Revenging Son-in-law

C194 Jealous

C194 Jealous

As she spoke, Wu Xiulian had already squeezed into the office and said to Chu Zijing, "Chu Zijing, right? I finally found you."    


Chu Zijing frowned and then said, "Madam Wu, didn't the matter last time be settled? I didn't know that you came this time..."    


Before Chu Zijing finished speaking, Wu Xiulian interrupted her and said, "Actually I am not here to find you. I am looking for your husband. Where is your husband?"    


" Ah? Looking for my husband?" Chu Zijing was a little confused. The other female employees were also a little confused.    


Wu Xiulian suddenly became excited. She suddenly clapped her hands and said, "That husband of yours is really amazing. Last time he used some kind of medicine to wash my face. My skin has become so good. It is better than any cosmetics I have ever used. When I go back, my family and friends are by my side. They almost don't recognize me, especially my best friends. Seeing my skin suddenly become so good, they were all jealous and jealous. Hahahaha. "    


"They all asked me what kind of beauty secret prescription I used to make my skin become so good. I told them that I used medicine to soak in water. Then I followed your husband's instructions on the medicine last time. After catching it, I soaked it in water to wash my face, but unfortunately, it didn't have that kind of effect. I think your husband added something else besides these herbs. That's why I came to look for him."    


"By the way, Chu Zijing, where is your husband?" Wu Xiulian could not wait any longer.    


"My best friends are still waiting for him. One of them is my best friend. She's in the cosmetics business. She said that your husband definitely has a cosmetics secret prescription. She is willing to work with your husband and introduce a cosmetics brand. Of course, I need to talk to your husband about this first. Hurry up and let him out. "    


Chu Zijing was really a bit confused. After all this time, Wu Xiulian did not come to cause trouble but to look for her husband.    


Chu Zijing said, "He is not here."    


"Then where did he go?" Wu Xiulian asked.    


"I'm not sure either. Maybe he went home."    


"Then give me his phone number."    


Chu Zijing gave Qin Yuan's phone number to Wu Xiulian. Wu Xiulian couldn't wait to call Qin Yuan. After the phone was connected, Wu Xiulian said loudly, "You are Chu Zijing's husband, right? I am Wu Xiulian. Do you remember me? I am the one who had a bump on my face last time. Yes, yes, yes, yes. It is me. Nothing much. I just wanted to meet you. Do you have time?"    


"Well, actually, the last time you washed my face with Chinese medicine, my skin became very good. I just want to ask you, other than those few herbs, you... What else did you add? Eh, this is a secret. It is a cosmetic secret recipe passed down from your ancestors that you cannot tell outsiders. Er, I understand, I understand."    


"How about this? One of my friends is in the cosmetic business. He wants to work with you. If you're willing, he can buy your secret cosmetic formula at a high price."    


" What? Not selling? Uh, well, if you don't want to sell your cosmetic secret recipe at once, then... Then you can choose to cooperate with my friend and use your cosmetics secret recipe to develop and sell cosmetics... Create a brand and give you dividends!"    


Hearing Wu Xiulian call Qin Yuan, Chu Zijing was somewhat dumbfounded.    


Qin Yuan's cosmetic secret recipe was really so magical. Even Wu Xiulian, the deputy mayor's wife, couldn't wait to get it? Furthermore, she was willing to let her friend buy it all at once, or cooperate with Qin Yuan. She would give Qin Yuan dividends every year.    


Wu Xiulian called as she walked outside. Chu Zijing suddenly had a little regret in her heart.    


Previously, Qin Yuan used his cosmetic secret prescription to develop a few bottles of Fairy Toners for her to bring over. He said that he wanted her company to use this Fairy Toner to create a cosmetic brand, but he was rejected by Chu Zijing.    


Because she did not believe Qin Yuan at all. But now... The female employees of her company all said that the Fairy Toner had an amazing effect. Also, Wu Xiulian, the deputy mayor's wife, was also in such a hurry to cooperate with Qin Yuan. Could it be that he had really misjudged them?    


If Qin Yuan's cosmetic secret recipe was really amazing, then the Fairy Toner that was developed would definitely become popular in the market. There would be a huge profit in it, and it could even make Chu Zijing's company turn the tables.    


But if Qin Yuan gave this opportunity to Wu Xiulian and chose to work with other companies, wouldn't he miss this opportunity?    


Chu Zijing hesitated, wondering if she should call Qin Yuan again. But thinking about it, she had just chased Qin Yuan away.    


Just as Chu Zijing was hesitating, her phone rang.    


She took out her phone and saw that it was her younger sister, Chu Zitan, who had called.    


"Hello, red sandalwood, what's the matter?"    


"Sister, my brother-in-law used his beauty secret prescription to develop the Fairy Toner. It's simply too useful. It's more useful than any cosmetics on the market. It's simply amazing. Oh right, my brother-in-law is preparing to use his cosmetic secret prescription to develop a cosmetics brand. Then, your company will be the agent for the sales. Did he tell you about this?"    


"Uh, he did..."    


"[Then you agree?] Sis, my brother-in-law did it all for you. Let me tell you, once your company obtains the right to sell this Fairy Toner, then, you can push it to the market, and you will be able to achieve great success. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You must seize it. "    


"Cough cough, is that so? Even you feel that this is an extremely great opportunity?"    


"Of course, is that even necessary? Sister, I'll say it again. You must seize this opportunity."    


Chu Zijing felt even worse in her heart. After hesitating for a moment, she still decided to tell the truth to her sister.    


"Sandalwood, your brother-in-law did tell me about this matter, but... I just rejected it."    


"What? You actually rejected him? Sis, is there something wrong with your brain? You actually rejected such a good opportunity? Let me tell you, I heard about that Miss Wei from the Wei Family. She was planning to work with my brother-in-law. If my brother-in-law and Miss Wei work together... Then it will be none of your business. "    


Chu Zijing said, "Is that so? It's actually so popular? The wife of the deputy mayor, Wu Xiulian, also wants to work with your brother-in-law. I didn't expect that even the eldest daughter of the Wei Family wants to work with your brother-in-law."    


" Of course. Everyone has personally verified the effects of the Fairy Toner developed by this cosmetic secret prescription. Of course, there are many companies that are fighting to work with my brother-in-law, so you have to hurry up, sister. Hurry up and call my brother-in-law, tell him not to cooperate with other companies. "    


"Sandalwood, are you really sure that Fairy Toner's effect is really that good?"    


"Aiya, Sis, what time is it already? You're actually still suspecting? I've personally tested that Fairy Toner before. If you don't believe me, you can also give it a try yourself."    


"Alright, alright, Sis, I'm going to class here. I won't tell you for now. Hurry up and call my brother-in-law. Don't let him give this opportunity to anyone else."    


After Chu Zitan finished speaking, she hung up the phone.    


Chu Zijing suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. Could it be that she had really underestimated Qin Yuan?    


She looked up and found that her female employees were still gathered at the office door, looking up at her.    


Chu Zijing said, "Do you still have the Fairy Toner that I gave you last time?"    


"Yes, President Chu. Didn't you give each of us a bottle last time? I only used it a few times and gave it to my relatives and friends. I still have half a bottle left." One of the female employees said.    


"Alright, bring the remaining Fairy Toner over. I'll give it a try."    


"Yes, President Chu. I'll go and get it right away."    


Very quickly, the female employee brought the remaining Fairy Toner over.    


Chu Zijing waved her hand to let them go out first. Then she washed her face in the office and applied the Fairy Toner on her face.    


In the end, a miracle happened. After applying it on her face for less than half an hour, her skin clearly became much more tender and fairer. Moreover, it felt soft and tender, and it felt quite good.    


She really did not know if she should try it or not. She was really shocked when she tried it.    


It was only at this moment that Chu Zijing was completely certain in her heart. This Fairy Toner was indeed miraculous. Qin Yuan didn't lie.    


Chu Zijing immediately became anxious. How could such a magical thing be given to someone else? No, I have to quickly give Qin Yuan a call. I cannot let him sell the cosmetic secret recipe to Wu Xiulian or that Miss Wei.    


Chu Zijing quickly took out her phone, but just as she was about to call Qin Yuan, she suddenly hesitated.    


"I just kicked Qin Yuan out, and when I rejected him, I was so tough. I also said that his Fairy Toner had not been tested and that it was not possible at all. Now, I suddenly called and said that I wanted Qin Yuan to give that Fairy Toner to our company as an agent. Will Qin Yuan agree? "    


Chu Zijing thought about it and sighed. She did not care anymore. She would try it first. If she was late, perhaps that good-for-nothing would really cooperate with other companies with the Fairy Toner.    


Thinking about this, Chu Zijing made up her mind and pressed Qin Yuan's number. The phone was quickly picked up.    


"Hello, wife. Why are you calling me? Did you miss me?" Qin Yuan said on the phone.    


Chu Zijing coughed lightly and asked, "What are you doing now?"    


"Nothing. I just picked up the phone."    


"Whose phone is it?"    


"Wu Xiulian, wife. You remember that Wu Xiulian who caused trouble at your company the last time. She called me and said she wanted to buy my cosmetic secret prescription at a high price... Wu Xiulian's phone rang. It's Wu Xiulian. She's the one who caused trouble at your company. Do you remember the deputy mayor's wife? She called me and said she wanted to buy my cosmetic secret prescription at a high price... "    


"You agreed? You agreed to sell the cosmetic secret prescription to her?" Chu Zijing asked in a hurry.    


"No, I rejected her. How could I sell such a precious cosmetic secret prescription so easily? But she said she could let me work with her and give me dividends every year. I think this can be considered."    


Chu Zijing said, "So you have decided to work with Wu Xiulian?"    


"Not really. I was just thinking about it. Actually, I have already asked Wei Ziqing to find a company to develop and sell the Fairy Toner. I want to see the effect of the Fairy Toner first. It should be very popular."    


"What? So you have already collaborated with Miss Wei?" Chu Zijing was a little angry. This guy kept saying that he wanted her company to sell and introduce this Fairy Toner. But he actually gave this opportunity to Wei Ziqing so quickly.    


"You, what is your relationship with Wei Ziqing? That night at midnight when you received her call, you rushed out. It seems that you are quite interested in Miss Wei's matter." Chu Zijing's words unknowingly carried a sour feeling.    


Qin Yuan was a little happy.    


"Wife, you aren't jealous, are you?"    


"Pah, why should I be jealous? What does this have to do with me? Alright, I'm just asking. Since you gave Miss Wei the opportunity to cooperate, there's no need to say anything. I'm hanging up. "    


" Wait a minute, wife. Don't hang up first. I didn't give this opportunity to Wei Ziqing. I just wanted her to find a company. Let's first develop and sell this Fairy Toner to see how effective it is. Wife, if you are willing, this opportunity can be given to you at any time. This Fairy Toner was originally developed for you."    


" Hmph, saying it sounds better than singing. Forget it, I don't care. You should cooperate with Miss Wei. " After Chu Zijing finished speaking, she suddenly hung up.    


After hanging up the phone, Chu Zijing said angrily, "Looks like this fellow's relationship with Wei Ziqing is really not simple. I really didn't see that this fellow actually has such a crafty plot. It really pisses me off."    


But immediately, Chu Zijing patted her own head. She muttered to herself, "Sigh, really. Why am I angry? I don't care about that useless person. Who cares? Who does he have anything to do with? But just now... I really seemed to be jealous. Impossible, impossible, I definitely won't be jealous. Me and that good-for-nothing is just a marriage in name, how could I possibly be jealous? Forget it, forget it. I won't think about it anymore. "    


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