An Ultimate Martial Art

C153 Using a domineering stance to sweep the item!

C153 Using a domineering stance to sweep the item!

Just like that, the first item, the angered eyes of the Pure Black Rock Copper Mother, was bought by Su Ye with the price of thirty million Star Pellet. In room number 8, there was no joy or happiness from the items that were successfully auctioned. There was only gloominess.    


Everyone stared at the furious look that Su Ye had asked Fatty to bring over after the first item had ended and the second item had gone up on stage. Other than Su Ye and Su Qingwu, no one else could suppress the anger in their hearts, including Gong Qiusi, who also had a sulky look on her face.    


The fatty stared at the stinky statue for a long time. Finally, he could not hold back and said: "Just this crappy statue, how is it worth 30 million Star Pellet s? Furthermore, Su Ye paid for 30 drops of heavenly dew s, but you all did not see the expressions on those people when I took out the 30 drops for Su Ye."    


"Enough, stop nagging. Especially you, Fatty. It's just a small matter, why do you have to be like an old lady? I've already said this before. Whoever wants to dig a hole for me will have to bury themselves in it eventually. Do you think I'm joking? "    


Su Ye kept the glaring Kong Kim into his storage ring. The fact that he was tricked did not affect his mood at all. Instead, it was the fatty's nagging that made his ears go numb.    


"Ah, Su Ye, are you saying that you were purposefully tricked and schemed against them?" The fatty's spirit was lifted and curiosity was written all over his face.    


"What plan?" When did I plot against them? Why did I spend money to buy things? "    


"But you clearly said it just now," The fatty had a confused look on his face as his gaze turned back and forth. He then realised that Gong Qiusi and Chu Yi seemed to have understood something, and his originally sullen expression suddenly regained its previous calm, leaving only him and Zhu'er in the room.    


In the entire room, those who knew better and those who did not seemed to already know what Su Ye was trying to do. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable, as if a cat was scratching its claws into its heart.    


In a moment of desperation, Fatty wanted to get to the bottom of this. Unfortunately, the second item was already on stage and everyone's attention was focused on the auction. Fatty could only restrain himself and look towards the auction platform as well.    


He saw a flower pot appear on the auction platform. In the pot, there was a flower. It was a strange black chrysanthemum. The middle-aged man on the auction platform called this flower "Orchid Fragrance Black Chrysanthemum". As for the exact effects, Fatty was not in the mood to listen; all he heard was that the starting price was six million Star Pellet.    


"Just this black and ugly chrysanthemum flower, how many heavenly dew s are we going to trap it with?"    


There were plenty of people who had the same thoughts as Fatty. From the moment the first bidder announced the price, they had already absent-mindedly looked towards room no. 8, as if their goal wasn't to take the item they wanted from the auction but to watch a good show.    


As expected, Su Ye did not disappoint. Facing this orchid flower black chrysanthemum, after contending with the Beitang Jie in room 12, he had even started a price war with Lu Shaohuai in room 16. In the end, after a series of repeated bids, Su Ye made a final bid for the orchid black chrysanthemum with a bid of fifty million.    


It seemed like Su Ye had obtained victory, but in reality, Su Ye had been tricked even more than last time. The Blue Fragrance Black Chrysanthemum, which originally had a value of at most twenty-eight million, took Su Ye's bid of fifty million yuan. However, the price was at least twenty-two million.    


Compared to watching another good show and laughing at Su Ye, the fatty immediately cried out in pain.    


"It's just a broken flower, Su Ye, you actually spent fifty million! That's fifty drop heavenly dew, Su Ye, you prodigal son, no matter how rich you are, you can't just randomly spend it! If you think it's too much money, you can just burn it for me!"    


"Where did all this nonsense come from? Hurry up and bring me that flower."    


Su Ye glanced at him, gave him fifty drops of heavenly dew, and chased the fatty out of the private room. The fatty could only take the heavenly dew and bring the Orchid Fragrance Black Chrysanthemum back to the private room. In the end, Su Ye did not even look at it, and directly put it away in his storage ring.    


What was even more outrageous was that when the fatty could no longer hold back and wanted to ask Su Ye what his intentions were, Su Ye had already started bidding for the next item.    


And so on.    


Every single item that appeared on the auction stage was being bid on by Su Ye and the price was outrageously high. It was as if he was a prodigal who was holding onto a huge sum of money and was squandering it without any boundaries.    


From the first item, Fury Fire Vajra Su Ye, being tricked, having been tricked, to the second item, being tricked, being tricked, having cost twenty-two million, to the third, fourth, fifth, all the way to the seventh item, Su Ye had paid a total of two billion Star Pellet, which was two thousand drops of heavenly dew, bringing the total number of tricked, to almost one billion Star Pellet.    


Such a huge figure simply caused everyone to be flabbergasted. Those seated outside the private room were already shocked from their initial schadenfreude, followed by scorn and deep disdain.    


It was only now that they realized that Su Ye, who was originally incapable of using the will of longevity, was actually a brainless lunatic that could only be toyed with in the palm of his hand. Some people were even full of envy and anger. If not for Su Ye being protected by the mysterious immortal powerhouse and obtaining a large amount of wealth, they would have already lost all their dignity and rushed out of the auction house in a mess.    


Only a few more people who reacted rationally or suddenly noticed that from the first item to the seventh item, all of the items had fallen into Su Ye's hands.    


They could not help but be worried, if this continued, the entire auction would become ruined, and even if they were able to see a good show, see Su Ye being tricked until his skin became tattered, so what?    


The Spirit Treasure Shop of the sect would never give them even a little bit of the black money they got because they tricked Su Ye.    


However, these people who had reacted in time, were still a little unwilling to believe that Su Ye really had such a huge amount of wealth.    


But in fact?    


The eighth item, which went up on stage, was a top quality spirit artifact. In the end, it was still bought by Su Ye for one billion.    


Part IX    


Part X    


Part XI    


Up to the fifteenth    


Su Ye was simply putting all of these into the bag of holding with a domineering attitude, not leaving a single bit for anyone else. Other than the grand occasion of thirty-six private rooms competing with Su Ye, no one else obtained anything.    


After that, someone secretly calculated the amount of money Su Ye had already spent, and was shocked to discover that Su Ye had actually spent a total of thirty billion Star Pellet.    


This was simply a terrifying astronomical figure. In this number, Su Ye would be tricked by at least eighteen billion. Just the thought of this number was enough to cause the people outside the room to tremble with fear.    


Forget about them having such a huge fortune, even if they had, they wouldn't have the guts to squander it all like Su Ye.    


However, they were not the only ones who were shocked. In room number 8, even Su Qingwu had revealed a hint of surprise at Su Ye's performance. This was because they had personally witnessed Su Ye taking out a bunch of heavenly dew s for Fatty to take back. From the start to the end, there were already thirty-one thousand drops.    


Gong Qiusi, this princess who came from an extremely deep background, had even asked Su Ye with a trembling voice, "Su Ye, exactly how many heavenly dew do you have on you?    


Su Ye was very indifferent, "How can there be an endless amount of wealth in this world? Unless I transform into a heavenly dao, how can I ever have an endless amount of heavenly dew s. But, if you want to use up all of my heavenly dew in this small auction, you still aren't qualified. "    


As he spoke, Su Ye actually took out the first item that was auctioned off, the furious look that was purely made from the black cliff copper essence. When everyone was still wondering why Su Ye had taken it out, Su Ye lightly reached out and touched the statue with his palm, and in that instant, the sculpture strangely disappeared, as if it was once again placed into his storage ring. It was just that even the most innocent Zhu Er and Fatty did not think that Su Ye would be so bored, and so for no reason, they took it out and put it back.    


But Su Ye did not explain, on his face hung an evil smile, the angry look in his eyes was actually already sent into the Gate of the Mystery s in his mind. The continuous consumption had caused the forty thousand droplets of heavenly dew that he had previously accumulated to be reduced to twelve thousand. In order to sustain his plan, he could only replenish himself with a few more droplets of heavenly dew.    


Tens of thousands of drops of heavenly dew droplets fell down from the Gate of the Mystery s in his mind. In the blink of an eye, Su Ye's storage space reached another twenty-two thousand drops.    


And at this time, what Su Ye found even more surprising was that the Gate of the Mystery that had swallowed the angry look in his eyes had a golden caption appear on it.    


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