Dragon Blood King



In the early morning, the entire Palace City, as well as the imperial city, had white flags fluttering in the wind and endless death knells. The citizens of the entire city were dressed in white and wore black robes as they crowded on both sides of the streets, from the entrance of the Palace City to the west gate of the imperial city, forming a ten mile long street.    


At the same time as the mournful music resounded from within the Palace City, a golden coffin, escorted by a funeral procession of several thousand people, slowly departed from the Palace City. This golden coffin was specially made by Wu Tie's men that had rushed over overnight. Its design was exquisite and unique, but of course, it was completely empty. It only contained a few things that Loong Xuan had used before.    


Those who accompanied them were all members of the royal family led by Dragon Emperor as well as all the civil and military officials. Other than Dragon Emperor, all of them were dressed in white and wore a black robe.    


Only Liu Cheng, Ji Yulin and the others were filled with grief and sorrow from the bottom of their hearts, while Liu Yunxuan had already cried until now. From last night until now, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and she looked extremely haggard.    


Ma Lan, who was accompanying Liu Yunxuan, seemed normal, but actually cried a few times secretly. For the man who passed away, and also for the first relationship in her life, this was the end of it. Of course, for her cousin, who had just gotten married, she suddenly lost her husband.    


Strangely enough, Mu Yinv, Ji Wushuang, and Loong Xueyan were not among them.    


After the funeral procession escorting the golden coffin left the Palace City, they walked along the main streets of the Imperial City. Under the mournful gazes of the citizens of the city, they slowly headed toward the Primal Beginning Royal Tomb three kilometers west of the Imperial City.    


This place was the burial site of Acting Dragon Emperor from the Holy Dragon Kingdom and the Primal Beginning Royal Tomb. Normally speaking, ordinary members of the royal family, even if they were the descendants of Acting Dragon Emperor Li, would not be buried here.    


Hundreds and thousands of lifelike paper and horses were placed on both sides of the mourning hall, and around the Royal Tomb were also white silk and black ribbons that fluttered in the wind.    


After the funeral squad sent the golden coffin into the Primal Beginning Royal Tomb, they carefully placed it on top of the mourning hall. After that, the funeral squad left the Primal Beginning Royal Tomb first. Soon after, Dragon Emperor led the royal family and all the civil and martial officials into the Primal Beginning Royal Tomb, preparing to start the ceremony to mourn Loong Xuan.    


As Loong Xuan's wife, Liu Yunxuan had to kneel at the side of the mourning hall, accept the ceremony, and guard the spirit for seven days. After those seven days, the golden coffin would be buried within the Royal Tomb.    


Ma Lan was worried that Liu Yunxuan wouldn't be able to hold on by herself, so she simply knelt beside the mourning hall with Liu Yunxuan. Of course, she had a little selfish desire to accompany Bai Yuhao on his final journey and not perform as an outsider just for the ceremony.    


However, just as the ceremony was about to begin, Mu Yinv and Ji Wushuang, who hadn't shown up all this time, arrived. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the two girls walked to the side of Loong Xuan's mourning hall and sat on the other side while kneeling.    


"Godly General Mu, you guys …" Liu Yunxuan was also puzzled by Mu Yinv and Ji Wushuang's strange actions. Logically speaking, only the family members could guard the mourning hall, but Mu Yinv and Ji Wushuang's relationship with Loong Xuan was not that kind of relationship.    


"I want to keep watch for Prince Loong Xuan for seven days." Mu Yinv said with a serious look in her eyes.    


However, when Mu Yinv's words came out, it caused everyone present to be greatly shocked. Just what kind of status did Mu Yinv possess, to think that a divine general of the Holy Dragon Kingdom would actually stand guard over a prince? This was probably something that had never happened since the ancient times, and moreover, there didn't even seem to be a reason for this.    


Therefore, many ministers and royal members also whispered and discussed among themselves, guessing that there might be some unknown relationship between Mu Yinv and Loong Xuan. Otherwise, Mu Yinv had no reason to keep watch for Loong Xuan.    


Dragon Emperor was also a bit surprised, but he didn't say anything. He knew that Mu Yinv's actions were understandable.    


"Wushuang, are you going to guard Loong Xuan as well?" Liu Yunxuan then looked at Ji Wushuang.    


"I didn't protect him. His death is my responsibility, so let alone seven days, even if it were seventy days, I would still protect him …" Ji Wushuang said confidently. Although her expression was still cold, her heart was drowned in guilt and self-blame. She felt that Bai Yuhao was her fault.    


"Loong Xuan definitely won't blame you, you don't have to blame yourself." Liu Yunxuan's expression dimmed for a moment when she heard that, but she immediately comforted him.    


Just when Mu Yinv and Ji Wushuang were keeping watch for Bai Yuhao, and caused quite a commotion, another delicate figure appeared at the entrance of Royal Tomb. Dressed in a white gauze and rainbow dress, she gave off the beautiful appearance of a celestial being.    


The delicate figure slowly walked to the front of the mourning hall and looked at the golden coffin in front of the mourning hall. Her delicate body trembled, and then she turned to look at the four girls who were guarding the mourning hall on both sides of Loong Xuan. She said with a calm look in her eyes: "It seems that I have come too late." With that, he walked to the side of Liu Yunxuan and sat down next to her on her knees.    


This scene once again stunned everyone present.    


This delicate figure was none other than Loong Xueyan.    


"Why is even Mistress …" Everyone was surprised. From the looks of it, Loong Xueyan seemed to want to keep watch for Loong Xuan as well.    


The entire mourning hall instantly became noisy.    


"Mistress, you are …" This was followed by Witch, who was above everyone else in the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Even Liu Yunxuan was a little confused, as she didn't understand the relationship between Mu Yinv and Loong Xueyan. She didn't know what kind of relationship they had with Loong Xuan.    


Of course, not only Liu Yunxuan, everyone present had the same thought.    


When Loong Ao saw that Loong Xueyan was actually guarding for Loong Xuan, he was already flustered and exasperated. His entire body trembled. He never thought that even after Loong Xuan died, he would still be in such a bad mood.    


However, the five women were all Loong Xuan's guards, making the entire scene very strange. No matter how one looked at it, at this moment, the five women, who also revealed an expression of sorrow, looked like dead men and heartbroken women.    


Of course, if it was only an ordinary woman, then it wouldn't be a big deal. One had to know that these five women all had great reputations in the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and if it wasn't the Divine General, then it was Witch, or even the future successor of a great clan. Any one of them could cause a huge commotion in the Holy Dragon Kingdom …    




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