Dragon Blood King



"I was going to keep it a secret." Seeing that Ji Yulin had guessed it, Bai Yuhao smiled calmly.    


"However, I still don't understand. Even if Commander Bai was using the Dragon and Demon Army, he wouldn't have given the Red Dragon Army's ten thousand troops to the Dragon and Demon Army. Moreover, using forty thousand troops to attack the right flank of the defense is too much of a waste." Ji Yulin still didn't understand Bai Yuhao's intention.    


"It's precisely because Woodgod Kingdom's right wing defense line is weak that Mu Lingluo would focus all her attention onto the right wing's defense line. Relatively speaking, she should be very confident in the left wing's defense line that already has an army of fifty thousand Flame State guarding it. Mu Lingluo was a difficult opponent. Even if she only had 10,000 troops to defend her right flank, she could make her opponent pay a heavy price. So, we naturally have to leave the most troublesome ones till the end. In comparison, I think that this Flame State's fifty thousand strong army is a little easier to handle. " Bai Yuhao had already thought about it. The reason why he agreed to let the army attack the right-wing defense line was to suppress Mu Lingluo, so that she wouldn't have the time to pay attention to the left-wing defense line. This way, he could focus on dealing with the fifty thousand strong Flame State army from the left wing first.    


"However, Commander Bai gave Dragon Demon Legion a total of ten thousand troops, so the remaining Crimson Dragon Army soldiers only had a strength of thirty thousand and they used thirty thousand to fight against fifty thousand. Could it be that you want to repeat the miracle of a Yi City battle again?" Of course, it wasn't that Ji Yulin didn't believe Bai Yuhao, because in this Yi City battle, he had already seen Bai Yuhao's power. It was just that he didn't know where Bai Yuhao's confidence came from, and was confident in fighting with fewer people.    


"Yi City battle is not considered a miracle, it can only be considered good luck, because if Captain Ji didn't rush over in time with support, the final loser of Yi City battle would still be us." Bai Yuhao actually did not believe in miracles. What he believed in was that there was nothing that could be done in this world. It all depended on whether or not you had the confidence to do it.    


"I'm already very curious about Commander Bai's plan." Ji Yulin was curious about Bai Yuhao's next plan.    


"Flame State sent an army to assist because of the alliance they had with Woodgod Kingdom this time, so their awareness of the battle wasn't high, and they might even be cowering in fear. After all, this battle actually didn't have much of a relationship with Flame State, so even if Woodgod Kingdom won, it might not necessarily bring them much benefit. Therefore, although Flame State's army is powerful, their mental state may be their biggest weakness. If this weakness is used well, let alone fifty thousand, even if it is a hundred thousand, they would still be a weak spot. " Bai Yuhao said in a deep and farsighted manner.    


"It does make some sense. However, the biggest problem for the Crimson Dragon Army right now was the supply of food and materials. "Because the frontlines are too long, it's only been ten days, but the Red Dragon Army already has a shortage of food and supplies …" Ji Yulin suggested.    


"Don't worry about that Captain Ji, I already have a way to solve it." With regards to this issue, Bai Yuhao had long prepared for it. His brain experiments on wild Spirit Control had made new progress, if only for a little longer, there would be results. If the experiment was successful, the transportation and replenishment of the food and materials would not be a problem at all.    


"Oh yeah, I want to know as soon as possible the overall fighting strength of the Flame State army, including their commander and Spirit Controller's information. The more detailed the better. Bai Yuhao said to Ji Yulin.    


"I will immediately send members of the elite group to infiltrate the enemy forces and spy on them …" After Ji Yulin finished, he turned around and left.    


After that, Bai Yuhao left the camp and went outside of the camp. He found a hidden place with no people, and just as he opened Ethereal Realm to go in, a delicate figure appeared beside him.    


"Didn't I tell you not to follow me in secret anymore?" Bai Yuhao didn't need to guess to know that it was Ji Wushuang.    


"You are now Yunxuan's husband. If I go with you, there will inevitably be gossip. It's better this way." Oh yeah, I almost forgot to return your precious Spirit Beast to you. " As Ji Wushuang spoke, she decided to use her Ethereal Realm. A shadow of a beast with a rainbow-colored glow came out and ran to Bai Yuhao's side.    


"Gluttonous? "You really make it easy for me to find you …" As soon as Bai Yuhao saw the Kylin King of Seven Clouds, he immediately patted its head. Then, he looked up at Ji Wushuang and asked, "Why is it at your place?"    


Ji Wushuang recounted the general story.    


Bai Yuhao smiled when he heard this. It seemed that the Kylin King of Seven Clouds must have suffered from some sort of shock during the battle at the Barren Village.    


"If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first." As Ji Wushuang spoke, she prepared to leave. But of course, she wouldn't go far.    


"When can you help me consolidate the seal?" Bai Yuhao immediately asked as he thought of something.    


"Anytime." Ji Wushuang responded and disappeared from the spot.    


After that, Bai Yuhao called out Dragon-like, Long Chi and the Dragonice. After feeding the Dragonice, he had Dragon-like and the other two beasts accompany the Dragonice for training. Right now, the Dragonice was about to enter the middle stages of the Cub, and was about to enter the stage of rapid growth and development.    


Immediately after, Bai Yuhao entered the Ethereal Realm, and saw that seven Black Desire Cub were playing in their designated area, as if they had already adapted to the Ethereal Realm's environment, and were growing very healthy. The other three Celestial Worms of Dark Desire were like mothers as they circled around the seven black desire Cub.    


Bai Yuhao walked over and checked on the seven Black Desire Cub one by one. No matter how busy he was, he would insist on checking the seven Black Desire Cub every day, recording their data and paying attention to their growth.    


After finishing all of this, Bai Yuhao walked over to the other corner of the Ethereal Realm, only to see that inside the huge fence, there were more than ten two or three star wild Spirit Control lying there. These were all caught by him when he went to Graveyard of Myriad Beasts last time to conduct experiments, but due to them being paralyzed with the Centipede Dragon poison, they all lost their ability to move, and obediently stayed inside the fence.    


Bai Yuhao picked one of them and sent it into the laboratory. Then, he started to do the brain test again on Bai Yuhao. Before, he only considered the control function of the brain, but the Spirit Control itself was different from a human's. After a human's brain develops to a certain degree, it would stop growing, and even start to weaken. But Spirit Control was different, the Spirit Control's brain would grow along with every time the star level up, and there would even be more than one brain. This also meant that if the brain was removed, the Spirit Control itself would have its brain system go into disorder, and thus affect the entire brain. This was the main reason why all the previous experiments failed.    




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