An Ultimate Martial Art

C227 Praise of ten thousand people!

C227 Praise of ten thousand people!

The Dharma Arena. The hundred thousand people present were all shocked.    


No one could have imagined that Su Ye could actually survive a deadly situation like this that had no solution even if it meant that the heavens were angry and the people resented it.    


Moreover, he had not only survived, but he had also obtained an unimaginable benefit, which was a large amount of merit points.    




Looking at Su Ye who had already slowly fallen onto the stage but had his entire body enveloped in an exaggerated giant cocoon due to his merits, Spiritual Master Tian Xing, Fu Zhongxuan and the other elders of the Qing-Yun Sect were all stunned. A layer of dense envy surfaced on their faces.    


With so many merits, he could easily erase a lifetime's worth of evil deeds.    


The evil deeds of a lifetime were not simply said to be the evil deeds one could create in a lifetime. They were said to be the lowest standard for those who entered the cycle of reincarnation after death and were reincarnated into a world of evil deeds.    


To put it simply, the Heavenly Dao contained the Order of Samsara. This was a heavenly technique that no one could defy. It didn't matter if one was a cultivator or an ordinary person; aside from those who didn't dare to enter the cycle of reincarnation after death, those who had prepared secret techniques to resist the reincarnation cycle and continued to live on in other ways, such as possession and the Azure Soul, would definitely follow the order of reincarnation once they entered the cycle of reincarnation.    


What was the Order of Samsara?    


To put it bluntly, it meant ten thousand paths of reincarnation.    


There were trillions of different types of living creatures in this world. Other than humans, there were also all sorts of other living creatures. Once one entered the cycle of reincarnation, according to the order of reincarnation, after reviving life, one would become one of the billions of lives in this world. After entering the cycle of reincarnation, according to the order of reincarnation, once life was revived, one would become one of the billions of lives in this world.    


To put it simply, it seemed like a coincidence, but in reality, it was inevitable.    


Behind this inevitability was the key to success.    


Humans were the most agile living beings with the greatest potential, and the result of a lifetime of great meritorious deeds. If one wished to enter the cycle of reincarnation after death, they would have to depend on the work of others to accomplish it.    


As long as living beings were alive, they would have karma. As long as there was karma, then there would definitely be karma surrounding them. As the spiritual elder of all living things, humans were the creatures with the most profound achievements.    


Logically speaking, humans were the spiritual elders of all living things, the most adept at seeking profit and avoiding harm. They were good at scheming, and in their next life, they would certainly know how to create more karma for themselves, reducing more karma, so that after death, karma would be far greater than karma, eliminating karma, and obtaining the protection of the heavenly dao, allowing them to be able to reincarnated as human beings.    


However, the Heavenly Dao was mysterious and unfathomable. Although humans were the masters of all living things under the Heavenly Dao Order and enjoyed the blessings of heaven and earth, the Heavenly Dao seemed to have many restrictions that other living beings did not have. The most serious thing was the mortal!    


Even though humans were born with spiritual energy, they had a ninety-nine percent or even higher chance of being born as mortals. The so-called spiritual wisdom that all living beings should have was completely covered by the foul air, and as they grew older, they became like bright pearls covered in dust. Over time, layer after layer of dust covered them, causing the bright pearls to hide beneath the dust, making it hard for them to release the true spiritual wisdom of all living beings.    


If a person did not have enough luck to step onto the road of cultivation, then they would be unable to find intelligence. If they lived their entire life in a stupor, how could they avoid benefits? Where did it come from?    


Therefore, excluding the extremely small number of exceptions, those who entered the cycle of reincarnation after death were almost all covered in karma, but this kind of karma was not directly ignited by the Heavenly Dao, but karma was debt. If a person died and wanted to restart his life, then it was impossible for him to not pay back the debt that he owed.    


Without merit and a body full of karma that hadn't yet disappeared, wanting to be someone else in his next life was just wishful thinking!    


In the face of this cruel order, even the cultivators who stepped onto the road of cultivation were trembling in fear. It had to be known that although Immortal cultivators were able to break free from the shackles of the Heavenly Maze Realm and shed off their mundane, turbid bodies and gain a truly spiritual intelligence capable of living things, knowing how to gain benefits and avoid hazards, and were also skilled in calculations and calculations, they were still able to pass through the heavens?    


No matter how shrewd a cultivator was, it was difficult to calculate the infinite mysteries of the Heavenly Dao. There were very few people who could truly grasp the flow of the Heavenly Dao, and the vast majority of cultivators would unconsciously go against the Heavenly Dao and accumulate karma. In fact, because cultivators were stronger than mortals, the karma they accumulated was even more terrifying.    


To be able to reincarnate into a pig was already considered lucky. At least pigs still had life, and luck would have it that they could coincidentally turn into a demon beast. If their luck was good, they would step onto the path of cultivation and transform into a human.    


If one had bad luck, the other would turn into a rock. After millions of years of muddleheaded thinking, it would be the greatest tragedy if someone stepped on the toilet to solve their needs. It would be better to never reincarnate.    


Su Ye experienced a terrifying death match, miraculously turning a crisis into peace, yet he actually obtained a lifetime worth of merits, this was so lucky that it made people jealous. With this life's achievements, as long as Su Ye did not rebuild his career or did not do anything else, it would be enough to ensure that Su Ye would be reincarnated after his death.    


The most wonderful thing was that there were many other benefits to being able to deepen one's merits. In many critical moments, it could even resolve difficulties and do things that normal people could not do.    


For example, Fu Zhongxuan daring to refine Vast Expanse Sword, relied on the contribution he had accumulated over the years from the Qing-Yun Sect.    


It was said that the Qing-Yun Sect had accumulated many years of merits, but in reality, the Qing-Yun Sect was a cultivation sect itself. With a hundred thousand disciples, and the businesses they had built over the years was similarly terrifying, a large portion of the accumulated merits had already been used by the senior executives of the sect to resolve the calamity. How much merits would they have to give to Fu Zhongxuan to refine the Vast Expanse Sword?    


It wasn't even a single life. At most, he would only have half a lifetime worth of merits. It could only ensure that Fu Zhongxuan did not die due to the divine retribution from the heavens during the process of refining the Vast Expanse Sword. It was simply not enough to guarantee the success of the Vast Expanse Sword.    


However, when Fu Zhongxuan had obtained 20% more contribution points back then, the success rate of refining Vast Expanse Sword would also have increased slightly. If someone like Su Ye was able to gain merits in this life, then the probability would be even higher.    


Based on these, how could he not be envious?    


He was practically envious, jealous, and hateful.    


This Su Ye's luck was too good, too good to the point of bursting.    


If not for the fact that Su Ye was a Successor Disciple of the Qing-Yun Sect, coupled with the fact that Su Qingwu was also present, there might be people who could not control their urges and wanted to take the opportunity to seize Su Ye's merits.    


This was not something that could be bought with money. No matter how many heavenly dew there were, it would be useless.    


"Too lucky!"    


"This Su Ye is simply too lucky."    


All the knowledgeable and knowledgeable experts all revealed looks of envy, but Lu Shaohuai, Meng Qiandu and the rest were completely miserable, their faces were filled with shock and their hearts were churning, they felt as though they had eaten shit and it was even worse than the feeling burning in their chest.    


They were obviously trying to create a dead end for Su Ye, clearly wanting to beat Su Ye up to the point that he would never be able to show his anger again. However, Su Ye had actually broken through this death match, and somehow even obtained a reward from the heavens, giving him added merit to his body.    


Furthermore, looking at the hundred thousand disciples in the arena, they were cursing at Su Ye angrily just a moment ago, clamoring that Su Ye was a poisonous tumor from the Qing-Yun Sect, and now that Su Ye was surrounded by merits, looking like a holy light protecting his body, and the protection of the heavens, they all felt as if they had obtained the title of Heavenly Dao, becoming as glorious and dazzling as becoming an official of the Heavenly Dao, how could they still feel any resentment?    


Every single one of them seemed to have a strange cleansing feeling in their hearts, washing away their hatred and anger towards Su Ye, leaving behind only a sense of respect towards him, almost wanting to kneel down and kowtow to him.    


Was he trying to scam Su Ye, or was he trying to become Su Ye?    


"I can't believe senior brother Su actually obtained the protection of the Heavenly Dao and gained merits. Senior brother Su is so powerful!"    


"What is so powerful? Since senior brother Su obtained the merits of the Heavenly Dao, he must have done something that would benefit the common people!"    


"Humans can bully, but the heavens cannot. "Since even Senior Brother Su is protected like this, then Senior Brother Su must be a truly benevolent person. He seems to be arrogant, but in reality, he is trying to enforce justice on behalf of the heavens and exterminating evil and eliminating evil."    


"That's right, Senior brother Su is the model disciple for my Qing-Yun Sect, my Qing-Yun Sect is blessed to have Successor Disciple like Senior Brother Su, but some darn things actually dared to incite us in secret, causing us to be in the dust and wronged Senior Brother Su, it is simply a heart that can be destroyed, find them and kill them."    


"The person who schemed against senior brother Su deserves to die!"    


All of a sudden, a voice came out of nowhere, saying sentence after sentence, as if an emotional plague had infected people one after another within a few seconds. Somehow, the entire competition field had turned into a celebration for Su Ye.    


Some Qing-Yun Sect faced a calamity, some were surrounded by the three armies, and these terrible things seemed to have been thrown far away.    


The praises became more and more intense, so intense that it was as though it could shake the entire Qing-Yun Sect. Su Ye, who was wrapped in contribution points into a big cocoon, suddenly exploded with a burst of dazzling light that shot into the sky.    




A thunderclap sounded in the clear sky, shaking people's hearts.    


The arena instantly fell silent.    


That was because they once again saw the horrifying Heaven's Eye. However, this time, although there was still no emotion within the Heaven's Eye, there was no anger. Replacing it was a gentleness, as if it was favoring something.    


"Tian Zai, Tian Zai?"    


The Qing-Yun Sect Elders who were well-informed were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground …    


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