Revenging Son-in-law

C158 Force

C158 Force

That night, Qin Yuan had another dream.    


In that familiar forest, there was a very simple thatched hut.    


There were three people in the thatched hut.    


A man with a refined temperament, a woman in white clothes, and a boy of five or six years old.    


The family of three was happy and harmonious.    


The woman in white clothes had a delicate and pretty face and an extraordinary temperament. She looked like a fairy that had walked out of a painting, and her name was as refined and refined as her person.    


Bai Ruxue.    


Bai Ruxue looked at the little boy who was snuggling in her arms and asked, "Yuan-er, what is your favorite thing to do?"    


The little boy raised his cute head and said in a tender voice, "My favorite thing to do is to be with my father and mother."    


After hearing the little boy's answer, Bai Ruxue and Qin Junwu both smiled. It was a kind of happy smile, a kind of happiness that other things could not replace.    


"Mother's favorite thing to do is to be with you and your father. The three of us will never be separated. We will always be together." Bai Ruxue held the boy in her arms.    


Qin Junwu stretched out his strong arm and held the mother and son in his arms.    


However, this warm moment did not last for long. At this moment, Bai Ruxue's face suddenly flashed with pain, and then her body suddenly trembled.    


The little boy in her arms noticed her strange behavior and quickly asked, "Mother, what happened to you?"    


Bai Ruxue knew that she was going to reveal her true form again. This was the thing that she was most unwilling to face but it was also something that could not be changed.    


"Mother, what happened to you? What happened to you?"    


Bai Ruxue's head was already covered in sweat and her body was trembling more and more violently. She tried her best to restrain it but to no avail.    


"Mother is fine. Good child, don't worry. Mother will be fine. Good child, can you play outside for a while?"    


"No, I want to accompany mother." Although the little boy was only five or six years old, he could strongly feel the pain of his mother. He tightly hugged his mother and tears flowed out.    


Bai Ruxue endured the pain and turned her begging eyes to Qin Junwu.    


"Take the child outside to play for a while. I, I want to be alone for a while."    


Qin Junwu also knew what was going to happen. He looked worried. Then he said, "Ruxue, I know you don't want the child to see it. But he is our son. The child will know about this sooner or later. Why don't we let him face it sooner? You are his mother. Will he despise you because of your true identity? "    


"I... I'm just afraid of scaring the child." Bai Ruxue said.    


"Our child is not that weak." Just as Qin Junwu said that, Bai Ruxue suddenly couldn't help but let out a scream. Then, her lower body started to change drastically.    


The two long legs under her had disappeared. They had turned into white, furry fox tails. There were nine of them in total.    


The little boy was scared to death when he saw this. However, he soon calmed down because this wasn't the first time he had seen this scene.    


"Mother, why are your legs missing? Why did your leg become a furry tail?"    


Bai Ruxue struggled to reach out her hand, wanting to hug her son into her arms, but the intense pain had already made her lose strength. After trying a few times, she actually failed.    


She could only struggle to raise her hand to stroke her son's hair and then said, "Child, mother originally did not want you to see, because mother was afraid of scaring you. She was also afraid that you would dislike mother, but now you have already seen it. Would you dislike mother? "    


The boy shook his head vigorously.    


"No, I will never dislike my mother. No matter what happens, I want to be with my mother."    


Bai Ruxue smiled in relief and then she said, "What a good mother child. Since that's the case, I will tell you. Actually, Mom was not a human. Her real body was a fox. The white fox, so mother's legs are now gone. If you turn into a fox's tail, will you be afraid? "    


The little boy looked down at his mother's nine white fox tails, he was still a bit afraid, but on the surface he shook his head: "I'm not afraid, no matter what my mother becomes, you're still my mother"    


"But why is your mother in so much pain? Does my mother really hurt?"    


Bai Ruxue forced a smile and said, "It doesn't hurt. Don't worry, Mother won't be in pain in the future."    


At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the house.    


There was a very messy sound of footsteps. Although the sound was not loud, Qin Junwu and Bai Ruxue both caught it. Their faces changed at the same time.    


Then Qin Junwu suddenly stood up and lifted his leg to walk out of the straw house. Bai Ruxue grabbed his arm and shook her head at him in pain.    


Qin Junwu raised his hand and patted Bai Ruxue's arm gently. He comforted her, "Don't worry. I will be right back."    


After saying that, the tall man walked out of the cottage resolutely.    


Outside the thatched cottage, a large group of people appeared. There were about twenty to thirty of them.    


Each of these people exuded the aura of a martial artist.    


More than ten of them wore white clothes and white pants. There was a curved symbol on the sleeves of the white clothes. It was the symbol of the Form-Intention Sect.    


The rest of them were wearing black clothes and black pants. They were the people of the Octupole Sect.    


Qin Junwu walked out and stood opposite of these people. He sneered in his heart. Good, even the people of the Octupole Sect and the Form-Intention Sect had come this time.    


"Qin Junwu, quickly hand Bai Ruxue over." One of them was a middle-aged man who wore white clothes and white pants. He was about thirty years old and had a mustache on his face. He shouted at Qin Junwu arrogantly.    


His shout seemed to have drawn a curtain. The others also shouted, "Hand Bai Ruxue over quickly. We can spare your life."    


Qin Junwu stood there as steady as a mountain. He looked at them coldly. He did not answer them, nor did he make a move.    


He knew that these people were coming for Ru Xue. Ever since they lived in seclusion in this forest, groups of people would come every few days to force him to hand over Bai Ruxue. But every time, those people would be forced back by him and flee in a sorry state.    


What he didn't expect was that this time, even the Octupole Sect and Form-Intention Sect had come. In his impression, these two sects were righteous sects. He didn't expect that they would do such a despicable thing.    


Seeing that Qin Junwu didn't respond, those people seemed to have become impatient from waiting.    


On the side of Octupole Sect, a fat man wearing black clothes and pants took a step forward and said to Qin Junwu, "Qin Junwu, do you think that we won't be able to find you guys just because you guys are hiding here? Do you think that we can't do anything to Bai Ruxue just because you are protecting her?"    


"Qin Junwu, you are a smart man. You have to understand the current situation. For the sake of a witch, you have to break off relations with your Qin Family and fight with the righteous. Is it worth it?"    


"That's right. Qin Junwu, you are a member of the Qin Family after all. Old Man Qin has always been modest. We have all received his kindness. Therefore, on account of Old Man Qin, we won't make things difficult for you. As long as you are willing to hand over Bai Ruxue. "    


" Qin Junwu, you must know that Bai Ruxue is a witch. Everyone has the right to punish her. Why do you need to protect her like this? If you lose your life because of such a demoness, it might even implicate the entire Qin Family. It's not worth it."    


"Don't talk nonsense with him. Qin Junwu, our patience is limited. I'll give you one minute to hand over that witch right now. Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite."    


Qin Junwu stared coldly at these people and at their ugly faces. Then, the corner of his mouth slowly split open, revealing a trace of a smile. Then, he slowly said, "You want me to hand over Ruxue? Don't even think about it. "    


These words immediately enraged those people.    


"Qin Junwu, we have already given you enough face and Old Man Qin enough face. Don't be shameless."    


"Qin Junwu, if you continue to be stubborn, even your Qin Family won't protect you. This is your last chance. You have to think carefully."    


"Cut the crap." Qin Junwu spat out these three words heavily. Then, he slowly raised a finger and hooked it at those people. "Come, if you want to capture Ruxue, you have to step on my corpse and walk over."    


"Damn it, this Qin guy is crazy. He is determined to protect that witch. Don't talk to him anymore. Attack."    


After saying this, those people moved together. They didn't think that many people were bullying one person. They just wanted to end the battle quickly.    


Each of them was like a surging wave, rushing towards Qin Junwu.    


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