An Ultimate Martial Art



Indeed, just as Su Ye had predicted, this Demon General Competition was not going to be one of those matches that would drag on for as long as they wanted. 99% of the participating Demon Generals would choose to end the battle quickly, and very few would be willing to waste their strength to drag this battle out for half an hour.    


The first thirty rounds of the first round of battles exploded with an incomparable amount of momentum, and in just three minutes, all of them were finished. The first thirty rounds of the first round of battles, and exploded with an incomparable amount of momentum, and in just three minutes, all of them were finished.    


The result was also terrifying.    


Of the sixty participating Demon Generals, half of them were the victors of the first round. Amongst them, more than eighteen of them were severely injured, and the other half were naturally losers. However, eleven of them died on the spot.    


It had only been the first round, but the death rate of the losers had already exceeded one third. This result was truly terrifying. Furthermore, the victors were mostly miserable victors. This couldn't help but cast a shadow over the hearts of the Demon Generals that were about to fight.    


Everyone could accept defeat, but no one could calmly face death.    


Thus, in the following four consecutive rounds of battles, although the Demon Generals were also trying their best to end this quickly, under the threat of a one-third death rate after failure, the crowd more or less became more or less conservative, not daring to hold back in the slightest.    


As a result, the battle became less intense and the duration of the battle became longer. The end of the basic battle had dragged on for more than five minutes. Some of the more conservative ones had even dragged on for more than ten minutes.    


This kind of battle was undoubtedly tiresome for experts. But for those top Demon Generals watching the battle, it was instead the most comfortable.    


Because the longer the participants stayed, the more divine abilities they had to fight each other. Their speed was also slightly slower, making it easier for the spectators to learn some of the exquisite cultivation techniques that they desired.    


In addition, because of the conservative nature of the participants, their mortality rate had also decreased. After four consecutive rounds, only four participants had died. On average, each participant had died.    


But by the sixth round, things had changed.    


The shadow of a high death rate gradually dissipated with time, and in addition to the four consecutive rounds of conservative procrastination, all the sixth round participants were somewhat dissatisfied. After entering the arena, the style of the first four rounds changed, and the frequency of the battles increased by quite a bit as well. Although it was still not as good as the first round, it had become much more intense.    


With this, the atmosphere became tense, and the spectators once again began to smell a harsh atmosphere.    


Meng Junyao's mood had already become a knot, she didn't know which round Su Ye would make his move. However, out of all the battles that had gone by, those that had won or lost, or those that had lost their lives in the competition, none of them were weak.    


This match between Demon Generals was far more terrifying than she had imagined.    


She could not imagine how many hidden talents were among the experts that the Demon Lord had chosen. She wanted to ask, but she didn't dare to ask whether Su Ye was confident or not.    


One round after another passed.    


Unknowingly, the ninth round had arrived.    


The eyes of Meng Junyao and the others lit up, they suddenly saw several familiar faces in this round. The young sect master of the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect, Meng Tianzhu, the young master of the Yun Qi Tribes, Yan Wutian, who had been suppressed by Su Ye before, and the one who had previously participated in the Eternal Emperor Realm's selection, the one who was ranked first in the Myriad Profound Diagram and was not a Demon General.    


With people they knew, they would naturally pay more attention to the battle.    


This was especially true for Meng Tianzhu. Because of the conflicts they had with Meng Tianzhu and the fact that they had yet to truly witness Meng Tianzhu making his move, they paid extra attention to him.    


This round of battle was even more intense, almost no weaker than the first round.    


Not even two minutes after the competition had begun, there was actually someone killed on the spot. The one killed was none other than the non-demon general that Su Ye and the others had known.    


Everyone couldn't help but sigh. Thinking back to the time when he was not the Demon General and was the first to pass the first stage of the selection of the Myriad Profound Diagram, he was also in high spirits. Who would have thought that he would die so easily in the Demon General's competition?    


However, since they had entered the battlefield, life and death had their own destinies. No one would truly be grieving over this.    


He was not a Demon General that represented the Ancestor of Longevity. According to the rules, the Ancestor of Longevity was a high ranked Demon Lord. He had three slots to fight. After he was killed, only two remained under the Emperor's command. Su Ye and the others didn't know who the other two spots were given to, but losing one was equivalent to losing an opportunity. The chances of the Longevity Ancestor obtaining the tickets to the ancient city had greatly decreased, which was without a doubt.    


Because of the distance, they were unable to see the Ancestor's expression, but they could imagine that after personally witnessing the scene where he chose to kill the Fighting Demon General, the Ancestor's face would probably turn black.    


After that, Meng Tiantu and Yan Wutian quickly finished their battles. Their opponents were not dead, and were only heavily injured, but the two of them had achieved victory without being harmed at all. This was quite rare in the previous rounds of combat.    


It could be seen that Meng Tianzhu and Yan Wutian were considered very strong amongst the participating Demon Generals. Of course, this didn't exclude the fact that the two had relatively good luck and encountered weaker opponents.    


Then the tenth round, the thirteenth round, the fifteenth round. Su Ye no longer saw any experts he recognized, but many true heirs of Jade Fan Heavenly Sect, Cold Mountain Sword Sect and Four Symbols Sect appeared one after another. Unfortunately, all of the true heirs of the three sects had lost, causing Meng Junyao, Xin Leng, and Dao Baifeng, who were from the same sect, to be unable to help themselves from sighing.    


By the thirty-ninth round, the first day of the competition was nearing its end. Meng Junyao finally saw the true disciple Xuan Ye under her master, Evil Lord Liu Xian. Demon Elder Liu was also a mid level Demon Elder, so he had two slots for the competition, Xuan Ye and another female disciple, Feng Yan, got them at the same time.    


When Xuan Ye appeared, he was Demon Elder Liu's first opponent.    


Meng Junyao saw the figure of Demon Elder Liu Xian from afar. It was obvious that Demon Elder Liu was looking forward to this battle with Xuan Ye.    


However, what was shocking was that in less than three breaths of time, Xuan Ye had been killed by his opponent. The opponent's strength was extremely terrifying, like an ancient beast. It was vicious and didn't give Xuan Ye any chance to fight back.    


This match also set the record for the fastest death for the first thirty-nine rounds of the first day of the tournament. Such a swift death had even affected the other contenders in the same round, causing them to be taken aback. Some of them even admitted defeat on the spot, their minds in turmoil. This was the first time they had voluntarily admitted defeat since the start of the tournament.    


Meng Junyao's beautiful face turned white, her eyes filled with fear, "Su Ye, can you deal with that person?"    


She was talking about Xuan Ye's opponent, a bald man who was originally unassuming but now exuded a tyrannical aura.    


Su Ye smiled indifferently, "I don't know if he has fought or not, but of course, if you need me to kill him, he will definitely die!"    


Meng Junyao clenched her teeth, and said fiercely: "Then if it's possible, I hope that you can help me kill him!"    


This was the first time Meng Junyao took the initiative to make a request to Su Ye.    


This did not mean that Meng Junyao was saddened by Xuan Ye's death, but in reality, her relationship with him was not that close. The main reason was that Xuan Ye's death caused her to see the shocked expression on Evil Immortal Liu's face.    


She and Evil Lord Liu Xian could not be considered master and disciple, and in order to form an alliance with the Demon Lord behind Qi Yunfeng, he even used her as a tool for marriage. After all, she had been under Evil Lord Liu Xian's tutelage for 40,000 years, and she had indeed received a lot of teachings from him.    


Su Ye did not hesitate either, nodding and saying: "Alright!"    


After which, he cast a glance at the bald man, as though trying to memorise his aura. However, he didn't know that at this moment, on the other side, Demon Elder Crane Top was smiling from ear to ear. He said to the white-backed clansman beside him in a complacent manner, "Did you see that? From the moment Tyrannical Ambition appeared in front of the original body, the original body knew that although this fellow didn't seem like much on the surface, he was actually hiding a ferocious killing power. This is absolutely the highest killing power of this million top Demon Generals! "    


So the bald man's name was Tyranny. He was actually one of the three Fighting Demon Generals under the command of Demon Elder Crane.    


The white-backed clansmen were all shocked by Tyrannical Ambition's strength. They hurriedly flattered Demon Marshall Crane, praising him for his cleverness, saying that such a fierce expert would have slipped away if Demon Elder Crane had not personally chosen him.    


In fact, during the selection, the Devil Lord Crane also asked his subordinates to take care of it. However, his underlings were clearly lacking in eyesight. When Tyranny appeared, they were prepared to block the unremarkable Tyranny from the entrance. Fortunately, Demon Elder Crane personally made the decision for Tyranny.    


However, Demon Marshall Crane was still a bit dissatisfied. He had three slots, and Tyranny was the Demon General he placed his greatest hope in. However, he was the first to come out. Many people had realized Tyranny's strength early on. It wouldn't be beautiful if they decided to go against him.    


If not for the fact that he knew that he could not hide his identity from so many high leveled and top-tier Demon Generals, he really wanted to hide everything from them and have his three Demon Generals change their battle order so that Tyranny could remain.    


However, there was no point in saying anything now. If he leaked it, it would mean he leaked it. He could only continue to increase his confidence in Tyranny.    


However, he suddenly thought of something else. Liu Yan's Demon General participating in the battle hadn't made his move. It had already been thirty-nine rounds, yet he still hadn't appeared.    


Thinking about this, he couldn't help but look at Liu Yan from afar, sneering to himself in his heart. A mere lowly maid, yet she still dared to resist. You had better pray that the Demon General you chose is strong or lucky enough, otherwise I will definitely let you experience what is called despair!    


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