Dragon Blood King



Bai Yuhao looked at the fire that was not even inches away from him flickering, and it would instantly take his life, both his eyes opened, because he knew that he definitely could not die here, and the only thing he could fight against Yun Xiaoyao now was to release an even stronger Evil Power. Of course, he knew what the consequences would be, but he was already too late to consider it.    


"Ah!" Bai Yuhao suddenly screamed, and the stronger Evil Power that was sealed within his body was instantly released. In that moment, the aura on his body increased, and his entire body became extremely evil.    


Yun Xiaoyao's face darkened when he saw the sudden change in Bai Yuhao's aura, but his palm strike did not slow down in the slightest.    


Boom! *    


There was a loud explosion, and Yun Xiaoyao saw that his palm was once again forcefully received by Bai Yuhao. Although Bai Yuhao spat out another mouthful of blood, what was unbelievable was that Bai Yuhao was able to receive the fourth palm from Yun Xiaoyao, who was at the second level of the Wild God realm, with the strength of the third level of the Sky Sect.    


When they saw Bai Yuhao forcefully receive Yun Xiaoyao's palm attack, the crowd also revealed somewhat astonished expressions.    


Of course, the power of this palm was quite strong. The next moment, Bai Yuhao was sent flying a few meters away.    


"Seems like it's still not enough …" Seeing that the Evil Power among the Soul Container was still unable to fight against Yun Xiaoyao's strength, Bai Yuhao's face turned serious, because he knew that he needed more power, which meant that he had to unseal the third layer and release a new Evil Power. Otherwise, he would be dead without a doubt.    


But if he undid the third seal and released a Evil Power stronger than the second seal, then if he was unable to suppress this new Evil Power in the end, he would definitely go berserk and lose his sanity. Because this kind of situation had happened before, it was definitely predictable.    


However, Yun Xiaoyao naturally did not give Bai Yuhao any chance to live. In the blink of an eye, he once again rushed towards Bai Yuhao, and this time, he used all of his strength, using his strongest Spiritual Martial Arts, the Nine Heavens Flame Fist!    


However, Yun Xiaoyao's entire fist was completely covered by the Spirit Flame and it was emitting a strong Spirit Pressure. It was like a surging lava and even the air seemed to be instantly burnt.    


Seeing Yun Xiaoyao's fist nearing his eyes, countless images flashed through his mind. He couldn't withstand any kind of life or death situation, so he couldn't give up this time.    


"Haha …" At this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly laughed madly towards the sky. His laughter resounded above the abandoned village and attracted everyone's attention, including Mu Lingluo and Liu Cheng.    


Just as he was laughing, the third layer of the seal placed on Bai Yuhao's body instantly collapsed. Waves after waves of black Spiritual Energy s started to come out recklessly like a group of demons, and suddenly filled up his body, entering into his bone marrow, tendons, and every corner of his body.    


Then, the black Spiritual Energy rushed out of Bai Yuhao's body and enveloped Bai Yuhao in an instant, like a black flame that could burn everything, burning his entire body. His hair and clothes fluttered in the air, and at the same time, a very violent and evil aura spread out in the surroundings.    


At this time, in the sky above the deserted village, the sky suddenly changed color. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, making Bai Yuhao's figure look even more horrifying.    


This scene also shocked everyone present. At this moment, in their eyes, Bai Yuhao was like Evil God descending to the world, giving off a chillingly murderous feeling.    


"Why is Luo Qi like this?" Seeing this, Liu Cheng was also astonished. However, he could clearly feel an exceptionally evil and frightening power continuously gushing out from Bai Yuhao's body. It seemed that this power was not something that a human could possess.    


Even Mu Lingluo's eyes were wide open because she felt that Bai Yuhao's power was far beyond Human Spirit Controller's expectations and seemed to be even closer to the power of Spirit Clan. Although this power was not mature yet, she could feel the terrifying power of this power.    


"Who the hell is he?" Mu Lingluo couldn't help but ask Liu Cheng with a shocked expression.    


However, even Liu Cheng was unable to answer since he did not know Bai Yuhao's true identity. It was also the first time that he had seen Bai Yuhao in a state of Enraged Strength.    


When Yun Xiaoyao saw Bai Yuhao right in front of him, he was shocked. However, he still did not hesitate to punch Bai Yuhao.    


However, what Yun Xiaoyao didn't expect was that his full strength punch was actually blocked by a hand, and the owner of that hand was Bai Yuhao.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao's eyes turned evil. His expression was as cold as an ice sculpture. It was as if he had entered a different state. His gaze was staring at Yun Xiaoyao, making Yun Xiaoyao subconsciously feel afraid.    


"Deliberately mystifying …" Yun Xiaoyao saw Bai Yuhao block his punch. Surprised, he immediately waved his other hand in rage. Flames burst out.    


However, Bai Yuhao's figure suddenly disappeared.    


Yun Xiaoyao was also surprised when he missed. But at the same time, he felt a cold gaze shooting at him from behind. He turned around and saw Bai Yuhao appear behind him without a sound.    


What was even more shocking was that Bai Yuhao stretched out a finger and a faint black beam of light instantly shot out from his fingertip. This seemingly ordinary beam of light instantly hit Yun Xiaoyao, who had yet to react, and in the blink of an eye, the weak beam of light instantly expanded like a ball, pressing Yun Xiaoyao down onto the ground.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Yun Xiaoyao didn't even have the time to resist before he was sent flying, leaving a long mark on the ground. Finally, he stopped at a dozen meters away, his skin was burnt and smoke was all over his body, he could only barely move.    


When everyone saw this scene, their expressions froze in disbelief. No matter what, they never thought that Bai Yuhao would be able to injure Yun Xiaoyao to such an extent in one move.    


Moreover, no one would have imagined that Bai Yuhao, who only had Celestial Master Stage, would actually be able to defeat a powerhouse at the second level of the Wild God Realm so easily. However, what they were more concerned about was the source of Bai Yuhao's intense and evil power.    


In her heart, Mu Lingluo was very surprised to see Bai Yuhao's strength suddenly increase dramatically, and his whole body also became extremely berserk. However, she also faintly felt that Bai Yuhao was hiding a very shocking secret, and this secret was probably something that even the Crimson Dragon Army did not know.    




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