Dragon Blood King



Hearing these words, the people of Meng City all fell into silence, because what Bai Yuhao said was right. Now was not the time to complain, but to think of ways to survive!    


"I won't force you guys, even if you guys aren't willing to fight shoulder to shoulder with the Crimson Dragon Army, I won't blame you because the Crimson Dragon Army does have the responsibility to protect you, but the Crimson Dragon Army is not omnipotent, so if you guys want to live, you have to stand up on your own. Furthermore, in my capacity as commander, I assure you that this time, the Crimson Dragon Army will be your strongest shield, protecting your safety, and will fight back the enemy together with you. Bai Yuhao promised with a serious expression.    


"Commander Bai, I believe in you. For my wife and children, I'm going to sacrifice myself." At this moment, an honest, middle-aged man stood up.    


"I'll go with you!"    


"Count me in!"    


"Those State of Shuixia bastards killed my wife, I want to fight them!"    




Very quickly, some of the more robust youths among the Meng City citizens stood up and began to slowly walk towards Bai Yuhao, one after another.    


Not long after, nearly a thousand people stood in front of Bai Yuhao, and only the elderly, women, and children remained of the people of Meng City.    


This person's desire to survive was very strong, and it was an unimaginable motivation. At a critical moment, this motivation would become formless combat power!    


"Let's go!" Bai Yuhao nodded in satisfaction and turned around with a wave of his hand. Then, he left with the civilian army that he had just recruited.    


Not long after, Liu Yunxuan and Qin Fengming, who were almost finished with their ambush, saw Bai Yuhao come majestically from the hillside with a large crowd surrounding him. Everyone who saw this scene was dumbstruck.    


"He did it!" Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but reveal a happy expression.    


"Commander Bai is truly amazing. He's actually able to eliminate the hatred the people have for our Crimson Dragon Army …" Qin Fengming was also flabbergasted.    


After Bai Yuhao led the common army back, Liu Yunxuan and Qin Fengming also came up to welcome them.    


"Commander Qin, give the surplus weapons to these commoners. If it's not enough, let them take the shields or make weapons out of wood. In short, give them anything that they can use. "Next up, they will fight alongside us …" Bai Yuhao immediately instructed Qin Fengming.    


"Yes." Qin Fengming nodded and immediately gathered some soldiers to start collecting the equipment. Afterwards, he distributed the equipment to the civilian army that Bai Yuhao brought back.    


"How did you convince them?" Liu Yunxuan asked Bai Yuhao curiously.    


"It's easy for me to convince them with my eloquence." Bai Yuhao raised his eyebrows and said confidently.    


"Stop being so shameless!" However, the battle power of these citizens is not high, can they really make a difference? " Liu Yunxuan was still worried.    


"Their role is just to bluff. As long as the State of Shuixia troops think that our strength surpasses theirs, it will be fine …" Bai Yuhao said as his gaze turned serious.    


"I hope so." Liu Yunxuan nodded her head slightly, a light glint in her eyes. If the State of Shuixia army that had pursued them was not tricked, then the situation would probably become even more troublesome. So, what was left to do was to see how Bai Yuhao could scare the State of Shuixia army that had chased after them.    


After the civilians were armed, Bai Yuhao had Qin Fengming divide the civilians into two. They were sent to the southern forests 500 meters away and half a slope to the north. The Crimson Dragon Army then prepared an ambush according to the previous arrangement.    


Just at this moment, he saw smoke and dust rolling in the direction of Meng City. There were many shadows of people, and it was obvious that the State of Shuixia army that was chasing after Bai Yuhao and Liu Yunxuan had already caught up.    


"Commander Qin, you will be in charge of leading these civilians. When Vice Commander Liu engages with the enemy troops, you will give the order to …" Bai Yuhao saw that he didn't have much time, so he immediately called Qin Fengming to his side and whispered a few words into his ear.    


"Commander Bai, is that alright?" Upon hearing this, Qin Fengming was stunned for a moment before a strange expression surfaced on his face.    


"Just do as I say." Bai Yuhao gestured.    


Qin Fengming followed the order and left.    


"Yunxuan, you …" Bai Yuhao told Liu Yunxuan about their plans.    


"You can even think of that? But will the enemy fall for it? " After all, this kind of battle plan was too exaggerated. If the State of Shuixia Army did not believe it, then there would be something to play with.    


"I can only wish myself good fortune!" Bai Yuhao shrugged because he had planned to gamble. Otherwise, it would be hard for him to protect the Red Dragon Army and those innocent civilians.    


After Bai Yuhao said this, he disappeared on the spot.    


On the other side, the State of Shuixia Army under the command of Commander of the State of Shuixia had already chased after them relentlessly. Right after they had chased into the Scarlet Dragon Army's ambush point, Liu Yunxuan suddenly appeared and took the lead as she shouted, "Kill!"    


In the next moment, the Crimson Dragon Army that were lying in ambush around them immediately revealed themselves, and charged towards the State of Shuixia army from the left, center, and right. The State of Shuixia Army obviously hadn't expected that the Scarlet Dragon Army would not retreat and instead choose to ambush. However, being ambushed by the Scarlet Dragon Army caused the State of Shuixia Army to be thrown into chaos for a moment.    


"Don't panic, the Crimson Dragon Army only has this little bit of strength left. They're not our match at all, charge at me …" On the other hand, the State of Shuixia had nearly four thousand people, so it was obvious that they had the advantage in terms of military strength. Adding the fact that the morale of the Scarlet Dragon Army was currently low, the State of Shuixia had just seized the Meng City and their morale was high, thus, as the two armies clashed, the State of Shuixia Army naturally had the advantage.    


However, Liu Yunxuan was currently leading the Crimson Dragon Army. Although their military strength was inferior, as long as she used the tactics that she was most proficient in, it would be enough to match the army with State of Shuixia.    


For a time, the two armies were in a deadlock. It was difficult to determine who would emerge victorious!    


"Steady the formation …" Commander of the State of Shuixia saw that these Scarlet Dragon Army soldiers were even more troublesome than he had imagined, and paid attention to the delicate figure that was commanding the Crimson Dragon Army. Looking at her bearing and strength, he guessed that this delicate figure was the rumored Vice Commander of Red Dragon Legion, Liu Yunxuan.    


Just as the two armies were in a stalemate for an hour, because of the superiority of their State of Shuixia, they gradually gained the upper hand.    


"Retreat!" At this moment, Liu Yunxuan suddenly gave the order and began to lead the Crimson Dragon Army to retreat as they battled …    




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