An Ultimate Martial Art

C628 Kidney of the Innate Realm!

C628 Kidney of the Innate Realm!

The Primordial Water Immortal Scripture was not the usual cultivation technique in the current Immortal Cultivation World. It originated from a person called the Ocean Emperor in the Primordial Era. As for this person named the Water Emperor, he was a Xiantian lifeform. In other words, the Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture was actually a cultivation technique used by the ancient people. When the world was still filled with Xiantian energy, the Water Emperor used this technique to strengthen himself.    


This Immemorial Water Essence Immortal Scripture was precisely the cultivation technique that Su Ye had dreamed of, using his body as the base.    


It could even be said that he had found a place without spending much effort. With just a sip and a peck, it was difficult for Su Ye to describe what it felt like.    


He immediately retracted his Proterozoic Heaven Gate and allowed his soul to return to his body. He carefully comprehended this Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture.    


Very quickly, with the body as the base, the road of cultivation was covered by the mysterious veil in front of Su Ye.    


The result, surprised Su Ye.    


Cultivators who took the body as their foundation were not as mysterious as he had imagined. In fact, they appeared to be especially simple and crude.    


This was in keeping with an old saying. There were some things in this world that one would find extremely mysterious when they didn't understand it. It was a mystery that one would be unable to figure out even when thinking hard, as if it was the world's most unsolvable problem. However, when you understand it all, you will find that it is not as magical as you think it is. On the contrary, you will even want to ruthlessly curse at it.    


Right now, Su Ye's mood was more or less similar.    


He wanted to curse at the person who used his body as the base. Why the f * ck are you saying that?    


So it turned out that the path of cultivation of ancient peoples was based on the body. In that era, the world was filled with Upper Sky Qi. The ancient people of that era had been immersed in it ever since they were born.    


He ate and drank the food raised by the Upper Sky Qi, and slept and breathed the Upper Sky Qi. Even if a pig grew up in such an environment, it could still become a peerless immortal pig after eating and sleeping everyday, let alone a single person.    


The bodies of the ancient natives were especially strong, and because of the nourishment of the Upper Sky Qi, everyone's body had been transformed by the Upper Sky Qi into a form beyond ordinary life form. It was called the Upper Sky body.    


Therefore, there was only one way for the ancient people to become strong, and that was to directly absorb Xiantian Qi into their bodies and assimilate it into their bodies. There was no need to convert that into mana, nor did they need to create a Glass Body.    


The so-called natal elemental energy was something that the ancient natives could absorb into their bodies by absorbing XianTian Qi. It could sublimate the life form, and the refined essence would disperse throughout their body, allowing them to spit out the power of all sorts of immortal arts.    


Compared to the life force of the first natives, any magic power or true energy was considered trash. The Glass Body was even more shameful when compared to the innate constitution from the innate bubble of the first natives. They threw it into the stinky ditch on the side of the road.    


It could be said without the slightest exaggeration that any cultivator that had reached the Ancient Era would not be able to survive. Any one of the first natives would be able to kill any cultivator with a single breath, let alone two or a group of ancient natives. When the first natives got angry, they would directly step into the air and devour the sun and moon and grab the stars; even if the first natives of Nine Heavens Immortal World were to be smashed, they wouldn't be able to endure it.    


The terror of the ancient natives had already surpassed human imagination.    


However, this kind of extravagant and explosive cultivation method was simply unsuitable for cultivators at the moment.    


The reason was simple, the heaven and earth was no longer the same world as before, the times were no longer the same, there was no Xiantian Qi left between the heaven and earth, and the living beings of today did not have the innate constitution of the ancient people, which was the prerequisite to cultivate using the body as a base.    


Only an innate constitution could directly swallow and spit out the energy of heaven and earth, turning it into pure life elemental energy.    


Without an innate constitution, no matter how strong one's body was, it would be impossible for one to perfectly convert the spiritual energy between heaven and earth into the life force that one's life could use after entering the body. If one forced themselves to train like this, one day, one's body would be unable to withstand the massive amount of spiritual energy accumulating in one's body.    


Therefore, although it was true that Su Ye had comprehended a cultivation method that used the body as the base, this cultivation method was something that was destined to be achieved long ago.    


However, there is an old saying that goes: There is no such thing as absolute.    


People weren't afraid of difficulties, they were only afraid of not having any luck.    


Luck was just like a mother to some, while to others, it was like a stepmother.    


Some people clearly didn't have much ability, and would muddle along for the rest of their lives. With luck, even salted fish would become divine dragons. Some people were good at everything, had good looks and good character, but lacked some luck. They belonged to the type of person whose luck was that of a stepmother.    


Where's Su Ye?    


This guy belonged to the third kind of people. He was someone who was purely good-looking but extremely lucky. His luck was not only his own mother, he was also the child his mother favored the most!    


It was so infuriating!    


The mysterious pearl that had mysteriously shattered was actually not a Protocosmic spirit-treasure, but the Water Emperor had noticed the great change in heaven and earth and the Upper Sky Qi between heaven and earth was becoming thinner and thinner. Hence, she had a premonition that there would be no Upper Sky Qi in the future.    


Then, he left his Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture within this ball of innate water energy and passed it down.    


This allowed the person who would obtain this ball of innate water energy in the future to absorb it into their kidneys, forming a part of their body.    


With this part of his innate constitution, he could absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth into his kidneys, nurturing his life's elemental energy, and step onto the path of cultivation of the ancient natives.    


Only of course.    


Even if Su Ye embarked on the path of cultivation for the first natives of the ancient times, his efficiency would not be as good as the first natives.    


The reason was simple. The first natives of ancient times were born with natural nurturing and were soaked in Upper Sky Qi. Their entire body was made of Upper Sky and what they breathed in and out of was the Qi of the Upper Sky.    


In the current environment that Su Ye was in, forget about Innate Qi, even the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth was a type of Qi that would degrade further after the depletion of Innate Qi. Even if he were to bid ten thousand horses, he still wouldn't be able to catch up to the ancient people.    


Regarding this, Su Ye could not help but exclaim, this was definitely born at the wrong time. Oh, that's wrong, it should be said that the time he crossed over was not right, if he crossed over earlier then he would have directly passed through this world's ancient era. If he was careful, he would have chosen a secluded cave as soon as possible, hiding in that cave every day like a pig, eating, sleeping and eating until he was full and sleeping; after sleeping for a few years, he would have easily become a great deity.    


"Ai, comparing oneself to others is infuriating. There are some existences in this world that can't be envied, can't be envied!"    


Su Ye opened his eyes and shook his head, a face full of regret.    


Yang Getianjun could not help but ask: "Su Ye, what are you sighing about? What makes you sigh like this? "    


Yang Getianjun wondered in his heart, could it be that the mysterious orb had caused Su Ye trouble?    


Su Ye looked at her, "I'll tell you in a while, I want to test the effect of the Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture."    


Hearing that, Yang Getianjun was startled, but immediately his eyes lit up, she understood, Su Ye obtained a technique called the Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture from the mysterious pearl, and was trying to comprehend it.    


had never heard of the Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture before, there was nothing in his memories that could be related to it. But just by looking at the name of this technique, she felt that it was not a simple technique, if not Su Ye would not have sighed like that.    


A trace of expectation rose in Yang Getianjun's heart.    


At this time, he stood up, stepped on the lightweight technique, stepped on the waves, and walked directly to the center of the lake.    


At this time, a lot of the lake's water had already been swallowed up by the mysterious pearl. The lake's surface had now dropped by at least three feet, but Su Ye clearly didn't care about this issue as the Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture suddenly started to circulate.    


This simple and crude Primordial Immortal Scripture was of no difficulty to him at all. It was comprehended by him as quickly as an ordinary Immortal scripture, and using the words of the current Immortal Cultivation World, it was at the dispelling delusion realm.    


It was rather simple to execute, as if it was made from nature itself.    


At this time, Su Ye could clearly feel a surge of power from his two kidneys, and it quickly spread throughout his entire body. In an instant, it was as if all the cells in his body were being caressed by a gentle force, and it felt extremely comfortable.    


"My lifespan has actually broken the rules, and has at least increased by a thousand years!" Su Ye was shocked when he felt the change in his lifespan.    


At the same time, a blue halo appeared around his body, as if a light blue film had been applied to it. The power that surged out from his two kidneys had actually turned into nine vortexes half a foot away from his body.    




After that, it flowed into his body, it was directly absorbed by both of his kidneys, and afterwards, a small portion of the energy was emitted out and assimilated into his body. Every corner of his body, he could clearly feel a kind of sublimation of life, and even though this speed of sublimation was no different from that of a tortoise, Su Ye could feel his body becoming stronger, and the Gate of Heaven Sealing Technique above his head was being ruthlessly attacked by the strengthening of his soul.    


Su Ye was excited!    


This kind of advancement in the essence of life made him enthralled. To him, this was true Immortal Cultivator.    


Then, he instantly fell in love with his own kidney. He fell in love with that pair of innate kidneys, and that was one of the things he relied on to reach the peak of immortality in the future!    




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