An Ultimate Martial Art

C770 The only way!

C770 The only way!

Su Ye thought of the Tranquil Heart Sutra. This was a method that every cultivator would use to calm their mind from the very beginning of their cultivation, and almost every cultivator had it.    


However, using the Tranquil Heart Mantra to calm one's mind wasn't the true peace of mind either. It was merely a method of forcing the heart into a seemingly tranquil and calm state. It was short, it was a kind of false tranquility.    


The Heart Source Stone was a spirit item with strange properties. It would never buy out a fake peace of mind like this.    


There were many more profound techniques than the Tranquil Heart Mantra. Many experts were even able to use these techniques to make their hearts become as calm and calm as a thousand year old well, without the slightest ripple. However, they were also unable to obtain the Heartsource Stone.    


What was the real peace of mind?    


Su Ye thought seriously.    


Even if it wasn't for the Source Stone, he had seriously considered this question before. This was because he had a close personal experience that aside from thirst for power and determination in his heart, cultivation was also for peace and quiet.    


As long as one's heart was at peace, one would be able to distance himself from the disturbance of the secular world. There was no other object in the world that could disturb the peace of one's heart.    


However, acquiring a sense of peace in his heart was simply too difficult.    


Su Ye thought that the reason why people felt at peace with themselves was because they had no desire or desire.    


Once a person had no desire and no longer had any desire to do things in the world, nothing could affect their heart. Then, it would be natural for the person to be at peace.    


However, to have no desire and no desire is not really to have no pursuit for anything. He really had nothing to pursue anymore. Was that person still human? A person without a goal was no different from a salted fish.    


The state that Su Ye thought to be insatiable was a kind of realm, a realm that was built on the foundation of extremely powerful strength.    


Reaching that level, if one wanted to be free, then even the reincarnation cycle of the great Dao of heaven and earth could not restrict her in the slightest. If one wanted dignity, then they could only crawl on the ground and not dare to rashly touch it.    


Everything in the world, whether it was real or fake, was within his grasp. There was no need to consciously pursue it. It was natural that he would have no desire, and his heart would naturally be eternally peaceful.    


But how was that possible?    


As the experiential learning deepened, his horizons were broadened, and he had rich experience.    


Su Ye experienced even more clearly that this kind of super super realm of no desire simply did not exist. As strong as the five emperors of the Five Elements Palace in the ancient era, who would risk their life to enter the mysterious Ancient Ruins? How could there be an existence in this world that could truly shake off the worries of others, and let their heart be at peace forever?    


Even if it was the Heavenly Dao, which had been recognized as a supreme existence by everyone so far, how could it not be troubled? It was just that he was too small and could not see the real situation, so he fantasized about it.    


And even if this kind of realm was possible, it was something that he, Su Ye, would not be able to achieve at the moment. It was something that he might not be able to achieve in the next hundred to thousand years.    


To use this level of cultivation to attract the heart stone was a joke. Moreover, if he really had reached that level, would he still need the source stones?    


As Su Ye thought about it, he unconsciously became enthralled. In his memories, there was a lot of information related to mental cultivation, and it also surfaced. He silently studied this information, and unknowingly, he gained some new experiences.    


His restless heart suddenly calmed down.    


For a moment, he felt as if something was staring at him from all directions, as if it was being pulled by him.    


Su Ye could not help but be happy, could it be the source of energy stone?    


This short period of joy was like a stone thrown into a calm lake. In that instant, all the mysteries were gone.    




Su Ye was so angry that he jumped, he did not know why he suddenly became so calm, but he knew that he had attracted the Source Stone, and because of that, he was surprised and surprised, and broke the peace that he had finally gotten, then scared it away.    


Su Ye was so angry that he almost vomited blood.    


He was clearly about to take out the Heartsource Stone, but all of it had disappeared just because of his mistake. Next, it would be even more difficult to pull out the source stone, because the source stone was already on guard.    


At this moment, a beast howl sounded out.    


looked outside and saw a black hawk with a head of about two meters flying to the entrance of the valley. Hanging in the air and staring at Su Ye and Mu Lieshan who were inside the valley, Su Ye's eyes were bloodthirsty and greedy.    


Being in the wasteland, he could be attacked by demon beasts at any time. This black hawk was not strong. At the very most, it was a third grade demonic beast. Compared to the Bloodfire Tiger, it was much weaker. However, it was clear that this was the first demonic beast that had discovered the death of the Bloodfire Tiger.    


Su Ye was currently infuriated by the loss of the Source Stone, and upon seeing the Black Hawk Goblin Beast hovering at the entrance of the valley as if it was its prey, his fury grew even stronger. Suddenly, a ray of saber light shot out, and with lightning speed, it beheaded the Black Hawk.    


With the blood of the black hawk demon beasts raining down, it was hard for Su Ye to calm his upset heart. He simply charged out of the valley in a flash, and personally checked if any other demon beasts had come. He wanted to vent the anger in his heart onto the demon beast.    


He did not discover any other demonic beasts.    


Before, when the Bloodfire Tiger had occupied this place, its power was too great, causing all of the nearby demonic beasts to flee. Even if they had detected the death of the Bloodfire Tiger, apart from the fast flying beasts like the Black Hawk, the other demonic beasts would not have rushed back so quickly.    


Su Ye wanted to vent his anger onto the beasts to no avail, but he was unable to calm down even though he was holding back his anger.    


Just as he was in a bad mood, a sudden gust of cold wind blew past him, causing him to feel much better. Just as he was about to return and calm his mind, he was suddenly startled.    




Liu Ming suddenly understood something and his expression became joyful. He quickly returned to the valley and found a place close to the mountain wall to sit down.    


Just as he was being blown by the cold wind, Su Ye calmed himself down, but he suddenly thought that it was impossible to achieve the super great realm of No Desire, but there was no absolute in the world, even the peace in his heart was not an absolute state, it was relative.    


If one viewed their heart as a lake, then the environment outside of one's body, and even one's mind, was like a gust of wind constantly blowing across the lake. As long as the wind was around, even a tiny strand of it would naturally make the lake impossible to calm down.    


He could only block the wind and prevent it from moving his heart. Naturally, he would be able to feel the peace that he wanted.    


That was to say, no matter how ubiquitous the disturbance was, as long as it was able to block all the disturbance, it would naturally calm the heart. It would even allow the peace to last for a long time, almost to eternity.    


Therefore, how to block this wind had become the crux of everything.    


Su Ye thought of two solutions.    


One was to build the wall.    


It was as if a building was built on top of a lake to block the wind from all directions, creating a sturdy wall in the middle of the lake. This way, he would be able to isolate all kinds of winds that affected the peace and serenity of the heart from outside the heart.    


However, Su Ye rejected this idea after some consideration.    


The reason was very simple. When one lives in the mortal world, they will never be able to leave the mortal world. At the very least, the current him would never be able to leave the mortal world. Building a wall in his heart, at the same time that he gained his peace of mind, it was equivalent to isolating his heart from the outside world. If he was separated from his heart by the wall, how could he comprehend the great Dao of heaven and earth?    


If this method didn't work, then there was only one other method left, and that was to condense his will.    


The so-called heart lake, there must be water in the lake, this water was his thoughts.    


The strength of one's mental strength similarly affected the peace of one's heart. It was just like the same gust of wind that could cause a layer of ripples on the surface of an ordinary lake, but was unable to create the slightest ripple on a full lake of blue and black heavy water.    


The reason why ordinary lakes would ripple from the gentle breeze was because ordinary lakes were too light to be easily moved by the wind.    


As for the Blue Profound Heavy Water in the Immortal Cultivation World, it was also water. However, a drop of Blue Profound Heavy Water was as heavy as a thousand kilograms and was often used by artificers to refine and assist them. Even a rank 12 hurricane might not be able to move a full lake full of Blue Profound Heavy Water, let alone a normal gust of wind.    


In his lake of consciousness, his mind was incomparably light, and with a thought, he even turned into a light fog. Naturally, he was not as stable as the Blue Profound Heavy Water, and would certainly be easily affected to the point that he would not be able to calm down.    


If he could condense his thoughts to become as heavy as blue profound water, he would naturally be as steady as a mountain and not be easily moved.    


Having such a heart lake would allow one to truly have a strong heart, and it would be compatible with the cultivator's Dao heart which was as stable as a rock.    


After carefully analyzing the pros and cons, Su Ye decisively chose the second option.    


However, it was not easy to condense the water of the Core Lake, at least not in bloody world.    


However, in order to cultivate for his own reasons, in order to obtain the heart stone, in order to finally be able to escape the bloody world, which was a barren cage, no matter how difficult it was, Su Ye needed to give it a try.    


Thinking of that, Su Ye could not help but have a sense of courage.    


The turmoil in his heart suddenly calmed down. A soul force that could not be considered powerful was quickly channeled and probed into his heart. Immediately, a scene he had never seen before appeared in his line of sight …    


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