An Ultimate Martial Art

C759 Su Ye is here!

C759 Su Ye is here!

In Mu Liuye's entire life, he had never seen such a scene of one man fighting a total of ten thousand soldiers. Furthermore, it was one man fighting each army to the last man. It was simply a one-sided massacre.    


A short while later.    


Unexpectedly, close to five thousand of the imperial guards had lost their lives in the circle that Su Ye had cast out with his courage.    


Mu Liuye was extremely terrified.    


Mu Xuan Sect was also covered in cold sweat.    


The two of them looked at each other and saw a sense of despair growing within their hearts.    


They wanted to run.    


But so what if he escaped?    


The Grand Imprint Emperor would definitely not forgive them, they did not have the guts as Su Ye did to challenge one of the imperial tombs by himself.    


Fleeing was death, but not fleeing was also death. Rather than fighting, it was better to just fight for it.    


In the midst of their despair, both of them exploded with a terrifying courage due to their strong desire to survive. They formed blades with their Qi and charged towards Su Ye at the same time. What was worth mentioning was that this kind of explosive strength actually surpassed the two's original cultivation bases in one go. Their courage had both reached a height of twenty-one zhang.    


In normal times, the two would be extremely happy for such an outburst of courage. In all of bloody world's 13 dynasties, people with courage over 200 feet were extremely rare, and if there were no surprises, then they could be in the top 30 of all bloody world's warriors.    


Top 30 out of the billions, that's really top.    


But at that very instant, the two of them were not happy at all. What they felt was a deep sense of anxiety and fear, because when they attacked, the imperial guards had already completely collapsed, scattering in all directions. Su Ye also kept the killing light circle and gathered energy to form the blade once again.    


The two of them suddenly realized that the reason why Su Ye was so crazy about taking revenge on the Great Seal Family, to actually dare to go against the army alone, was because he was crazily tempering his own beliefs and raising his own courage level.    


In order to sharpen his own conviction, he had brazenly made an enemy out of a dynasty.    


Other than wanting to say that Su Ye was a madman, Mu Xuanyin and Mu Liuye could not find any other way to describe him.    


Just like that, the two sides clashed with the Dagger of Courage. It was only then that Mu Liuye realized the terror that the Mu Xuan Sect was in earlier. Although Su Ye's cultivation was only sixty meters, his inhuman knife skills had already displayed and utilized thirty meters worth of courage to the maximum. It was a power that not even the thirty meters worth of courage of the bloody world's Martial Sect could display.    


Keng ku!    


A burst of intense clanging sounds of metals clashing rang out, and quickly faded away. Su Ye's figure flew into the air and landed on the hillside, standing proudly.    


The bodies of Mu Xuan Sect and Mu Liuye left a bright scar, but before they landed on the ground, their two heads had already fallen off their shoulders.    




This was a result without any suspense.    


Seeing this, the defeated imperial guards became even more terrified.    


"Everyone, stand still or die!"    


Just at this moment, Su Ye's loud voice spread across the hillside. The imperial guards who were in the midst of dispersing, all trembled as they heard the death god's order, and stopped in their tracks.    


"From now on, you will all listen to my commands for the time being. Anyone who is unconvinced can come and kill me. I will stand here and wait for you to form the array."    


"We're convinced, we're convinced, we don't dare to be convinced." A soldier of the imperial guards exclaimed.    


"Alright, pick a few leaders to head up the mountain and tear down all the tombs of the imperial family. There will be one that will be destroyed," Su Ye said in a dense voice.    


"What do you mean, destroying the Royal Tomb?"    


The imperial guards were stupefied. This was a capital offense, and even if they were forced to tear down the imperial mausoleum, the Grand Imprint Emperor would not forgive them. Moreover, they were originally the imperial guards for the imperial mausoleum. How ironic would it be if they helped Su Ye to destroy the imperial mausoleum?    


"What is it? I dare not! Or won't you? Don't say that I didn't give you a chance, my purpose for coming here was to tear down the Royal Tomb. If anyone doesn't do as I say, I'll annihilate all of you. Of course, I also know what you are afraid of, but you don't need to be afraid, after today's battle, the prestige of the royal family will be completely lost, and in the future, who exactly is the true Great Seal Family?    


Su Ye's words immediately struck a few people's hearts.    


Originally, the reason why he joined the army at such a young age was to make a great contribution to the battlefield, but in the end, he was sent to guard a bunch of dead people. From then on, there was no chance for him to make a meritorious contribution. It was not easy for them to usher in a big battle, but they actually encountered an unparalleled ferocious demon like Su Ye.    


It was all the fault of these dead people. After destroying the Royal Tomb, the royal family would be humiliated, and their prestige would be gone. At the very least, there would be someone who would overthrow the royal family's rule, and at that time, they wouldn't be reduced to the unlucky bastards guarded by a bunch of dead people.    


Moreover, if he didn't kill these dead people, Su Ye still had to kill them.    


It was clear what to choose, wasn't it?    


At this moment, some of the braver imperial guards stood out and took the initiative to accept the order. Very soon, the four or five thousand imperial guards who had originally been routed to fight against the imperial family's cemetery on the mountain actually exploded with a momentum that they normally wouldn't have. Their cultivation, which was difficult to grow, actually increased one after another, and some even grew thirty feet braver in a single breath.    


This caused the imperial guards to be even more excited.    


They suddenly realized that what they were doing now was actually something that broke the limits of their courage. One by one, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, they rushed towards the imperial family's mausoleum garden.    


How could a pile of tombs of the dead withstand the destruction of four to five thousand people? The consequences could be imagined.    


In less than a quarter of an hour, all of the tombs of the imperial family were actually struck with hammers, smashed with rocks, slashed with swords, and then set ablaze by the imperial guards.    


For a moment, flames shot up into the sky. The place where the dragon had risen was actually burned to ashes by this fierce fire, representing the strong dignity of the imperial family.    


After doing such an outrageous thing that they wanted to do in the past but did not have the guts, the imperial guards were not done yet. Many of them actually took the initiative to run in front of Su Ye and submitted, hoping to follow Su Ye and overthrow the entire dynasty.    


It was a pity, Su Ye was not interested in this so-called Great Sealing Empire, let alone the Grand Imprint Emperor, he would not even be willing to become the owner of this bloody world. The belief in his heart that required his freedom gradually grew. How could he allow him to once again trap himself in the cage of the bloody world?    


Su Ye decisively rejected all of the imperial guards' requests, and ordered them to stay at the Flower Drum Mountain. After this incident in the Gur Plains was over, the news of the destruction of the imperial mausoleum garden was immediately spread throughout the Grand Xia. Then, they mounted their Golden Fur mounts and brazenly descended the mountain.    


Just as Su Ye was about to go down the mountain, the Gul Plains had already exploded.    


The flames on the Flower Drum Mountain shot up into the sky. Just by thinking about it, one could imagine what happened. It was definitely because the imperial family's cemetery had been set on fire.    


The eyes of the second general, the tiger leopard general, and the general, Mu Shang, who was in charge of controlling two hundred thousand City Guards all bulged out. Even if the three of them did not personally see it, they could guess who had done such a heinous thing.    


"Damn it, damn it, Su Ye, he has simply died a thousand times over! This is all part of his scheme! He purposefully exposed us and attracted our attention to him! He then stealthily bypassed the Gul Plains and immediately burned down the Royal Tomb! He intentionally wanted to humiliate the Royal Family!"    


Although he was not born from a royal family, he was loyal and devoted to the royal family. Furthermore, the Emperor had sent him to lead a great army to the Gu Er Plains to strangle Su Ye, yet Su Ye did such a heinous thing right in front of his eyes.    


"But how is that possible? On Flower Drum Mountain, there were twenty to thirty martial arts reverends and General Mu Liuye's ten thousand imperial guards. How could Su Ye destroy the imperial family's cemetery alone?    


Although Mu Shang was also in charge of controlling two hundred thousand soldiers, and was an exceptional figure, he had never personally seen Su Ye's ferocity before. In his knowledge, a single person shouldn't be able to fight against ten thousand soldiers no matter what, even if they were over two hundred feet of courage. How could a single person kill ten thousand people in such a short amount of time?    


Unfortunately, Mu Shang forgot, it was indeed difficult for one person to kill over ten thousand of the imperial guards in such a short period of time.    


"Hmph, has General Mu Shang forgotten about the result of the ten thousand Eagle Soldiers and the Eagle Soldiers in the wood profound stone County? Although General Mu Liuye is powerful, but the ten thousand imperial guards that he commanded are not on the battlefield for a long period of time.    


The panther general said in a heavy voice, "No matter what, Su Ye must die! Now, we will swing our great army and block Su Ye at the bottom of the Flower Drum Mountain. "    


Immediately, the second general, as well as Mu Shang, led the six hundred thousand strong army and marched majestically towards the direction of Flower Drum Mountain. With a distance of only five kilometers, they were confident that they could catch Su Ye in time and lock him up at the bottom of the Flower Drum Mountain. They could let that crazy Su Ye know what true military might really was!    


However, before the army of six hundred thousand could leave the Gur Plains, a deafening roar suddenly rang out in front of them, as if an ancient beast had awoken from its slumber. However, before the army of six hundred thousand could leave the Gur Plains, a heaven-shaking roar suddenly rang out in front of them, as if an ancient beast had awoken from its slumber.    


Right at this moment, the second general, tiger leopard and Mu Shang, who were at the forefront of the six hundred thousand strong army, saw with shock and anger a person riding a giant golden lion running rapidly into the Guur Plains from the direction of Flower Drum Mountain.    


When the Golden-furred Lion was just a hundred meters away from the army, it suddenly stopped.    


A handsome, otherworldly youth sat on the lion's back, his aura extremely arrogant. "Is this the army of six hundred thousand that's going to annihilate me? Su Ye is here, if you have the ability, come up! "    


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