An Ultimate Martial Art

C771 Such shocking words!

C771 Such shocking words!

Ever since Su Ye had stepped into the world of cultivation, he had never looked at his own heart in such a direct manner, even after obtaining the Qiqiao Linglong Heart.    


It was only at this moment that he could clearly see his own inner world. Just what kind of scene was it like?    


It was not a very wide lake, it was slightly round and had a radius of about ten meters. The water in the lake was filled to the brim, filling eighty percent of the lake. A gentle breeze that came from nowhere blew gently, causing layers of ripples to form on the surface. The lake water was not as transparent as he had expected. Instead, it was murky and mixed with a greyish black color.    


In the middle of the lake, there was a seven meters tall tree that looked like an upright sword. It did not have many branches, and from time to time, it emitted a few traces of courage.    


Su Ye immediately understood that this strange tree was formed from the seed of faith that he had planted in his heart when he had cultivated the fearless Heart Sutra.    


Belief was also a form of thought in the heart. It was the same as the essence of the lake water, only that faith was more condensed and more solid than ordinary willpower.    


However, the water in the lake of his heart was actually grayish-black in color, which made Su Ye feel even more depressed.    


In the rumors, the heart was pure and the mind clear.    


A truly skilled cultivator should have a pure and transparent mind, and the water in the lake should also be pure and flawless. Otherwise, how could one's heart be as clear as a mirror?    


A lake as murky as his heart, although it was not as black as ink, it was still too embarrassing.    


With such a murky heart, one could only say that it was filled with distracting thoughts and confusion. If he did not have a special soul and was able to understand too much about heaven and earth by relying on the advantage of fusing with a portion of the Proterozoic Heaven Gate's essence, allowing him to cultivate like a normal cultivator, he probably would not even be able to reach the level of an inner disciple in the Qing-Yun Sect right now.    


Looking at the grey and murky lake in his heart, Su Ye felt extremely embarrassed.    


In order to form such a powerful mind, he would have to spend quite a bit of energy to get rid of the grayish black fog that was filled with distracting thoughts.    


Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't help but laugh at himself.    


As expected, people don't know how dirty they are without looking at themselves.    


Su Ye suddenly felt a burst of fatigue. He knew that the consumption of his soul energy was too great, so he could only withdraw and rest. Only after recovering for a while did he use his soul force to enter the depths of his heart and directly merge with the lake.    


In the blink of an eye, all sorts of distracting thoughts poured in.    


This was a voice that originated from the various thoughts and thoughts hidden deep within his heart.    


There was a shout for a woman.    


There was a roar for longevity.    


There is also the desire to pursue fame and fortune    


There were also those who wanted to obtain a peace of mind …    


All in all, this was his heart's desire. It was a desire that came from the depths of his heart, as if he had many different personalities.    


Su Ye could not take it anymore after hearing the messy talking for less than three seconds. He anxiously withdrew his soul force, if he did not quickly withdraw, he would immediately have his mental breakdown and become a complete madman.    


Only now did he completely understand that humans were indeed the most complex creatures in the world. Every person would never be as simple as they appeared on the surface. Behind kindness was bound to be a hidden evil, and beneath the surface, there might also be a flash of thought that would not lose to anyone. The human heart was too complicated.    


All of a sudden, Su Ye didn't know how to remove the filth on the surface of the lake. It was equivalent to using a knife on him, he didn't even have a deep understanding of himself, how could he know if that piece of meat was good meat or bad meat that he had to cut out?    


Even if he knew that he had a piece of smelly meat on him, how could he cut himself off when it didn't hurt or itch and he was used to it?    


Besides, people were always so complicated. The world was always moving, and people were constantly going through it. Their thoughts kept changing, and now that the darkness had been removed, how could he guarantee that he would be able to keep the world clear and bright in the future?    


Su Ye was extremely conflicted, as if he did not know what had happened before. When he looked at himself, he realized just how heavy a matter he had originally understood was.    


Su Ye didn't know how to react at the moment, so he simply retracted his soul force, stood up and paced back and forth, hoping to use this method to calm himself down and think of a more reasonable way to act.    


However, the matter had nothing to do with him. As soon as it had nothing to do with him, he would stop. It seemed that all his cleverness had suddenly come to an end.    


The more he walked, the lighter his footsteps became, and the more perplexed he became.    


"Su Ye, what's wrong with you? You probably won't be able to calm down, right?" Mu Lieshan suddenly asked.    


"Ah, yes. How can it be so simple if one's heart is at peace." Su Ye casually replied. Then, he suddenly thought of something, and turned to walk towards Mu Lieshan. "Why don't we have a chat?"    


"Talk?" "Fine, I hope so. Anyways, I have no way of calming down. It might be helpful to talk to you." Mu Lieshan laughed and said.    




Just like that, the two of them started to chat. Mu Lieshan told him a lot of the things that happened in the bloody world, and Su Ye also told him about the world outside the Gate of Ancient Mystery.    


As they were talking, demon beasts suddenly attacked them. The two of them attacked together to kill the demon beasts outside the valley. Then come back and talk.    


Mu Lieshan was extremely anxious to understand more about the outside world of Gate of Ancient Mystery, every time Su Ye talked about what had happened outside, he would become extremely agitated, his eyes would light up, as though he had personally seen the world outside while listening to Su Ye's story.    


This desire was one of Mu Lieshan's obsession, but it had unwittingly become one of the driving forces behind the rise of his courage. Unknowingly, Mu Lieshan's courage and cultivation had increased dramatically, reaching a hundred and forty meters.    


Su Ye did not experience such explosive growth in power, nor was he particularly interested in some of Mu Lieshan's experiences. However, listening to what Mu Lieshan had to say, caused his attention to shift, and gradually alleviated the hesitation in his heart.    


"Tell me, is it better to be simple or more complicated?" Su Ye suddenly asked.    


Mu Lieshan was dumbstruck, he looked at Su Ye and asked: "Why did you suddenly ask such a question?"    


Su Ye shook his head and laughed: "Nothing, I just suddenly had an insight and sent it out."    


Mu Lieshan nodded his head, and said: "Although my experience is far inferior to yours, the people of bloody world, who are trapped in this barren world, other than competing with each other for the sake of survival, don't have much experience. But I think, whether it's in bloody world or outside of Gate of Ancient Mystery, it's better to be a bit more pure. "    


"Why?" Su Ye asked with interest.    


"It's very simple. People who are simple don't have complicated thoughts and live less tiring lives. Especially in the bloody world, there were very few people who could live to seventy years old. In just a few decades of life, it was more important to live easier than anything else. Just like me, if I had a simpler mindset and didn't have so much obsession with it, how would I have been stuck in this wasteland for ten years without being unable to feel at peace in my heart? "    


Mu Lieshan laughed at himself, he was clearly moved, but at the end of his sentence, he changed the topic: "But you are different! You can't be too simple. "    


Su Ye laughed involuntarily, "Why am I different? I can't be too innocent!"    


"Does that even need to be said? If you were too simple-minded and lived too easy, how could you leave this place? You didn't belong here in the first place!    


"That's not right. If I was a bit simpler, so pure that only faith remained, then wouldn't I have even more courage and a chance to kill the demon beast and leave this place?" Su Ye retorted.    


"How can it be the same? How can a man be so simple as to leave nothing but faith? "It's not like people are stones."    


"It's because it's impossible that we have to do it. If we can do it, it would be even more valuable, wouldn't it?"    


"That's also not right!"    


Mu Lieshan shook his head, looking at Su Ye, his face revealing an extraordinary wisdom, "Su Ye, don't look at me, who's just a mortal. But I still understand one thing. "    


"What kind of logic is that?" Su Ye exclaimed.    


"Look at the sky. Look at this place, it has everything." There are demon beasts, there are people, there are rocks that will never melt, and there are flowers that will bloom in the future. No matter what kind of existence it is, they are all part of this world.    


Su Ye was shocked, his eyes opened wide as he looked at Mu Lieshan. At this time, he really wanted to clap and cheer for Mu Lieshan.    


The principle that Mu Lieshan spoke of was one with the world. Although every cultivator could say such a thing if placed outside of the Gate of Ancient Mystery, not every cultivator would be able to say it as deeply as Mu Lieshan. Mu Lieshan, on the other hand, was still a mortal trapped in the bloody world, a true mortal.    


He truly was worthy of being the descendant of the Wood Emperor. If this Mu Lieshan had lived in the world outside of the Gate of Ancient Mystery since young, with his perception, he would definitely be an expert within the Immortal Cultivation World.    


Without waiting for Su Ye's praise.    


Mu Lieshan continued: So how can a person be so simple? When people were in the heaven and earth, they would form a connection with everything. Their thoughts would be chaotic, so how could they be simple? Forcefully turning himself into a simple person, wouldn't he have to sever his connection with everything? Would that person even be able to live? Even if you do survive this, you will probably be ostracized by everything in the world. You will not fit in, and even the heaven and earth will not tolerate it! "    




As soon as Mu Lieshan finished speaking, Su Ye suddenly felt as if something exploded inside his head, as though he was struck by rolling heavenly thunder, his entire mind became extremely vigorous, as though he had never seen such a thing before. He could clearly feel his own soul, as though the restrictions this bloody world was imbuing onto him were about to loosen.    


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