An Ultimate Martial Art

C765 Wu Zong from ten years ago!

C765 Wu Zong from ten years ago!

With the fresh wolf corpses, the golden hair was able to unleash the Blood Devouring Beast Nurturing Technique. It ran up to one of the dead wolves and bit on it, but at first, it did not know how to use it well.    


Golden Fur was not a Goblin Beast after all, and only after Su Ye had fed it a Spirit Beast Pellet and cleaned its bones with the heavenly dew, he was able to gradually grow a bit of the Beast's power. That Goblin Beast's power was rather weak, and was hard to coordinate with.    


From time to time, a wolf corpse devoured the blood essence within for a long time.    


The blood essence of the wolf was also very thin. It looked as if the golden fur had swallowed the wolf into a dried up corpse, but in reality, only a tiny wisp of its compressed blood essence had fused into the golden hair's body, becoming its nourishment.    


Just by thinking about it, one could imagine how weak the change in his blood essence would be to Goldfur.    


Fortunately, Su Ye did not expect Goldfur to become stronger by consuming the blood wolf's essence blood. That was simply an impossible feat.    


However, no matter how weak the Blood Qi was, it could not sustain much. When the Golden Hair, under Su Ye's guidance, swallowed the wolf corpses on the ground into desiccated corpses, the situation was completely different. Su Ye could clearly feel that the Qi in the Golden-hair's body had become at least 20% richer, there was no change in his body, but his strength had become stronger, making him look even more imposing.    


This proved that the Blood Devouring Beast Technique was effective. Su Ye was in a good mood as he once again sat on the golden hair's back and headed deeper into the Wasteland.    


Not long after, he encountered another group of wild wolves. However, this time, they weren't blood wolves. Instead, they were black furred wolves.    


Su Ye and Golden Fur worked together and very quickly left behind a pile of Dark Wolf's corpses, but this time, Golden Fur was able to absorb the Dark Wolf's blood essence much more smoothly. Other than being a little slower, Su Ye didn't need to use his soul force to guide the wolf anymore.    


Just like this, the man and the lion continued to kill as they moved deeper into the Wasteland. Along the way, they met more and more wild beasts, including the Blood Wolf and the Black Wolf, as well as the white wolf and even the Iron Tooth Wolf.    


His teeth were as hard as steel, and according to Su Ye's observation, although the Iron Tooth Wolf could not be considered a demonic beast, it had already gained some characteristics of a demonic beast, which was at least much stronger than the Blood Wolf, Black Wolf, and the white wolf. Its blood was also much richer, and the effect of consuming the Iron Tooth Wolf's blood essence while killing was much better than the former.    


Basically, the blood essence of one Iron Tooth Wolf was comparable to that of three Blood Wolves. It was also because of the Iron Tooth Wolf that Goldfur had received such an unprecedented nourishment. The bloodthirsty beasts, the nourishment from devouring blood essence, to a certain extent, was even stronger than the mere heavenly dew that could cut feathers and cleanse marrow.    


Of course, this was not to say that heavenly dew had no effect on the golden fur, it was just that there were many wonders in the world that had their own special uses.    


In fact, when the golden hair swallowed the blood essence of different beasts, it was also because he had absorbed some impurities into his body. It was because of the accumulation of impurities that caused the golden hair to experience all sorts of unpredictable changes.    


On the other hand, Su Ye had cleaned his marrow using the heavenly dew as the golden feathers. Instead, he removed some of the impurities out of the golden hair in advance so that the golden hair could devour his blood essence and gain even more genuine, pure benefits.    


Other than the Iron Tooth Wolf, there were also Multi Colored Tiger, Scarlet Lion, and Silver Armoured Cow. As they went deeper into the Wasteland, all sorts of ferocious beasts gradually appeared. Some even called low level beasts showed off abilities that mortals found hard to resist, which also caused Su Ye to start being vigilant.    


He began to realize that demon beasts were indeed hidden in the Western Wasteland. Moreover, the deeper they went, the more powerful the demon beasts would be. He no longer dared to lower his guard.    




A strange monkey with red eyes, who was almost two meters tall, was chopped by Su Ye at least ten meters away. After its body fell from the sky, it howled miserably and died.    


This was a Demon Beast that Su Ye had truly met after entering a hundred miles into the Western Wasteland.    


On the way here, Goldfur had devoured a large amount of blood essence, and he had grown to almost two meters tall. He was tall, strong, imposing, and had a great increase in spiritual wisdom, and could basically be considered a third-grade demon beast. In terms of Immortal Cultivation World, he could also be considered to have competed with an Immortal cultivator who had molted to the third or fourth level of the mortal realm.    


As for devouring blood essence, it was already a taste of the marrow.    


Golden Fur could already smell a kind of smell that made him especially excited. After the strange monkey was knocked flying by Su Ye, its blood splattered in the air.    


Su Ye realised that this was actually a little inappropriate. If he continued like this, even if he did not plan to swallow the Golden Fur, the Golden Fur would become a beast full of bloodlust one day due to his prolonged bloodthirst.    


However, Su Ye thought that as long as he could leave the Gate of Ancient Mystery, or had more courage, he would be able to use some techniques to temper the golden hair and dissolve the bloodlust that caused its fierceness. He decided to temporarily ignore it.    


Su Ye didn't pay attention to the golden-hair's devouring of the monster monkeys, he only furrowed his brows and looked towards a certain direction. He wasn't sure if it was just an illusion, but when he killed the monster monkeys, he faintly felt that there was a pair of eyes spying on him from a forest not far away.    


That pair of eyes did not seem to come from a beast.    


Could there be someone here?    


bloody world who had always viewed the Western Wasteland as a dangerous zone dared to enter?    


Just as he was wondering, a figure appeared in the forest. A man in ragged clothes with an apron sewn from beast skin wrapped around his waist. He held a saber with quite a number of blades in his hand.    


Su Ye was surprised, he saw the person who came.    


"Kid, who are you? How dare you enter the Wasteland alone at such a young age? And you're even riding a lion?"    


The person slowly walked to Su Ye, and looked at him warily, as though he was trying to guess Su Ye's identity and background.    


"And who are you? You can come, but why can't I come?" Su Ye smiled lightly.    


Actually, even if the other party hadn't mentioned it, Su Ye would have been able to guess a thing or two from them.    


When Su Ye first came to the bloody world, Mu Xu, who had saved his life, had said, that there were still many people in the bloody world who desired to step out of the Gate of Ancient Mystery. Every year, there would be people from the Martial Ancestor Realm who would attempt to traverse the Wasteland.    


Since this person was in such a sorry state, it was likely that he was one of the Martial Ancestor Realm experts trying to search for the Gate of Ancient Mystery across the Wasteland. However, his ability was lacking and he was unable to charge through the Demonic Beast's territory.    


However, since he couldn't pass through the wasteland, he should have the ability to return. After all, returning was much easier than going forward. Why did this person rather stay here in a sorry state than return?    


Su Ye faintly felt that there was something interesting inside, thus he decided to probe a bit, and purposely revealed a bit of craziness.    


The man was slightly displeased after hearing this, "Kid, which dynasty are you from? Why are you speaking with such an arrogant tone? I won't tell you anymore. Seeing that we are both descendants of the Wood Emperor, I'll remind you that you'd better not go any further. Otherwise, there will be a time when you'll regret it. "    


With that, the man turned and left, ignoring Su Ye.    




Of course, Su Ye wouldn't let this man leave just like that, "Since we're both descendants of the Wood Emperor, shouldn't you say something?    


The man stopped in his tracks, turned around, and pointed the blade in his hand at Su Ye, "Arrogant brat, from your words, you want to keep me here? Do you know who I am? "    


Su Ye smiled slightly: "I don't know, how about you tell me your name."    


The man snorted: I am Great Heng City's Mu Lieshan!    


Su Ye thought back to it briefly and a look of understanding crossed his face. He had not been in the bloody world for long, but he had heard of Mu Lieshan's name before.    


When he was forced to travel around the 13 empires, when it was Da Heng City's time, he heard the two guards talking about Mu Lieshan's name.    


It was said that Mu Lieshan was the number one expert in the Great Heng Dynasty ten years ago, and his entire bloody world was ranked in the top ten. Ten years ago, his cultivation had already reached twenty-six meters, and he had a powerful blade technique. He was once the chief minister of the imperial court.    


However, it was different from the usual worshippers of the Martial Ancestor Realm who were flattered to the point of not being able to find their way to the north. Ten years ago, Mu Lieshan suddenly took the initiative to resign from his position as Master of the Divine Martial Realm, bringing a group of experts with him to the Western Wasteland to search for the Gate of Ancient Mystery. After that, there were no more news of him.    


"So you are Mu Lieshan, you were once the number one expert of Great Heng City, the Chief Reverend, why do you look like a savage now, I'm afraid that even if you saw me like that, you wouldn't be able to recognize me."    


"Cut the crap, arrogant brat, didn't you want to keep me here? Now that you know who I am, do you still have the courage to say those words to me? "    


Mu Lieshan looked at Su Ye coldly.    


"Mu Lieshan, your reputation is indeed not small, but unfortunately, you won't be able to scare me with just your name. "Right now, I'm really interested to know how much you've improved in these ten years …"    


With that, a stroke of blade light appeared in Su Ye's hand, and his hundred meters long golden blade of courage pointed towards the sky, and suddenly slashed horizontally towards Mu Lieshan. He held back on his attack, and other than hiding some of his courage, what he slashed out was only a Heaven Ranked Martial Technique.    


"Three hundred feet of courage? "Hmph, looks like experts have appeared in these ten years in the Thirteen Divisions. However, you actually dared to make a move against me with this kind of method. Truly a joke."    


Mu Lieshan was stunned for a moment, but then, a hint of golden light suddenly appeared. It was sent out directly through the blade in his hand with courage, and actually directly pierced through the canopy of flowers. The blade light was over thirty-five meters long, and a domineering aura followed the descent of the blade light, sweeping through Su Ye's body.    


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