Revenging Son-in-law

C24 It's Coming for You

C24 It's Coming for You

When she returned home the next night, it was already late at night. Chu Zijing had been busy the whole day in the company and was exhausted.    


After she washed up and changed into her pajamas, she fell on the bed in the bedroom. Qin Yuan had already prepared the floor bed.    


"Wife, are you tired? How's the company today?" Qin Yuan asked.    


"It's good. The company has survived the crisis and I have decided to expand the company. You know, changing the focus from the clothing industry to the cosmetic industry. The current cosmetic industry is a lucrative one. I have long wanted to set foot in it. It's just that I've been suffering from the lack of funds, and now I've finally gotten what I wanted."    


Qin Yuan nodded. "That's good. Wife, do your best. I believe that with your ability, you will definitely make the Chu Group one of the top companies."    


Chu Zijing originally wanted to say that it was all thanks to the few hundred million yuan that Qin Yuan provided. She saved her company and let it expand. She actually wanted to thank Qin Yuan. But thinking about it again, how did Qin Yuan, this good-for-nothing, get those few hundred million? She still couldn't believe that Wei Family would be so generous and give him a few hundred million yuan in one go.    


In short, Chu Zijing still felt that Qin Yuan's money came from an unorthodox background, so she waved her hand and said impatiently, "Alright, alright. Don't ask anymore. Quickly go to sleep. There are still many things to do tomorrow morning."    


Finishing, Chu Zijing reached out and turned off the bedside lamp. The room sank into darkness.    


Qin Yuan could only lie down on the bed and prepare to sleep. However, not long after he laid down, Chu Zijing's phone suddenly rang.    


Chu Zijing was already very sleepy, but when she heard the ringtone, she still fumbled around and picked up the phone. When she saw that it was her secretary, Anna, who came over.    


"Hello, Anna, it's so late. What's the matter?"    


"President Chu, good news, great news. Didn't we just expand the company in the direction of the cosmetic industry today? In the end, a big company came to discuss business with us today."    


"President Chu, it's the Beauty Makeup cosmetics company, one of the three major cosmetics brands in China. They want to work with us." Anna's excited voice was trembling.    


Chu Zijing heard this and her sleepiness disappeared. She sat up from the bed with a whoosh.    


"What did you say? The Beauty Makeup's cosmetics company? This is a famous brand in the country. You want to work with us? "    


" Yeah, it's from Beauty Makeup's cosmetics company. They want to work with us, and it's a big deal. President Chu, if we can work with the Beauty Makeup's cosmetics company this time, we can earn at least a few billion. More importantly, we can borrow the popularity of Beauty Makeup's company. If we can make our company famous, our company will become the leading company in the industry."    


Chu Zijing was also very excited. Of course, she knew what this meant.    


"Is it true? Our company was just about to set off for the beauty salon, but a big brand company wanted to work with us? Anna, you are not joking with me, right? Our company is just a second-rate small company. Why would the Beauty Makeup fancy us? Do you want to cooperate with us?"    


"I don't know either. Maybe we're just lucky. President Chu, how can I joke with you about this? It is absolutely true. They asked us to make the proposal as soon as possible. Pass the proposal to their company by six o'clock tomorrow morning to discuss the partnership with their boss." Anna said.    


Since they had already given up on the proposal, then this matter definitely can't be faked.    


She was going to make the proposal by six o'clock tomorrow? Chu Zijing looked at the time. It was almost midnight, so she immediately put on her clothes and got off the bed without saying a word.    


"Anna, wait for me. I will go to the company now. We have to work overtime today. No matter what time it is, we have to work overtime. Even if it's an all-nighter, we have to make the proposal by six o'clock tomorrow morning. We have to make Beauty Makeup satisfied. "    


"Yes, yes. President Chu, we are already at the company. We are just waiting for you." Anna said.    


After hanging up the phone, Chu Zijing's exhaustion was swept away. She was as excited as if she had been injected with stimulants. She quickly put on her clothes, picked up her small bag, and prepared to go to the company to work overtime.    


"Wife, it's already so late. You still want to go to the company?" Qin Yuan said.    


"What do you know? The big company wants to work with us. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Alright, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to work overtime."    


"It's so late. It's not safe for you to go out alone. Why don't I send you?" Qin Yuan said.    


"What's there to be unsafe about? The company is not far from here. Besides, I'll drive there."    


"It's not safe to drive there. Wife, I'll drive you there."    


Qin Yuan insisted on driving, so Chu Zijing could only agree.    


Just like that, five minutes later, Qin Yuan drove Chu Zijing's Buick to the company.    


When they reached the company building, the car had just stopped when Chu Zijing hurriedly opened the car door and walked out. As she walked, she said to Qin Yuan without looking back, "You can go back first. I might have to work overtime very late today. Or I might have to work all night."    


Qin Yuan hurriedly chased after her. "Wife, I'll give you the car keys. I'll just walk back."    


For Chu Zijing's convenience, Qin Yuan decided to leave the car with her. He was going to call a car or walk home.    


Chu Zijing took the car keys and hurried into the company building.    


Because Chu Zijing's company was not far from home, and it was late at night and it was not easy to take a taxi, Qin Yuan decided to walk back.    


He crossed two roads and turned into a small alley. This alley was a shortcut. If he went through it from here, he could reach home with a traffic light.    


The alley was a little dark and dead silent. If it were someone else, they would not dare to pass through here at night, but Qin Yuan did not care. He hummed a song as he walked through the alley, because his wife's company had already passed the crisis. He was in a good mood.    


However, what he did not expect was that just as he walked to the middle of the alley, a few people suddenly came in front of him and blocked his way.    


Those people wore colorful clothes, each of them had a big waist and round waist, and there were all kinds of tattoos on their exposed body parts. One look and one could tell that they weren't good people.    


Qin Yuan was stunned. He thought to himself, Did I encounter a robbery in the middle of the night?    


At this time, footsteps came from behind him. He turned around and saw a few people walking over behind him. The one in the lead was holding a cigarette in his mouth.    


These people were obviously in the same group. They attacked from the front and back, blocking Qin Yuan in the middle.    


"Yo, kid, you are quite brave. Haven't you heard that there have been a few robbery cases in this alley recently? You still dare to pass through here?" The man in the back with a cigarette in his mouth and a dragon tattoo on his arm said.    


"What do you want to do?" Qin Yuan's tone was very calm, totally not putting these hooligans in his eyes.    


Ever since he was punched by Zhou Mingliang last time, his body had suddenly transformed. He felt that his body was full of energy. He was worried that he could not find a place to vent his energy. These hooligans had come at the right time.    


The ruffian with a cigarette in his mouth said, "Haha, don't be afraid. I don't want money today. I only want one arm and one leg."    


When Qin Yuan heard that, he suddenly felt that something was not right. They did not come for money, but for themselves.    


"Haha, it's not that we don't like money, but we have already accepted other people's money. So we have to do things according to the rules and break one arm and one leg. Then I'll cripple you. Kid, you said you would do it yourself. Or should we help you?"    


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