Dragon Blood King



"Alright, we'll stop here for today. Everyone, get back to work!" Bai Yuhao said as he looked at the commanders in front of him, whose faces were even uglier than pigs being slaughtered.    


The commanders shook their heads and sighed as they bowed and left.    


"During dinner time, I hope that there won't be a commander who doesn't use some kind of excuse to make an appearance. Although I am very easy to talk to, I don't like people who don't take my words to heart." Before the commanders left the commander's tent, Bai Yuhao emphasized on this one sentence.    


When the commanders heard this, they couldn't help but shiver all over and hurriedly left.    


"These lackadaisical fellows are all used to the life of carefree leisure. It's time for them to show some compassion towards their soldiers. Don't think that just because you're acting so respectful to me, I don't know that you must have talked about me behind my back. But no matter, I, Bai Yuhao, will tame you. But compared to you all, the most important thing for the Crimson Dragon Army right now is a united heart … " Bai Yuhao said to himself as he saw the commanders leave.    


Bai Yuhao spent most of his time at the lowest level of Red Dragon Legion, first in the Northwest Army Camp, then in the Logistics Battalion. Thus, he understood the most about the bullying style of this army, and the people who were bullied and bullied were always those who were weak and weak, which would lead to a loss of morale in the army, leading to a decline in combat strength, especially in the face of danger. Bai Yuhao was unable to unite as one, and with this kind of situation, Bai Yuhao also had a deep experience in helping the Crimson Dragon Army several times.    


To be honest, in the eyes of Bai Yuhao, there were not many commanders who truly dared to take responsibility for their Red Dragon Legion. This was completely evident from the battle of Yi City, including Elite Cavalry Commander. In that case, because of the absence of Liu Cheng, they were afraid of taking responsibility, so they didn't even dare to step out.    


Therefore, Bai Yuhao, who was fully aware of the Scarlet Dragon Army's shortcomings, naturally needed to carry out reforms with a great blade and a great axe. First, he had to obtain the most basic, most stable support, which was the support of those ordinary soldiers who would always be at the frontlines of the army. If he could obtain the support of the ordinary soldiers, then it would be equivalent to him gaining control of the Scarlet Dragon Army's lifeline.    


Of course, this was only the worst case scenario. Actually, what Bai Yuhao wanted to see the most was the unity of the entire Crimson Dragon Army. However, this was very hard to do. In a nice way, it was hard to change one's nature, but to put it bluntly, dogs could not change their way of eating feces, and those commanders had long gotten used to calling each other into account. They had evil intentions and were eager to achieve quick results, and wanted them to change the course of events.    


Therefore, Bai Yuhao didn't plan to rely on the commanders, but he still needed to borrow their help in order to make a surprise attack.    


What Bai Yuhao needed to do right now was the same. Of course, he didn't get enough in this world, but the Crimson Dragon Army would soon be in his hands.    


As night fell, the fire in the main camp was reflected in the sky.    


In addition to the five thousand soldiers stationed in the main camp, the rest of the troops were centered around the main camp and were stationed in other camps. Each camp was less than a mile away from the other.    


At the same time, in the main battalion's barracks, thousands of soldiers had gathered in groups of three to five, eating porridge and eating steamed buns while chatting.    


At this time, someone shouted, "Commander Bai is here!"    


In an instant, the entire barracks was completely silent. All the soldiers had also stopped moving and looked in the direction of the sound.    


Suddenly, the crowd quickly parted, opening up a path that was a few meters wide. After that, a figure slowly walked over.    


"Commander Bai!" At the same time, the entire camp was filled with noise like waves. Everywhere Bai Yuhao walked past, there were crowds of people.    


All the soldiers had strange expressions on their faces. They didn't understand why this new commander had come to their barracks. Normally, the dirty and smelly barracks that even the commanders did not like to come to had Bai Yuhao as their new commander. This made them feel very flattered.    


However, Bai Yuhao walked through the crowd and walked straight to the chefs who were responsible for distributing the porridge and steamed buns.    


"Give me two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge." Bai Yuhao said to the several cooks.    


"White..." Commander Bai... You want a steamed bun... What's with the porridge? " When one of the cooks saw Bai Yuhao, he couldn't even speak properly.    


"Of course I did. Forget it, I'll just do it myself. " Without saying anything, Bai Yuhao personally scooped out a bowl of vegetable porridge and two pieces of steamed buns. Then, he found a place for his brother to sit down and started to eat.    


This scene left all the soldiers dumbstruck. No matter what, they could not imagine that their newly appointed commander would actually eat porridge and eat steamed buns with them.    


At this moment, the commanders who were 'invited' by Bai Yuhao just happened to enter the barracks, and when they saw the scene in front of them, they were immediately shocked. Previously, they thought Bai Yuhao was just talking, he would never put down his status and eat porridge and steamed buns like the soldiers. Who would have thought that the moment they entered, they would see Bai Yuhao eating with relish in front of the soldiers, causing them to break out in a cold sweat as they felt an ominous premonition.    


"It's great that the commanders are here. Come, come, let's eat together!" When Bai Yuhao saw that the other commanders were here, he immediately waved them over. Then he said to the cooks, "Why aren't you bringing the porridge to each of you …"    


At first, the few kitchen stewards were taken aback, but immediately after, they hurriedly filled a few bowls with porridge and sent the steamed buns in front of the various commanders.    


The commanders looked at the porridge in their hands that was almost as thin as water, as well as the mixed and slightly rotten steamed buns. Their expressions were even uglier than crying.    


"What are you all waiting for, hurry up and eat." Bai Yuhao stared at the commanders and urged them.    


The commanders looked at each other and wanted to cry but had no tears. They could only bite the bullet and follow Bai Yuhao's supervision to join the soldiers.    


At this moment, the entire barracks was in an uproar.    


"Don't just stand there. Eat quickly, otherwise the porridge will get cold." Bai Yuhao continued to talk to the thousands of eyes that were staring at him, then he continued to gnaw on the steamed bun.    


"From today onwards, until the moment of dispatch, I will be going to various campsites with all the commanders. We will take turns to accompany the Crimson Dragon Army's officers and soldiers to eat together and cultivate our feelings. When we win the Woodgod Kingdom, I will treat the entire army to some delicious food and spicy drinks. " Bai Yuhao immediately announced.    


Bai Yuhao's words immediately caused an uproar in the entire barracks. Every soldier's face revealed an unimaginable expression, but they quickly realized the difference of this new commander, and immediately followed up with a loud shout that shook the sky!    




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