Revenging Son-in-law

C212 You Are Just a Piece of Trash

C212 You Are Just a Piece of Trash

"No, Brother Yuan..." Lin Fei shouted anxiously, but it was already too late. Qin Yuan raised his hand, and the beer bottle in his hand drew a long arc in the air. It brought along a strong wind as it flew towards Liu Si, who was on the stage.    


At that time, Liu Si was grabbing the female singer's arm with all his strength, forcing her to take off her clothes. Then the beer bottle smashed onto the back of his head with a bang.    


Liu Si was caught off guard. He only felt a pain in his head. He could not help but let out an Aiya, and his body staggered for a while, but he quickly stabilized himself.    


After the beer bottle hit Liu Si's head, it fell to the ground with a bang, shattered, and yellow liquid flowed out from inside.    


The female singer, Tao Tao, was shocked. The other customers who were making noise were also stunned. For a moment, the bar became silent.    


Everyone looked at the scene in disbelief. The back of Liu Si's head was bleeding.    


The beer bottle's power was not small. In addition, Qin Yuan also used a lot of strength just now.    


Luckily, Liu Si could be considered a martial arts practitioner. His body was still very strong. If it was someone with a weak body, he would probably be smashed to the ground by the beer bottle. He might even be crushed to death.    


After Liu Si stabilized himself, he raised his hand and touched the back of his head, and then immediately saw that his palm was stained with blood.    


"Damn it..." Liu Si gritted his teeth and cursed. Then, he slowly turned around and looked down the stage.    


At this moment, Liu Si's eyes could almost shoot out fire. There was even killing intent spreading out from his body.    


"Who is it?" Liu Si looked at the people below the stage, then gritted his teeth and spat out a word. Of course, he was furious because this bar was his place. He was the boss of this bar, the boss of this bar. Whoever dared to hit him with a beer bottle would be tired of living.    


As soon as Liu Si's words left his mouth, the customers below the stage all stepped back, afraid that they would be implicated.    


Lin Fei was so scared that his heart almost jumped out. He never thought that Qin Yuan would use a beer bottle to hit Liu Si. This was too serious.    


Brother Yuan, Brother Yuan, you are courting death. Lin Fei was so anxious that he stomped his feet. He hated himself for not being able to stop Qin Yuan just now.    


However, his brain was working very fast. Since he couldn't stop Qin Yuan and the situation had already become like this, he had to let Qin Yuan escape as soon as possible. Otherwise, if Liu Si investigated this matter later, Brother Yuan would definitely lose his life.    


Others might not know about Lin Fei, but they knew very well that although Liu Si had already washed his hands and opened a bar to wash his hands, in reality, this person was cruel and merciless. Killing someone was as easy as turning his hand.    


Thinking of this, Lin Fei ran to Qin Yuan and grabbed his arm. He said in a low voice, "Brother Yuan, hurry up and leave this place."    


Qin Yuan did not take it seriously at all. He looked at Lin Fei, then patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."    


Lin Fei was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He was fine? How could it be fine? You even used a beer bottle to smash Liu Si's head open. How could he be fine?    


"Brother Yuan, hurry up and leave. Otherwise, you will lose your life."    


Qin Yuan said, "Don't worry. Since I dare to smash him, I'm not afraid of what he can do."    


"No, this isn't a matter of fear, this is..." Lin Fei still wanted to say something. At this moment, Liu Si who was on the stage was burning with anger. He shouted loudly, "Who is it? Who smashed me?"    


Qin Yuan pushed Lin Fei away, then walked forward and said loudly, Who?" I..."    


Everyone was stunned when they heard this word. Then, they all looked at Qin Yuan.    


At this moment, everyone in the bar was sweating. At the same time, they were also very curious. Who on earth had such guts? Daring to smash Liu Si's head with a beer bottle in Liu Si's territory?    


Qin Yuan slowly walked over with his arms crossed. The customers automatically opened up a path and looked at Qin Yuan in shock and fear.    


Someone whispered, "Damn it, who is this person? He has eaten the guts of a leopard. He even dared to smash Fourth Master?"    


"That's right. Is this person crazy? He actually dared to smash Fourth Master with a beer bottle. He really doesn't care about his life."    


"Let's wait and see. He smashed Fourth Master's head with a beer bottle in front of so many people. Fourth Master will definitely teach him a lesson."    


"How do you think Fourth Master will teach this person a lesson?"    


"With Fourth Master's ruthlessness, he will take revenge for the smallest grievance. I think this man's hands and feet will be broken. He might even be crippled and slowly tortured to death."    


However, following the discussion of the crowd, Qin Yuan walked to the front of the stage and stood at the front. He then raised his head and stared at Liu Si who was standing on the stage.    


Seeing Qin Yuan walk over, Lin Fei's heart was filled with despair.    


It was over, it was all over. This time, Brother Yuan had to die in Fourth Master's hands.    


Liu Si narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Yuan who was standing below the stage.    


"It's you? Was it you who smashed me just now?" Liu Si asked.    


" That's right, it was me who smashed you. " Qin Yuan said in a relaxed tone.    


"Sure, you dare to smash me? In the entire bar, only you have the courage to do so." Liu Si suddenly smiled, but his smile was a sneer filled with killing intent.    


"But I'm curious. You didn't hit me because you had a screw loose in your head, did you? Because I don't believe that a normal person would dare to hit me under normal circumstances? " Liu Si said.    


"If you say that you are mentally ill, or that your brain is flooded and you accidentally hit me with a beer bottle, then Fourth Master can be magnanimous and not pursue the matter."    


"No, I am the one who smashed you." Qin Yuan directly interrupted Liu Si's words.    


"My brain is not flooded, and I am not mentally ill. I am very normal." Qin Yuan added.    


This time, Liu Si's face completely changed.    


"How dare you! It seems like you really aren't afraid of death!"    


Liu Si's killing intent spread out all of a sudden. The temperature of the bar had almost dropped to the freezing point. No one dared to speak anymore. The whole bar was dead silent.    


Lin Fei was also very scared because he had seen Liu Si's power and ruthlessness. He also knew what would happen if he offended Liu Si.    


However, Qin Yuan was his friend and his brother after all. Although he was afraid, Lin Fei still steeled his heart and walked over.    


After that, Lin Fei said to Liu Si, "Fourth Master, I'm sorry. My friend accidentally hit you just now. He was really careless. He had drunk too much. His mind was already muddled. He didn't mean to hit you. Fourth Master, please be merciful and spare him. "    


Liu Si looked at Lin Fei with a pair of ruthless eyes.    


"What did you just say? This man is your friend?" Liu Si asked.    


"Yes, he is my friend. He came to the bar to find me today. Because we haven't seen each other for a long time, we drank more when we were happy. My friend, when he's drunk, he likes to throw a tantrum and get a little drunk. Fourth Master, Fourth Master, you are a magnanimous man. Spare him. "    


Liu Fei kept begging.    


Liu Si's expression softened a little, but he soon sneered. Then he said, "Lin Fei, no matter what, you are still one of my men. You have been working in my bar for a while now, right? I'll give you some face because you've been working diligently during this period of time. As long as your friend kneels down and apologizes to me... If you say that he didn't do it on purpose, then forget about it."    


When they heard this, everyone felt lucky for Qin Yuan. Today, the sun had risen from the west. Fourth Master actually showed mercy and wanted to spare this guy.    


It was enough to make this guy kneel down and apologize. This had really given Lin Fei a lot of face.    


Lin Fei was also very surprised. He was worried that his pleas would be useless. It would even anger Fourth Master even more. He didn't expect that Fourth Master would agree to spare Qin Yuan as soon as he pleaded. As long as Qin Yuan knelt down and apologized to him, it would be fine. Was it really that simple?    


Lin Fei hurriedly pushed Qin Yuan, who was standing beside him, and said in a low voice, "Brother Yuan, you, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and apologize to Fourth Master."    


A kind-hearted man beside him also said in a low voice, "That's right. Young man, quickly kneel down and apologize to Fourth Master. Fourth Master will not pursue this matter with you if you kneel down and apologize. Fourth Master, this is the magnanimity of the adults. "    


Everyone looked at Qin Yuan. They all thought that this person would definitely kneel down and apologize to Fourth Master, because normal people would definitely do such a thing.    


However, what they didn't expect was that Qin Yuan actually sneered. He raised his head to look at Liu Si, then raised his chin and said, "Apologize? I, Qin Yuan, never had the word apology in my life dictionary, let alone asking me to kneel down and apologize to you. Don't even think about it. "    


Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.    


F * ck, could there really be something wrong with this person's brain? Fourth Master had already given him a chance and had already decided to let him go, but he actually... actually said such a thing. How could it not be good for him?    


Lin Fei was also dumbfounded. He anxiously pushed Qin Yuan away.    


"Brother Yuan, you, are you crazy? Quick, quickly kneel down and apologize to Fourth Master. As long as you apologize, this matter will be over."    


Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "I just said that there is no apology in my life dictionary. Speaking of apology, Liu Si, I think you should apologize to this girl. You are a big man bullying a weak girl and forcing a little girl. You are really inhuman to take off your clothes in front of so many people. "    


The moment these words came out, the entire bar immediately exploded.    


"Damn, this person really doesn't care about his life. He actually directly called Fourth Master by his name?"    


"This guy is really stupid, right? He dared to say that Fourth Master isn't human, and even said that he wanted Fourth Master to apologize to that female singer. This is simply... simply..."    


Lin Fei also didn't expect Qin Yuan to be so arrogant.    


"Brother Yuan, what are you talking about? Do you know what you just said is enough to take your life?" Lin Fei was so anxious that he almost cried.    


Liu Si's face changed again. When he heard what Qin Yuan said at the beginning, his face turned ugly and almost turned green.    


This guy who didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth actually called his name directly, and even asked him to apologize to that female singer in front of so many people? This was simply wishful thinking.    


But very soon, Liu Si suddenly laughed. He was so angry that he laughed instead. He stared at Qin Yuan while laughing, then said, "Good, kid. You are really arrogant. There is no one who can be so arrogant in front of me, Fourth Master. Today, I have met you."    


"Kid, I am curious. You are so arrogant in front of me, Liu Si. What are you relying on? Don't tell me you have a powerful background or some great figure backing you? Otherwise... I don't think a small figure like you would dare to say such words in front of me, Fourth Master."    


Qin Yuan said, "I don't have any backing or background, and I don't have anyone backing me up. I am just an ordinary small figure. Liu Si, don't f * cking talk nonsense. Hurry up and apologize to this girl. Oh right, you bullied her just now. You actually forced her to take off her clothes. This was equivalent to slapping her face in front of so many people. You trampled on her dignity, so you have to kneel down and apologize to her."    


"Brother Yuan, don't say anymore." Lin Fei anxiously pulled Qin Yuan's arm.    


Qin Yuan smiled and raised his voice. He continued, "Did I say something wrong? You all saw it just now. Liu Si, this shameless thing, actually bullied a girl like that. He really has no sense of shame."    




The bar exploded once again.    


"This kid is really bold. The more he talks, the more he crosses the line. He actually dares to say that Fourth Master is shameless, and that Fourth Master is shameless. He even made Fourth Master kneel down and apologize to that girl? My God, he's too arrogant? "    


"This guy is really too arrogant. He is so arrogant that he doesn't want his life anymore."    


This time, Liu Si didn't laugh anymore. He narrowed his eyes. He looked Qin Yuan up and down and then said, "Kid, if you do not have any reliance, background, or support... Then what you just said is enough to kill you a hundred times over."    


Then, Liu Si suddenly turned his eyes to Lin Fei and roared at him, "Liu Fei, and you..."    


Lin Fei was so scared that his legs trembled and his face turned pale.    


"This man is your friend, right? Your friend is really arrogant. Just based on what he said to me just now, not only will I take his life, I will also take your life."    




Lin Fei was so scared that his legs turned soft, and he was about to kneel down in front of Liu Si.    


"Fourth Master, don't... don't kill us. Spare us. We won't dare to do it again."    


However, before Lin Fei's legs could kneel down, Qin Yuan suddenly grabbed his arm and gently lifted it up. Lin Fei, who was about to kneel down, suddenly stood up again.    


"Fei, men have gold under their knees. How can you kneel down so easily to someone? And to a bastard like Liu Si, he doesn't deserve it." Qin Yuan said.    


A scumbag?    


Everyone was dumbfounded once again. This man actually called Liu Si smashed into pieces?    


"Fine, you are a very arrogant kid, but I have to say that you are a fool. You will pay the price for your madness. This price is your life, and Lin Fei's life."    


"You want our lives? We have to see if you have the ability to do so." Qin Yuan said.    


"I don't have the ability? Kid, do you know who I, Fourth Master, am?"    


"I don't care who you are. In my opinion, you are just a scumbag, a scumbag who only knows how to bully weak girls. "    


"You..." Liu Si was so angry that he could see stars.    


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