Dragon Blood King



In the blink of an eye, another day passed. In the temporary camp of the Tianlin City Red Dragon Army, Bai Yuhao was in one of the tents, studying the map of the Yu City.    


"Commander Bai." At this moment, Qin Fengming walked in.    


"Is there any information?" Bai Yuhao raised his head and looked at Qin Fengming.    


"It's information regarding Meng City." Qin Fengming nodded.    


"Meng City? "Go ahead." Bai Yuhao gestured.    


"According to our intelligence reports, after our State of Shuixia occupied the Meng City, we captured a total of two thousand members of our Crimson Dragon Army and three thousand citizens." Qin Fengming reported.    


"Looks like your State of Shuixia has been quite lenient after all. They did not kill all of you …" Bai Yuhao nodded and asked, "Who sent this information?"    


"It's a captured deputy commander. I don't know where he heard that we withdrew our troops to the Tianlin City, so he secretly sent us information." Qin Fengming reported.    


"That's right. Try to keep in touch with this vice commander, and try to let us know about the situation with the Meng City as well as the movements of the armies with them … " Bai Yuhao instructed.    


"Yes sir!" Qin Fengming bowed and left.    


The moment Qin Fengming walked out, Liu Yunxuan rushed in with an unhappy expression.    


"What's wrong?" Bai Yuhao immediately asked when he saw this.    


Liu Yunxuan hesitated for a moment before handing the letter in her hand to Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao took it and looked at it. His eyes immediately froze because the message basically meant that the Crimson Dragon Army couldn't send reinforcements and Bai Yuhao had to stall for as long as possible to defend the Tianlin City. And the one who gave this order was none other than Loong Ao.    


"What is the First Prince up to?" This right flank defense line could clearly squeeze out 10,000 people, but he actually said he couldn't send reinforcements … " Liu Yunxuan was obviously very angry. Her face was scrunched up.    


"Forget it, it was an accident. However, I never thought that he would be so ruthless. He planned to use the lives of the citizens of the three cities to make a joke. It is indeed something that he can do." Bai Yuhao sneered, although he had already guessed it, but he felt that with Loong Ao's identity, he would not do such a desperate thing. After all, if they did not send reinforcements, three small cities would definitely be attacked, and the citizens of the three cities would suffer the hardships of war. If all three cities were lost, who knows how many people would die?    


"This won't do. I should contact my father immediately. I definitely can't let the First Prince continue to cause trouble like this." The more Liu Yunxuan thought about it, the more she felt that something was amiss.    


"Yunxuan, forget it. Loong Ao has the highest authority in Red Dragon Legion now, even Grand Commander can't do anything about it. Grand Commander's current situation is probably even more difficult than ours. Loong Ao is, after all, the first prince of Holy Dragon Kingdom. " Right now, with Liu Cheng's position, it was indeed very awkward. It was clear that this Loong Ao was planning to temporarily take over Red Dragon Legion and exclude Liu Cheng, so that he could deal with him easily. Liu Cheng didn't want to offend Loong Ao, so he could only bear with it.    


"What if we don't have reinforcements?" Liu Yunxuan's beautiful eyes stared slightly, because she knew that if there were no reinforcements, then they would probably have no choice but to wait for death, because with the current Crimson Dragon Army's remaining troops, even with the Tianlin City army, they would only have the fighting strength of one thousand people. How could they fight against an entire State of Shuixia army?    


"I can only think of another way, to increase my military strength." Bai Yuhao considered it.    


"What else can we do? Are we recruiting at Tianlin City? " Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but retort coldly.    


"This recruitment method is pretty good!" Bai Yuhao rubbed his chin.    


"Do you think recruiting is such a simple thing?" Liu Yunxuan glared at Bai Yuhao and continued, "This recruitment is not like how you can use a few words to coax people to join the army without any conditions. First and foremost of all, a large amount of funds was needed to recruit soldiers. In addition, weapons and armors were the most basic requirements. Now that we are not at the Yi City, we simply do not have such conditions … "    


"If it's just these two points, then it's not difficult." Bai Yuhao immediately said calmly when he heard that.    


"It's not hard? "Recruiting a person would cost at least fifty silver coins, and three thousand people would cost one hundred and fifty thousand gold coins. Adding weapons and armors, it would cost at least three hundred thousand silver coins, which is equivalent to thirty thousand gold coins. Don't tell me you have thirty thousand gold coins with you." Liu Yunxuan stared at Bai Yuhao and asked. Although Bai Yuhao had given her a betrothal gift worth over a hundred thousand gold when he proposed the marriage, that should be Bai Yuhao's limit.    


"I don't have that much cash, but I still have thirty thousand gold on me." Bai Yuhao took out three gold notes from his pocket.    


"You're putting thirty thousand gold on your person just like that?" Liu Yunxuan glared at Bai Yuhao when she saw him casually take out three notes worth ten thousand taels of gold.    


"I don't have a safe, so of course I keep the money on me." Bai Yuhao said as a matter of fact.    


"I really admire you!" However, Tianlin City is only a small city, it is not easy to change into thirty thousand gold, and thirty thousand gold can only be exchanged for three thousand people at most. Furthermore, to buy weapons and armors, you have to pay for food and materials too … " Liu Yunxuan pondered.    


"Oh, there are still some things in my Ethereal Realm that can be sold for money. They should be able to be sold for tens of thousands of gold taels at any given time." Bai Yuhao said as if nothing had happened.    


"Are you for real?" Liu Yunxuan asked in surprise.    


"They were all collected from hunting in the Graveyard of Myriad Beasts …" Bai Yuhao smirked.    


"Ten thousand..." Graveyard of Myriad Beasts? When did you go to Graveyard of Myriad Beasts? " Upon hearing that, Liu Yunxuan was shocked, because even Spirit Controller from Mad God Stage did not dare to casually step in, but to Bai Yuhao, it was as though they came and went as they pleased.    


"I've been there a few times, even though I almost died several times." Bai Yuhao said honestly to himself.    


"You …" Liu Yunxuan glared at him. She seemed a little angry, because she felt that Bai Yuhao was making a joke out of her life.    


"Don't look at me like that, I'm fine now, aren't I?" Looking at Liu Yunxuan's expression, Bai Yuhao knew she was angry.    


"Promise me you won't do anything rash in the future!" "Don't forget, you're not alone right now …" Liu Yunxuan said to Bai Yuhao seriously.    


"Oh." Seeing that, Bai Yuhao could only nod his head in a perfunctory manner.    


"Also, if you don't have anywhere to put your money in the future, let me keep it …" Liu Yunxuan calculated the situation meticulously like a good wife.    


"Can I refuse?" Bai Yuhao smiled bitterly. He didn't want to become a 'bronchitis'.    


"Aren't you afraid that I'll swallow it? I don't like that little bit of money of yours!" Liu Yunxuan said in a haughty manner.    




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