Dragon Blood King



At this moment, in Bai Yuhao's eyes, Liu Yunxuan suddenly seemed to emit light rays, which were extremely alluring. Her gently pursed lips were like magic forbidden fruits, giving him an impulse to taste them.    


As for Liu Yunxuan, it was the first time she looked at Bai Yuhao so closely. Of course, there was one before, but she was completely unconscious at that time, so she also discovered that Bai Yuhao really had a very special charm, especially that gaze, which made people sink in deeply. Behind that gaze, she knew that there were a lot of secrets that she did not know, but it made her have the urge to know them.    


The candlelight flickered, silently looking at each other. The atmosphere suddenly became indescribable.    


Suddenly, Liu Yunxuan averted her gaze and turned her head abruptly. She couldn't help but cover her chest with her hands, because at that moment, she felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest.    


"Are you okay?" Seeing this, Bai Yuhao thought that Liu Yunxuan was feeling uncomfortable and immediately asked worriedly.    


"I'm fine." Liu Yunxuan shook her head and took a deep breath, trying to calm her emotions. But no matter what, she could not calm down.    


"But, your face looks so red, could it be that you're drunk?" Bai Yuhao saw that Liu Yunxuan's face was flushed.    


"You're the one who's drunk!" At this time, her gaze suddenly fell upon the wine pot on the table. After gritting her teeth, she stood up, walked over, picked up the wine pot and poured a cup of wine, then drank it all in one gulp. She wanted to use the wine to strengthen her courage and rid herself of this feeling that made her uncomfortable.    


However, when one cup was drunk, he didn't feel anything, so Liu Yunxuan poured another cup and drank it all up.    


"Hey, you really get drunk drinking like this." Although Bai Yuhao didn't know Liu Yunxuan's alcohol tolerance, it was still hard for her to drink like this.    


"None of your business." Liu Yunxuan seemed to have gotten a little drunk, as she immediately pouted and replied. Her appearance was definitely not a normal one, let alone a cute one.    


"Don't you get bored drinking alone? I'll stay with you. " Seeing this, Bai Yuhao immediately smirked.    


"Fine, but don't you try your luck with alcohol. You can't beat me, so if you dare to mess with your brain, you're dead for sure tonight." Liu Yunxuan's words became more interesting after drinking the wine. However, compared to her, her current expression was actually more lethal. It was absolutely tempting.    


"You just got married and you want to murder your husband? "Don't worry, even if you try to do something bad to me, I still wouldn't do it to you. I have never liked taking advantage of people when they are in danger." Bai Yuhao said honestly.    


Liu Yunxuan blinked lightly and passed the wine cup to Bai Yuhao. Then, she sat on the bed with the other wine cup and jug and poured the two wine cups.    


"This toast is to both of us for the success of our faked marriage." Bai Yuhao raised his glass and said.    


The two of them then finished it in one gulp.    


She sighed with emotion and said, "This cup is for you, thank you for saving me back then. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be sitting in this room right now, although I've never imagined such a scene, but at least I don't feel any regret right now." After he finished speaking, he finished it in one gulp.    


Bai Yuhao also raised his head and drank.    


"Then let's say that I thank you for agreeing to marry me. I, Bai Yuhao, will definitely remember everything you've done for me." Bai Yuhao took the wine jug from Liu Yunxuan's hand and poured himself a glass of wine before draining it.    


"That's right, remember to repay me in the future. How about, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will still find you." "Come, let me toast you again …" Liu Yunxuan seemed to be a little drunk. With a dazed look in her eyes, she smiled and poured herself a cup of wine to drink.    


Just like this, the two of them began to toast each other, and I finished the entire pot of wine.    


Liu Yunxuan seemed to be drunk. Her face was completely red as she leaned on Bai Yuhao. She was calling out 'hot' as she pulled off her clothes. After a while, her shoulders were exposed and her clothes were all messed up.    


"I knew it would." Although Bai Yuhao was a bit drunk, he didn't lose his mind. He couldn't help but shake his head as he looked at the performance of Liu Yunxuan.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly felt Liu Yunxuan's strength and pushed him onto the bed. His whole body was like an octopus, sticking to his body. The fullness and allure couldn't help but rub against his chest, which immediately increased his desire.    


"Woman, I didn't expect your wine to be so terrible." Bai Yuhao tried to pull Liu Yunxuan away from him, but she bit his hand directly.    


Bai Yuhao retracted his hand in pain and saw that there was a row of teeth marks on it. When he looked at Liu Yunxuan again, the woman's phoenix coronet had already fallen off.    


Bai Yuhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If this went on, he might really go on a rampage. More importantly, Liu Yunxuan will definitely think that he took advantage of her when she gets up tomorrow.    


"Sigh, the saddest thing about a man is that he couldn't even touch his own wife. What's the difference between him and a eunuch?" Bai Yuhao sighed heavily. With a turn of his body, he pressed Liu Yunxuan beneath him. Then, he quickly got off the bed and covered her with a blanket.    


However, just as he covered his face with the blanket, Liu Yunxuan grabbed Bai Yuhao's hand and held it tightly.    


"Don't go, I don't want to be alone." Liu Yunxuan muttered as if she was drunk.    


Bai Yuhao was stunned. He looked at Liu Yunxuan whose face was as ripe as an apple and continued, "It seems that your heart is much more fragile than your outer appearance. However, if I am to accompany you, I cannot guarantee what will happen next. "    


Liu Yunxuan naturally did not answer, but she still held Bai Yuhao's hand tightly.    


"Alright, I admit that I still prefer to be a bad person." Bai Yuhao smiled and got onto the bed as well. He softly embraced Liu Yunxuan and said, "Sleep well." After which, he closed his eyes.    


The moment Bai Yuhao closed his eyes, Liu Yunxuan, who was lying in Bai Yuhao's arms, suddenly opened her beautiful eyes. The faint, happy smile on her slightly drunk face made her happy.    


Just like this, the newlyweds slept in each other's embrace, passing through the most important moment of their lives …    




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