Evolutionary Plunder System: From A Snake

C157 The Collapsing Meng Ziming

C157 The Collapsing Meng Ziming

Zhang Lingfeng immediately ran into a group of people. The leader of the group had a small mustache.    


This man was the one who had led a group of people to blackmail him not long ago when he first entered the sect.    


Zhang Lingfeng vaguely remembered that this guy had called Meng Ziming over.    


Back then, not only had Meng Ziming wanted to extort him, he had also extorted the Wang siblings and even beat up Wang Cheng.    


Later on, when Zhang Lingfeng saw Wang Cheng's miserable state, he went to find Meng Ziming to settle the score and seek justice for Wang Cheng. At the same time, he also returned the Storage Ring that Meng Ziming had stolen to Wang Cheng.    


Because of this incident, not much time had passed, so Zhang Lingfeng naturally remembered it clearly.    


He knew that Meng Ziming's group wasn't very far away from his residence.    


Therefore, he wasn't surprised that he would run into Meng Ziming.    


"It's you?!"    


At the same time, Meng Ziming and the others were startled when they saw Zhang Lingfeng's face. They couldn't help but blurt out.    


When they thought about how cruel and brutal Zhang Lingfeng's means were, and how he had taught them a lesson, Meng Ziming and the others' faces instantly turned pale, and a trace of fear flashed across their eyes.    


"Dammit! I didn't expect to meet this malefic again. Let's go!"    


The young man with a small mustache, Meng Ziming, shivered and said to his companions behind him in a low voice. He wanted to run away.    


The group of people now had a serious psychological trauma towards Zhang Lingfeng. They had no confidence to challenge him, so they were all prepared to hide.    


However, before they could realize what they were thinking, Zhang Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and shouted.    


"All of you, stop right there! Whoever dares to slip away, I will break their legs if I catch up to them!"    


When Zhang Lingfeng said those words, his voice was calm, but there was an unquestionable tone to it.    


When the group of young men, led by Meng Ziming, heard these words, it was as if they had heard the devil's voice from the abyss. Their bodies shivered, and they subconsciously stopped in their tracks.    


They knew they couldn't run anymore. Meng Ziming had no choice but to turn around. He squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying at Zhang Lingfeng and said:    


"Big brother, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to see you here. "    


"Yeah, it is indeed a coincidence. I have only been in the outer sect for more than ten days, and I have met you for the third time. I think we are fated to meet, what do you think?"    


Zhang Lingfeng crossed his arms across his chest and approached Meng Ziming. He smiled and patted Meng Ziming's shoulder.    


Zhang Lingfeng just casually patted Meng Ziming's shoulder as a form of greeting. He didn't intend to make a move on Meng Ziming.    


After all, Meng Ziming didn't provoke him this time.    


However, Meng Ziming did not know that much.    


When he thought about how cruel and ruthless Zhang Lingfeng was, Meng Ziming was afraid of him. He thought that Zhang Lingfeng was going to beat him up again.    


Therefore, when Zhang Lingfeng patted Meng Ziming's shoulder, Meng Ziming's body trembled. His legs went soft, and he knelt down in front of Zhang Lingfeng.    


"Big. . . Big Brother, I know I was wrong. Please don't hit me. This is my Storage Ring. Please accept it. "    


While kneeling on the ground, Meng Ziming raised a Storage Ring with both of his hands, and started to beg for mercy with snot and tears in his eyes.    


"That's right, big brother. We have changed ourselves. Recently, we haven't blackmailed our fellow disciples. Please forgive me. "    


The group of underlings behind Meng Ziming knelt down in front of Zhang Lingfeng almost at the same time. They also started to beg for mercy.    


These people were all wily old foxes in the outer circle, and they didn't have much talent. Furthermore, they were the kind of people who bullied the weak and feared the strong, and they didn't have any backbone at all.    


When they thought about Zhang Lingfeng's cruel means and his formidable strength, Meng Ziming and the others were afraid.    


At the same time, when Zhang Lingfeng saw the scene in front of him, he was completely stunned.    


What the f * ck was going on?    


He didn't seem to have done anything, and he even greeted Meng Ziming politely. Why did these guys just kneel down in front of him?    


He even said that he shouldn't hit them!    


It was as if he was very violent.    


He was obviously very honest!    


As a young man from Earth, he had never taken the initiative to cause trouble.    


Zhang Lingfeng was somewhat speechless. He stared at Meng Ziming and the others and said:    


"What are you doing? Did I say I was going to hit you? Hurry up and get up! Put away your Storage Rings! I'm not a robber! "    


" This. . . "    


Meng Ziming and the others were also stunned. They looked at each other in dismay.    


This big brother actually stopped attacking when he met them this time? Why didn't he rob them of their Storage Ring?    


This was a good thing!    


Meng Ziming and the others were crying tears of joy. All of them were staring at Zhang Lingfeng with gratitude. At the same time, they felt a little awkward in their hearts.    


This was too f * cking shameful!    


They were so scared that they knelt on the ground just by patting him on the shoulder.    




How embarrassing!    


Because of the awkwardness, Meng Ziming's face turned slightly red, but he still flattered Zhang Lingfeng and said: "Thank you, big brother, for showing mercy!"    


"En, it's good that you all know about it. Remember, you can't do those kinds of bad things that blackmail fellow disciples in the future. Otherwise, I won't spare you all. "    


Zhang Lingfeng nodded his head and gave another warning.    


The reason he stopped them was because he wanted them to do something for him.    


He wanted to teach Du Xiuping a lesson and deal with the Green Gang.    


He had another goal.    


That was to become famous in the outer sect.    


With that, the outer sect disciples would recognize him, and naturally wouldn't dare to provoke him again.    


Therefore, he planned to let Meng Ziming and the others spread the news that he wanted to teach Du Xiuping a lesson and challenge the Green Gang.    


This way, once he dealt with Du Xiuping and defeated the Green Gang, his name would naturally spread in the outer sect.    


Reputation was just a joke.    


However, if he used it, the other outer sect disciples wouldn't dare to provoke him, and it would help him avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.    


That was why Zhang Lingfeng did it.    


When Meng Ziming and the others found out that Zhang Lingfeng wanted to challenge the Green Gang, they were all shocked.    


These people looked at each other, suspecting that they had misheard him.    


Therefore, after Meng Ziming swallowed his saliva, he could not help but carefully repeat his question.    


"Big brother, are you really going to challenge Du Xiuping and the Qing Gang?    


Maybe you just came to the outer circle and don't know about the Green Gang's situation.    


I'm telling you, the Green Gang is one of the ten big gangs in the outer circle. The leader of the Green Gang, Qing Yi, has a Seventh Level of Soul Transforming Stage cultivation base, you. . . "    


Meng Ziming didn't continue, but his meaning was obvious.    


Obviously, he wanted to say, Can you win?    


"What? Don't tell me you have no confidence in me?"    


Zhang Lingfeng raised his brows, but he wasn't angry. He immediately unleashed the strength of Sixth Level of Soul Transforming Stage's qi and blood.    


"Sixth Level of Soul Transforming Stage?! This. . . This is possible! Hiss!"    


Sensing the strength of Zhang Lingfeng's cultivation base, Meng Ziming and the others almost popped their eyes out.    


They still remembered clearly that when they were together and were planning to teach Zhang Lingfeng a lesson, he was only a First Level of Soul Transforming Stage warrior.    


Why was it that in less than ten days, his cultivation base had advanced to the Sixth Level of Soul Transforming Stage, as if he had eaten Brother Wei?    


Was he still an f * cking human?    


He was a monster amongst monsters!    


This was way too fierce!    


One should know that they had been in the outer circle for a few years, and those who were slow in their cultivation had only just broken through to the Second Level of Soul Transforming Stage.    


When they thought of these things, Meng Ziming and the others were on the verge of breaking down.    


They had been dealt a heavy blow by Zhang Lingfeng's cultivation speed.    


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