Revenging Son-in-law

C203 Fight for It

C203 Fight for It

For the sake of the company's future, Chu Zijing finally decided to fight for the right to represent and sell the Fairy Toner from Qin Yuan.    


Although Qin Yuan was her husband, in the eyes of outsiders, with just a word from her, her husband would definitely give her the right to distribute and sell the Fairy Toner.    


But she knew in her heart that she and Qin Yuan were not really husband and wife. Furthermore, all these years, their family members, including herself, had a bad attitude towards Qin Yuan. She was afraid that Qin Yuan would hold a grudge against her and would not give her the right to sell and distribute the Fairy Toner.    


As for her, as a strong woman and a person with self-esteem, she would never lower her head and say good things to Qin Yuan.    


During dinner, Chu Zijing had been observing Qin Yuan's expression. She was thinking that it would be best if she did not lower her head and let Qin Yuan obediently hand over the sales rights and distribution rights of the Fairy Toner to her. However, if Qin Yuan bore a grudge against her, it would not be so easy.    


Fortunately, Qin Yuan was like usual. As he ate, he kept getting food for her.    


"Wife, come, eat more of this spinach. It's for the iron, and this broccoli for the beauty and beauty. I specially made it for you."    


Only then did Chu Zijing feel slightly relieved.    


Han Ying saw Qin Yuan putting food for her daughter. She looked at Qin Yuan with disdain. "Weak person, what are you trying to do? Don't think that just because you are attentive, my daughter will fall in love with you."    


Qin Yuan pretended not to hear her. He lowered his head and continued eating.    


Chu Gengnian knocked on the table and said, "Zi Jing, Yuan, you two are not young anymore. You have been married for so long, shouldn't you hurry up and have a child? When you have a child, your mother and I will be able to have a grandchild. "    


When she heard this, Chu Zijing's face flushed red.    


"Dad, what are you talking about?"    


Qin Yuan felt a little awkward. He was thinking about what kind of child he should give birth to. He had not even held his wife's hand a few times. Even now, he was still sleeping on the floor.    


When Han Ying heard this, she suddenly stood up with a slap. She said angrily, "What kind of child should I give birth to? Old Chu, I think you are confused, right? Sooner or later, our daughter will divorce this good-for-nothing and give birth to a child? It's simply impossible."    


Chu Gengnian said, "What are you saying? These two children are married. Isn't it normal for them to have children? "    


"I said that the two of them will divorce sooner or later. This good-for-nothing doesn't deserve our daughter at all. Don't mention giving birth to children for me."    


Chu Gengnian was a little anxious as well. He suddenly put down his chopsticks. He said to Han Ying, "Is there a mother like you? You look forward to your child getting a divorce every day? What kind of peace do you have in your heart? From now on, you're not allowed to mention the word 'divorce'."    


" Hey, why can't I mention it? I'm saying this for the sake of my daughter. Chu Gengnian, don't pretend to be a good person here. If it wasn't for you at that time... Can my daughter marry this good-for-nothing? You are pushing your daughter into a fire pit. Don't tell me you want your daughter to struggle in this fire pit for the rest of her life?"    


" Aiya, stop arguing. " Chu Zijing said, "Mom, as for whether Qin Yuan and I will divorce, it can only be decided by the two of us. You don't have to worry about it."    


Han Ying softened her tone and said, "Daughter, Mom is worried about you every day. Seeing that you are not young anymore, you have to find a suitable person to marry quickly. Su Zilun, President Su, I think he is a good man. Why are the two of you..."    


"Don't mention Su Zilun to me again." Chu Zijing was a little angry and suddenly put down her chopsticks. "I am full."    


Then she turned around and walked back to her bedroom. She closed the door with a bang.    


Han Ying shook her head and said with some grievance, "Why did this child get angry at me? I am doing this for her good."    


Chu Gengnian said, "Alright, say less. A good meal was ruined by you just like that. Really."    


"How can this be blamed on me? It's all your fault. Who asked you to raise the child first?"    


Qin Yuan also put down his chopsticks and stood up. "I'm full too. Mom and Dad, you guys can leave the bowls and chopsticks after dinner later. I'll wash them."    


After saying that, Qin Yuan also stood up, pushed open the door, and walked into the bedroom. He then closed the door.    


After entering the bedroom, he saw Chu Zijing sitting in front of the bed, depressed.    


He walked over.    


"Wife, don't be angry. Mom's mouth is just like that. Aren't we already used to it?" Qin Yuan said.    


"Get lost. It's annoying. Don't talk to me." Chu Zijing said instinctively, but she immediately remembered that if she wanted to take the sales and distribution rights of the Fairy Toner from Qin Yuan, she should at least have a better attitude towards him.    


So she quickly cleared her throat and coughed twice. Then she softened her tone and said, "Ahem, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that."    


Qin Yuan suddenly felt a little surprised. This woman actually apologized to him.    


"It's fine. I know you're in a bad mood. I'm used to it." Qin Yuan smiled.    


When he heard this, he saw Qin Yuan's bright smile. A trace of heartache flashed across Chu Zijing's heart. That's right. It had been so many years, and her mother had been speaking maliciously to him. Sometimes, when she was in a bad mood, she would also throw a tantrum at him. His sister had also mocked and ridiculed him, so it had become a habit for him.    


Sigh, Chu Zijing sighed in her heart.    


"Qin Yuan, you have been wronged in my house all these years, but why didn't you flare up? You are a man. "    


Qin Yuan scratched his head and said, "Wife, I also want to act up. No one wants to listen to me. But... but you are my wife. You are all my family. So I won't get angry with you. "    


" Hmph, that sounds nice. Didn't you get angry with Mom that day? "    


"Hehe, that day was an exception. The main reason was that Mom insisted on marrying you to Su Zilun. I got angry. Although I have a good temper, I still have a bottom line. He almost took my wife away, how can I not get angry? "    


Seeing Qin Yuan's innocent face, Chu Zijing could not help but burst out laughing.    


"You are glib."    


Qin Yuan, on the other hand, was stunned.    


"Wife, you look so beautiful when you smile. You look like a fairy from the heavens."    


"Bah, your mouth is so sweet, don't flatter me."    


"Hehehehe..." Qin Yuan smiled embarrassedly.    


Taking advantage of the harmonious atmosphere, Chu Zijing decided to mention about the Fairy Toner.    


"Qin Yuan, do you really have a beauty recipe in your hands? The Fairy Toner that you developed using this recipe is actually so magical?"    


Qin Yuan said, "Wife, you've seen whether the god is magical or not. My Fairy Toner has already been put on sale. In just three days, the whole city has become popular."    


" I saw it. Where did you get this secret recipe from? "    


"It's passed down from my ancestors."    


"It was passed down from my ancestors? I've never heard you say that before."    


"Hehe, wasn't I a wimp in the past? I've never thought of using this cosmetic secret recipe to earn money."    


"That... Have you already given the sales and distribution rights of your Fairy Toner to the Wei Family?"    


"No, I just asked the Wei Family to help mass produce a batch and then put it into the market to see the results."    


"Oh, so it's like that, then... Do you plan to give the sales and distribution rights of this Fairy Toner to the Wei Family?" Chu Zijing asked tentatively again.    


"Not yet, honey. You know, this water is specially customized for your company. It's a pity that you don't believe me. Sigh, thinking about it makes sense. After all, I've been used to being a coward for the past five years. It's understandable that you don't believe me. I can't force myself to do this either. Since you don't care about my Fairy Toner, my wife, I'll consider giving the distribution rights and sales rights of this Fairy Toner to other companies. "    


Qin Yuan deliberately said this as he observed Chu Zijing's expression.    


Sure enough, after hearing these words, Chu Zijing became somewhat anxious.    


"You really plan to give this sales and distribution rights to someone else?"    


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