Dragon Blood King



When the people present heard this, they immediately looked at each other in the face. They originally thought that Ximen Xue would agree to Consort Feng's request, but even if she did not agree, she would at least try to put it on the surface. However, they didn't expect that Ximen Xue would reject Loong Ao in front of everyone's eyes.    


"Leader of Ximen Family, did I hear it wrong?" Liu Tie's expression changed and he immediately looked at Ximen Batian.    


"Dragon Emperor, Xue'er should have said it very clearly." Ximen Batian replied with a serious expression.    


"Miss Xue, why didn't you agree? At least give me a reason, right? " Loong Ao immediately sneered.    


"Because Xue'er was already engaged to someone else …" Ximen Xue said calmly.    


When everyone heard this, they were also shocked. It was obvious that they didn't know when Ximen Xue had gotten engaged. Of course, they had forgotten about the engagement between Ximen Xue and Prince Loong Xuan.    


"Miss Xue, when did you get engaged to someone else?" Loong Ao's expression darkened.    


"Did Dragon Emperor forget? Prince Loong Xuan and I were once engaged. " Ximen Xue replied.    


"Loong Xuan? The man was long dead. Your marriage contract no longer counts. " When Loong Ao heard this, he immediately became flustered and exasperated. He never thought that the already dead Loong Xuan would ruin his good fortune. Of course, he knew that this was Ximen Xue's excuse.    


"The marriage engagement between Prince Loong Xuan and I was personally decreed by the former Dragon Emperor. "Although Prince Loong Xuan has already betrothed himself to another country, the predecessor Dragon Emperor has yet to announce the annulment of my engagement with Prince Loong Xuan. Therefore, the marriage contract is still valid." Ximen Xue replied with a light glint in her eyes.    


"Then I'll immediately cancel the engagement between you and Prince Loong Xuan. It should be fine, right?" Of course, he would not give the Ximen Family Clan any excuse.    


When Ximen Xue heard this, she couldn't help but look at Ximen Batian because she couldn't think of any other excuse when faced with Loong Ao's overbearing attitude. Ximen Batian, on the other hand, knew that Loong Ao wouldn't give up so easily, and his eyes froze.    


"There shouldn't be any problems, right? Then Miss Xue will agree to it immediately. " Loong Ao's face was already very gloomy, and he said so in a sinister manner.    


"Yes …" At this moment, Ximen Xue hesitated for a moment before a glint flashed across her eyes.    


"What else?" Loong Ao's face twitched a little.    


"I'm already Prince Loong Xuan's man." Ximen Xue said in an astonished tone while clenching her teeth.    


Almost everyone's expression was filled with shock, because who would have thought that Ximen Xue would say such a thing in front of so many people. Furthermore, when did Prince Loong Xuan clean up the entire Ximen Family, he was truly a little too powerful.    


However, since Ximen Xue had spoken in front of everyone, not many people doubted her words. Even if Ximen Xue didn't want to agree to Consort Feng Li's request, she couldn't play around with her chastity.    


Hearing that, Loong Ao's face already revealed a few traces of craziness, but for the sake of looking at the big picture, he still said with a cold face: "Miss Xue, you really love to joke around! "As far as I know, Miss Xue hated Loong Xuan to the point where she wants to die. Moreover, you two have never come into contact with each other, therefore, nothing can happen between you two!"    


"Prince Loong Xuan had once come to my Ximen Family Clan. If something happened between Xue'er and Prince Loong Xuan, it should have happened at that time!" Although Ximen Batian was a little surprised that Ximen Xue would use such words as an excuse, he could only finish the act now. Thus, he agreed with her.    


"No matter what happened between Miss Xue and that dead man, it doesn't matter. I won't mind. "As long as Miss Xue agrees to be Consort, it'll be fine …" Although Loong Ao was angry from embarrassment, he still insisted with a tough attitude.    


When the crowd saw that Loong Ao was willing to ignore Ximen Xue because he wanted her to agree to be a concubine, they didn't expect that Ximen Xue was already not a complete beauty. If Ximen Xue really agreed to be a concubine, Loong Ao might even wear a green hat. Of course, most people understood that Loong Ao's most important reason behind wanting Ximen Xue to agree to Consort Wu was to have the Ximen Family Clan in his hands.    


"But, I already plan to marry Prince Loong Xuan." Seeing that Loong Ao was still so aggressive, Ximen Xue insisted on biting the tube.    


Upon hearing Ximen Xue's increasingly outrageous words, everyone started whispering to each other as well.    


"What nonsense, Miss Xue wants to marry a dead man?" Unless you are married to a living person, I will never admit it. " Loong Ao sneered with a dark expression.    


"Dragon Emperor, Xue'er has made it clear. "It doesn't seem to be that important whether Wu Liangcheng admits to it or not …" Ximen Batian reminded him with a serious expression.    


"Leader of Ximen Family, could it be that your Ximen Family Clan wants to defy me and become enemies with the imperial family?" Loong Ao's gaze was gloomy as he directly made his words clear.    


"I only respect Xue'er's decision. I don't have any intention of offending Dragon Emperor …" "How can you make disobedience your enemy?" Ximen Batian said calmly. There was a strong sense of dominance in his tone and he was not afraid of Loong Ao's threats at all.    


"Miss Xue, let me ask you again. Whether or not you agree to the Concubine matter, you must think carefully. Is one of your words concerned the future of the entire Ximen Family Clan …" Seeing that Ximen Batian had made it clear that he did not want Ximen Xue to become his concubine, Loong Ao glared at Ximen Xue menacingly as he threatened her.    


Ximen Xue panicked a little when she heard that. She couldn't help but look at Ximen Batian and said hesitantly, "I …"    


"Xue'er, say whatever you want to say!" Ximen Batian said confidently.    


Ximen Xue's beautiful eyebrows were also tightly knitted together. Her ample and prideful breathing rose and fell continuously, unable to conceal the complicated feelings and contradictions within her heart.    


Everyone present also held their breath, as their gazes were all gathered on Ximen Xue, because Ximen Xue's words could not only determine the future of the Ximen Family Clan, but could also determine the fate of the entire Holy Dragon Kingdom.    


"Not yet?" At this moment, a delicate figure that was standing in the crowd spoke out anxiously.    


Just when Ximen Xue was hesitating and unable to make a decision, suddenly, that delicate figure walked out from the crowd and asked loudly, "Miss Xue, did you mean what you said earlier about marrying Prince Loong Xuan?"    


The sudden appearance of this delicate figure immediately shocked everyone present. After they all looked over, they were shocked once again, because they all recognized that this delicate figure was indeed Mu Yinv's beloved disciple, the future successor of Ji Family, Ji Wushuang!    


When Ximen Batian and Ximen Xue saw Ji Wushuang suddenly appear and even ask something like that, they were both very surprised.    


Loong Ao's gaze immediately turned cold when he saw Ji Wushuang, who had suddenly appeared.    


"Miss Xue, were you sincere when you said you wanted to marry Prince Loong Xuan?" Ji Wushuang glanced at Loong Ao, and then repeated her question to Ximen Xue.    


Ximen Xue immediately looked at Ximen Batian. After seeing him nod towards her, she followed the flow and replied, "I am sincere!"    


When Loong Ao heard this, his anger rose because Ji Wushuang ran out to spoil his good fortune at this critical moment. However, because it was in public and he couldn't do anything to Ji Wushuang, his teeth were about to shatter from hatred.    


"Alright then. Next up, I will announce a good news, which can be considered a happy occasion for Holy Dragon Kingdom. In addition, we must first congratulate Miss Xue. Her wish will soon come to fruition. " Ji Wushuang held everyone's appetite as she spoke.    


"Miss Wushuang, what do you mean?" Even Ximen Batian could not help but ask immediately. From his point of view, Ji Wushuang's sudden appearance a moment ago seemed to be to help the Ximen Family Clan. Since he had already heard that the Ji Family was going against Wu Tie, he thought he could trust Ji Wushuang.    


"What I want to announce is that Prince Loong Xuan is not dead. He is still alive and well …" Ji Wushuang's beautiful eyes narrowed as she announced with a serious expression.    


At that moment, everyone was stunned when they heard what Ji Wushuang said. They thought they misheard. Ji Wushuang actually said that Prince Loong Xuan didn't die, how could that be possible? Moreover, it was Ji Wushuang who brought the news of Prince Loong Xuan's death back to the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Why did Ji Wushuang suddenly say that Prince Loong Xuan was still alive after a year?    


"Ji Wushuang, stop trying to scare us off. That guy is already dead. How could he still be alive?" Loong Ao was also surprised for a moment, but immediately shouted with a gloomy face. He obviously didn't believe that Loong Xuan was still alive.    


"Dragon Emperor, have you forgotten who brought back the news of Prince Loong Xuan's death?" Ji Wushuang suddenly laughed coldly.    


Loong Ao was shocked when he heard that, because the person who brought back the news of Prince Loong Xuan's death was none other than Ji Wushuang.    


"Could it be that Ji Wushuang intentionally said that Loong Xuan was dead, but in reality, Loong Xuan isn't dead?" At this moment, Loong Ao's heart also skipped a beat. But after thinking carefully, he realized that Loong Xuan's battle with him had caused his cultivation to go berserk, making it impossible for him to survive.    


"Miss Wushuang, is Prince Loong Xuan really not dead?" Ximen Batian was also surprised, because he felt that Lili was not intentionally trying to scare him. Most importantly, if Loong Xuan was not dead, perhaps all of these things would have turned around and the Ximen Family Clan would not have gone down the road of no return.    


"That's right, he isn't dead." Ji Wushuang nodded solemnly.    


"Ji Wushuang, if he really doesn't have any, let him out. "I'd like to see how a dead person can survive and appear here …" Loong Ao said angrily to Ji Wushuang. In his opinion, there was a high chance that Ji Wushuang wanted to ruin his plans, so he deliberately fabricated the news that Loong Xuan was still alive.    


"You'll see him soon." Ji Wushuang frowned and purposely replied perfunctorily, because she knew that Bai Yuhao was still on his way here. What she needed to do was to stall for time.    


"Cut the crap. Unless you let him out now, I will immediately arrest you for spreading rumors and disturbing the people's hearts." Loong Ao shouted in a low voice. He would never let Ji Wushuang have any plans to ruin his plans again.    


"Loong Ao, are you afraid? I'm afraid that if Prince Loong Xuan is still alive, the fact that you framed Prince Loong Xuan back then will be exposed? " The light in Ji Wushuang's eyes froze. She immediately revealed it once again …    


Ji Wushuang's words instantly caused the entire audience to burst into an uproar, and everyone had a surprised expression on their faces. It was obvious that Ji Wushuang's words had some meaning to them.    


"Ji Wushuang, how dare you! Not only are you spreading rumors, you've even framed this emperor! "Someone, arrest her …" Hearing this, Loong Ao's face also changed drastically. With a few orders, several Mad God Stage experts immediately spread out their bodies, surrounding Ji Wushuang.    


"I'm talking about Elder Brother, he's just talking about a fact. There's no need to get angry from embarrassment, right?" At this moment, a calm voice sounded from the crowd.    


When everyone heard this voice, they were even more stunned.    


Soon, a figure wearing a conical bamboo hat and coarse clothes walked out from the crowd. He looked extremely unremarkable. Under the gazes of everyone present, he walked to Ji Wushuang's side and lightly nodded to her.    


Upon seeing this, Ji Wushuang heaved a sigh of relief.    


When Loong Ao saw the man wearing the conical bamboo hat, he was also stunned because the figure called him Big Elder Brother.    


Everyone present whispered amongst themselves, pointing and pointing at each other as they tried to guess the identity of this man in the bamboo hat.    


"Isn't he the mysterious person who defeated the strong warriors of the imperial family during the Ji Family competition?"    


"Yes, that's him!"    


"Furthermore, he injured a peerless expert of Majestic Emperor Stage with a single move …"    


"He actually calls Dragon Emperor Big Elder Brother? Who the hell is he? "    




In an instant, the entire plaza became noisy once again.    


"Are you the person that killed Bi Jian? Who exactly are you? " Loong Ao glared at the unknown man wearing a bamboo hat as he scolded in a flustered manner.    


"If I were a ghost? Would Big Elder Brother be afraid? " The man wearing the bamboo hat let out a burst of light laughter. Then, he slowly took off the bamboo hat and revealed his true appearance.    


When Loong Ao saw the man in the bamboo hat, he was shocked. His face was filled with disbelief and his body trembled slightly because the man in front of him was none other than Loong Xuan, who should have died a long time ago.    


"Ximen Family Clan, Miss Xue, how have you been?!" Bai Yuhao glanced at Loong Ao, then cupped his hands towards Ximen Batian and Ximen Xue.    


"You are …" Ximen Batian and Ximen Xue were stunned at the same time.    


Including everyone present, no one could recognize that Bai Yuhao before them was the Loong Xuan from back then.    


"Leader of Ximen Family, he is Prince Loong Xuan." Ji Wushuang's beautiful eyes slightly shook as she said this.    


When Ji Wushuang said this, the entire plaza immediately became silent, everyone looked at each other, stupefied, because no one would have thought that the mysterious person who appeared twice in Ji Family and displayed his skills, was actually the already dead Prince Loong Xuan, this in itself was unbelievable!    




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