An Ultimate Martial Art

C777 Inferior tier God Beast!

C777 Inferior tier God Beast!

"This steel armored dragon's soul must be injured!"    


Su Ye immediately reacted and at the same time, realized that this was an opportunity to plant the [Charm Mantra] into the beast's soul.    


The Perplexing Heart Seal was a spell that was several levels higher than the Perplexing Heart Technique. It belonged to the category of Earth rank magic techniques. By using this technique, the target could be imprinted with a soul mark. Once this imprint was triggered at a critical moment, the target would be able to act according to the target's will.    


When he thought of this, Su Ye immediately transferred a drop of heavenly dew to nourish his heart, and then, in one go, he erupted with all his courage. What surprised Su Ye the most was that after being entangled with the steel armored dragon for so long and accidentally defeating the steel armored dragon, his courage actually increased by another thirty meters, reaching a height of one hundred and thirty meters.    


Even though it was difficult to use the Perplexing Heart Seal with this cultivation level, it was at least a lot easier compared to the cultivation level just now.    


Both of Su Ye's hands formed a seal as a ray of light shot towards the steel armored dragon. It directly entered the steel armored dragon's body and fused with the beast spirit inside its body.    


At this moment, Su Ye was sure that the steel armored dragon's soul was injured, and even more so, severely. Otherwise, with the iron-armored dragon's cultivation, no matter how weak the beast spirit was, it would be difficult to get it into his mind, so the beast would inevitably want to fiercely resist.    


However, this was undoubtedly a good result.    


In this environment of the Wasteland, to be able to intimidate an armored dragon beast that was comparable to an ordinary immortal powerhouse, was much more beneficial than killing it directly.    




As expected, after the heart seal was planted, Su Ye quickly gave the steel armored dragon a command. As expected, the steel armored dragon's body shook for a moment before it quieted down.    


"Guard the valley and do not allow any demon beasts to approach."    


Su Ye's second order came as well. The steel armored dragon was clearly struggling, with its huge eyes filled with anger, it intersected intensely with Su Ye's mental imprint that was transmitting its will, but it still lost in the battle. It obediently moved its feet, using its huge body to guard the entrance of the valley, and intimidated the beasts that were waiting outside the valley.    


Time flew by.    


The King Beast Fruit had finally turned completely green and ripe. The golden hair, who had been waiting for a long time, came forward and swallowed the fruit in one gulp.    


Within a few breaths, the golden hair let out a mournful and painful howl, and a resplendent golden light appeared out of nowhere from his body. An extremely powerful aura was released from his body, and it even gave off a faint sense of desolation, as if it was filled with the aura of time, which was unique to the ancient era.    


In the golden light, a gigantic phantom image of a golden lion slowly rose up. A terrifying aura spread out through the golden light, as if a king who had been asleep for countless years had awoken.    


Su Ye clearly felt the world tremble slightly, a silent might directly caused all the beasts in the surroundings to prostrate. Not a single beast dared to raise their head, even Su Ye could clearly feel the beast soul within the steel armored dragon's body tremble.    


This was a type of soul pressure that was unique to high level beasts. It was as harsh as the laws of the world, and impossible to defy.    


Su Ye could not help but be overjoyed. He discovered that the Golden Haired Lion's bloodline was actually much thicker than what he had expected. Even the Golden Haired Lion from before could not compare to it. However, the King of Beasts Fruit had triggered the thick Golden Lion's bloodline. The life force that came from the Golden Lion King's bloodline was extremely strong.    


However, how could this be? His eyes were right, the golden hair was indeed a very ordinary lion. How could it contain such a thick Golden Lion King bloodline?    


Su Ye recalled the first time he met Golden Fur, and subconsciously, he looked towards the direction of the 13 dynasties. A thought flashed across his mind, and everything immediately became clear.    


Grand Black Tortoise Formation!    


It was precisely because of the Grand Black Tortoise Formation.    


The entire thirteen dynasties were in fact built by the Wood Emperor with the blood of the Black Tortoise Saint Beast as a grand formation specifically designed for the demon beasts of this world. That grand formation was extremely powerful against beasts, and as long as a Xiantian could not defeat the Black Tortoise Saint Beast, the more powerful the bloodline was, the easier it would be to be suppressed by the Grand Formation of the Black Tortoise.    


If it was born in the Western Wasteland, it would not be affected by the Black Tortoise's power. In the Wasteland, with its rich Golden Lion King bloodline, it would be a top existence in the Wasteland by now, even the Iron Armor Dragon Beast wouldn't be able to beat it.    


However, Goldfur was born in the Green Mountains, in the area covered by the Black Tortoise's Great Formation of Might and Soul. This way, the Golden Lion King's bloodline would naturally attract the attention of the Black Tortoise's Great Formation of Might, and would be greatly suppressed and attacked by the Black Tortoise's Great Formation of Might.    


As a result, not only was the Golden Lion King bloodline unable to display its full might, but it was also being tightly suppressed, resulting in the Golden Lion King bloodline being unable to grow according to the original process. In fact, it even degenerated to a normal lion.    


Seeing the golden light on the golden fur slowly rising up, the shadow of the Golden Lion King became clearer and more corporeal, as if it was the reincarnation of the Golden Lion King. Su Ye knew that he had picked up a treasure.    


Especially when he saw the Golden Lion King, who was in the midst of the golden light, slowly sink into the golden hair's body before gradually fusing with it. Su Ye was overjoyed.    


He knew that this was the bloodline of the Golden Lion King, which had been awakened by Goldfur. Through the bloodline, he was acquiring an extremely mysterious inheritance.    


To obtain a bloodline's inheritance, it was sufficient to prove that the Golden Lion King's bloodline was extremely rich. After awakening, it would at least be at the Inferior Grade Divine Beast level.    


Inferior Grade Divine Beasts did not sound like anything impressive. In ancient times, they were at most slightly stronger than Ancient Crocodile Snake s. But don't forget, this is an era. The ancient times of the first natives have long since become the dust of history. Aside from a few particularly powerful worlds, what kind of God Beast is left in this era?    


If a Inferior Grade Divine Beast were to fully mature, its Immortal Cultivation World would definitely be an existence which was at the level of an overlord in the mortal world. Back then, even if Nie Fanchen, who was at his peak, did not use all his abilities, he still might not be able to deal with a Inferior Grade Divine Beast.    


In bloody world, for Su Ye to have the help of a low ranked Divine Beast, it was definitely like adding wings to a tiger.    


However, the appearance of a low-grade God Beast was also a form of stimulation to the demon beasts of the Wasteland. Different levels of beast bloodlines had a very powerful suppressing effect. Beasts with higher bloodlines had a very strong advantage over beasts with lower bloodlines, but at the same time, it was also a type of temptation.    


When some low-level bloodline demon beasts who were the first to grow up and had tyrannical strength discovered that the high-level bloodline demon beasts had not grown up yet, they would also take the initiative to attack, hoping to kill and plunder the bloodline.    


Golden Fur was obviously an Inferior Grade Divine Beast that had yet to mature. Furthermore, his bloodline was still in the process of awakening and fusing with the bloodlines he had inherited. At a time like this, it was undoubtedly extremely dangerous.    


Su Ye could already feel that some of the stronger demon beasts were getting restless, and were rushing towards the valley.    


It wasn't easy for Golden Fur to consume a King Beast Fruit and awaken its Golden Lion King's bloodline. How could Su Ye watch the other beasts steal away the Golden Fur's bloodline and not do anything about it?    


Fortunately, Su Ye had already subdued the Steel Armored Dragon through the Heart Confusion Seal, so its hair was no less terrifying than the immortal powerhouse's. How could he not use it?    


Su Ye rolled his eyes and quickly appeared in front of the steel armored dragon in a flash, agilely jumping onto its shoulder.    


"Listen up, I know you are resisting my [Charm Seal], and you want to escape my control over the Golden Lion King's bloodline. But let me tell you, as long as you help me guard the valley and repel those demon beasts that came to fight for the Golden Lion King's bloodline, I will give you this drop of Azure Dragon blood, and I will even help you repair your beast soul afterwards. "But if you don't do as I say and resist my [Charm Seal], then I will give this drop of green dragon blood to the other demon beasts. I don't believe that you're the only steel armored dragon in this wasteland!"    


The eyes of the steel armored dragon immediately turned red.    


One must know that the steel armored dragon had the blood of both the dragon and steel armored beasts. However, it was not an ancient beast after all, but rather something that had been bred from generation to generation.    


Otherwise, it wouldn't have gone crazy over the beast king fruit.    


But Su Ye actually took out a drop of green dragon blood in front of it.    


Although it was already a dozen or so generations later and far from the true Azure Dragon blood, it was still a drop of pure dragon blood. Furthermore, it was even more pure than ordinary dragon blood.    


This was a fatal temptation to the steel armored dragon. If it could refine this drop of green dragon blood, the dragon blood in its body would definitely grow stronger, and its power would skyrocket, and its effects would be even better than that of the King Beast Fruit.    




Seeing Su Ye suddenly take back another drop of green dragon blood, the steel armored dragon became excited, and roared furiously.    


Su Ye ignored the Iron Armoured Dragon's anger and continued saying, "Listen to me, I'll give you the Green Dragon blood. You don't have anything to retaliate against me."    


The steel armored dragon was enraged, but in the end, it still gave in. It was humiliated by its thirst for the drop of green dragon blood.    


At the same time, three tyrannical auras rushed towards Su Ye. Su Ye trembled and immediately knew that these three beasts were not any weaker than the Steel Armored Dragon. He hurriedly ordered the Steel Armored Dragon to take the initiative and fight them.    


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