Be A Millionaire Overnight

C437 Robbing Customers

C437 Robbing Customers

"Hello everyone, I am Wan Qian, the person in charge of Qiantong Group. He recently acquired a shipyard and stopped ten cargo ships at a nearby dock. Moreover, Mo Capital and the mainland also had their own logistics line. If you don't mind, you can leave the goods with me. No storage and freight charges. I just want to be friends with everyone. "    


At this moment, Wan Qian suddenly came forward and said. It attracted everyone's attention one after another. Seeing this yellow-skinned, black-haired young man with big eyes and big hair, the young man's words were extremely bold.    


Moreover, he seemed to have heard of the name of Qiantong Group. It should be possible for his name to appear in the last few spots on the World Wealth List.    


"Wan Qian!" Don't you dare go too far! "    


When the workers at the pier saw the boss of Qiantong Group personally come up to snatch the business, they shouted in exasperation.    


Who dares to bully you? If you can't even deal with the basic transportation capacity by operating a pier, what's the use of having all of you? "    


Wan Qian's words rendered them speechless for a long time.    


Because everything he said was the truth.    


The most important function of a wharf was to transport foreign goods all over the country, allowing the goods to circulate. This was the embodiment of the wharf's cargo circulation function.    


Now that there was no transportation function, it was like a cannon without wheels. No matter how many goods were hoarded, it would be of no use. Instead, it spoils the profitability of others.    


The foreign friends saw that Wan Qian was very reasonable and confident, so they decided to contact him: "Hey, young man. "You said that you have a pier to transport you?"    


"Not only are there docks that can transport goods, but they can also transport goods from your country to here for free."    


Wan Qian said to them with a smile.    


The foreign friends present all expressed their surprise when they heard Wan Qian's reply. How could there be such a good thing?    


It has to be known, Fong Tianji's previous fleet had to pay a high price to transport goods everywhere. And once they reached the Mo Capital, they would have to pay a large amount of money if they continued to transport them. Furthermore, he had also received a sum of money from Mo Capital Port's storage of goods.    


There was nothing he could do …    


He was the only one doing port business in Mo Capital, it could be said to be a monopoly. And since Mo Capital was an important port in the mainland, they had no choice but to accept high prices. Otherwise, such a big market would be gone.    


However, Wan Qian seemed to have saved both their fees. As for the storage …    


"What about storage?"    


A foreign friend was very interested,    


However, he thought Wan Qian would do something about the storage fee, so he asked directly.    


"No storage fee."    


Wan Qian shook his head and said with a smile.    


"No storage fees!?"    


Everyone around was shocked. One of the most important functions of a large port with a throughput of millions of tons is storage. Because the quantity was too great, it was impossible to eat them all in one go. So I need a transition station to digest it slowly.    


This was the consensus of all ports, and the truth.    


At the same time, this arrangement was beneficial for the port as well, as it allowed for an additional storage fee.    


But for Wan Qian, he didn't expect the program to make money, so he saved it directly. Send a special logistics team to wait at the port to receive fresh goods to be transported directly to all parts of the country.    


It could also be considered a differential operation between the logistics company and other logistics companies.    


"What kind of joke is this?" You saved such a large sum of money just like that? "    


Foreign friends didn't seem to believe it. However, Wan Qian would use his strength to prove that what he said was true.    


"I've said what I had to say. If you still want to see your goods stink here, then leave it here. "    


With that, Wan Qian jumped down from the dock and walked towards his own boat.    


Actually, the pier is public. Everyone can use it. However, most people did not have so many ships and could not receive so much cargo from the outside so they could not use the dock.    


Fong Tianji was responsible for all of this before. As time passed, he felt that the pier was his. He had taken it all for himself.    


Now, Wan Qian was the first one to stand out and fight with him for the market. Not only did he have the intention, but he also had the ability.    


It was just like what they had discussed in secret. The upper echelons didn't allow the lower echelons to rise as they pleased. It would definitely hit them.    


Only Wan Qian seemed to be one of the bugs. Wealth is amazing and business is very different from others.    


Everyone else was after the profits, and he seemed to be after the costs. The more expensive it is to do something, the better.    


The existing merchants did not think highly of this method of manipulation. He didn't think that it would last long.    


But it turned out they were wrong. Not only was he able to persevere for a long time, he was also able to develop more and more. This made them admire Wan Qian.    


To have such wealth and courage at such a young age.    


Most importantly, unlike the rich and powerful from before, he did not monopolize the upper echelons of society. Instead, he used his own efforts and methods to help the lower class slowly ascend to the upper class. This broke the previous monopoly of the nobility.    


This was where the people below him truly thanked Wan Qian.    


Wan Qian came to the dock at the side. He saw the staff of the dock smoking together with Chu Hai, looking out at the sea with a happy expression. It seemed like they had already fought for the past few days.    


Chu Hai was telling them about the interesting and thrilling events that had occurred during his voyage. The people at the docks were so envious that they wished they could take them with them on the next voyage.    


"Director Wan, you came."    


When Chu Hai saw Wan Qian coming over, he quickly put out the cigarette and said.    


Wan Qian, who only heard the boss mention Qiantong Group before, was a little disdainful.    


However, recently, as he got along with the workers at the dock, including the news he heard when he went out of the city, he found out that Wan Qian wasn't as simple as he thought.    


Much of what he did was not just about money. Most of the time, it wasn't even because of the money.    


This made Chu Hai respect Wan Qian even more. He felt like a good boss worth following.    


"What are you talking about?"    


Wan Qian asked Chu Hai with a smile.    


I should be more or less done by now. Chu Hai's body seemed to have gained weight again.    


A ship needs tens of millions to replenish the oil and cargo. Ten ships required over a billion for a single replenishment. These costs were all borne by Wan Qian.    


"Oh, nothing, just a casual chat. Oh yeah, Director Wan, when can we start working? "My crew members are all on the verge of stopping."    


Chu Hai asked.    


During this time, many of the crew members had come to inquire when Chu Hai would set sail. He couldn't wait to serve Wan Qian.    


After all, he had taken so much money from others, yet he was still doing nothing. He felt somewhat uneasy in his heart.    


Every time, Chu Hai used the excuse of waiting a little longer to fend off his subordinates. He didn't know when Wan Qian would be able to get business.    


He had heard of the competition at the Mo Capital ports. Right now, it was the time for Wan Qian and Fong Tianji to fight over the territory, so there was a variable in everything.    


"Very quickly."    


After Wan Qian spoke, more than a dozen speedboats appeared on the sea. They were the foreign friends that were at the port nearby and wanted to have a look at the situation here.    


When they arrived nearby, they found out that these ten ships were all standard international cargo ships, and their throughput was much higher than Fong Tianji's. Furthermore, its safety factor was even higher. It could even be used as an assault ship.    


A ship like this would not be robbed by pirates while traveling on the sea. Because the losses were too great.    


So international freight people like to find ships like this one. But usually only the royal family could afford it. Generally, the company's goods can only be transported by ordinary ships.    


He never thought that Wan Qian would actually be able to get a ship like that to transport goods, and even promised to do so for free. This made their hearts beat faster.    


"Mr. Wan, we are from Yiguo. From now on, we want to go in and out of your port. What are the specific conditions?"    


The first person to arrive at the port had landed and spoke to Wan Qian.    


"Just like I said, the transportation is free, there's no need to stock up. The goods will be delivered on the same day."    


Wan Qian said confidently.    


"I don't understand what Mr. Wan said. "Like this, how are you going to earn money?"    


A friend of Yi Guo asked.    


At this moment, more than a dozen of his foreign friends also came ashore one after another. They stood to the side and listened to Wan Qian's transportation standards.    


"I don't need to ask for money to make it, I just need you all to do a recommendation for me when Qiantong Group is in my own country. I will definitely thank you. "    


As Wan Qian said this, he opened up a face to face red packet that was worth ten billion yuan. It could be used by everyone to sweep the place for red packets.    


A dozen foreign friends looked at each other, unable to believe how generous this young man in front of them was. Ten billion yuan was already paid for the first meeting.    


The dozen or so people received, on average, one person's red packet worth more than a billion yuan. Not only did this trip solve the problem of the new port, it also solved the problem of obtaining billions of red packets. He was overjoyed.    


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