Dragon Blood King



Then, Bai Yuhao made three cat meows according to the signal that he had set beforehand. Very soon, he heard the same three cat meows in response.    


After Bai Yuhao identified the direction, he quickly approached and saw a middle-aged man in armor sitting cross-legged on the ground. He was riddled with wounds and his hands and feet were bound by iron chains.    


"Is it Commander You?" Bai Yuhao asked in a low voice.    


"It's me." The middle-aged man nodded.    


"I'm Bai Yuhao." Bai Yuhao reported his name.    


"You are Commander Bai? "You're finally here …" Commander You's swarthy face immediately revealed traces of excitement    


"We'll try to get you out of here soon, but I need your help." Bai Yuhao said.    


Commander You immediately nodded.    


Casually, Bai Yuhao told Commander You about the rescue plan.    


"Do you understand?" Bai Yuhao confirmed.    


Commander You nodded.    


"Later, I will meet you at the south city gate. There will also be someone here to protect you, so, don't worry, I will definitely let you leave here alive!" Bai Yuhao promised.    


Immediately after, Bai Yuhao broke the iron chain on Commander You's body and undid the tendons and veins that were sealed by the Spiritual Energy. Then, he swiftly sneaked out of the fence and reunited with Ji Wushuang.    


"Captain Ji, they should be about in position. I'll go to the south city gate first. You can take care of the guards here." Bai Yuhao instructed.    


"Go." Ji Wushuang answered with her beautiful eyes.    


"Be careful …" After saying that, Bai Yuhao left the market and dashed towards the south city gate.    


After about an hour, from the east side of Meng City, a strong explosion could be heard, and immediately after, bursts of flames soared to the sky, clearly visible to the entire city.    


As for the State of Shuixia that were guarding the Meng City, they were immediately alarmed and thought that it was an enemy attack. Immediately, a large number of troops headed towards the east of the Meng City. But right after, violent explosions came from the west side of Meng City. Rows after rows of houses were instantly engulfed in a sea of flames, attracting a large number of people as they rushed towards the west side of Meng City.    


At that moment, Ji Wushuang, who had been hiding in the market, immediately took action. In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of the guards.    


"Who?" The guards immediately became alert.    


"The one who wants your lives." Ji Wushuang said arrogantly, and with a wave of her hand, strong ice Spiritual Energy surged out.    


With a boom, the dozen guards along with the fence behind them flew up a few meters.    


"Brothers, people, Commander Bai of the Crimson Dragon Army is here to save us! Charge!" As long as we can get out, we can survive. " Commander You immediately stood up and shouted from the crowd.    


All the soldiers and citizens in the fence were suddenly in an uproar. Although they had been hungry for several days and were physically and mentally exhausted, their strong desire to win made them feel as if an invisible force was pushing them towards the gap in the fence.    


"Stop them …" The rest of the guards shouted out in haste.    


Unfortunately, before the guards could move, they had already turned into ice sculptures in the blink of an eye.    


The group of people that rushed out of the fence, under the lead of Commander You, quickly turned into a torrent and rushed towards the southern city gate which contained Meng City.    


"The captive has escaped! The captives fled! " At this moment, a patrol team saw the crowd rushing out of the market towards the south gate and immediately sounded out an alarm.    


However, because most of State of Shuixia's forces had already been attracted by the explosions on both the east and west, only a few thousand troops remained, and they began to encircle and cut off the people who were fleeing towards the south gate from all directions.    


Very quickly, a few hundred State of Shuixia soldiers intercepted them.    


"Brothers, stop them. Commander Bai is waiting for us at the city gate." Seeing that, Commander You shouted.    


The hundreds of Scarlet Dragon Soldiers in the crowd immediately responded with a shout, and rushed up bare-handed to fight to the death with the hundreds of State of Shuixia Soldiers. The stream of people continued to surge forward, and quickly passed through the interception, continuing to approach the southern city gate.    


On the other side, Bai Yuhao, who was not far from them, knew that the rescue operation was already half done, so his eyes immediately turned to the two or three hundred guards and Spirit Controller. What he needed to do now was to rush to the front of the city gate and blast it open. However, there were at least a few hundred people here, so getting close to the city gates wasn't that easy.    


However, there were still helpers at Bai Yuhao's side. They quickly released Dragon-like, Long Chi and the Kylin King of Seven Clouds from the Ethereal Realm.    


"Let's go!" Bai Yuhao gestured to the three beasts.    


The three beasts immediately dashed out, charging toward the city gate side by side.    


When the guards at the city gates saw the three beast shadows, they were stunned for a moment. Before they could react, a black fireball fell from the sky and exploded right in the middle of them. A dozen soldiers fell to the ground.    


"Stop them …" The guard leader immediately led a few hundred soldiers and Spirit Controller and rushed forward.    


The few Spirit Controller were the first to bear the brunt of the attack, but when they arrived in front of the three beasts and saw their true faces, they were immediately stupefied, while the Spirit Control beside them had already weakened in their legs, and began to let out wails of fear.    


At this time, the Kylin King of Seven Clouds's head, which was covered in colorful multicolored light, suddenly flashed like a bright gem, while the several Spirit Control's beside Spirit Controller all had their eyes turn red, they all went crazy, and started attacking their master. Seeing this, the few Spirit Controller's eyes all turned green.    


Although there were hundreds of soldiers surrounding the three beasts, they were scared by the power of the three beasts and did not dare to move forward. However, the three beasts bared their fangs and brandished their claws, starting a massacre.    


Right at this moment, Bai Yuhao's figure appeared behind the three beasts like a ghost with a black light surrounding his body. The Frost Wind in his hands flew out and formed a crescent moon blade.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Following that, a series of explosions occurred, followed by a series of smoke explosions.    


The next moment, Bai Yuhao flew out of the smoke and approached the city gate.    


"Stop him …" The remaining State of Shuixia soldiers, under the orders of the Guard Captain, continued to defend the city gate with their lives.    


Bai Yuhao took out the Dragon Fire Pearl from his bosom and injected it inside the Spiritual Energy. The Dragon Fire Pearl instantly lit up and soared into the sky. Streams of fire dragon-like patterns swirled in the air, and like a spinning top, the heat wave attacked.    


In the blink of an eye, the Fire Pearl shot towards the city gate like a meteor.    


When the guards saw this scene, they were all dumbstruck and stood rooted to the spot.    




The entire city gate was smashed into pieces, and the guards who had been guarding the gate had also turned into ashes, and not even their bones were left.    


After Bai Yuhao retracted his Dragon and Fire Pearl, he stood under the city gate and turned around to look into the distance. The three beasts also returned to his side.    


Very quickly, they were surrounded and cut off by several thousand members of the State of Shuixia, and the oncoming stream of people closed in on them …    




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