An Ultimate Martial Art

C780 A bold idea!

C780 A bold idea!

Humans were a part of the world, and everything in the world was connected to them. The most intuitive manifestation of these connections was the mind.    


No matter how big or small, as long as they met, the mental state in the lake would inevitably change. When Su Ye found out that the Western Source Ridge already had an army stationed there, and that they were moving against the might of the army, it was as if they were jumping into a torrential current that was moving against the current.    


This change was at least bigger than what Su Ye had expected.    


An inexplicable surge of thoughts appeared in the lake, turning into a surging flood. The lake within a hundred meter radius was compressed by the surging willpower of the water, and after it was compressed, it then formed an even more surging force, causing the willpower flood to ruthlessly smash toward the Faith's Rocks with an unprecedented momentum.    


A surging roar came from the Heart Lake.    


Su Ye's ten meters of faith reef was instantly submerged within the flood of faith. He could clearly feel the faith reef tremble violently, and it looked as if it was about to be broken into pieces.    


It frightened Su Ye so much that he did not dare move forward anymore. He sat down on the ground and focused his mind, sending his soul force into the lake to stabilize the faith reef.    


Immediately, the Conviction Rock released a ring of bright light that seeped out from the turbid mind wave. It turned into a giant hand and pressed down on the surging wave. It actually immediately suppressed the surging wave.    


This was the faith formed after Su Ye had once again modified the Heart of Fear less Scripture. He used his strong conviction to suppress his thoughts, becoming extremely tyrannical.    


The water of the heart's will couldn't be suppressed just because it wanted to. The surging waves were still roaring under the suppression of the Hand of Faith even after it had been suppressed.    


However, this kind of impact could no longer cause devastating damage to the rock. On the contrary, it could permeate the rock and form a subtle tempering. After tempering, the rock became more and more solid, and it became more and more stable.    


If one used their soul force to observe closely, they would even discover that the rock was shrinking at a subtle rate, while the base of the rock was slowly expanding, occupying a larger area in the lake.    


This was the manifestation of their faith that the reef was becoming denser and heavier. As a result, Su Ye's bravery and cultivation quickly rose. Although it was not exposed, Su Ye could still feel that his bravery cultivation had increased to more than one hundred and fifty meters in a short period of time.    


Compared to the ninety-three meter high cultivation in bloody world, this hundred and fifty meter tall courage and cultivation had already pushed the peak experts of bloody world to the edge of hundred and eighty thousand meters.    


He had already entered a realm that bloody world warriors could not imagine.    


However, this was still not enough.    


Compared to the military might formed by the thirteen dynasties of the Upper West Origin Ridge, the courage of one hundred and fifty people was still a drop in the ocean. It was far from enough.    


Therefore, this was still not enough for Su Ye to openly provoke this military might. He still needed to take advantage of this when the military might was relatively calm to further sharpen himself.    


After that, Su Ye stood up and continued walking forward.    


The closer they got to the Western Source Ridge, the heavier the pressure Su Ye needed to bear. His mental state in the lake was also getting increasingly stronger, and the water in his mental state continuously increased, to the point that he wanted to expand the area of the lake even further.    


The expansion of the Core Lake would allow it to bear more of the water of the Will of Mind. Naturally, it would result in even greater waves of the Will of Mind tempering the Faith reef.    


But at the same time, Su Ye had an idea. He did not plan to expand the lake of heart so easily, he wanted to make use of this opportunity to condense the water in the lake.    


That's right, although Su Ye had changed the fearless heart scripture and turned his faith into a reef to obtain the Heart of Tranquil Water, he was still unable to forget about the concoction of water for Will.    


From his point of view, when the water of his mind was condensed and refined, it became thicker and thicker. Although it would result in an even greater impact on the faith reef, it would also result in an even more effective tempering. If the Heart of Tranquil Water in the lake was thick enough to reach the thousand-pound drop of the Blue Profound Heavy Water, even without the external environment, he could still circulate the Sutra of Fear and use the heavy mind water to temper the Faith's Rocks. This would definitely be able to stabilize his faith in them more and more.    


needed to compress the water of his mind, and he also needed to draw out the strength of his soul. With his current condition, it was still a little immature for him to condense the water of his mind.    


However, right now, there were signs of his Mind's Water being compressed. With the help of his Mind's Water, coupled with the power of his Faith's Hand and the compression of his soul's power, he was able to use the Mind's Water as a counterforce. It would definitely have an effect of half the work and double the work.    


Su Ye was very decisive, he could do it whenever he wanted to.    


After advancing a bit further, he finally found an opportunity where the mental lake had the greatest reaction power against the water. He immediately sat down cross-legged and used both soul power and faith power.    


Instantly, the entire lake seemed to have turned into a completely sealed off pressure cooker. The immense pressure inside formed a huge pressure on the Perception Water, and under this sort of compression, all of the Perception Water turned into water, without a trace of vaporizing anymore. At the same time, the Perception Water actually overlapped each other drop by drop.    


The water level that was originally filled to the brim with the water of the heart's will had started to drop. When Su Ye felt that the heart lake itself no longer had any reaction to the water of the mind, he removed the hand that held his soul force and faith, and was pleasantly surprised to find that only half of the lake was left.    


The surging waves had now subsided, but the impact of the waves on the Reef of Faith had greatly increased.    


Su Ye even felt that if all of the water in his mind now surged and focused on attacking the rock, the rock would probably shatter.    


He quickly poured a sliver of his soul power into the Perception Water and was immediately overjoyed. The density of the Perception Water had doubled compared to before.    


"Wonderful, the effects of the water of the mind, which has been refined at one fold, on the Faith's reef have been greatly enhanced!"    


Su Ye did not hesitate as he hurriedly activated the fearless Heart Sutra and took the initiative to channel the water of his mind to temper the Trust Stone.    


The feeling was as if there was a huge hammer pounding on his chest, causing his entire body to tremble. It was as if he had transformed into a piece of refined metal that was being tempered a thousand times.    


The Faith's Rocks were shrinking at an extremely fast speed, and the base area was also expanding subtly. In less than two hours, the originally ten meter tall Rocks of Faith was actually shrinking by a meter, making the Rocks of Faith as stable as iron.    


With just a thought, courage didn't come out of his body, but Su Ye could already determine that this was already six hundred meters of courage.    


"As expected, this is a broken piece of jade. Without going through a lot of tempering, there won't be any godly weapons. However, the Faith reef is as stable as iron, and the effects of the Perception Water will be greatly reduced. Unless I fill up the Lake of Intentions or continue to condense the Perception Water twice over, my cultivation will no longer have any effect!"    


Su Ye opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the Western Source Ridge, his eyes shooting out a bright light. In his eyes, that place was a crisis, and also an opportunity, if he could turn this crisis into an opportunity, then it would definitely be a huge opportunity that he wouldn't even be able to find in the Immortal Cultivation World.    


Su Ye stood up quickly and continued to move forward with interest. At this point in time, he was still eight miles away from the Western Origin Ridge.    


By the time he had walked another mile, the water of his heart had already filled up. If he didn't continue to condense or expand the area of the lake, he would definitely lose control if he continued moving forward.    


Su Ye decisively stopped and continued to cultivate. Only after he had gained two thousand meters of courage to two hundred and twenty meters did he stop to think about how to condense the water of his heart.    


He discovered that if he wanted to continue condensing the Will of Mind Water after condensing it twice as fast, he wouldn't be able to do it with just his current strength of faith and the counterforce from the lake. Without a huge amount of soul force to push him, he might need a huge external force to help him.    


But where could he find such an external force?    


Even if they found it and blindly lured an external force into the lake, if they weren't careful, it might even cause the rock to collapse. If that happened, it wouldn't be worth it.    


He needed a powerful external force that was not easy to deal with.    


After thinking about it, Su Ye still didn't have a clue. His gaze swept to the front, but suddenly, it was lit up as a crazy idea suddenly occurred to him.    


Military might!    


Needless to say, this military might that came from the Western Source Ridge was definitely the most tyrannical that he had encountered so far in the bloody world. Furthermore, he did not appear, but the armies of the 13 dynasties had hidden themselves for the time being.    


Then he only needed to let go of his guard a little and use a subtle bit of courage to provoke them. Wouldn't he be able to draw a portion of the military might into his heart's lake?    


This kind of military might was like an excellent source of support without money.    


When he thought of this, Su Ye's heart immediately throbbed with excitement, he was unable to contain his excitement, the waves of his heart in the lake immediately started boiling, just that compared to the Reef of Faith, this kind of boiling could hardly damage the Reef of Conviction.    


Su Ye tried his best to calm his emotions and think about it further. He felt that he could take this risk, but before attempting to draw out the might of the army to compress the water of his Will of Mind, he had to think of a way to raise his conviction so as to prevent it from being damaged by the army's might. After all, no one had tried this before.    


As for how to raise his conviction, Su Ye already had a plan in his heart, which was to turn his heart into his belief!    


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