An Ultimate Martial Art



Actually, anyone who dared to fight for the Eternal Emperor, how could he be an easy opponent? Tens of thousands of Demon Generals were at a different level. Aside from a few extremes, the majority of the people weren't as different as they had imagined.    


After the Demon General was the first to walk out of the Myriad Profound Diagram, the top Demon Generals quickly followed him out one after another. And it wasn't just one or two, but four at once. These four top-tier Demon Generals thought that of the tens of thousands of Demon Generals, they should be the first to walk out of the Myriad Profound Diagram, and even saw each other as their strongest opponents.    


After landing, they did not attack each other, but rather stared at each other warily as if they were facing a great enemy. It was only when they realized that they were not Demon Generals that they changed their target and began to view them as common enemies. They seemed to have a common hatred for a common enemy.    


He felt no enmity towards the Demon General, but he did not care. From his point of view, he was the first one out of the tens of thousands of Demon Generals to walk out of the Myriad Profound Diagram. His strength was clearly stronger than others, and there was no need to be afraid of it. Thus, he arrogantly and openly went against the four top Demon Generals. yep    


At this time, a true large wave of Demon Generals that had walked out of the Myriad Profound Diagram appeared. It could be three or five. A small group of top Demon Generals rushed out of the Myriad Profound Diagram excitedly without stopping.    


The non-Demon Generals no longer had the mood to fight with each other. They began to pay attention to these top Demon Generals that charged out of the Myriad Profound Diagram. They knew that these top Demon Generals would be their opponents in the second stage.    


No one knew what was so special about the second stage of the selection that the Ancestor had designed. No one could guarantee that after passing the first stage, he would definitely be able to continue to obtain victory in the second stage.    


"Fifty-six ?"    


"Fifty-seven ?"    


"65 ?"    


They silently counted the number of people. According to the rules designed by the Ancestor, in the first stage of the selection, only a hundred Demon Generals would remain.    


Until the seventy-second person for the Demon General, Xin Leng's cold and solemn figure appeared. Although Xin Leng did not cultivate mainly on the illusory way, among these tens of thousands of top grade demon generals, for him to be able to create the Myriad Profound Diagram's seventy-second person showed just how solid his foundation was. He was definitely at the forefront of these tens of thousands of top grade demon generals.    


After Xin Leng landed, he did not immediately confirm how many people stepped out of the Myriad Profound Diagram. Instead, he looked left and right, searching for Su Ye's figure. In his opinion, since he came out of the Myriad Profound Map, then Su Ye should have come out even earlier.    


But when he looked around, he was shocked, there was no one around him, there was no Su Ye. In this vast and empty area, there were only a few dozen people. Anyone could be said to be clear at a glance, and he would definitely not be mistaken, Su Ye was not here.    


"Could it be that Su Ye has already left?" They had come together. Even if Su Ye wanted to leave, he would not leave him alone.    


He was wondering.    


A playful voice suddenly came from the side, "What are you looking at? Are you unhappy with yourself, or are you in disbelief that you've made it into the top 100?"    


Xin Leng could smell a faintly discernible enmity from the words. He knew what was going on, but he was not interested in fighting with others.    


He turned to look at the person and asked directly, "How many people did you come out of?"    


The man in black wore a proud expression. "I'm the thirty-sixth, no more, no less. I'm half yours."    


"Thirty-six? That should be too early. Have you seen my companion before? He's a young man dressed in white like me. His face is handsome. Xin Leng asked.    


"Hehe ?" The black clothed man was startled for a moment, then laughed, and disdainfully said: "There are tens of thousands of top Demon Generals here, and there are so many people wearing white. How would I have the time to remember everyone? "Hmm, judging from your tone, you seem to have a lot of confidence in your comrades. What, do you think they should be in the top hundred as well?"    


Xin Leng stared blankly for a while, then suddenly felt a bit disgusted, as he knew that he wouldn't be able to get any further answers from the man in black.    


He was filled with doubts.    


No reason.    


Su Ye should have already left the Myriad Profound Diagram, did something happen?    


His figure flashed, and stopped Xin Leng. "Brother, you haven't answered my question yet, but who are your companions, how can you be so sure that they're in the top one hundred?"    


Xin Leng's expression instantly turned cold, and a hint of sword intent buzzed out of his body. In an instant, it was as though a peerless divine sword had locked onto the black clothed man.    


The black-robed man's expression changed. He instinctively took a few steps back and said, "What are you trying to do?"    


"Keep talking nonsense and fight!" Xin Leng said coldly.    


"You ?" The black clothed man was almost angered to the point of exploding, but he secretly shivered inside. Although he did not know who Xin Leng was, he could sense that Xin Leng was very strong. Although he appeared earlier than Xin Leng in the Myriad Profound Diagram, if they were to fight to the death, even he did not dare to say that he had absolute confidence in winning.    


In this kind of environment, competition could be said to be everywhere, countless people were anxiously watching, hoping that he would fight with Xin Leng first, and even if both sides were to suffer, how could he possibly do what those people wanted?    


But to be scared by Xin Leng just like that, wouldn't that be too embarrassing?    


The man in black rolled his eyes and sneered: "You don't have to be so arrogant. If you really want to fight, there are plenty of opportunities. How would I, the Black Fox Devil General, be afraid of you? However, that companion of yours, haha, I'm afraid that you won't even be able to squeeze into the top hundred. I really don't know where your confidence comes from.    


Xin Leng looked deeply at the man in black, "With just you alone, you aren't even worthy enough to carry my companion's shoes. If nothing unexpected happens, how hard would it be for him to be first!"    


As he spoke, he walked to the side, leaving the Black Fox Demon General behind. He completely ignored the Black Fox Demon General, making him gnash his teeth in anger. He had never been looked down upon so much before in his life, and a burst of anger emerged in his heart. He almost lost control of his impulse to go and fight with Xin Leng.    


This scene made many people laugh coldly.    


However, there were also people who seemed to have thought of something, deliberately raising their heads to shout at the non-Demon General, "You're not a Demon General, did you hear that? Just now, that brother said that if there's no unforeseen circumstances, his companion would definitely be number one.    


This was clearly a provocation from Guo Guo.    


The face of the unnamed Demon General immediately turned black, as black as the bottom of a pot.    


It hadn't been easy for him to get first place, but now that someone had spoken to him in such a manner, the displeasure in his heart could be easily imagined.    


However, how could he be a fool for him to cultivate to such an extent? Even though he knew that this was instigated by others, he still intentionally dug himself into the trap.    


He coldly snorted and said, "You just have to believe what others say. Don't tell me you're stupid? I don't think we need to wait for the second round and leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, we won't be able to withstand the shock."    


The person who had made the provocative speech immediately flushed red in the face and quickly shut his mouth. He gritted his teeth, wanting to see what kind of powerful figure the man in white was referring to. When his companion appeared, he would definitely be agitated.    


Just as everyone was in a dilemma, more than a dozen people had already come out of the Myriad Mystery Map. There were already ninety spots in the top one hundred. In other words, of these tens of thousands of top Demon Generals, only 10 remained.    


If he was unable to snatch another spot in the remaining time, then he would have come here for nothing. He would either become a bystander or leave with a bitter face and empty hands.    


"Ninety ?"    


"Ninety-one ?"    


"93 ?"    


With the spots being occupied one by one, Xin Leng's expression became more and more ugly. The top hundred all appeared, but Su Ye still did not appear.    


"Haha, one hundred!"    


Following a cry of alarm, the one hundredth person who came out of the Myriad Profound Diagram fell to the ground. This trial of the Myriad Profound Diagram could be considered to have officially ended. Next, no matter who came out from the Myriad Profound Diagram, they would be eliminated.    


As the hundredth person to walk out of the Myriad Profound Diagram, he felt lucky to have squeezed into the top one hundred at the last moment. The difference between the one hundred and one was like the difference between cloud and mud.    


"Haha, all one hundred spots have been filled. The one in white, where's your partner? [She is your best comrade, why hasn't she shown up yet?] "I really don't know how handsome your partner is to make you praise him so much ?"    


The Black Fox Demon General had just been angered by Xin Leng, how could he hold back now? He immediately flashed in front of Xin Leng, and ridiculed him.    


How could Xin Leng endure being mocked? With his sword intent, he was about to fight with the black fox demon general.    


At this point, Qi Ying stood up and announced loudly, "Alright, the top 100 have all appeared. You all will have the qualification to enter the second stage. Congratulations, you are all lucky people." As for the others, I can only apologize for not being able to pass Lord Ancestor's selection. All you can do now is leave. "    


"But you don't have to be discouraged. In this Peach Blossom Forest, Lord Ancestor isn't the only one choosing Demon Generals. Leave this place and go somewhere else to try your luck. Who knows, perhaps a certain Lord Demon Lord might have placed great hopes on you?"    


As Qi Ying said this, his mouth had a hint of obvious sneer, and at the same time, the light in the Myriad Mystical Diagram grew brighter, and the figures of tens of thousands of Demon Generals descended from the Myriad Mystical Diagram one after another, all of them listening to Qi Ying's words, and many people felt even more disheartened.    


Especially those who had already reached the eighteenth stage and were just a step away from stepping out of the Myriad Profound Diagram, they were extremely frustrated.    


"Su Ye!" Xin Leng's eyes lit up, he had finally found Su Ye's figure within this group of people, but how was this possible? No matter what, Xin Leng could not believe that Su Ye could not even squeeze into the top 100!    


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