Revenging Son-in-law

C308 Strange

C308 Strange

Qin Yuan decided to bring Wei Ziqing and Fool Man to the little girl's house to rest for the night. They would go up the mountain again tomorrow morning.    


When Qin Yuan arrived at the foot of the mountain, he found that the sky above the mountain was filled with dark clouds. This was definitely an ominous sign.    


However, Huang Yiqiu and the others didn't think it was a big deal. They looked at them with disdain and then decided to go up the mountain. However, what they didn't expect was that just as Huang Yiqiu and the other two were about to step into the mountain... All of a sudden, the little girl ran over and grabbed Zhang Gaang's arm. "Uncle, don't go into the mountain. It's too dangerous in the mountain. You should rest at my house for the night. "    


Zhang Gaang said impatiently, "No need. We are not cowards. With Master Huang here, what's there to be afraid of?"    


However, the little girl did not give up. She kept grabbing Zhang Gaang's arm and repeated, "Uncle, come to my house to rest for the night. My grandfather and I are lonely at home. Just treat it as accompanying us."    


Zhang Gaang's temper flared up. He actually raised his hand and slapped the little girl to the ground. Then he pointed at her and scolded loudly, "You little bastard. I already said I won't go or not. If you dare to pester me again, don't blame me for being rude to you."    


The little girl cried out loudly. That slap was not light, and it directly made half of the little girl's face swell up.    


Wei Ziqing could not stand it anymore and said, "Zhang Gaang, how can you attack a child?"    


Zhang Gaang said, "Who asked her to pester me. She is looking for a beating."    


Qin Yuan frowned and did not say anything.    


Huang Yiqiu said, "Alright, stop messing around. Zhang Gaang, let's go into the mountain quickly. Don't waste time here."    


So, the three of them were about to go up the mountain, but after a few steps, they suddenly realized that the sky had darkened.    


"Not good." Huang Yiqiu and the other two stopped in their tracks. Then, they raised their heads and looked at the dark clouds above the mountain.    


After all, Huang Yiqiu was an old senior who had come to the Changbai Mountain once. Therefore, he frowned and said, "There are more and more dark clouds here. I'm afraid that something powerful is causing trouble on the mountain. This was a bad omen and also an ominous omen. Just like the last time we came. "    


Huang Yiqiu then sighed. "Forget it. To be safe, we should rest for the night and go up the mountain tomorrow morning."    


Zhang Gaang said, "Senior Huang, what are you afraid of? We're here to catch the Ginseng Spirit, there's nothing to be afraid of. "    


Huang Yiqiu glared at him.    


"Do you want to listen to me or you?"    


Zhang Gaang stopped talking.    


Huang Yiqiu looked at the little girl.    


"This is a desolate mountain range. I think we should go to this little girl's house to rest for the night."    


Wei Ziqing said, "We just deleted the slap and now we have to go to her house to rest. I'm afraid this is not appropriate."    


Zhang Gaang said, "What is not suitable?"    


Then he looked at the little girl. "Hey, little girl, lead the way for us. If you are not honest or disobedient, I will slap you."    


The little girl was so scared that her eyes widened. She turned around and went into the woods.    


Huang Yiqiu and the other two quickly followed her.    


Qin Yuan and Wei Ziqing looked at each other and followed.    


After passing through a forest, they saw a thatched hut behind the forest.    


There were three thatched huts that were connected. They were quite big, but a little too shabby.    


"This is my home." Yes, the little girl said.    


Then the little girl ran towards the thatched hut, shouting loudly as she ran, "Grandpa, grandpa, there's a guest coming. Hurry up and come out."    


Not long after, the worn-out wooden door of the thatched hut opened with a creak, and an old man walked out.    


This old man was about seventy or eighty years old. His hair and beard were all white, and he held a walking stick in his hand. He was bent and hunchbacked, looking very old.    


"Grandpa, grandpa, finally someone came. Finally, someone came to talk to us. We are no longer alone." The little girl ran over happily and said while holding the old man's hand.    


The old man looked at Qin Yuan and the others in front of him and said, "You are also going to the mountain to catch some Ginseng Spirit, right? This mountain was not ordinary. It would be very dangerous at night. No one who goes up will come down again, so you guys better stay at my house for the night. "    


Huang Yiqiu frowned. Zhang Gaang asked, "What's wrong, Senior Huang?"    


"Something doesn't seem right." Huang Yiqiu said.    


"Last time we came to Changbai Mountain, we didn't see any thatched huts or old men or this little girl. Why did they appear this time?"    


Qingqing asked, "Master, is there a problem between this old man and this little girl?"    


Huang Yiqiu took a closer look, but shook his head and said, "They don't seem to have any demonic aura on them. They just have the aura of ordinary people."    


Wei Ziqing also heard Huang Yiqiu and the others' conversation. Wei Ziqing also felt that it was a little strange. In this wilderness, how could there be an old man and a little girl living here?    


Wei Ziqing looked at Qin Yuan with an inquiring gaze.    


"Mr. Qin, should we stay here for the night?"    


Qin Yuan said, "Ziqing, do you think there is something wrong with this old man and this little girl?"    


Wei Ziqing nodded and said, "There is indeed something wrong. After all, there is no one in this wilderness. Why would there be an old man and a young man living here?"    


Qin Yuan said, "It is indeed so. But when I looked carefully just now, I found that this old man and this little girl did not have any strange Qi. They are just two ordinary people."    


"Mr. Qin, then what should we do? Should we stay here?"    


Qin Yuan said, "No matter what, I have a feeling that this old man and young man will not hurt us, so we might as well stay here for the night."    


Thinking of this, Qin Yuan walked forward and bowed to the old man, then said respectfully, "Elder, I'll be troubling you tonight."    


"It doesn't matter if it's a hindrance or not." The old man waved his hand and said.    


Zhang Gaang said impatiently, "Old man, since we are going to stay here, hurry up and prepare the bed and everything. Prepare some food for us. We have been running all day and we are starving."    


Zhang Gaang did not put the old man and the little girl in his eyes at all. Now, he only needed them. If they did not listen to him, he would just beat them to death. After all, it was a desolate mountain.    


At this moment, the little girl pointed at Zhang Gaang and said, "Grandpa, this person hit me just now."    


Hearing this, the old man was stunned, but he did not pursue the matter. Instead, a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes. Then he said, "Alright, follow me in."    


Thus, the few of them followed the old man and the little girl into the thatched hut.    


Wei Ziqing quietly said to Qin Yuan, "Mr. Qin, that old man seems to love his granddaughter, but when his granddaughter told him that she was beaten up by Zhang Gaang, why didn't that old man react at all?"    


Qin Yuan said, "That old man did not have any reaction, but... I have a feeling."    


"What premonition?"    


"Zhang Gaang is going to be unlucky." Qin Yuan said.    


"Eh? What do you mean?" Wei Ziqing was somewhat puzzled.    


Qin Yuan did not answer her question. He just smiled and said in a low voice, "Let's wait and see. This trip to Changbai Mountain is getting more and more interesting."    


After following the old man and the little girl into the thatched hut, they found that the space inside was actually quite big.    


Although it was very simple inside, it was very clean. Each room had a bed, which was enough for them to use.    


The old man also prepared some food for them. Although it was very simple, it was enough to fill their stomachs.    


After eating, the old man said, "You guys should rest early. We still have to enter the mountain early tomorrow morning. However, I have a few words to remind you guys."    


"If you enter the mountain tomorrow, you will see a huge pool in the middle of the mountain peak. There were four dragon heads in the east, west, south, and north directions of the pond, which corresponded to four directions. The mouths of the 94 dragon heads are constantly flowing water, beside the pond is a big tree. The branches and leaves were luxuriant, I advise everyone not to approach the pond. Furthermore, do not touch the four dragon heads on the four sides of the pool, much less touch that large tree. Otherwise, a great disaster will happen. "    


Zhang Gaang shouted in dissatisfaction, "Old man, what do you mean by saying that you are confused? What pool are you talking about? What dragon head?"    


The old man shook his head and said, "Heaven's secrets cannot be divulged."    


Then, the old man led the little girl to another room.    


The few of them went to rest separately. Before they knew it, it was already dawn.    


After dawn, they prepared to enter the mountain. However, they discovered that the old man and the little girl had disappeared without a trace.    


"Strange, last night, this old man and young man were still here. Why did they disappear in the morning?" Zhang Gaang muttered, because he originally wanted to ask the old man to prepare some food to fill his stomach before entering the mountain. But after shouting for a long time, he really did not see the old man and the little girl.    


"Forget it. Let's go into the mountain first." Huang Yiqiu said.    


And so, the group entered the mountain.    


Huang Yiqiu, Zhang Gaang, and Qingqing walked in front of them, purposely increasing the distance between them and Qin Yuan.    


Qin Yuan and the other two walked behind Huang Yiqiu and the other two. Wei Ziqing said with some dissatisfaction, "I really misjudged him. I thought that Huang Yiqiu was a respectable senior. I never thought that this person would be so arrogant. They are trying to get rid of us on purpose. "    


As soon as she finished speaking, Fool Man suddenly started laughing. While laughing, he pointed a finger at Zhang Gaang who was not far away.    


"Hehehehe, little girl, so cute..."    


Wei Ziqing was shocked when she heard this.    


"What little girl? Silly, don't talk nonsense. That's obviously Zhang Gaang. What little girl is there?"    


Qin Yuan felt that something was wrong. He asked Fool Man, "Silly, what did you see?"    


Fool Man still raised his finger. Zhang Gaang in front of him laughed and said, "Master, little girl, I saw that little girl."    


"Eh? You mean the little girl from last night?"    


Fool Man nodded with a silly smile and continued, "Yes, Master. She's so cute. The little girl is so cute."    


Wei Ziqing was shocked.    


"What little girl? Where is she? Why didn't I see her? Mr. Qin, can you see it? "    


Qin Yuan shook his head." I didn't see it either, but I don't think Silly Er was lying. "    


Then he continued to ask Fool Man, "Silly Er, tell us where the little girl you saw is now. The exact location. "    


"She's on Zhang Gaang's back. She's lying on his back. Hehehe. The little girl turned around to look at me. She's still smiling at me."    


I felt dizzy. When I heard this, not only Wei Ziqing, but even Qin Yuan felt a chill run down his spine.    


"Silly Er means that the little girl is currently lying on Zhang Gaang's back and smiling at him. But we can't see her at all. Could it be that she has seen a ghost?" Wei Ziqing said.    


At this point, Zhang Gaang, who was walking in front, suddenly shouted.    


"Ah... What is it?" Zhang Gaang stopped in his tracks and raised his hand to slap his own neck.    


Huang Yiqiu and Qingqing also stopped.    


"What's wrong, Zhang Gaang? What are you screaming for? You scared me." Qingqing said.    


"Someone was biting my neck just now." Zhang Gaang's hand was still touching his neck.    


Qingqing said, "It's broad daylight. What nonsense are you talking about? Who would bite your neck? There's clearly nothing in your neck."    


"I know there's nothing, but I clearly felt someone bite my neck just now."    


Huang Yiqiu's sharp eyes immediately saw a small bite mark on Zhang Gaang's neck.    


"Don't move. Let me see." Huang Yiqiu walked over and took a closer look. Indeed, it was a bite mark of a person, and at first glance, it seemed to be a child's.    


"How could this be?" A surprised expression appeared on Qingqing's face.    


"There was clearly no one just now, so how could someone bite a bite mark on your neck? Master, could it be... could it be that you saw a ghost?"    


"What the hell is in broad daylight?" Huang Yiqiu said. Although he said so, he still looked around vigilantly. He then reminded, "But this mountain is really strange. The last time we came here, many strange things happened. Qingqing, Zhang Gaang, you two have to be careful."    


Zhang Gaang and Qingqing both nodded, then the three of them continued to walk forward.    


Qingqing turned around to look at Qin Yuan and the other two, then said: "Master, the three of them are still behind us. Let's find a chance to get rid of them, or else they will come after us when we catch the Ginseng Spirit."    


Huang Yiqiu said, "Don't worry. Let's find a chance later. The Changbai Mountain is filled with danger. I don't think the three of them will live long."    


However, just as Huang Yiqiu finished his words, Zhang Gaang suddenly shouted again.    




This startled Huang Yiqiu as well.    


"Zhang Gaang, what are you screaming for?"    


Zhang Gaang gasped in fear and said, "Someone was blowing on my ear just now. I also heard a laugh by my ear. It only rang once before it disappeared."    




"Of course it's true. It was the laughter of a little girl. Listen, that voice came again."    


Everyone stopped in their tracks and held their breaths.    


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