An Ultimate Martial Art

C655 Water and fire brewing, rushing to the gates of heaven!

C655 Water and fire brewing, rushing to the gates of heaven!

When this strand of aura entered his body, Su Ye felt that it was not a strand of aura, but rather a strand of flame, a flame that you could not even see with the naked eye.    


The wisp of flame quietly entered the heart, infiltrating deep into the heart, permeating into a very subtle depth, but it did not cause any damage to the heart, instead, it formed an extremely delicate tempering for the heart, and following a wisp of warmth, it was as though a hot spring had been poured into the heart, it was so comfortable that Su Ye could almost moan.    


For a moment, Su Ye was absent-minded.    


When he came back to his senses, he had already discovered that his heart had undergone an unimaginable change.    


Its heart was actually transforming into an Upper Sky at a terrifying speed.    


The Xuanhuo Meridian that he modified had already reached a level very close to that of the ancient people's cultivation method. Whether it was him or others, as long as they could enter the realm of cultivation, they would be able to refine an ordinary heart into an Innate Heart and step into the Innate Realm.    


It was just that this speed was relatively slow.    


However, the flame that was being emitted from the crystal core, after entering his heart, the tempering speed for his heart had actually far surpassed the effect of cultivating Xuanhuo Meridian by a thousand times.    


This sort of tempering speed was not one whit inferior to that of the Xiantian water source left behind by the Water Emperor. In fact, it was even faster than that of the two kidneys.    


Including the time that Su Ye had lost his mind, it had only been seven to eight seconds, but Su Ye discovered that his Seven Apertures Mystical Heart had already undergone an astonishing change.    


The Qiqiao Linglong Heart s originally had seven orifices. Su Ye had only opened one, and only his eyes had the ability to see through illusions and flaws.    


But now, his seven chakras had actually opened up two chakras.    


Su Ye was overjoyed, but before he could experience what kind of divine ability the extra hole had, the Qiqiao Linglong Heart's entire body had turned fiery-red, like a piece of blood-permeating red jade, or like a ball of burning flame. It was filled with a surging aura, it was extremely pure.    


At this moment, a gush of blood suddenly gushed out from his heart and flowed along the blood vessels of his entire body. A wave of vitality that was pure and did not contain any aura burst forth, and an abnormally surging aura burst out from Su Ye's body.    


"Innate Heart!"    


Su Ye was stunned. He suddenly felt like he couldn't believe that he was dreaming, that he had been dreaming until now …    


Su Ye was both surprised and happy, after that, he felt like he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If he had known earlier that that the crystal could help increase his Innate Heart so quickly, he wouldn't have been in such a hurry to cultivate the Xuanhuo Meridian, and it would have caused him so much trouble.    


"Ah! Since the Innate Heart has formed, then Yin Yang Magic Grinding!"    


Although it was worth being surprised, Su Ye did not dare to forget about the awkward Yin Yang energy in his heart. He quickly returned to his heart and when he looked again, he was shocked.    


As these auras gathered together, the fire elemental energy within the Yin Yang Magic Grinder rapidly grew. In the blink of an eye, it had become more than twice as abundant as before, and this abundance was clearly not just an abundance in quantity, but also a qualitative increase.    


Su Ye could clearly feel that the Yin Yang Art was becoming more and more stable. Although it was far from being perfect, it was still gradually giving off a feeling that it was as stable as a boulder, as though the Yin Yang Art was truly carved out from an ancient boulder.    


Su Ye was overjoyed, he knew that this was his chance, the chance he had been waiting for had finally come, although it was so strange, he would not miss it.    


"Two Elements of Rotation!"    


At this moment, Su Ye finally began to fiercely push the Yin-Yang Wear forward.    


The Yin Yang Magic Grinding finally began to slowly rotate.    


Su Ye looked at it with all his might, and realised it did not show any signs of collapsing due to the rotation. He was secretly happy, and he increased his strength, gradually increasing the rotation speed of the Yin and Yang energy.    


His speed became faster and faster.    


When the speed of the Yin Yang Arts was at one breath, Su Ye could feel his Innate Kidney and Innate Heart trembling slightly. The resonance between his heart and kidney actually appeared, producing a very strange sound that spread around his body like an ancient tide, surging with power, shaking his internal organs, uplifting his soul.    


When it started spinning at the same time, between heaven and earth, two types of water and fire attribute spirit energy were attracted and merged into Su Ye's two kidneys and heart, forming his life force. After that, it entered his yin and yang energy tempering technique and spread throughout his body, his entire body actually producing a feeling as if water and fire existed in his fire and water, and as a result, the life force that formed around him gradually evolved into life force that possessed the same aura of water and fire at the same time.    


"Water fire elemental energy!?"    


When Su Ye carefully sensed the evolving life force, he discovered that whether it was the life force of water or fire, the power of the life force was much stronger. The quality of the life force itself was higher, and it was more complete and natural, as if it was closer to the essence of the world.    


Su Ye was surprised and happy at the same time.    


The heaven and earth were originally one and the world was all-encompassing. Everything in the world was one and the same. Everything in the world was in the same world and returned to the same Heavenly Dao.    


Thus, Heavenly Energy was actually a power that contained water, fire, metal, wood, earth, wind, thunder, and many other forces of a different nature.    


It was a hodgepodge, but it was also the most perfect, most powerful, most incredible power in the world. It possessed everything, and then it ruled over everything.    


Therefore, the ultimate goal of the cultivation of the first natives must be to transform their bodies into the Heavenly Dao and for mortals to become the bodies of the Heavenly Daos, perhaps even to replace the Heavenly Daos and transform into the Heavenly Daos?    


Legend has it that in ancient times, as the world expanded, the Upper Sky Qi was exhausted. A great disaster occurred between the heaven and earth. After that, the ancient people completely disappeared from this world, and were replaced by creatures that were generation after generation.    


However, there was almost no information about the ancient people. People did not know how the ancient people disappeared, and the truth was confusing.    


At this moment, Su Ye suspected that the disappearance of the ancient people had something to do with the Heavenly Dao.    


Of course, this was only a thought that flashed across Su Ye's mind in an instant. The only thing he could be certain of was that a person definitely would not be able to become a Lord Creation in the end. Lord Creation was definitely not the end point of cultivation.    


At this moment, Su Ye's heart was completely livened up, as a kind of dense ambition rose in his heart.    


Initially, he only relied on his passion and wild ambition, believing that one day, he would be able to cultivate Lord Creation, even surpassing it. He believed that he would become a peak existence that could challenge the Heavenly Dao, an existence that would not be manipulated by the Heavenly Dao for the rest of his life, obtaining true freedom and longevity.    


But that was just an unrealistic wild hope. He was not sure that a person could become that strong.    


But at this moment, the birth of fire, water, and elemental energy had given him a shot in the arm. He had every reason to believe that fire, water and elemental energy was just the beginning, and even the five elements were just the beginning. The Heavenly Energy was the ultimate goal.    


However, the change in his strength had made Su Ye more realistic. With the experience he gained from cultivating fire, water, and elemental energy, Su Ye knew very well that even if it was possible to cultivate Heaven's Path Energy using the methods of the first natives, the process would be extremely arduous and unimaginably arduous.    


Thus, goals can be found, but not overstated.    


Right now, there was only one thing he could do and that was to try his best to cultivate his fire and water elemental energy and make it as perfect as possible.    


At the moment, although he had the [Innate] Heart, there was still a big difference between the fire element and the water element. He had to borrow the Fire God Continent's unique world to raise the fire element as much as possible.    


After that, Su Ye adjusted his Qi, and started to cultivate silently. He started to circulate the Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture and the Xuanhuo Meridian, following which the water and fire together, his water and fire elemental energy also increased rapidly due to the strengthening of the fire and water elements.    


Gradually, Su Ye discovered that the strange resonance between his Innate Kidney and Innate Heart was growing stronger and stronger. That ancient voice that was produced from the resonance was constantly ringing inside Su Ye's body, but strangely, he couldn't hear it outside Su Ye's body. He could vaguely see the change in Su Ye's temperament, and his body was gradually releasing an ancient aura.    


It was just that during the entire process, the lungs, liver, and spleen of the remaining three organs did not have any movement, as if they had been excluded by the Innate Kidney and Heart of Innate, and even formed a faint pressure, causing Su Ye to feel extremely uncomfortable.    


Three days later.    


The Yin Yang Qi suddenly came out from the Upper Sky heart, stopped in between his heart and kidney, and slowly rotated, stimulating the resonance between the Upper Sky heart and the Kidney to a very strong degree. The resonance inside his body suddenly changed, turning into the desolate sound of a gossamer, surging Qi that shook the soul.    


At this moment, Su Ye could clearly feel that the Heaven Gate above his head, which had been sealed by the [Thirty-sixth Heaven Seal], had been broken through by a terrifying aura.    


Wave after wave, like a spear ruthlessly tearing through layers of dusk, all the barriers were broken through with the momentum of a hot knife through butter!    


Su Ye's soul also started to intensely jump, as if it had been waiting for thousands of years. Finally, it had reached this point, and it was unable to control itself as it rushed towards the opened gates of heaven above his head.    




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