Revenging Son-in-law

C219 We're in the Same Boat

C219 We're in the Same Boat

Chu Zijing was exhausted after working for the whole day. She fell asleep not long after lying on the bed.    


Qin Yuan, on the other hand, could not fall asleep. He tossed and turned and felt really uncomfortable. In the end, he simply sat up and quietly went out the door. He thought about going outside to take a breather.    


When he came to the basement of the community, he saw a person sitting under the bench of the street lamp. It was no other person. It was Wei Ziqing.    


Wei Ziqing previously came to the house to discuss the brand operation with Chu Zijing. Shouldn't she leave now? Why is she still here?    


"Ziqing, you didn't leave?" Qin Yuan walked over.    


Wei Ziqing obviously did not expect Qin Yuan to suddenly come down from upstairs.    


"Uh, I was going to go back, but I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep, so I wanted to sit here for a while. The environment in your neighborhood is not bad, and it is quiet at night." Wei Ziqing said.    


"Brother Yuan, why didn't you sleep?"    


Qin Yuan sat down beside her.    


"I can't sleep either, so I wanted to come out and get some fresh air."    


"Brother Yuan, do you have something on your mind? Ever since you entered the room, I felt that something was wrong with your emotions." Wei Ziqing asked.    


Qin Yuan took out a lighter and a cigarette from his pocket. He lit it and took a puff.    


"Ziqing, what will happen if you forget who your parents are one day?" Qin Yuan suddenly asked.    


Wei Ziqing did not expect Qin Yuan to suddenly ask such a question. She did not know how to answer for a moment. But after thinking for a while, she still said, "I think if I forget who my parents are one day? I also can't remember what they look like. That would be best for me. But it's a pity that they are my parents. How can I forget them just like that? "    


"Hey, Brother Yuan, why did you suddenly ask such a question?"    


"Er, it's nothing. In these five years, it was precisely because I forgot who my parents were that I never thought of them. That feeling made me suffer greatly, because I really want to know who they are."    


"But now, when I know who they are, my heart suddenly becomes heavy."    


"Eh? Why?" Wei Ziqing asked. She felt that the reason Qin Yuan was unhappy might have something to do with his parents.    


In fact, Wei Ziqing did not know much about Qin Yuan. Although he had investigated Qin Yuan's background, he could not find out about Qin Yuan's parents and his family.    


At that time, she had felt strange. Now that Qin Yuan suddenly mentioned his parents, Wei Ziqing was suddenly curious.    


"Brother Yuan, you mean you already know who your parents are?"    


Qin Yuan nodded and smoked again.    


"Since you know, why don't you go and find them? Isn't it a delightful thing to reunite with your own parents?" Wei Ziqing asked.    


Qin Yuan smiled bitterly. "I really want to find them to reunite with them, but where are they now? Maybe they are no longer alive."    


Wei Ziqing was stunned.    


"No longer alive? So they are already dead?"    


Qin Yuan shook his head again.    


"I don't know. I don't know how they are now, but I do know that they have experienced very tragic things. At that time, they were on the verge of death. I don't know what happened after that."    


Wei Ziqing said, "Brother Yuan, can you ask one more question? Who are your parents?"    


"My father is a member of Qin Family. As for which Qin Family he is? I don't know either. My memory told me. The Qin Family is a very big family in Huaxia. It has the power to cover the sky. But that might have only happened twenty years ago. Now, in the whole of Huaxia... The only big families I know are the Murong Family and the Zhang family. They don't have any family with the surname Qin."    


" Qin Family? More than 20 years ago?" Wei Ziqing frowned as if she remembered something.    


Qin Yuan hurriedly asked, "Ziqing, have you heard that there was a big family with the surname Qin in Huaxia more than 20 years ago?"    


"Yes." Wei Ziqing nodded and said, "I heard from my grandfather that the number one big family in Huaxia was the Qin Family more than 20 years ago. Later, because of one thing, it caused the entire family to decline. They gradually hid behind the scenes and became extremely low-profile. In addition to the sudden rise of Murong Family and Zhang Family, the Qin Family seemed to have slowly disappeared from everyone's sight. Until five years ago... "    


Wei Ziqing suddenly stopped talking.    


Qin Yuan's heart skipped a beat.    


"Five years ago? What happened five years ago?"    


"I heard that five years ago, the Qin Family, which was already in decline, was suddenly annihilated. Almost all the people of the Qin Family were killed in just one night. This once mighty family has vanished from the world just like that. "    


After saying that, Wei Ziqing slowly turned her head and looked at Qin Yuan.    


"Brother Yuan, according to what you said, your father was once a member of the Qin Family? If that's the case, aren't you also a member of the Qin Family?"    


Wei Ziqing's face suddenly revealed a shocked expression.    


"Could it be that Brother Yuan is really a member of the Qin Family? But the people of the Qin Family were wiped out five years ago. Don't tell me... you are not a fish that escaped the net?"    


Wei Ziqing spoke straightforwardly because she was too shocked.    


Qin Yuan also gasped in his heart. He said to himself, "I think I know what is going on."    


"Brother Yuan, what is going on?"    


Qin Yuan leaned back on the chair and looked up at the sky. He spat out a smoke ring and said, "Maybe I really escaped from the Qin Family. I should have died five years ago, but I was saved."    


In the end, he smiled bitterly and sighed in his heart.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he was saved by Shanxuanzi from the Profound Sect and was forced to marry into the Chu Family as his son-in-law, he would have died five years ago, along with his family.    


"Ziqing, do you know why the Qin Family was wiped out five years ago?"    


Wei Ziqing shook her head and said, "I don't know about that either. It's just like how the Profound Sect was suddenly destroyed. No one knew who made such a ruthless move. But the person who could destroy the Profound Sect and the Qin Family in one night must not be simple. "    


Wei Ziqing's answer was within Qin Yuan's expectation. It was normal that Wei Ziqing did not know about such a confidential matter.    


But now, Qin Yuan really wanted to know who was the one who destroyed the Profound Sect and who destroyed the entire Qin Family in one night.    


What kind of connection did this have?    


Of course, what he wanted to know the most was that his father was seriously injured back then. After his mother cut his mother's abdomen and dug out the pill, where did they go? Was it really like what Zhou Tianhao said, they died in that forest?    


There were too many questions that needed to be answered.    


All he needed was time.    


Qin Yuan believed that as long as he was willing, he would find out the truth sooner or later.    


Wei Ziqing was even more curious. She really wanted to ask something. She wanted to know everything about Qin Yuan, but seeing that Qin Yuan was even more depressed, it seemed like he wasn't willing to say it out loud, so she didn't ask anymore.    


However, Wei Ziqing knew that if Qin Yuan was really a fish that escaped the net from the Qin Family, then his situation would become very dangerous, because those people who had destroyed their relationship with Qin Yuan would definitely not let him go.    


When she thought of this, she was a little worried. She couldn't help but remind him, "Brother Yuan, I think I understand a little. Someone as capable as you. Why would you compromise and beg to be their son-in-law? It turns out that it was because your family was destroyed five years ago. And in order to avoid this disaster, you made such a bad decision. "    


Qin Yuan did not deny it, but nodded. In front of Wei Ziqing, he felt that there was no need to hide anything, because intuition told him that Wei Ziqing was a trustworthy person.    


" If that's the case, Brother Yuan, your situation will be somewhat dangerous. Those people who destroyed the Qin Family will never let this matter rest. If they find out that you are a fish that escaped the net, they will definitely not let you go. “    


Qin Yuan nodded once again and said, "Of course I know that. But don't worry, I'm not afraid of them. If they came to find me five years ago, I would be scared to death. But now, five years have passed, and I have been reborn. I'm no longer the Qin Yuan I was before. It would be fine if they didn't come, but it would be even better if they did. I would like to see who they are. How dare they destroy our Qin Family? "    


" Alright, let's not talk about me anymore. Ziqing, let's talk about you. Why do I feel like you have something on your mind? " Qin Yuan turned his head and looked at Wei Ziqing.    


He did not think that Miss Wei really sat on the bench in the middle of the night because of this quiet neighborhood.    


Miss Wei lived in a villa, so wasn't the environment inside quieter than here?    


Wei Ziqing's thoughts were seen through by Qin Yuan. She gently shook her head and sighed.    


"Speaking of which, it is a coincidence. Brother Yuan, you are worried about your parents, and so am I."    


"Eh? Is that so? Are you also worried about your parents? Oh right, speaking of your parents, I've never seen your father and mother before. I heard that your father and your brother are both overseas, and your mother..."    


"My mother passed away when I was over ten years old." Wei Ziqing said.    


"Ah, I see. I'm sorry, Ziqing," Ziqing said.    


"It's alright. It has already happened many years ago. After my mother passed away, I have always followed my grandfather, so my grandfather loves me the most since I was young. And to me, other than my mother, the person closest to me is my grandfather."    


"What about your father and your brother?"    


"They have already left the country many years ago. They have practically settled overseas. They won't be able to come back for a year or so. In fact, you might not know this, Brother Yuan. The union between my father and my mother was a mistake."    


"Back then, the Wei Family was a third-rate family in Jiangbei. My father, Wei Yunshan, was also a nobody. My mother came from a big family in Huaxia. She was the standard daughter of a rich family. "    


"My father and my mother fell in love at first sight. They had only known each other for three days, but they had already decided to spend the rest of their lives together. However, they were opposed by my mother's family, which was my grandfather. As the leader of a top family in China, he would never allow his precious daughter to marry an unknown person. Thus, he strongly opposed this marriage. "    


"But my mother didn't hesitate to cut ties with her own family in order to be with my father. She even cut ties with her own family and cut ties with my grandfather."    


"My mother married my father and followed him without any regrets. She thought that she married love and thought that she had chosen the right person. She would be happy for the rest of her life. But what happened in the end?"    


When Wei Ziqing said this, she suddenly revealed a sad smile.    


"In the end, my father still failed her."    


Qin Yuan was slightly surprised.    


"Did your father betray your mother?"    


"It can't be called betrayal, because he already had a good relationship with my mother before he knew her..."    


"Ah? You mean your father already had a woman before he knew your mother?"    


"Not only does he have a woman, he also has a child, which is my brother. So now you know, my brother is actually not my biological brother, just a half-brother."    


"But didn't he and your mother fall in love at first sight? Why did he already have another woman before your mother?"    


"The so-called love at first sight is perhaps just an excuse to deceive my mother. Before my father met my mother, he was already with another woman. And he even had a child with that woman, just because that woman was a nobody at the bottom. He couldn't make it public, so he didn't openly have any relationship with that woman. And that woman, because she loved my father deeply, was willing to live behind the scenes. She didn't ask for a name."    


"Later on, my father and my mother got married, and very soon, they had me... My mother thought that he and my father would continue to be happy, because for my father... She even broke off relations with her own family, but reality is cruel "    


"A smart woman like my mother quickly noticed... My father has a woman behind him, and even a child... My mother couldn't believe it, and she said that she only loved her father... She actually already had a woman and a child before her, and she actually broke off relations with her own family for such a man. How ridiculous is that? "    


"My mother took a step back. She hoped that my father would cut off relations with that woman. But my father refused. My mother's heart was broken, and she was depressed all day long. My mother's family had a falling out again. I can't go back. Finally, when I was ten years old, I lost my mind because of my illness."    


"After my mother passed away, my father went overseas in a hurry. Because of the woman behind him, and the son he gave birth to with that woman. My brother lived abroad. As soon as his mother left, he couldn't wait to find that woman. Their family has finally reunited overseas. "    


Wei Ziqing smiled bitterly again and shook her head. There were tears at the corners of her eyes.    


"It's not worth it. My mother is not worth it. She sacrificed everything for a man who lied to her. She even lost her life in the end."    


"So you have been brooding over your mother's death. That's why you rarely mentioned your father, right? " Qin Yuan asked. He did not expect Wei Ziqing, who looked lively and cheerful, to have such a heavy story behind her.    


Wei Ziqing raised her hand to wipe her tears.    


"Maybe. I hate my father in my heart. I hate him for letting my mother down, but so what? After all, he is my father. Actually, to me... He never did his duty as a father. After my mother passed away, she left me with my grandfather."    


Qin Yuan had already extinguished the cigarette butt and handed over a packet of tissues.    


"Every family has their own problems. Ziqing, since it is not worth it, then there is no need to fuss about it."    


Wei Ziqing took the tissue and thanked him.    


"Alright, let's not talk about him anymore. Brother Yuan, it is late. I should go back."    


Wei Ziqing stood up.    


"I'll send you." Qin Yuan also stood up.    


Wei Ziqing was a little surprised when she heard him. She looked up at Qin Yuan and saw his shining eyes. Her face turned red immediately. She lowered her head and whispered, "Thank you, Brother Yuan."    


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