Dragon Blood King



After Ximen Xue left, Bai Yuhao entered the Ethereal Realm and prepared for the next battle.    


The next morning, under the lead of Mu Yinv, the guards who were all ready to go, as well as Mu Yinv and other Holy Dragon Kingdom elites, went to the predetermined place to wait for Bai Yuhao and the others' signal.    


Bai Yuhao and Di Longfei openly left the only path left behind by the Asura Clan and went straight to the Gate of the Alien World.    


Not long after, Bai Yuhao and Di Longfei appeared in front of the closed Gate of the Alien World.    


A man dressed in devil teeth armor came out from the camp on the side of the Gate of the Alien World. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Bai Yuhao and Di Longfei.    


"Just the two of you?" Asura Qin Lieh wasn't surprised to see Bai Yuhao and Di Longfei coming alone. He knew that Bai Yuhao knew that he had set an inescapable trap for him, so he couldn't bring his army in to kill himself. Asura Qin Lieh only had one goal, and that was Bai Yuhao.    


Where's Lee Xiaoyun? "Let him come out to meet me. I want to avenge the clan head with my own hands …" Di Longfei shouted loudly when he saw Asura Qin Lieh.    


"Ha ha!" Asura Qin Lieh suddenly laughed out wildly.    


"What are you laughing at?" Di Longfei glared at Asura Qin Lieh.    


"Do you think that the real Lee Xiaoyun can kill Di Family Master?" Asura Qin Lieh snorted.    


"What do you mean?" Di Longfei clearly didn't know how to react.    


"Don't tell me you disguised yourself as Lee Xiaoyun!" Bai Yuhao saw Asura Qin Lieh's expression and immediately understood.    


"You are smarter!" "Actually, the real Lee Xiaoyun died ten years ago." Asura Qin Lieh directly pointed it out.    


"In that case, I'll kill you and avenge the Patriarch!" When Di Longfei heard that Asura Qin Lieh had already admitted to disguising himself as Lee Xiaoyun, then Di Family Master must have also been killed by him, so he immediately became impulsive.    


However, Bai Yuhao immediately stopped Di Longfei, "Commander Di, don't be rash!"    


Di Longfei could only suppress his anger as he glared at Asura Qin Lieh.    


"So you're saying, you've actually been hiding in the Human Clan for ten years?" Bai Yuhao looked at Asura Qin Lieh in surprise, he did not expect Asura Qin Lieh to hide his identity in Human Clan for ten years.    


"That's right. For the great cause of Asura Clan, ten years is nothing!" Asura Qin Lieh said in disdain.    


"Then is your goal just to simply destroy Human Clan?" Bai Yuhao continued to ask, because he had always felt that Asura Qin Lieh's motive was strange. Asura Qin Lieh had used ten years of hidden time in the Human Clan, but had only started recently, wasn't it a little too long?    


"Of course not, destroying the Human Clan is only the first step. What's next is to swallow the Spirit Clan, and finally, let my Asura Clan harmonize once again!" Asura Qin Lieh said their Asura Clan's ambitions without hiding anything.    


"With your Asura Clan's strength, why didn't you directly dispatch troops to eliminate Human Clan and Spirit Clan? Wouldn't it be even easier to do that, and would have to spend ten years of time to subtly weaken Human Clan …" Bai Yuhao continued to ask.    


"Because if the Asura Clan displays too much strength, it will inevitably cause the balance of power in the Tianla Continent, and that way, the Tianla Continent may get out of control and be punished by the heavens, so, even if the strength of the Asura Clan is strong enough to rule over the entire continent, it can't be too direct. Otherwise, why do you think I, in order to maintain the balance of the world, have to use up a lot of manpower and resources to open up the Gate of the Alien World and capture slaves from other worlds, and build up a domineering world on this foundation?" Asura Qin Lieh found it hard to suppress his ambition.    


"What about after unification? Isn't your Asura Clan the strongest existence as well, and this world will once again become unbalanced … " Bai Yuhao asked.    


"The restoration and destruction of a dynasty will eventually bring about a long struggle, and this is the process that our Asura Clan will enjoy. After we unite the continent, we can then let our Human Clan and Spirit Clan regain hope, and let them slowly rebel against us once more. This way, our Tianla Continent will be able to maintain the balance of power. Moreover, our Asura Clan will also be able to alternate between an empire and an empire … " Asura Qin Lieh revealed the dynasty's plan that Asura Clan had always insisted on.    


So that's how it is. Looks like no matter if it's Human Clan, or whether it's Spirit Clan, they are all pawns in the hands of your Asura Clan. Therefore, no matter what the final result is, your Asura Clan will always be the final winner. Bai Yuhao finally understood why Asura Qin Lieh's plan was so grand and did not hesitate to spend a lot of time. His goal was to deceive the heavens and the earth, avoiding the laws of the world and creating an illusion.    


"Cut the crap. I know you're here for Mu Lingluo. If you want to save her, then trade your life for it …" Asura Qin Lieh directly told Bai Yuhao.    


"If you want my life, then take it, but you have to let go of Xiluo first!" Bai Yuhao suggested a condition.    


"Do you think I'm stupid? "As long as you die, I will let her go. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have to suffer this pain. She is a woman that Asura Qin Lieh has his eyes on. If she wants, I can give her endless wealth …" Asura Qin Lieh said arrogantly.    


"Is that so? "Then let me see her once, and then I'll hand over my life to you." Bai Yuhao immediately said.    


"Then I shall do as you wish." Asura Qin Lieh seemed to want to leave something for Bai Yuhao, so he immediately waved his hand.    


A moment later, Mu Lingluo, who was shackled, was brought out by two Asura Clan people and walked in front of Bai Yuhao and the others.    


"Silo, are you alright?" Bai Yuhao was relieved to see that Mu Lingluo was safe and sound.    


"Idiot, you still came. I'm fine, but you have to leave immediately. You can't be his opponent. Don't die because of me!" When Mu Lingluo saw Bai Yuhao, her delicate face initially looked excited, but soon after, it dimmed down.    


Bai Yuhao smiled at Mu Lingluo. Then, he turned to Asura Qin Lieh and said, "Am I really dead? You just let Ling Luo go …"    


"Yes, as long as you die, everything will become simple." Asura Qin Lieh nodded.    


"Fine, I'll give you my life now. I hope you can keep your promise!" After Bai Yuhao said this, he suddenly took out the Loong Xuan Sword from behind him and threw it. After the Loong Xuan Sword circled in the air, it suddenly flew towards Bai Yuhao's chest.    


In the blink of an eye, Loong Xuan's sword had pierced through Bai Yuhao's body. Bai Yuhao was also half-kneeling on the ground, on the verge of death.    




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