An Ultimate Martial Art



Su Ye's expression became heavy, but his doubts remained.    


I can understand the pressure faced by you Dark Clansmen, but I still don't understand. Since you guys are under such pressure, why don't you directly form alliances with the Eternal Heaven Clan and Sky Clan?    


"Although I'm not alone, I don't have much power or influence. I'm even worse than the Eternal and Heavenly Clans. Cooperation with me doesn't seem to be of much use to you, right?"    


"Or do you value the fact that my power is weak and easy to control?"    


Su Ye's words were harsh, but the two hidden clan Demon Honored Warriors' expressions changed on the spot. The two of them knew what kind of role Su Ye was going to play. If they didn't completely put Su Ye at ease, even if there was a slight gap in their hearts, it would be a disaster for the hidden clansmen.    


The blue-clothed Demon Marshall quickly said, "Fellow Daoist Su, you can't say that. The hidden clans do not have any intentions of controlling Fellow Daoist Su. On the contrary, we should say that our hidden races have requests for you."    


"You need something from me? Heh, this is quite new ? "Then tell me, what can I help you with?" Su Ye laughed in surprise. It was obvious that he couldn't quite believe what the blue-clothed Demon Elder had said.    


The blue-clothed Demon Lord said, "Like you said, in dealing with the World Destroyer, the Hidden Clan should have teamed up with the Ancient and Heavenly Clans, and there should have been a lot of these voices within the Hidden Clan. This is because the World Destroyer is powerful, and should have teamed up with the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth to fight against them. But in truth, I absolutely cannot ? "    


"Why is that? Prejudice? Or do you guys not trust the Sky Clan and the Ancient Race? " Su Ye did not relax at all, and followed up to ask.    


"To be exact, I'm worried."    


"Originally, we had really planned on revealing the existence of the World Exterminator in the Demon Sound Valley to the public. We had joined forces with the Ancient and Sky races to exterminate the World exterminator."    


"But who would have thought that we would discover that there seems to be a group of World Destroyers hidden in other parts of the Eternal Heaven and Earth. Furthermore, they have already secretly taken control of a portion of the Eternal Heaven Clan, and they are likely to be a large clan from the ancient clans. The ancient clans are like this, but the Sky Clan, who can say for sure that they aren't controlled by the World Destroyer? "    


"What?" Was there such a thing? This is not a small matter, do you have evidence? " Su Ye's face changed.    


Honestly speaking, Su Ye did not have a good impression of the Ancient Clan. Su Ye was not used to his arrogant attitude of being the master of a Eternal Heaven and Earth. Therefore, he had killed quite a few people since ancient times. However, this did not mean that he was completely excluded from fighting against the world exterminators.    


But now that the hidden clan Demon Elder had revealed such a news, it was as if he had given Su Ye a huge warning. If the news was true, then the ancient people would have a hard time believing it. But the question is, is this true?    


The blue-clothed devil sighed, "So far, there is no reliable evidence, but ?"    


Su Ye could not help but frown. Without evidence, what was there to say?    


Without evidence, who should he trust?    


However, the blue-clothed Demon Lord's words changed as he spoke of another secret.    


Tens of millions of years ago, there was a small clan from the ancient clans called the Xiangyang Clan. The Xiangyang Clan did not have a great reputation among the ancient clans, and did not have a great reputation.    


The Xiangyang clan could be considered to have many friends in the clan, but they had somehow offended the Nine-headed Race's clan leader. In the end, the Nine-headed Race gathered many experts to surround and attack the Xiangyang clan, exterminating the entire clan in one night. Even the great Xiangyang clan had to flee with heavy injuries.    


Su Ye had heard of this during the Demon General Competition in the ancient city, but he did not put it to heart. He only thought that the Nine-headed Race was suppressing the Xiangyang Clan intentionally, or had taken a fancy to some sort of treasure among the Xiangyang Clan.    


But the Blue Robed Demon had now brought up this matter in a respectful manner, which Su Ye could not help but pay attention to.    


"Could it be that the attack from Reverend Xiangyang was related to the exterminator?"    


The blue-clothed Demon Sovereign gave a cold laugh, "Back then, when the ancient clans besieged the Xiangyang Clan, there was quite a bit of commotion. Everyone thought that the great Xiangyang Clan leader they besieged fled with heavy injuries, then hid somewhere to recuperate and rebuild the Xiangyang Clan. However, tens of millions of years have passed. "Unfortunately, there isn't."    


Su Ye's heart was moved: "Could it be that Great Honored Xiangyang did not escape at that time, and was instead killed?"    


The blue-clothed Demon Elder said, "That's right, Great Honored Xiangyang did not flee. It should be more accurate to say that Great Honored Xiangyang was killed by a Fiendgod Primordial Chaos when he escaped the encirclement of the Nine-headed Clan Patriarch and the other peak rank 12 Demon Masters. "    


Back then, a demon god from the hidden clans happened to go out and detected the presence of a demon god, so we hid and paid attention to him. We happened to witness the demon god secretly killing Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, but unfortunately, in order to not arouse their attention, the lord from the hidden clans didn't dare to get too close, so we didn't know which demon god actually killed Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang.    


"But think about it. What did Honored Warrior Xiangyang do to arouse the demonic god's killing intent and make it so that he would not hesitate to personally kill him?" What's even stranger is that the demon god still acted in secret, as if he was afraid that others would find out.    


"Because of this, when our Lord Demon God from the hidden realm returned, we sent people to investigate this matter in secret. In the end, they discovered that the clansmen were actually chasing after the remnants of the Xiangyang clan. Their ruthless actions were completely aimed at wiping out the blood of the Xiangyang clan. What grudge did they have for them to have been so ruthless? "    


"Afterwards, I, a hidden clan member, seized an opportunity to save a heavily injured and dying Xiangyang clan member. Only then did we learn the truth from his mouth, so the reason why the Xiangyang clan was destroyed was because the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang had inadvertently obtained news of the ancient clan colluding with the world's exterminator."    


"At that time, Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang told the Patriarch of the Nine-headed Race about this because he had a good relationship with the Nine-headed Race. He hoped that the Nine-headed Race would step in and exterminate those who colluded with them. Who would've thought that not long after, they would be killed by the Nine-headed Race instead. "    


Su Ye's eyes turned cold, "The Eternal who colluded with the World Exterminator was the Nine-headed Race? Could the words of the Xiangyang clan be trusted? Could he be trying to use someone else's hand to take revenge for the extermination of the clan and purposely frame the Nine-headed Race? "    


The blue-clothed Demon Lord said, "We also have the same suspicions. It's a pity that the Xiangyang clan member died that year after revealing the truth. His injuries were too severe and he was unable to rescue him. We were unable to find out more about the situation." "With such a big problem, we, the hidden clansmen, have no choice but to investigate it ourselves. Unfortunately, the Xiangyang clansmen were all killed and we have nothing more to show for it."    


"And then we noticed something. After the Xiangyang clan was exterminated, some of the Devil Sovereigns that were on good terms with them died on and off. They either died at the hands of their enemies, or something went wrong with their cultivation, or they went into some ancient ruin and never came out. I don't think this can be a coincidence ?"    


Su Ye could not help but become silent, if that was really the case, then it could not be considered a coincidence. Those who were on good terms with Venerable Xiangyang were killed one by one. They were probably silenced. The Nine-headed Race sure are ruthless. They won't let a fish out of the net.    


In this way, the collusion between the Nine-headed Race and the Annihilator was certain. Therefore the problem arose. The Nine-headed Race was the number one race in the Eternal Realm, and even the Nine-headed Race had colluded with the Annihilator. As for the other ancient races, who could be sure that their asses were clean?    


As a result, it was reasonable that the hidden clansmen did not dare to trust the Eternal and Heavenly Clans. They were afraid that if they could not get reinforcements, they would lure the wolf into the house.    


"Then what do you want me to do?" Su Ye asked again.    


"Fellow Taoist Su, I won't hide the fact that the person who asked for your cooperation is Lord Supreme Star Origin. The reason Lord Supreme Star Origin paid attention to you is because of your performance in the Demon General Competition." The most important thing is that we also investigated your background. Although we still have our suspicions regarding Fellow Daoist Su's extremely quick improvement in cultivation, we can confirm that Fellow Daoist Su has nothing to do with the Destroyer Realm. "    


"So, the exalted Star Origin Lord asked for you to cooperate with us, the hidden clan. He wanted you to use your status as the spokesperson of the hidden clan in the outside world to try your best to take over the territory and build up a force."    


"After that, through the screening process, they would select a few people to enter the hidden realm and prepare for the battle against the world exterminator in the future."    


The blue-clothed Archdevil frankly stated the hidden clan's purpose.    


Su Ye raised his brows, "According to what you have said, the Hidden Clan is preparing to have me as a lackey? If you really know anything about me, you should know that I'm not a man who wants to be a savior. "    


"To put it bluntly, I will deal with the World Destroyer. I will not compromise with the World Destroyer. But the reason I fought the Annihilator was for myself, not for others. If you want me to play the role of saving the world with the hidden clans, I'm afraid you have found the wrong person. "    


Su Ye rejected her without hesitation.    


He was not stupid. Agreeing to the cooperation of the hidden clans was the same as pushing himself to the heart of the struggle. If a member of the hidden clan didn't appear in the Eternal Heaven and Earth for countless of years, but now openly pushed him to the throne, then it was no different from provoking the sensitive nerves of the ancient clans and celestial race. In the end, he would definitely be suppressed by the alliance of the ancient clans and Sky Clan.    


Without time to cultivate, one's strength would not be able to improve. When the world exterminator appeared in large numbers, how could he protect his life?    


If that was the case, he might as well rely on himself, it would be for the best if he could quickly raise his cultivation, if not, at worst he could just pack up his things and bring his own people to escape, leaving Eternal Heaven and Earth, he did not believe, that the World Destroyer was truly so capable, he could find him in so many different universes.    


One had to know that the stability of a single universe in space, in terms of material being, was far inferior to that of the Eternal Heaven and Earth. However, the vastness of many of the large universes was greater than that of the Eternal Heaven and Earth, not to mention that the universe beyond the Primal Chaos Dimension was hundreds of thousands of times more stable than that of the Eternal Heaven and Earth. Finding a person in the tens of thousands of universe was even more terrifying than searching for a needle in a haystack.    


The blue-clothed Demon Marshall was not surprised by Su Ye's reaction. He smiled and said, "Dao Friend Su, don't be in such a hurry to reject him. Our Hidden Clan knows that this matter is too difficult for you.    


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