An Ultimate Martial Art



If the original Eternal Heaven and Earth was only a battle between ancient races and celestial race, and there were occasionally one or two large or small wars, where most of the time, the Eternal Heaven and Earth would still be able to maintain a balance, then at this moment, everyone was panicking.    


It was as if an agreement had been made. Whether it was the heavenly clan, or the ancient clan, or even the hidden clan that had always been hidden in some unknown time and place, the truth about the destruction of the previous era of the Eternal Heaven and Earth suddenly spread out.    


Only almost 90% of the cultivators knew that many years ago, in the Eternal Heaven and Earth, there was an incomparably resplendent era. In that era, the devil gods roamed the ground, and the devil gods acted as dogs. Above the devil gods, there was a truly supreme realm called the supreme Daolord, and it was an honor for the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos to become the disciple of a supreme Daolord in that era.    


In short, the strength and prosperity of that era completely exceeded the imagination of the cultivators of today. No one could describe that era with words. That era was infinitely great.    


However, such an era was destroyed by a group of foreign experts. In the eyes of the foreign experts, the living beings of the Eternal Heaven and Earth, from the supreme Daolords to the ants, were all sinners and deserved to die a thousand deaths.    


The group of foreign experts crossed over and directly slashed Eternal Heaven and Earth. After a massacre that almost destroyed Eternal Heaven and Earth, the group of foreign experts left complacently.    


The life forms of the Eternal Heaven and Earth only survived because there was a mysterious power protecting the survivors at that time.    


If it was just this, then forget it. The calamity that occurred countless years ago was simply too far away for the cultivators of today. Other than being shocked, many people didn't have much of a feeling. At most, they treated this part of history as a secret message and did what they needed to do after being shocked.    


However, there was another, even more frightening piece of news at the end of the message.    


The message said that around 500 million years ago, there was a World Exterminator who once again crossed the Star Path. His goal was to check if there were any more dead spirits in the Eternal Heaven and Earth who had resurrected. Luckily, the Illusory Night Demon Sect of the Illusionary God Clan had discovered it in time.    


Therefore, the Illusory Night Demon God hurriedly gathered dozens of ancient and heavenly demon gods to join forces to kill the destroyers. Unfortunately, that Annihilator was simply too powerful, and even the combined strength of dozens of Illusory Night Demon God couldn't kill him. Only by risking both their lives could they barely suppress him in the Demon God Ancient City built by the Illusory Night Demon God.    


Afterwards, the Illusory Night Demon God and dozens of other demon gods fell into a deep slumber due to severe injuries. Those who weren't asleep joined forces to lay down a grand sealing formation in the ancient Demon God City.    


Hundreds of millions of years had passed, but the Illusory Night Demon Sect had not been able to completely exterminate the World Exterminating Demon. Instead, they had been injured by the reviving World Exterminating Demon God and had been waiting for the opportunity to escape from their imprisonment. Right now, the World Exterminator had already escaped from the Illusory God Forest, and was hiding in a corner of the Eternal Heaven and Earth, silently healing his injuries.    


And the so called World Destroyer was one of the mysterious experts from the Primordial Era that had destroyed the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


The moment this news was released, many people were unable to remain calm.    


A World Exterminating Elder who could not be killed by the combined forces of dozens of Demon Gods had actually reappeared in the Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


Even though he was injured, and severely. However, if they didn't find him and kill him in time, it was certain that the World Destroyer would come back. If the World Exterminator raised his blade against Eternal Heaven and Earth again, wouldn't that mean he was dead for sure?    


If the world exterminator lured other world exterminators over, would the Eternal Heaven and Earth have any chance of survival?    


That year, it was because of a mysterious power protecting the survivors that the life forms of the Eternal Heaven and Earth were able to continue. Who could be sure that this mysterious power would still exist countless years later?    


"We're finished, Eternal Heaven and Earth is finished ?"    


Pessimism and fear spread throughout the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth. Eighty percent of the cultivators in the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth fell into despair.    


In this situation, everyone felt they were too busy to care for themselves, so how could they be in the mood to pay attention to anything else? Even the matter of the Nine-headed Race chasing and killing Su Ye was left unsettled.    


? ?.    


In the southeastern part of Wan Yu Union, about three hundred thousand kilometers away from the border of the Crimson Dragon Tomb, there was a nameless Desolate Valley. In fact, this place was not that remote. Every day, countless cultivators would pass by here. There would even be occasional battles between cultivators that would affect this place, destroying the rocky cliffs of the valley and causing a huge mess.    


However, no one noticed that there was a layer of invisible restrictions surrounding the valley, isolating the valley from the world of Yin and Yang.    


In the eyes of a normal person, even though the Desolate Valley was just one side of the sun, it was also the real side. And beneath the restrictive spells, there was an illusory world that was like the shadow of a desolate valley.    


This illusory world existed just like the valleys themselves. Every single flower, every single grass, and even every single grain of sand was exactly the same.    


Just in this unreal Desolate Valley, Su Ye, Su Qingwu, Head of the Illusionary Void Clan, Nie Jiyuan, and Thousand God Shura, the five of them had already lived here for a whole two years and eight months.    


Three years ago, after Su Ye went on a rampage in the Black Panther City, he knew that the Nine-headed Clan would definitely go crazy, so he decisively concealed himself and brought Su Qingwu and the others to the Crimson Dragon Tomb.    


The Inhibition Formation used to isolate the Wasteland Valley was called the Yin Yang Sky Splitting Forbidden Technique, which came from the Greenwood Legacy. It was a high level forbidden technique created by the Sword God of the Greenwood Tree, and with Su Ye's strength, unless the top-notch Demon Elder determined that there was something wrong with the Wasteland Valley and spent his energy to break it, he would not be able to discover the problem.    


However, in this chaotic area of the Crimson Dragon Tomb, there were simply too many of these barren valleys. Just which peak Demon Lord would be so bored as to dig such a desolate valley out of nothing?    


Just like this, with the help of the Yin Yang Heaven Splitting Hex, while countless people were frantically searching for them, Su Ye had actually taken Su Qingwu and the other three to hide in the Desolate Valley, leisurely cultivating without worry.    


After entering the Desolate Valley, the first thing Su Ye wanted to do was to share the inheritance with Su Qingwu and the others. Unfortunately, he discovered that although the inheritance was good, it wasn't completely compatible with Su Qingwu and the other three, and he couldn't replicate all three large parts of the Demon God Inheritance, so he could only choose a part of the inheritance that was more suitable for them, giving it to each of them.    


Then, they started to supply the Water of Chaos s in large quantities so that the four of them could cultivate faster and cultivate their own systems and backgrounds.    


After arranging their affairs, Su Ye himself began his closed door cultivation as well, officially starting the path of the He Dao Demon Elder.    


During the process of opening the He Dao Demon Elder, he had first opened up his own world. Su Ye already had this point, it was just that the heavenly passage world he opened up was too low level, and its potential was limited.    


Therefore, the first thing Su Ye did was to take out the Spirit medicine great world and fuse it with his own heavenly passage world.    


This process required one to completely integrate their own origin with the dragon-shaped essence of the Spiritual Medicine Great World. Only then would they be able to unite the two worlds to form a true heavenly passage world with limitless potential.    


Naturally, this was not easy.    


However, once they were in the Desolate Valley, Su Ye did not need to worry about any danger anymore, and he was not in a rush either. Naturally, they would also leisurely proceed, and would occasionally take the initiative to stop and rest for a while, observing the training of Su Qingwu and the other three, helping them to correct their mistakes.    


He would stealthily and stealthily leave the valley for a few days, changing his face to go to the Red Dragon Tomb to inquire about the Nine-headed Race and also gather some information that he was concerned about. For this reason, even though he was cultivating in seclusion, he was actually not cut off from the outside world.    


In order to establish himself in the Crimson Dragon Tomb, he had even started setting up his plans a year ago. He had already paid attention to a few people that he valued more, secretly taking them in and giving them resources and techniques to help them increase their cultivation as quickly as possible so that he could grasp as much power and territory.    


Three years had quietly passed by, and Su Ye and the rest had trained for more than two years without distractions in the Desolate Valley.    


First of all, with the help of the Demon God's inheritance, Su Qingwu and the other three had a clear path of cultivation. Each of them had a relatively clear system prototype, and their cultivation rose sharply, breaking through to the Demon General Realm, especially for Su Qingwu, who had reached the second stage.    


Although their cultivation was merely that of a first or second stage Demon General and was considered to be at the bottom among the Demon Generals, in reality, with the guidance of the Demon God's inheritance, the system they established was extremely strong. The quality of the Demon General's Divine Powers they cultivated was extremely high, not one bit inferior to a normal Demon Elder's Divine Powers.    


As a result, their combat strength was also extremely high. It was hard to say if they could fight against ordinary Demon Generals, but they were definitely not a match for the Demon Generals. Even three or five of the so-called peerless Demon Generals would not be enough for them to deal with.    


To the four of them, this was an evolution akin to rebirth. Because of this, the four of them became more confident, more confident than they ever had been. After knowing that there were two paths to promotion to the Demon Lord, they made the same choice without hesitation. In the future, they would definitely follow the same path as Su Ye, and although this path would be extremely difficult, and would take a long time, they would have a deep foundation and limitless potential. Through this path, they would be able to forge a Demon God Realm, which was the true Demon God Realm.    


Su Ye naturally supported their choice as well. In order to let them be confident, Su Ye was not stingy with his support. Other than the support of a large number of Water of Chaos, he also unceasingly took out suitable materials from the three pieces of the Legacy of the Demon God, and transferred them.    


As Su Ye himself, his progress was extremely good.    


The fusion of his own origin energy with the dragon-shaped original veins of the Spiritual Medicine Great World was not slow at all. Now, he had already reached ninety-seven percent, and was only missing the last bit to completely fuse them. Therefore, Su Ye decided to just go back to the Desolate Valley and start his final breakthrough in seclusion ?    


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