Revenging Son-in-law

C205 Memory Fragments

C205 Memory Fragments

When dawn broke the second day, Qin Yuan was already sitting by the Guangling River, practicing breathing and breathing like usual.    


This kind of practice had been going on for nearly two months. In addition to the Energy Restoring Pill and stabilizing the gas, it had created the foundation of the body, making the effect even more obvious.    


Qin Yuan could clearly feel that when he inhaled the spiritual qi of heaven and earth into his lungs, he changed it and breathed out the lungs in his lungs.    


This way, the Qi in his body kept circulating and changing, and in less than half an hour, he felt refreshed and refreshed.    


Now, Qin Yuan knew that Profound Sect's martial arts were deep and profound. He needed a long time to comprehend and cultivate it.    


And now, he had officially become a disciple of the Profound Sect. Speaking of which, the white-haired old man was the grandmaster of the Profound Sect, Shanxuanzi. He could be considered his official master, although he didn't know much about this master. Speaking of which, he didn't know much about the matters of the Profound Sect.    


However, some of the recent events had allowed him to know about the situation of Profound Sect.    


For example, ten years ago, he didn't know the reason, nor did he know who had attacked him. He had destroyed the Profound Sect almost overnight.    


The Profound Sect had existed for hundreds of years, although there weren't many disciples. Their martial arts were profound, and they belonged to a hidden sect. Every disciple in the sect... As for the grandmaster of the Profound Sect, Shanxuanzi, he had almost reached the Heavenly God realm. He was no longer an ordinary person. He was equivalent to a Divine Immortal.    


However, such a powerful sect was destroyed overnight. More than a dozen disciples were killed. Even the ancestor of Profound Sect, Shanxuanzi, had no choice but to hide in the huge cauldron.    


Qin Yuan had been thinking about who was the one who destroyed Profound Sect in the past. Could it be that his strength was even greater than Shanxuanzi's? How could he destroy the Profound Sect in just one night?    


In addition, his memory had been recovering recently. At a certain moment, he could vaguely recall what had happened to him in the past.    


For example, he would suddenly remember that he was once the young master of a big family, living a luxurious life, an arrogant and despotic life.    


Sometimes, he would also recall a part of his life from that time.    


For example, when he was still a young master of a big family, he had been racing on the highway with someone and ended up in a car accident.    


For example, when he was still a young master of a wealthy family, he had been drinking and hugging a beautiful female star.    


However, this was only a fragment. After a few seconds, it disappeared. If one wanted to think about it again, they would not be able to remember it.    


Every time this time, Qin Yuan patted his head in distress and said to himself, "What's wrong with my memory? Although it had been sealed five years ago, it had now faintly recovered. But every time I try to think about the past, I still feel a splitting headache. "    


In fact, Qin Yuan really wanted to know what happened to him in the past. For example, what kind of big family did he live in in in the past? What kind of luxurious life did he live in the past? And why did he suddenly lose his memory five years ago? Then, Shanxuanzi sealed the martial arts of Profound Sect into his body, causing him to become ugly and weak. Then, he became the son-in-law of Chu Family, living five years of cowardly life.    


What was the reason behind all of this? So what if it was the big family he used to live in?    


Where were his parents? Did he have brothers and sisters, did he have loved ones, and where were these people now?    


Too many questions lingered in Qin Yuan's mind. He knew that there were only two ways to solve these questions.    


The first way was to meet Shanxuanzi in the large cauldron and ask him personally.    


In fact, Qin Yuan had mentioned his family background when he arrived in the large cauldron. However, Shanxuanzi did not answer him. He only said that he would know when the time was right.    


Then there was another method. When his memory gradually recovered, everything would come to light.    


Qin Yuan felt that his memory would recover as his strength increased. In other words, when his strength reached a certain level one day, his lost memory would slowly recover.    


Therefore, he shouldn't think too much about it for the time being. He had to strengthen himself first, and when he became stronger, his memory would truly recover.    


Qin Yuan let out a light sigh and slowly opened his eyes.    


At this time, the sky had already turned white. It was almost dawn.    


He slowly withdrew his Qi and prepared to end his cultivation.    


However, at this moment, a voice suddenly transmitted into his mind without any warning.    


"Yuan... Yuan..." A woman anxiously called out.    


After hearing this voice, Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment. Then his head suddenly hurt. A memory fragment rushed into his mind without any warning.    


Because his brain could not bear the sudden memory, his vision went black and he fainted on the ground.    


But his consciousness did not lose. As the woman anxiously called out to him, an image appeared in his mind.    


It was a dark green forest. It was very big, and one could not see the end of it. However, it also seemed very desolate and lonely.    


In the middle of the forest, there was an open space. A thatched hut stood tall, and it was a very simple thatched hut.    


At this moment, there was a man and a woman in the thatched hut.    


The man was tall and sturdy, and he had a handsome face. The woman was wearing white clothes, and she had a delicate and pretty face. However, the lower half of the woman's skirt was no longer two legs, but nine fox tails.    


At this moment, the woman was anxiously calling out, "Yuan, where have you been? Come back quickly, mother is worried about you."    


The man said, "Ruxue, don't worry too much. Yuan is a sensible child. This child said that you haven't eaten wild animals for a long time, so he went out to hunt for wild animals for you. He will come back."    


Hearing this, Bai Ruxue's tears almost flowed down.    


"Junwu, why are you so muddle-headed? How can you let Yuan run out alone? Do you know that this place is very dangerous? Those people are eyeing us covetously, they might come at any time. If Yuan is in danger, both of us will not be by his side. But what should we do? "    


Qin Junwu sighed, but his tone immediately became firm.    


"Ruxue, it is precisely because we are in danger that I let my son out. I have to let him train. These years, he has been like a flower in a greenhouse. We protected him too well, but you have to know... Sooner or later, he'll have to face some things alone. We can't protect him for the rest of his life."    


"But... but..."    


" Don't be a busybody, Ruxue. We have to believe that our son will be safe and sound. He will definitely become stronger during training. "    


As soon as Qin Junwu said this, hurried footsteps came from outside the thatched hut. Then, the voice of a five or six-year-old child was heard.    


"Dad, Mom, they are here again..."    


Bai Ruxue's face lit up when she heard this voice.    


"It is Yuan's voice. He is back."    


The next second, with a bang, the door of the thatched cottage was pushed open. A five-year-old boy appeared at the door of the thatched cottage.    


The boy was out of breath and looked very tired. But after he pushed open the door of the thatched hut, he couldn't care less. He said to Qin Junwu and Bai Ruxue, "Dad, Mom, those people are here again. And this time, many of them are here. They are so fierce. Let's run. "    


Hearing this, Qin Junwu and Bai Ruxue's expressions changed.    


At this moment, the sound of footsteps began to ring out around the thatched hut, followed by a burst of loud laughter.    


"Hahahaha... Qin Junwu, Bai Ruxue, surrender."    


"Qin Junwu, we are here again. I have said that unless you hand over Bai Ruxue, you will never have a peaceful day."    


" Qin Junwu, this is your last chance. As long as you hand over Bai Ruxue, we will immediately let you and your father live. "    


Hearing the cold voices outside, Bai Ruxue's face was full of pain. She grabbed Qin Junwu's arm and said with a trembling voice, "They are here again. Why are they not willing to let me go? Just because I am a spirit fox that cultivates, am I a demon in their eyes? "    


"Don't be afraid, Ruxue." Qin Junwu pulled Bai Ruxue into his embrace.    


The little boy ran over and hugged his parents. He cried and said, "Dad, why do they have to take Mom away? They are bad people. Let's run."    


Qin Junwu looked up at his son and smiled. "Child, you must remember not to run when you meet bad people. Because the more you run, the stronger they chase. There will never be a peaceful day. Besides, we are men. When we encounter trouble, we have to face it. We can't run away from it. "    


The little boy blinked and said," But dad, this time, many people really came. They are really fierce. We can't beat them. "    


"We have to fight even if we can't beat them. Son, don't worry. Even if we die, Dad will protect you and your mother." Qin Junwu raised his hand and patted the little boy's hair. Then he stood up.    


"Yuan, stay with your mother. Your father will be back soon."    


Bai Ruxue's face was pale as she grabbed her husband's arm. "No, don't go. Last time you were injured and you haven't fully recovered yet. Besides, they are coming at us aggressively this time. I am afraid they will not stop until they reach their goal."    


"Junwu, you have done too much for me. I don't want to implicate you anymore. They are just using the name of killing demons and devils. Do they want to kill me? Didn't they want the Spirit Fox Inner Core that I have cultivated for a thousand years? I'll give it to them."    


When Bai Ruxue said this, she struggled to stand up. Qin Junwu suddenly pressed on her shoulder and said firmly, "Don't move. I'm here, so you don't need to do anything. Let me deal with it because I am your husband. I am a man. "    


Bai Ruxue was stunned when she heard this. She looked at her husband's determined face and was speechless.    


Qin Junwu patted her shoulder again and gave her a firm look. Then he bent down and gently picked up the little boy.    


"Listen to your mother well. Dad will go and beat the bad guys."    


Qin Junwu resolutely walked out.    


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