were repeatedly being combed over and over again in this process.    


The True Meaning of Watercourse had actually brazenly reached an extremely shocking level.    


At this time, Su Ye was surprised to discover that there were a total of thirty-six million Innate Inhibition Formations in the Amber Crystal. His Innate Inhibition Formations that he had completely comprehended, even without separating the big from the small, had actually neared forty thousand.    


Once upon a time, he still felt dizzy. It felt like there was no restriction that could last for hundreds of thousands of years. Unknowingly, he had already completed more than one thousandth of it.    


If he continued at this speed, it would not take him hundreds of thousands of years to complete the unparalleled project. If he could focus his attention on it, it would only take a thousand years.    


However, this is not the point.    


The key thing was that the True Meaning of Watercourse that was built on the foundation of the nearly forty thousand Innate Inhibition Formations had already evolved. After concealing the true meaning of the other Daos from his body, the True Meaning of Watercourse actually had a faint feeling of "immortality" that it did not have before. It was ethereal and vast, vigorous and vigorous.    


This was a transformation that only occurred when one had stepped into the Innate Immortal Realm. According to the cultivation realm of the Kun Peng World, his cultivation on the waterway had actually reached half-step Martial Saint.    


Furthermore, according to the comparison, Su Ye felt that his share of True Meaning of Watercourse was purer than Duanmu Yuanzhen's.    


After all, Duanmu Yuanzhen did not have many Innate Inhibition Formations to comprehend, he could not correct himself with the most perfect Innate Inhibition Formation. Duanmu Yuanzhen's dao was also completely devoured by Su Ye, which meant that Su Ye's current True Meaning of Watercourse was actually condensed from Duanmu Yuanzhen's countless years of sweat and blood.    


Such a difference naturally didn't need to be mentioned.    


Compared to Duanmu Yuanzhen, there was no meaning at all. What was the use of a life form that had vanished into thin air?    


Su Ye was actually considering a different matter.    


According to the cultivation method of the Kun Peng World, his True Meaning of Watercourse was enough for him to use her own body to create a new world for the world. After the world had taken shape, he would be able to use this world's rudiments as her foundation, and continuously fill the world with even more True Meaning of Watercourse, allowing the world to grow stronger. The True Meaning of Watercourse would also become one rule after another in this world, and with the world turning illusory into reality, she would be able to step into the Sovereign Realm.    


The secret that Su Ye had peeked at from the days in the Wilderness did not have the realm of half a step into Innate Immortal, nor did it have the ability to form a new world.    


The cultivation of the Innate Immortal was to cultivate the Dao, continuously condensing the True Meaning of the Dao until the Immortal Path was formed. At that time, it would naturally turn into a country of immortals.    


The so-called country of Immortals was actually similar to the world. It was a world of its own.    


The problem was that Su Ye didn't know which method he should choose right now. He had no way to determine the pros and cons. Based on his current sight and insight, he was more inclined to Kun Peng World's way of cultivation. The reason was very simple. A building that was hundreds of thousands of feet high could only be built on a one, two, or three basis for everything. There had to be a basis for everything.    


To use oneself as a world and to create a new world was a major event that would take a long time in cultivation. First, there was a rudiment, and then it would enrich this rudiment bit by bit, making it more reasonable.    


He continued to condense the true meaning of the Dao. He knew that cultivating the immortal dao and then naturally evolving it into an immortal country should be a long and arduous journey. Su Ye also found it hard to say what was wrong with this.    


After thinking about it, Su Ye was still unable to determine which was better.    


The choice would inevitably be painful.    


After Su Ye fought for a while and had no results, he decided to play it for a while. Since it was still too early for the True Meaning of Watercourse to fully master the Immortal Path, he was not in a rush to open up the world. If he delayed it for a while, what if he gained a new experience?    


In any case, this was not to say that they would be completely unable to open a new world if they didn't open it now.    


What was worth celebrating was that because the Innate Inhibition Formations in the Amber Crystal had already penetrated through 40,000 of them, which was more than one thousandth of the Innate Inhibition Formations, Su Ye's perception towards the Innate Mysterious Flame which was wrapped in the Innate Inhibition Formations was also clearer.    


Su Ye realised that as long as he focused his mind, he could already understand a bit of the Innate Fire Dao through the Innate Inhibition Formation. Although it was not much, but it could already be used to condense his own True Meaning of the Fire Dao.    


Yin and Yang divided into the heavens and earth, the five elements to determine the heaven and earth.    


Su Ye valued the way of the five elements greatly, far more than the others. Now, the True Meaning of Watercourse of the five elements had touched upon the dao of immortality, and he would have no worries if he continued to cultivate in the future.    


Only the Wood, Earth, Gold and Fire Innates could be used as a reference. The difficulty of cultivation was much greater, and Su Ye had a headache this whole time. Now that he could gradually comprehend the Innate Heavenly Flames in order to condense the Innate True Meaning of the Innate Flames, Su Ye was overjoyed.    


He almost wished that he could just ignore everything else and just focus on comprehending the 'Heavenly Flames' of the Upper Sky Realm and add the 'True Meaning of the Fire' that was far behind him.    


But once he thought about how he still had to go to wind-spirit race to learn the Innate "Wind", he could only restrain his urge to crazily cultivate the true meaning of fire.    


"Eh, how could I have forgotten about this!"    


Suddenly, Su Ye smacked his forehead, his face was full of regret. He suddenly remembered that he was not cultivating alone. Other than being a free disciple, he also had a Shadow Devil Avatar.    


It was impossible for him to take out such a precious treasure like the Innate Heavenly Flame for his disciple to help him comprehend. Even if he did take it out, without a sufficiently deep True Meaning of Watercourse as his foundation, his disciple would not be able to touch the Innate Heavenly Flame.    


But the clone wasn't a problem at all.    


Although the Shadow Devil Clone was only a shadow, it was still true that he had comprehended the Dao of Yin and Yang, comprehended the Spatial Shadow, and combined with a series of complicated changes, creating a clone. It was one with him, possessing the same intelligence and comprehension as his main body.    


The most important thing was that the Shadow Devil Avatar was very free. If he didn't spend this kind of free time cultivating and comprehending the Dao, it would be a waste. Su Ye despised this kind of waste.    


Without hesitation, Su Ye threw the amber crystal into the shadow behind him. The Demonic Shadow Clone pulled the amber crystal into the shadows, and immediately entered a state of cultivation.    


Only then did Su Ye feel satisfied.    


Then, he left the deserted island in a flash, flying unsteadily towards the place where he had agreed to meet with Six Half-Zhizun experts.    


A month ago, in the ocean where Duanmu Yuanzhen caused such a great massacre, Six Half-Zhizun experts used a great divine ability to move an island that was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. The six people gathered on the island had a dejected look.    


"Sigh, it's been a month. Su Ye hasn't come yet, I think we've all been played by him."    


"There's no need to estimate. He must have been tricked. It was supposed to be seven days, but he didn't show up even after a month. "That kid is treating us like monkeys!"    


"Damn it, we are idiots too. We actually believed in his evil ways. "That brat is nothing but a scammer. He hasn't even created his own world yet, yet we think he can guide us to become a supreme being!"    


A half-step Martial Saint suddenly gave him a slap. Pa! It was quite a fierce slap and he could not express his vexation. The six half-step Martial Saints were played around with by an Empyrean like monkeys. This sort of humiliation was too intense. If news of this were to spread, then in the future, they would no longer have the face to go out and meet anyone.    


"Yi, tell me, could it be that the Stellar Sovereign is playing tricks on us?" While he was feeling vexed, a half-step Zhi Zun suddenly raised a different point of view.    


When the others heard this, they also seemed to have thought of something.    


After agreeing with Su Ye for seven days, they would set out separately, and try to think of a way to get something that they thought would satisfy Su Ye. He could not wait to meet his.    


In the end, he did not see Su Ye, but instead the Stellar Sovereign. When Stellar Sovereign saw them, his first question was did Su Ye come? After that, Stellar Sovereign had actually accompanied them for three days before leaving in anger.    


After that, Stellar Sovereign would appear every two days to inquire about Su Ye's whereabouts. The last time was seven days ago, but Stellar Sovereign did not come alone.    


The two Great Rankers couldn't find Su Ye and left angrily. At that time, they could feel that these two Zhi Zun were full of anger, especially at the Stellar Sovereign who looked like he wanted to eat people, which scared them to death.    


At that time, they had been thinking, had Su Ye offended or messed with the Stellar Sovereign somehow?    


Ever since then, the Starwish Sovereign never appeared again, as if he had given up on searching for Su Ye's whereabouts.    


Now that he thought about it, no matter how he looked at it, it didn't seem ordinary at all. How could Stellar Sovereign, who looked like he wanted to eat humans, give up looking for Su Ye? If Su Ye was found by the Stellar Sovereign, then there probably wouldn't be any good outcome for him. Moreover, there was still the Zhi Zun Da Chang.    


"Hai, forget it, there's no need to wait any longer. I reckon that Su Ye has already gone to be Duanmu Yuanzhen's companion. "    


The more Six Half-Zhizun experts thought about it, the more they felt that Su Ye was not doing well.    


At this moment, a figure appeared on the island. Su Ye smiled as he looked at them, not feeling any guilt for letting them go. "It's only been a few more days, and that's all I can endure, this is a test. You guys still want me to guide you guys, why don't you take the time to wash up and sleep?"    


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