An Ultimate Martial Art

C763 Fighting the 13 dynasties!

C763 Fighting the 13 dynasties!

"This is impossible!"    


"Su Ye, how could this villain be so ferocious?"    


The tiger general, along with Mu Shang and the other two generals, were completely flabbergasted. They simply could not believe their own eyes.    


In this bloody world, the impact of an army's might was countless of times proof that any brave warrior was an incomparably weak ant in front of an army's might, and could be easily killed. This was also one of the main reasons why the Thirteen Divisions could suppress a warrior of common courage.    


However, Su Ye used his terrifying methods to demonstrate his skills, fearless against an army of hundreds of thousands of soldiers charging up the river, and taking the lead to kill thousands of soldiers.    


Whether or not Su Ye died today, this scene was enough to become a nightmare in their hearts.    


But, would Su Ye die today?    


The three generals suddenly felt weak in their hearts.    


A thousand people being killed was nothing compared to the huge army of over five hundred thousand, but if Su Ye could kill a thousand people at a time when the army was charging towards them, it would be too big of an impact to the hearts of the over five hundred thousand soldiers.    


Especially the soldiers at the front of the army who were personally witnessed a blade light slicing through a thousand soldiers, or the soldiers who had almost died under the Half-Moon Halberd Technique, they were even more terrified of Su Ye's methods from the bottom of their hearts.    


Therefore, even though the three generals were aware that something was wrong and the order to stabilize the military formation was transmitted over, there was still a wave of confusion. The military might was not able to gather itself for a short period of time.    


This naturally became a fatal flaw in speeding up their deaths.    


Like a god of death, Su Ye's golden blade of courage suddenly rose to thirty-six meters as streams of Half-Moon Shock Technique took the opportunity to howl out. In an instant, streams of half moon shaped blade beams shot into the several hundred thousand strong army as a frenzied slaughter.    


Hundreds of thousands of soldiers wailed    


Soldiers fell down one by one, wailing and bleeding profusely.    


In a short span of ten breaths, nearly twenty thousand soldiers had died.    


Such a terrifying massacre, even though these soldiers had experienced too much slaughter on the battlefield, they still felt a deep sense of fear, even though they had already trained to have such a brave heart.    


As some city guards and guards were unable to withstand the impact of the fear, they howled and dodged. The fear spread through the hundreds of thousands of soldiers like a plague, causing the army to collapse.    


"It's over."    


Seeing the hundreds of thousands of soldiers fleeing in panic on the Gur Plains, with less than a third of them trying their best to stabilize the army, yet having to shout out helplessly because of the lack of cooperation, this life's only encounter turned into a haze in the hearts of the three generals. Fear spread throughout their bodies like a cold current, and their hearts were filled with despair.    


Seeing his army crumble, Su Ye did not continue to wield his blade and kill, because killing was already meaningless, he had already decimated the army of hundreds of thousands, and had achieved his goal of tempering himself. His courage and cultivation had already turned into a peerless golden blade, pointing straight into the sky, rising step by step.    


300 Zhang    




four hundred feet    


It only stopped when it reached a hundred and fifty feet.    


At this moment, the tip of the golden blade had already illuminated the entire Gur Plains. No one would have the courage to open their eyes to look at the terrifying golden blade after dozens of miles of the Gur Plains.    


Six hundred thousand soldiers surrounding Su Ye, had actually lost so easily.    


The faces of the three generals were filled with grief and indignation.    


They had no choice but to admit that at this moment, even if they were to face Su Ye's five hundred meter long golden blade of courage, they could only look up at him. It was a terrifying realm that surpassed the entire bloody world.    


In a one on one match, there was no one in bloody world who could hurt Su Ye.    


Now that the six hundred thousand strong army had been defeated, the three Great Generals could no longer think of any way to kill Su Ye.    


Right at this moment, Su Ye had already locked onto them with his gaze, and rode on the lion towards them, but they did not escape, escaping was completely meaningless. It was impossible for the lion under Su Ye's butt to escape Su Ye's attack.    


Riding on a lion, Su Ye slowly made his way to the front of the three Great Generals.    


He looked at them indifferently, "Speak, what are your identities?"    


Even though the six hundred thousand strong army could no longer gather any power to attack Su Ye, they still did not intend to lose the last bit of their dignity, and coldly reported their names.    


Su Ye let out an "oh", his gaze sweeping past the three of them, and suddenly made his move.    


Mu Shang's expression was shocked, his eyes nearly popping out as he roared: "Su Ye, you villain, do you really kill without batting an eye? You've already won, why did you still kill the two generals, tiger leopard?"    


Su Ye said indifferently: "Because I am going to give the royal family of the Great Seal and all the royal families of the Thirteenth Dynasty a bit of a shock. You should be glad that your name is not as powerful as the second general of the tiger and leopard, otherwise, you will die under my blade today."    


"You!" Mu Shang was furious to the extreme, his eyes were spitting fire. He felt that Su Ye was bluffing and humiliating him on purpose.    


Mu Shang decided to fight it out with Su Ye.    


But just when Mu Shang was preparing to gather his courage, Su Ye said, "I need you to go back and tell the Grand Imprint Emperor that I will be waiting for him to attack me one month from now at the Western Source Ridge. He can use this month's time to gather his troops to deal with me, and he can also persuade the other twelve empires to attack us together. "If I miss this month, I will personally slaughter my way into the imperial palace of the Thirteenth Dynasty and slaughter every single one of the Thirteenth Dynasty's royals until all thirteen of them are completely emptied!"    




Mu Shang couldn't believe his ears, he looked at Su Ye like he was a madman.    


He did not understand what Su Ye meant.    


Did this madman really think that he was unrivalled in the world, and actually wanted to challenge thirteen dynasties of bloody world by himself?    


Moreover, this madman actually gave them a month's time. Could it be that this madman did not know that within this one month's time, the Grand Imprint Emperor was able to persuade the other dynasties to send their troops together.    


Even if this madman had used inhuman force to defeat six hundred thousand soldiers, how could six hundred thousand soldiers be on the same level as millions of soldiers?    


The might of the army that was formed by a million strong was enough to flatten even a three thousand foot tall mountain. How was Su Ye a madman supposed to defend?    


I just want to take revenge for the humiliation that the thirteen dynasties of the bloody world have inflicted on me over the past few years. But I am tired of the slow pace of the slaughter of a county city, so I decided to come for the final battle. It will be in the Western Origin Ridge in one month's time, I will wait for your army to besiege it!    


After he finished speaking, Su Ye had already ridden on the lion's back and left, leaving Mu Shang with an incomparably arrogant back.    


Mu Shang watched Su Ye leave in a daze, and was unable to calm the waves of emotion in his heart for a long time. Regardless of whether he accepted it or not, Su Ye was the most arrogant person in the world. Not to mention that Su Ye had single-handedly killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and defeated them without being able to regroup, just the fact that Su Ye won caused him to send a message to the Grand Imprint Emperor that he wanted to challenge the Thirteen Dynasties to the west, was the craziest action that the bloody world had ever done.    


Even Mu Shang could not imagine what kind of courage could actually be so strong.    


But no matter what, he had already lost this battle. The second general of the tiger army had died, and the Imperial Tomb at Flower Drum Mountain had also been burnt down. He needed to report this to the Grand Imprint Emperor as soon as possible.    


Mu Shang took a deep breath, then ordered people to rein in the defeated army.    


Only after working for an hour or two did he manage to regroup the defeated army. There were less than three hundred thousand men left, and they all looked terrified and panic-stricken. They no longer had their original invincible vigor.    


Looking at this scene, Mu Shang was once again enraged in his heart, and felt a deep sense of humiliation. The army of six hundred thousand was defeated by a single person. Not only were tens of thousands killed, but a total of two hundred thousand soldiers fled the Gur Plains out of fear.    


"Su Ye, I do not believe that you are truly that invincible. One month from now, Xi Yuan Mountain will be the day you die!"    


Mu Shang roared in his heart, leading the less than three hundred thousand defeated soldiers to leave the Gul Plains, heading straight for Fang Ying City.    


Without waiting for Mu Shang to return to Fangying City, the news of the Tigers, Leopards and Mu Shang leading the six hundred thousand strong army to lose to Su Ye in the Guer Plains and the Flower Drum Mountain Royal Tomb Garden being destroyed by Su Ye's imperial guards had already spread throughout the imperial forest army.    


Such shocking news swept out like a hurricane, and in a few hours, it had already spread throughout the 13 dynasties of bloody world.    


As long as it was a person, they would all be shocked by Su Ye's shocking power. A single person could kill and destroy six hundred thousand troops, and if it was not for the fact that Su Ye did not intend to kill at the end, it was extremely likely that he would have killed at least two hundred thousand soldiers. This Su Ye was simply not human, he was simply a devil god who had stepped over the Gate of Ancient Mystery.    


However, if Su Ye killing six hundred thousand soldiers on his lion, in the eyes of countless of bloody world people, was like a move of a demon god, then the following news would be even more terrifying.    


In order to avenge the humiliation of being punished by the Thirteen Divisions, Su Ye actually asked the defeated general, Mu Shang, to pass on the message to the Grand Imprint Emperor, giving him a month's time to let him gather the troops and fight in the Western Territory. If the Grand Imprint Emperor avoided the war, in a month, Su Ye would personally visit the Thirteen Divisions and massacre the entire palace until not even chickens and dogs were left.    


This Su Ye actually wanted to challenge thirteen empires by himself, wasn't he being a little too daring?    


Not to mention the people, even the thirteen emperors of the thirteen dynasties, His Highness the thirteen emperors were deeply angered by the news that Su Ye had spread.    


Just three days later, the thirteen empires had sent out several heavyweight emissaries to gather at the Great Qing Dynasty. Because the Western Origin Ridge was at the border between the Great Qing Empire and the Western Wasteland, the thirteen empires needed the Great Qing Dynasty's consent to send out their men to kill Su Ye.    


With the arrival of these emissaries in the Great Qing Dynasty, a new wave of commotion had started in the bloody world.    


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