An Ultimate Martial Art

C789 A clear day!

C789 A clear day!

"Eh, what is this place?" Are we out? "    


Su Ye looked at the world in front of him in shock. It was vast and spacious, it was completely flat, with beautiful scenery and abundant of spirit energy. This gave Su Ye a feeling as if he had already escaped from bloody world and was seeing the light of day once again.    


If Su Ye was like this, then there was even less need to talk about Mu Lieshan, Mu Xu and the rest.    


As people who were born and bred in bloody world, they had never seen such a blue sky and white clouds in their entire lives. They did not know what it was called blue sky and white clouds, not to mention this kind of environment that was brimming with spirit energy.    


Just ten breaths.    


Mu Lieshan and the others felt as if they had grown young for ten years, every cell in their body was filled with vitality.    


They were shocked and excited, their faces filled with uncontrollable ecstasy.    


"We're out, we're finally out."    


"Heavens, we finally left that damned cage in bloody world!"    


Excited, excited, their lifelong dream suddenly came true. The ecstasy they felt made each and every one of them want to cry.    


Only Su Ye was able to maintain his composure. After the shock of seeing the first few moments of the blue sky and white clouds fly by, Su Ye knew that they had not left the bloody world.    


There were two reasons.    


Firstly, he did not see the Gate of Ancient Mystery. Maybe he could find an explanation, and say it was because Mu Huang had secretly attacked him, and he didn't need to pass through the Gate of Ancient Mystery to leave the bloody world. But don't forget, outside of the bloody world is the path of the Wood Emperor. If you really have left the bloody world, the first thing you should return to is that path.    


Secondly, Su Ye realized that his sealed cultivation was still in a sealed state and did not waver in the slightest. He was still a mortal here.    


If he had truly left the bloody world, all the restrictions that had been placed on him would have all disappeared. Regardless of this point, Su Ye would not deceive himself into finding a reason, and he also did not intend to find a reason.    


However, as he looked at Mu Lieshan and the others who were so excited that their eyes were brimming with tears, he suddenly didn't know what to say.    


Tell them not to be happy too early, they still haven't left bloody world?    


Needless to say, Su Ye could also imagine it. They, who were already in ecstasy full of the thought that their dream of fleeing bloody world had already been fulfilled, once they found out the truth, what a huge blow it would be.    


A person was not afraid of falling into a predicament. As long as a person kept a glimmer of hope in their heart, they would not sink into it. They would only turn grief and indignation into strength and train themselves in the predicament.    


He was afraid that he might think that he had escaped the predicament, but he realized that he was still stuck in it after countless efforts. That kind of ups and downs was enough to shatter the hope that many people held in their hearts, causing him to fall from heaven into hell and sink completely into it.    


It wasn't easy for Su Ye to bring them to this place, so how could he be willing to see them fall from this shock?    


After thinking about it, Su Ye secretly sighed in his heart. In the end, he decided to not expose the truth at the moment, he had to figure out this place first, and at the same time, adapt to it.    


But he did not expect that among the people, there was actually someone who still maintained a rare clarity of mind, and that that person was Mu Xu.    


"Hey, I don't think we found the Gate of Ancient Mystery."    


Mu Xu suddenly spoke out, his voice was not loud, it was a bit of a muttering to himself, but he was expressing his doubts. But this voice, to Mu Lieshan and the rest, was like a clap of thunder.    


The three words "Gate of Ancient Mystery" could be said to be the three words that they were most concerned about in their entire lives. This group of people dared to follow Su Ye and wander the Western Wasteland, moreover, their cultivation would explosively increase during the journey.    


That's why, in their joy, when they suddenly heard Mu Xu mentioning the Gate of Ancient Mystery, everyone reacted almost instinctively. That's right, they had indeed only experienced the teleportation circle, but had not found the legendary Gate of Ancient Mystery.    


Could it be that the seventh teleportation circle is actually the Gate of Ancient Mystery?    


How is that possible?    


Although they had not seen Gate of Ancient Mystery with their own eyes, but as Su Ye walked over, they had already known from Su Ye that he looked like Gate of Ancient Mystery, and that he did not look like a teleportation formation at all.    


Since they did not pass through the Gate of Ancient Mystery, how could they leave the bloody world?    


This sudden reaction caused the countenances of the crowd to turn pale.    


One of them raised his head up to the sky and shouted, "This isn't real!"    


His body trembled violently and he spat out blood. The light in his eyes dimmed within two or three seconds, and his life force dissipated with it.    


"Brother Zhi."    


Mu Lieshan's hands moved quickly, he anxiously supported the man's body, only to realise that no matter how he shouted, he could not wake the man up, because the man was already dead, and could not take the attack, and suffocated to death.    


Upon seeing this scene …    


The already pale faces of the crowd all collapsed onto the ground, wailing in agony. Two of them were even crying as they howled, and their minds seemed to be in a state of madness.    


Su Ye's expression immediately changed. No matter what, these people were brought out by him. Although they were a bit cumbersome, they would still have some feelings for each other along the way. How could they just let them continue to collapse like this? Even if they didn't die, they would still go crazy. Living was just like walking dead, what was the point of living?    




Su Ye suddenly roared, his voice was like thunder, shaking the mind, it was actually Su Ye summoning the courage to use a soul suppressing technique.    


The onlookers stopped howling after receiving such an impact, but their faces were still filled with despair and helplessness, including Mu Lieshan who had the strongest cultivation amongst them.    


They said that they would rather die in the Western Wasteland than continue to live in the Thirteen Divisions. But now, before he is dead, and before the bloody world leaves, they are all going to go crazy.    


Su Ye's face was filled with anger, not only because he wanted to cure the poison in his body, but also because he was truly angry. He was not afraid of god-like opponents, but he was afraid of pig-like teammates.    


It was also a good thing for him to bring a few courageous people to leave bloody world with him. He was no longer afraid of their burden, but in the end, before he could do anything, he was already on the verge of collapse. He really felt like he had made a rather foolish decision.    


"Su Ye, it's not that we don't have courage, it's just that …"    


Mu Lieshan let out a heavy sigh, "You can see how many of us have died after just seven valleys along the way. The only reason we can live is because of your protection. Coming here, looking at this dreamlike and beautiful environment, we thought that we had already achieved our dream and completely left the dark cage on bloody world. But in reality, we are still in the cage, even I am in despair, let alone them. "    


"Despair? What was there to despair about? Life is always in a big cage, do you really think that being born in bloody world is not a cage anymore? Let me tell you, this is a cage in the bloody world, and like the bloody world, you will still be trapped inside. However, this cage in the bloody world was created for you by your ancestors, the Wood Emperor. The truly terrifying thing is the even more terrifying cage outside of bloody world. That is not because of who's training them, but because of the countless people within the cage, causing billions of lives to be unable to free themselves from despair. So many of you people did not despair, you all despair my ass, do you all have the face to say that you feel despair? "    


Su Ye scoffed.    


In the outside world, the Heavenly Dao ruled over everything. Everything in the world was enveloped within the Heavenly Dao, from the sun to the moon to the stars, from the fates of all living things to the sprouting of plants and vegetation.    


Everything seemed beautiful and orderly.    


However, everyone knew that the Heavenly Dao created a different kind of cage. If one didn't want to break free from this giant cage, then where did all these cultivators come from?    


Since ancient times, there have been countless cultivators.    


He had never heard of anyone transcending the cage of the Heavenly Dao, which proved that it was extremely difficult to transcend the cage of the Heavenly Dao and become a truly free and unfettered person. The number of cultivators that came after each other ultimately failed, but the cultivators never stopped.    


What could this prove?    


In addition to proving that the pursuit of eternal life to obtain power was a huge temptation, it also proved that the living beings of this world did not despair in this huge cage called the Heavenly Dao.    


There were so many people who did not despair in the Heavenly Dao, but what was there to despair about the tribulations set up by the Wood Emperor in order to train his descendants? No matter how big the Wood Emperor was, could it be bigger than the Heavenly Dao?    


Only, although Su Ye scoffed at this, he had no choice but to admit that he had overestimated Mu Lieshan and the others. Because they were born in bloody world, their vision and experience due to the environment being sealed was shallow and had already been deeply rooted. Even though all kinds of training had increased their courage, it still could not make up for their weak conviction due to the lack of experience in their eyes. Perhaps this was the limit of a human.    


Su Ye thought for a bit, and knew that it would be difficult to change the minds of Mu Lieshan and the others, and let them regain their unwavering determination, so he decided not to say anymore, as long as these people did not go crazy.    


"Enough, even if I tell you all that, you guys won't be able to understand for the time being." But look at this place. Even though this place is not the real bloody world, it is still far more powerful than the bloody world you all grew up in. At least you have seen the clear sky and the bright sun, right? "    


"Come to think of it, even if all of you are unable to leave the bloody world in this lifetime to experience the vastness of the outside world, at the very least, coming to this place would be much better than staying in the bloody world. So, all of you have to get up and follow me to see what exactly is so mysterious about this place."    


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