Revenging Son-in-law

C87 You Were Fired

C87 You Were Fired

"Great! How dare you frame Brother Qin? Someone, cripple one of his hands!" Hong Biao said.    


Hearing this, Du Fei's face turned pale, and a look of despair appeared on his face.    


Qin Yuan said, "Forget it. We are all from the same company. For my sake, let him go."    


Hong Biao smiled and said, "Brother Qin is truly magnanimous. Since little brother has spoken, I will spare this fellow for little brother's sake. However, the death penalty can be avoided, and it will be difficult to escape punishment."    


Hong Biao said, and his face became serious again. He looked at Du Fei and said, "Since little brother has spoken, I will not cripple one of your hands. But my Blue-and-white Porcelain Vase is priceless. It was shattered by you like this. I can't just let it go like this... "    


"I'll compensate you, I'll compensate you all. As long as you don't cripple my hand." Du Fei said hastily.    


"Alright, I spent ten million to buy this pair of Blue-and-white Porcelain Vases. Since you broke one, you can compensate me five million." Hong Biao said.    


"Five, five million?" Du Fei was dumbfounded. His annual salary was only five million. Breaking a bottle cost him his annual salary.    


Qin Yuan said, "Five million? It's nothing to Manager Du. His annual salary is a few million, isn't it, Manager Du?"    


"Yes... yes..." Du Fei felt like he had just eaten a fly.    


Seeing him like this, Hong Biao coldly shouted, "What is it? You don't want to?"    


"No, no, I'm willing. I'm willing to pay five million."    


Qin Yuan said," Manager Du, actually, I can understand why you broke the vase. And then you framed me. You just can't stand me treating everyone to a meal, right? This meal should have been bought by Manager Du. After all, Manager Du had the highest annual salary in this group of people. So, you should be the one who should be in the limelight the most, but I stole the limelight from you."    


" Sigh, I really feel embarrassed. How about this? I won't steal Manager Du's limelight. This meal should be treated by Manager Du. " Qin Yuan said.    


Hearing this, Du Fei almost vomited blood.    


Qin Yuan had just ordered a Buddhist Jumping Wall and a white truffle bread for each of them. These two items were worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, but now Qin Yuan had thrown the blame on him with just one sentence.    


He, Du Fei, really wanted to treat everyone to a meal. He really wanted to make a name for himself. However, the prerequisite was that he could afford to eat hundreds of thousands of yuan in one meal. For a manager with a salary of a few million yuan per year, it was too extravagant.    


But in the current situation, he could not back down and did not dare to say no.    


Hong Biao observed Qin Yuan's expression and naturally knew that Qin Yuan was deliberately playing tricks on this Du guy. So he waved to the waiter and said, "Come and calculate how much this meal cost."    


The waiter quickly calculated that this meal would cost a total of 86,500 dollars.    


Hong Biao laughed and said, "Hahaha, although my Destiny Pavilion hotel is a high-end hotel, it is still a luxury hotel. This was the first time he had met a guest who ate 800,000 yuan for a meal. This meal of yours is really extravagant. I will give you a discount for Brother Qin's sake. If you don't want the change, I'll take 800,000 yuan from you. "    


Just like that, Du Fei painfully paid 5.8 million. This meal was too depressing for him. Not only did he lose money, but he also lost face.    


Now, the 20 or so employees under him looked at him differently. Some of the employees were even whispering about how Manager Du was such a person. In order to steal the limelight, he even broke a priceless Blue-and-white Porcelain Vase to frame Qin Yuan.    


Wasn't Manager Du and Qin related? He kept saying that Qin was a useless son-in-law, a laborer. But he insisted on competing with Qin for the limelight. In the end, he lost money and face. It was really not worth it.    


On the way back, Du Fei's face was ashen, and his stomach was filled with anger.    


Qin Yuan, on the other hand, still had a very calm expression.    


However, the twenty or so employees in the company also looked at Qin Yuan differently.    


Some employees even went up and asked, "Qin, you are really awesome today. Even the boss of Destiny Pavilion, Hong Biao, bowed to you and greeted you with a smile."    


"Yes, yes. Qin, who are you? Why is Hong Biao so afraid of you? Manager Du said that you are a son-in-law, why am I so disbelieving?"    


" Sigh, Qin is really low-key. He usually doesn't reveal his true colors, but when it comes to critical moments, he will amaze the world with a single brilliant feat. "    


" That's right, that's right. Qin is really awesome. "    


Hearing the discussions of the crowd, Du Fei became even angrier, and even clenched his fists.    


The next morning, Du Fei came to the company early in the morning.    


Qin Yuan also came.    


Qin Yuan first poured a glass of water for each staff member, then began to do some chores one by one.    


At this moment, Du Fei walked out of his office and coldly shouted at Qin Yuan, "Qin Yuan, come here."    


All the staff looked up and looked over. Everyone could feel Manager Du's anger.    


"This is bad, this is bad. Manager Du has gone mad. The meal yesterday was bought by Manager Du and he was upset. His heart was on fire."    


"That's right. It seems like Qin is going to suffer. How do you think Manager Du will deal with him later? He won't fire Qin, right?"    


Hearing Du Fei's voice, Qin Yuan was not surprised. He put down the work in his hands and walked to Du Fei. He asked neither servile nor overbearing, "Manager Du, what do you want from me?"    


Du Fei looked at Qin Yuan fiercely and said, "Qin Yuan, I now announce that you are fired."    


As soon as he said that, the employees on the fourth floor started to talk about it.    


Qin Yuan still had a very calm look on his face.    


"Eh? I was fired? Why? " Qin Yuan said.    


" No reason? I have the final say here. I will fire you if I say so." Du Fei snorted coldly. Of course, he wouldn't admit it. It was because Qin Yuan had stolen the limelight during the meal yesterday. That would make him appear narrow-minded.    


Initially, he wanted to arrange a job for Qin Yuan so that he could humiliate and ridicule him anytime and anywhere. But now, it seemed like there was no need for that. Qin Yuan had made him lose face yesterday, and he didn't want to see this person anymore.    


Seeing that Qin Yuan did not speak, Du Fei raised his voice and said, "What are you still standing there for? Did you not hear what I said clearly? Or did you not understand what I said? I don't mind repeating it again. Qin, you've been fired. Hurry up and get the hell out of here."    


The entire fourth floor immediately became dead silent. The atmosphere became extremely tense. All the employees looked at Qin Yuan with sympathy, but no one dared to plead for his life.    


Du Fei was only a small department manager in the company. But in the Design Department, he was always beaten up. If anyone dared to plead for Qin Yuan, in the future, Manager Du would make things difficult for them.    


"Sigh, what a pity. Qin just came to work yesterday, and he was fired today."    


"That's right. Actually, Qin is a good person, but he doesn't know how to do things. He also doesn't know how to suck up to people. Why did he offend Manager Du on his first day here? Now, Manager Du doesn't even care about his relatives' face. He just fired them. "    


Qin Yuan looked at Du Fei coldly. After a while, he suddenly smiled.    


This smile made Du Fei angry. Smile? At this time, this good-for-nothing could still laugh?    


"What are you laughing at? Are you unconvinced? It's useless even if you are not convinced. I just said that I have the final say here. " Du Fei said.    


Qin Yuan didn't say anything. Instead, he turned around and sat down on a chair beside him. He even crossed his legs.    


When Du Fei saw his expression, he became even angrier.    


"Wretched son of a b * tch, are you deaf? I said you were fired, why aren't you packing up your things and getting the hell out of here? If you don't get the hell out of here, I'll call security. When that happens, don't blame me for being merciless as a relative. "    


Qin Yuan's face suddenly turned cold. He slowly turned his eyes to Du Fei. He stared into Du Fei's eyes and said word by word, "Du Fei, I now announce that you are fired."    


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.    


Du Fei was even more confused. He frowned and looked at Qin Yuan in disbelief. "Useless trash, what did you say?"    


"What? I didn't hear what I said and still didn't understand what I said. I don't mind repeating it again. Du Fei, you are fired. " Qin Yuan said.    


After a moment, Du Fei raised his head and laughed.    


"Hahaha, loser, are you f * cking sick? I'm firing you now. I'm the department manager of the entire fourth floor. Who do you think you are? Stop talking nonsense. Get the hell out of here."    


Qin Yuan slammed the table and stood up. He said to Du Fei, "Du Fei, I will say it again. You are fired."    


After saying that, Qin Yuan did not explain anymore. He picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number. He said to the person on the other side of the phone, "Lin Yu? I am Qin Yuan. Come to the fourth floor."    


Everyone was stunned again. This guy actually called Lin Yu directly.    


Everyone in the company knew that Lin Yu was the CEO's secretary. Below one person, above ten thousand people.    


No, Qin Yuan was just a new worker hired by the company, and he came in through the back door. What right did he have to call Secretary Lin?    


After Lin Yu received Qin Yuan's call, she rushed to the design department on the fourth floor as fast as she could.    


When she reached the fourth floor, she found that the atmosphere on the entire floor was extremely tense.    


Lin Yu quickly walked to Qin Yuan's side and bowed slightly. She politely and cautiously asked, "President, did something happen? What orders do you have for me?"    


Hearing Lin Yu's words, everyone was dumbfounded.    


What? CEO? Secretary Lin actually called Qin Yuan the CEO? It can't be, right? Did he mishear it?    


Qin Yuan did not even look at Lin Yu. He pointed at Du Fei and said, "Secretary Lin, I want to fire someone, Du Fei from the Design Department on the fourth floor. Ask the finance department to settle his salary immediately. Ask him to pack his things and get out of here."    


Hearing this, Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, but she immediately realized that this small department manager, Du Fei, must have offended the president. He really didn't know what to do.    


Lin Yu did not even ask why. She nodded and said, "Yes, CEO. I will do it immediately."    


After saying that, Lin Yu took out the phone that was installed in the company and dialed the finance department's number. She gave a simple instruction to the finance department to ask them to pay Du Fei's salary immediately.    


Du Fei was stunned until Lin Yu finished the call. Only then did Du Fei realize what had happened. He hurriedly walked to Lin Yu's side and said, "No, Secretary Lin, what is going on? How did Qin Yuan become the president of our company? He is clearly a new worker. He is clearly a useless son-in-law."    


" Shut up. " Lin Yu rudely interrupted him and said snappily, "A few days ago, I told you that our company is going to have a new CEO. I told you to keep your eyes open. Maybe the CEO will come one day. I didn't expect you to offend him as soon as the CEO came, Manager Du. No, you are no longer the manager, Du Fei. You really don't have eyes. "    


Then, Lin Yu raised her voice and said to the employees present, "Actually, President Qin was appointed yesterday, but the president kept a low profile. He didn't ask us to hold a welcome ceremony, and more importantly, someone looked down on us. They treated the president as someone who was going to apply for our company and pretended to use the authority in their hands. After arranging a job for the president, our president could only continue to keep a low profile. After doing this job, he also took the opportunity to make a private visit. Take a look at the atmosphere in the company. "    


"I just didn't expect that someone would be so blind to actually treat the president as a handyman."    


Everyone was suddenly enlightened. After a long time, it turned out that the newly appointed president was Qin Yuan. He really hid it well.    


All the employees stood up and shouted in fear and trepidation, "Chairman... Chairman Qin..."    


Qin Yuan waved his hand and made them all sit down. Then he turned his eyes to the stunned Du Fei and said, "Du Fei, you were originally my wife's brother-in-law. I didn't want to do anything to you. But you kept showing off in front of me and in front of my family. This is really annoying. "    


"Aren't you just a manager with an annual salary of five million? Didn't you just buy an Audi and Toyota Prado? You think this is very impressive? "    


" You didn't hesitate to buy a fake car to fool your father-in-law in order to show off. You also let your father-in-law fool my father-in-law. Your posturing is really a mess. Do you think everyone else is a fool? "    


"You pretended to arrange work for me, but in fact, you only asked me to do the job of pouring tea. You just came to humiliate me, but there is one thing I want to say to you. Never look down on people because of the person you look down on. It might be an existence you can never hope to climb up to. "    


"Due to your vanity, your act of climbing up and trampling on others, and your act of showing off for no reason, it brought a bad influence to our company, so you were fired"    


"Alright, I've finished speaking. You can leave now. I don't want to see you in the company anymore, but as my wife's brother-in-law, I don't want to see you again. If you come to my house to visit relatives, I'll welcome you with both hands. But if you dare to act cool in front of me again, then don't blame me for forcing you to reveal your true form. Take care of yourself. "    


After saying these words, Qin Yuan walked out of the design department on the fourth floor without looking back.    


Looking at Du Fei again, he had already collapsed onto the ground like a pile of mud. Wasn't he just a little vain? Didn't he just like to show off? He didn't expect that acting cool would be so serious that he would lose all his face. He had also lost his job. How could he continue posturing in the future?    


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