An Ultimate Martial Art

C2012 The celestial race was blocking the door!

C2012 The celestial race was blocking the door!

This thought immediately became extremely crazy, but Su Ye quickly knew that he was overthinking it, it was natural.    


Using the Life Runes combined with the Immemorial White Elephant's Power of Suppression of the Zephyr, to create a new Life Rune of Life, this was equivalent to creating a strong race of life that was not inferior to the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos.    


This was too exaggerated.    


Let alone whether it was possible for it to appear, at least Su Ye was definitely unable to do it, even those strong Fiendgod Primordial Chaos s were not able to do it. If he really were able to do this, he wouldn't need to cultivate and immediately created a whole bunch of Fiendgod Primordial Chaos races to subdue the entire tribe.    


Although Su Ye was crazy, he would not let himself get out of the reality.    


Very quickly, he suppressed this thought.    


But at the same time, his spiritual light began to glow with a sizzling sound, just like when he had suddenly obtained an extremely great spiritual light in an illusory realm and created an illusory dao. He suddenly understood how to cast the trapping dao ability that he wanted.    


He still had to rely on the Ancient White Elephant Runes that Dao Baifeng had left in his Intent Domain.    


One must know that in the ancient era of the Eternal Heaven and Earth, an ancient white elephant meant an unparalleled divine hell. The God Prison, which was overseen by the ancient White Elephants, was itself the most frightening predicament in the world.    


If one could rely on their own strength to create such a divine hell, then they would be able to reach the great perfection of the Path of Confinement.    


Since that was the case, why should he give up on pursuing the future? Instead of casting the White Elephant God Prison, he should rather think of something that was more unrealistic than achievable?    


Su Ye quickly retracted his consciousness and once again started to comprehend the Ancient White Elephant Runes.    


Although these life runes were actually imitated by Dao Baifeng through comprehending the Four Symbols Binding Formation, they were not the real Ancient White Elephant Life Runes. However, the charm characters still contained some of the power of the Zephyr Divine Power.    


As long as he could understand all these, it was enough to become a primer. Using Su Ye's own profound mystery of the Path of Confinement as a brick, he would create a White Elephant God Prison. As for the might of the White Elephant God Prison, it was actually secondary.    


After all, what Su Ye had wanted was only an inspiration, to be able to unify the mysteries of his path of trap first and form a branch of it was already very good. The divine ability of the Trapped Dao had just been formed, but was either insufficient or not perfect. In the future, he could continue to accumulate more mysteries of the Trapped Dao and continue to perfect it.    


Sure enough, everything was as Su Ye had expected. In the following four months, Su Ye successfully comprehended the Ancient White Elephant Runes within Dao Baifeng's Intent Domain and comprehended a portion of the profoundness of the Yya God Power.    


Using this as a primer, he began to draw the mysteries of the trap path over, drawing out a branch of the trap path that was parallel to, and related to, the fantasy path.    


The newly created Confinement Dao Technique was based on the original Concourse of the Underworld. After it was remoulded, it had become completely new. When it was used, a divine prison made from a branch of the Confinement Dao was filled with a dazzling suppressive power, making it much more powerful than before.    


As a result, Su Ye's entire Primal Chaos System had successfully combed out the two branches of the illusion path and the trap path, and the sequence of events was much clearer than before.    


However, the rest of the mysteries that had yet to be sorted out were becoming more complicated and difficult to understand.    


However, it is not easy to sort out one's own system. Su Ye already knew that this matter would require a huge amount of effort and time, so he wasn't particularly in a hurry.    


Because they had sorted out the two branches of the illusion path and the trap path, Su Ye and his party had delayed them in the illusion world for far too long, and it had already exceeded their expectations when they had entered the mysterious bamboo forest.    


So after some thought, Su Ye decided not to waste anymore time and followed Monarch Mystic One and the rest of the group.    


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.    


Along the way, Su Ye's group was once again met with a few more battles, but the people who tried to rob them were naturally unsuccessful. Just like before, they were all forcibly sent to the Illusory Divine Kingdom by Su Ye without exception.    


The treasures and resources those people brought along with them were cheap for Su Ye. Using the Chaotic Return Wheel to refine it allowed Su Ye's Water of Chaos to once again exceed fifty million drops.    


This time, Su Ye did not hesitate.    


Out of them, 40 million of them were allocated for cultivation. After two days of hard work, Su Ye's cultivation finally reached the ninth grade.    


Reaching this level, Su Ye's strength had truly reached an extremely terrifying level. He was completely confident that he could contend with any top Demon General, or even kill them.    


As for fighting against the Demon Elder of Primal Chaos, Su Ye didn't even dare think about it.    


After talking to Meng Jun and Yao Yao, he already knew that the advancement of a cultivator from the Demon General of Primal Chaos to the Demon Lord was a huge leap forward. This sort of leap in power far surpassed that of the previous Chaos magic seeds or Chaos devils.    


No matter how strong Su Ye's foundation was and how powerful the Chaotic Qi was, to be able to fight against a top tier Demon General at the ninth grade Demon Seed realm was already an exaggeration. To continue to ignore the gap between the Chaotic Demon Generals and the Demon Lord of Primal Chaos was much more difficult. At least, after sparring with Meng Jun and Yao Yao, she believed that Su Ye's chances of fighting with the Demon Lord of Primal Chaos was close to zero.    


This may have been a bit of a blow, but Su Ye was not depressed because of it. Since the realm of the ninth grade Demon Seed could not contend with the Demon Lord Primal Chaos, then he might as well continue to raise his cultivation.    


Advancing from the ninth grade to the Chaotic Demon General with his foundation would also be a great leap. If he still couldn't do it, then he could only raise the rank of another Chaos Demon General. Sooner or later, he would be able to bridge the gap between a Chaos Demon General and a Chaos Demon Lord.    


When that time came, he would truly have a foothold in the area of influence of the Wan Yu Union. In the Western Region, where everything was under control of the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos, no one dared to underestimate anyone who possessed the battle power of the Chaotic Demon Elder. Unless it was a last resort, no one dared to easily offend them.    


Another three days passed.    


The number of human silhouettes within the illusions had clearly increased.    


The experts that Su Ye's group saw were also much stronger than the experts they had encountered before. Almost every once in a while, a team would move forward with very few people below the cultivation of a seventh stage Demon General.    


Chaos Demon Generals were at the ninth rank. Those at the seventh rank and above were considered top Demon Generals. Even in the outside world, he was an expert that could trample over a region.    


However, they were all in a sorry state here. They seemed to be moving quickly, but in reality, they were all trembling with fear and being extremely careful.    


"Mm, there is a door five kilometers away. Once you step through that door, you will be able to escape the illusion. But the door was random, and every once in a while it would disappear and reappear in another place. About two hours had passed since the door disappeared. We don't have much time, let's hurry up. "    


Having a trace of resonance with the illusion gave Su Ye a great deal of convenience. Not only could it be immune to the influence of the illusion, it could also accurately capture some information from the illusion.    


With regards to Su Ye's decision, Meng Jun Yao and the others naturally had no objections. The group sped up.    


The five kilometers only took about fifteen minutes before Su Ye and his group arrived at the gate.    


But when he arrived, what he saw was shocking.    


The environment here was not much different from the other places in the illusion world; it was a field of yellow sand. An illusory square door of light stood in a certain place within the yellow sands, wide open without any difficulty to cross.    


But the problem was that this door was actually surrounded by a group of celestial race s. celestial race blocked the light door behind him, and faced off against the experts from all directions. Despite the angry shouts of the top Demon Generals, they were not willing to let go.    


As for those Demon Generals that came from all directions, they had obviously used other methods to force their way through. This point could be seen from the mess on the ground and the ruins left behind after the great battle.    


It was a pity that the Heaven Clan's experts surrounding the gate of light were slightly stronger than the top Demon Generals that had already arrived. Not only was forcing his way through useless, it was wasting time. This was exactly what the celestial race wanted.    


"Yan Wutian, are you sure you want to block the door off? You should be clear that as time passes, the number of experts that have come here will grow more and more. Just you demon generals from the Yun Qi Tribes are unable to completely block the door. "    


"There is only one consequence of your actions, and that is to enrage more and more experts. At that time, no matter how powerful you Heavenly Clan Demon Generals of Yun Qi Tribes are, how many of you can survive?"    


"Don't think that I don't know. In your Sky Spill Meridian, your Yun Qi Tribes still have Yun Shi and Yun He, the two mortal enemies. If you lose too many experts here, the Cloud Stone and Yun He Tribes will definitely not let go of this opportunity to swallow you up.    


A familiar voice came from the crowd. Su Ye looked towards the voice and discovered that the person who spoke was Divine Martial Sect's Successor Disciple Han Tian Zong, the super expert known as the Overlord of Divine Lightning.    


At this moment, Han Tian Sect was staring at an expert from the Heaven Clan.    


Within the vast pavilion, a pair of golden eyes shone like the divine light of heaven and earth. With his eyebrows slanted slightly, his expression clearly showed that he was looking down on everyone present, and even the Divine Lightning Overlord, Han Tian Zong, who was considered famous throughout the Wan Yu Union, was not taken seriously by him.    


"Yan Wutian, to think that he would actually come. This Yun Qi Tribes is really willing to give it up, looks like there are huge benefits to be gained from this." Meng Jun Yao's expression became serious, and silently transmitted her voice to Su Ye to explain to him this Heaven Clan expert called Yan Wutian.    


In the Yun Qi Tribes of the Sky Evolution Veins, he is known as the number one Demon General. Remember, this is not some genius Demon General, but the genuine number one Demon General level expert.    


In addition, Yan Wutian was also the son of the Yun Qi Tribes's leader, he was the Yun Qi Tribes's Young Master.    


This kind of person would actually bring a group of Yun Qi Tribes's Demon Generals deep into this mysterious bamboo forest, and even use such an extreme method to block the door. If there were no great benefits behind this, who would believe it?    


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