Dragon Blood King



In just two rounds, Xiao Jiao'er had instantly become the focus of everyone's discussion.    


It was obvious that Cao Family also found it hard to accept this fact, and practically everyone still had a stunned expression on their face.    


"Could it be that the Xiao Family Third Miss is also hiding her true strength?" Pang Loong could not help but feel suspicious, because for someone who did not know how to use the Beast Curing Arts, defeating a medicinal beast master in a surprising manner at the Beast Tamers Competition was obviously illogical. The only possibility was that Xiao Jiao'er had hidden her strength. It's just that no one knows.    


"How is that possible? "Ever since I was young, I have never received any training in the medical field …" Xiao Mei also found it hard to believe, but she suddenly remembered what Bai Yuhao said to her, so she guessed that if her third sister suddenly possessed such a medical beast, would its power have something to do with Bai Yuhao. However, Bai Yuhao's beast taming ability was unquestionably strong. However, beast taming and beast taming were two completely different fields, so it was impossible for Bai Yuhao to be related.    


However, in regards to Cao Family, Xiao Jiao'er also gave them an unexpected pleasant surprise after Bai Yuhao, allowing Cao Family, which was already set in stone, to once again see hope.    


Of course, Xiao Jiao'er's stunning performance, coupled with her appearance, made her look like a highly desirable beauty. As a result, she won over many people in an instant.    


Soon after, the second beast tamer from Qi Family was also quickly dispatched, and the two families once again returned to their starting points. This time, the two beast tamers sent by Qi Family were all famous beast tamers, and their strength was comparable to the Patriarch of Xiao Family, Xiao Rong. Logically speaking, defeating Xiao Jiao'er was as easy as flipping his palm.    


However, what no one expected was that the strange Beast Curing Arts, which seemed extremely bloody but was fighting steadily, actually won another two rounds in a row, and once again defeated the second Beast Tamer of Qi Family.    


At this moment, the entire sparring hall burst out into a commotion. Everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Jiao'er.    


"I didn't expect that this Third Miss's Xiao Family would be so powerful. If I knew it would be like this, I wouldn't have made a joke about her going to the Xiao Family." Having witnessed Xiao Jiao'er's strength as a beast, Cao Qingxun couldn't help but reflect upon her words.    


"Uncle, you should have nothing to say now, right?" Cao Qinglan turned her gaze towards the green-faced Cao De.    


Cao De also humphed, but he couldn't even say a word. After all, the truth was right in front of his eyes.    


"This time, Cao Family is considered to have turned the tables around. There is only one last beast master left in terms of Qi Family. However, the strength of the three beast tamers from Qi Family were about the same, so it should not be difficult for the last one to do the same. However, the Beast Curing Arts of the Xiao Family Third Miss has never been heard of before, and has never been seen before. Pang Loong looked suspiciously at Bai Yuhao as he spoke.    


"To Cao Family, this shouldn't be important. What's important is that Cao Family can laugh until the end." Bai Yuhao replied to Pang Loong.    


Pang Loong also smiled when he heard this.    


The Cao Family was proud, but naturally, he was caught unprepared.    


"Why is this happening? "Why …" Qi Xiaotian was furious and glared at Xiao Qinyu, who was kneeling in front of him.    


"Patriarch, I really didn't know that Third Sister would be such a powerful Beast Curing Arts? "But, I've never seen her use it before …" Xiao Qinyu also found it hard to tell the difference.    


"Let's drag it out first." But Qi Xiaotian already believed that Xiao Qinyu was tricking him, or perhaps, it was simply Cao Family deliberately using Xiao Qinyu to confuse their Qi Family. No matter what, this Cao Family was a success.    


Xiao Qinyu's face turned ashen as he begged for mercy, but he was still dragged down, and in the end, he ended up suffering the consequences.    


"Tao Er …" At this time, Qi Xiaotian suddenly gave Qi Tao a meaningful look.    


"Father means …" Qi Tao was a bit surprised.    


"Originally, I had wanted to wait a little longer before letting you appear in the competition between the top nations, but now it seems that I won't be able to wait any longer. In any case, sooner or later, I'll let the entire Woodgod Kingdom know. Qi Xiaotian retracted his anger and said with a calm expression.    


"I know." Qi Tao immediately revealed a confident smile, and then, walked out of the Cao Family resting area, under the watch of everyone in the competition hall, he walked onto the round stage.    


When Qi Tao stepped onto the stage, the entire competition grounds immediately boiled up with excitement. It was as if no one had expected the Qi Family Young Master to personally go up. However, no one had heard that this Qi Family Eldest Young Master was also a Beast Tamer, and Qi Tao had never participated in the previous stages of Beast Tamers Competition.    


Therefore, no one could figure out Qi Tao's appearance.    


As for Cao Family, when they saw Qi Tao enter the stage, they were also very surprised.    


"This young master from Qi Family actually personally went up on stage …" Pang Loong also felt it was strange, because he had never heard that Qi Tao was a physician.    


"Wait …" I remember now, I remember that Qi Tao told me before that because he was weak and sickly, he became a disciple of a hermit master, who is said to be a genius doctor. " At this moment, Cao Qinglan suddenly remembered something and immediately said.    


"An expert recluse? Do you know what it's called? " Pang Loong asked.    


"I think he's called Immortal Hua." Cao Qinglan tried her best to recall.    


"Immortal Hua?" Could it be the Beast Immortal Doctor Hua Xian who is already hidden from the world? " Pang Loong's face changed when he heard that.    


"I've heard that name too." It was said that he was an ordinary doctor a long time ago, but in the end, it seemed that he had obtained some sort of fortuitous encounter and became a beast doctor. Furthermore, his medical skills were superb, and he could be counted as the only beast doctor with power comparable to Old Man Xu's, but because he had already hidden himself from the world, he was forgotten by the world. However, there was no doubt about the strength of this Immortal Hua's medicine.    


"If Qi Tao's master is truly the Hua Xian, I'm afraid from the very beginning, we have already fallen into the trap of Qi Family." Pang Loong said with a serious expression.    


He originally thought that the Beast Curing Arts of the Qi Family wasn't strong, so he thought that he would definitely be able to win with just the Xiao Family alone. However, he didn't expect that Qi Tao was actually the disciple of the strong Beast Immortal Doctor, Fairy Hua.    


"Even if that's the case, with the strength of the Xiao Family Third Miss, she might still be able to win." Cao Qinglan said with a trace of hope.    


Everyone from the Cao Family also nodded.    


"Jiao Er shouldn't be a match for him." However, Bai Yuhao's words immediately extinguished the hopes of Cao Qinglan and the rest of the Cao Family.    




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