Revenging Son-in-law

C222 He Had Gained a Lot

C222 He Had Gained a Lot

The old ancestor of Profound Sect, Shanxuanzi, had lived for a thousand years. Many years ago, he had saved Fairchild, who had fallen from the Ninth Layer of Heaven due to a mistake. That Fairchild had promised him. In order to repay his kindness, he was willing to descend to the mortal world and reincarnate every hundred years. He had followed Sect Leader of the Profound Sect as a mortal to repay the kindness of the Profound Sect.    


Therefore, every hundred years, a very powerful person would appear beside Sect Leader of the Profound Sect every hundred years. This person was the reincarnation of Fairchild from the Ninth Heaven to repay the kindness.    


This was also the reason why the Profound Sect was able to stand in this world for hundreds of years without collapsing. It was because of Fairchild's help. It allowed the sect to become stronger and stronger, and the strength of the disciples in the sect would also become stronger and stronger. They had almost become a terrifying evil god.    


Until ten years ago, the Profound Sect was suddenly destroyed in one night. Fairchild, who was supposed to be reincarnated this year to assist the Profound Sect's Sect Leader, didn't appear for some reason. This was one of the main reasons why the Profound Sect suffered such a catastrophe, because Fairchild didn't appear. That was why a great disaster had befallen them.    


In fact, the reincarnation of this Fairchild was Hong Biao's younger brother. He had been smarter and smarter since he was born, and after he had grown to a certain age, he would follow his mission to assist Sect Leader of the Profound Sect, but unfortunately, the Spirit Sect was sealed in a fight before he even had a day to live. From now on, he would be crazy and foolish, and he would never be able to appear in the Profound Sect as a normal person. It was during that year that the Profound Sect was destroyed.    


Qin Yuan had read these things in his mind, and that was why he understood them so clearly. That was why he knew that this fool wasn't stupid. He was just a fool who had suffered a great disaster and had his Spirit Sect sealed. However, Fairchild was after all, Fairchild. The spiritual energy in his body would eventually erupt one day. Now that the spirit energy had been faintly released, it caused the business of the karaoke to be bleak. Because Feng Shui had been destroyed.    


It seemed like this was the will of the heavens.    


The reincarnation of Fairchild met Qin Yuan. After reading the information in Qin Yuan's mind, he decided to take this fool away, because he was actually the reincarnation of Fairchild. As long as he could return to normal, he could continue to support Sect Leader in the Profound Sect as the reincarnation of Fairchild. Although the Profound Sect had been destroyed long ago, there was still Shanxuanzi.    


Thinking of this, Qin Yuan became excited. Ever since he received Shanxuanzi's help five years ago... He had also obtained the true inheritance of ___, allowing him to become as powerful as a cheat five years later. He felt grateful in his heart and wanted to do something for the Profound Sect.    


This was a great opportunity for him.    


Qin Yuan stood up and looked at that fool. That fool was also looking at him, and there was a foolish smile on his face. He even drooled.    


Another line of words appeared in Qin Yuan's mind, "Fairchild's Spirit Sect has been sealed, and has been in a state of stupidity for many years. But now, the spiritual energy in his body has been released. He only needed to remember the technique of the Profound Sect that the old ancestor used to save him. It'll make all his spirit energy surge out and recognize him."    


After that, the method to use the spell technique appeared in Qin Yuan's mind.    


Then he raised his hand and made a gesture, saying to Hong Biao: "Help me get a red candle, then a yellow paper and a brush"    


Hong Biao didn't know what was going on, but he followed Qin Yuan's instructions and quickly brought a red candle and a yellow paper brush.    


Qin Yuan first dipped the brush into the blood on his finger and drew on the yellow paper. Soon, he drew a talisman.    


Then he lit the red candle and placed the charm on the flame of the candle. What was surprising was that the flame that the charm touched did not burn. Instead, it floated on the flame.    


Hong Biao and Wang Zhe were dumbfounded.    


Qin Yuan closed his eyes and began chanting in his heart. A moment later... After that... He opened his eyes and raised his right index finger to point at the talisman floating above the candle flame. He shouted, "Burn..."    


With a crash, the flame ignited the talisman and instantly turned into ashes.    


Qin Yuan then picked up the candle and walked to the fool's side. The fool actually stood there without moving and just stared at Qin Yuan with a silly smile.    


Qin Yuan raised the candle and put it under the fool's chin. The flame was burning right under the fool's chin. Logically speaking, when a person's chin came into contact with the flame, the skin and flesh would definitely be burnt to a crisp. However, the strange thing was that although the flame of the candle burned the fool's chin, there was no reaction from his chin at all. It was as if it had not been burned at all.    


"Brother Biao, Mr. Qin, what are you doing?" Wang Zhe asked curiously. He suddenly felt that this so-called Mr. Qin was talking nonsense, as if he was a great god.    


Hong Biao raised his hand and patted Wang Zhe's head, then he said in a low voice, "How do I know what Mr. Qin is doing? Won't we know when we take a look later? Don't you f * * king say anything. Don't disturb Mr. Qin."    


Wang Zhe didn't dare to speak anymore. He just stared at ___ with his eyes wide open.    


About two minutes later, the flame of the candle suddenly extinguished.    


The fool who was standing there laughing foolishly suddenly kneeled down in front of Qin Yuan. He kept kowtowing like a chick pecking at rice. He was kowtowing while babbling. He couldn't hear what he was saying.    


Qin Yuan put down the candle in his hand and slowly took two steps back. With his hands behind his back, he looked at the fool kneeling in front of him. After a moment, he suddenly said, "Alright, your Spirit Gate has been unlocked. You can release all the spirit energy in your body."    


The fool who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing suddenly straightened his body. However, his body began to tremble continuously. The trembling became stronger and stronger, and the intensity became greater and greater, as if he had been struck by lightning.    


The fool's face also revealed a painful expression, but it didn't last for long. After a few minutes, a large golden gaseous substance suddenly emerged from the top of the fool's head.    


Hong Biao and Wang Zhe were startled and couldn't help but take two steps back.    


What happened next shocked them even more. They saw that from the top of the fool's head, shoulders, neck, arms and other parts of his body, a large amount of golden mist began to emerge.    


After a while, these things slowly dissipated. The fool rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with a thud.    


Hong Biao's heart skipped a beat. He quickly stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Qin, what happened to my brother? Could he be..."    


"Don't worry, he's fine." He squatted down and tapped the fool's forehead with his finger. The fool opened his eyes and woke up.    


The fool seemed to have become a different person after he woke up. He knelt in front of Qin Yuan again and giggled. "Master, Master is here. Please accept my bow, Fairchild," he said.    


Then the fool no longer kowtowed, but paid his respects to Qin Yuan.    


"Thank you master for releasing the spirit energy in my body and opening my sealed Spirit Gate. Hehehe, I am willing to follow master from now on and assist master."    


Qin Yuan waved his hand at him and said, "Get up. From now on, you will be by my side. I will give you another name, and you will be called Little Tong. How about it?"    


"Thank you, Master. Hehehe. Thank you, Master."    


Then, this fool stood up and stood behind Qin Yuan with a respectful face.    


Qin Yuan scratched his head and said in his heart, "Didn't they say that Fairchild can only assist Sect Leader of Profound Sect after his reincarnation? But I'm not the Sect Leader of Profound Sect. Sect Leader of Profound Sect had died ten years ago. Now, only my master, Shanxuanzi is left in the Profound Sect, but I am not Sect Leader. Why is this Fairchild willing to call me master after his reincarnation? Furthermore, he wants to assist me. Could it be... Could it be that I've already benefited from Master... Has he quietly accepted the position of Sect Leader from the Profound Sect?"    


At this moment, Hong Biao and Wang Zhe were dumbfounded. What happened just now had gone beyond their imagination.    


Hong Biao took a step forward and asked carefully, "Mr. Qin, what's going on? My brother... Is he back to normal? Is he no longer a fool?"    


Qin Yuan said, "Currently, his Spirit Sect has been opened by me, but it has been sealed for too long. This has caused his body, especially his brain, to not fully recover. So, he is still a fool, but it won't be long before he returns to normal. "    


"But why did he call you master? And he even said that he was willing to follow you in the future? "    


Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Er, that's the matter between our Profound Sect and Fairchild. I can only tell you that your brother is not an ordinary person. He is the reincarnation of Fairchild. When he reaches a certain age, he will be assisting Sect Leader of the Profound Sect. It's just that during that fight, in order to save you, he took a hit and accidentally sealed the Spirit Sect, causing it to become crazy. I have already opened his Spirit Sect and released the spiritual energy in his body. He also abided by the agreement of the past and continued to assist the people of the Profound Sect. Although... "    


Qin Yuan wanted to say that although our Profound Sect was destroyed ten years ago and I am not the Sect Leader of the Profound Sect, this Fairchild really treats me as his master and wants to assist me.    


However, after thinking about it, Qin Yuan still didn't say it out loud. He just waved his hand.    


"You don't have to ask so many questions. Your brother will be by my side from now on. Don't worry. It will only be beneficial to him if he follows me. It won't do him any harm."    


"Yes, yes, yes. Mr. Qin's decision. Of course, I don't dare to have any objections. I will listen to Mr. Qin. It's just that the Feng Shui pattern in my karaoke..."    


"It has returned to normal. Just wait. Your business will be booming again soon."    


"Ah, thank you so much, Mr. Qin."    


"No need to thank me. I have gained a lot by coming here today. Hahaha."    


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