Dragon Blood King



Just as the Woodgod Kingdom army was pressing in, Bai Yuhao had already gathered all of the defending troops and retreated to the center of the base camp.    


"I will only say the following words once. I hope that the commanders will listen carefully because this matter concerns success or failure …" Bai Yuhao said with a serious expression as he stood in front of the commanders and the Yi City guards who were less than four thousand behind them.    


When the various commanders saw the expression on Bai Yuhao's face, their hearts could not help but rise. It was as if Grand Commander was standing in front of them, giving them a feeling of being intimidated.    


"Commander Bai, do you have a plan?" Commander Wang immediately asked.    


"In a while, the Yi City guards will split into two. One road will be led by Commander Ji and I, and the other road will be led by Commander Wang and the other commanders …" Bai Yuhao did not answer Commander Wang's question, but said directly.    


"Split the troops into two? With our current military strength, I am afraid it is not suitable for us to split our troops into two sides, is it not? " Ma Lan asked with a strange expression.    


All the commanders nodded in agreement. If they were to defend this battle with their lives, they definitely couldn't split up their forces. Otherwise, once they were defeated one by one, they would lose even faster.    


"Listen to me finish …" Bai Yuhao's eyes narrowed, and continued, "Commander Wang and the other commanders led the two thousand Yi City garrison troops to the southwest side, and after persisting for an hour, they raised the white flag and surrendered."    


"What?" Surrender? " When the commanders heard this, all of them were dumbfounded. They didn't understand what Bai Yuhao was thinking at all. To make them surrender, this was simply unimaginable.    


"Bai Yuhao, what do you mean?" Even Ji Wushuang couldn't see through Bai Yuhao's thoughts and asked in surprise.    


"Hey, hurry up and speak clearly …" Ma Lan said anxiously.    


"After you surrender, the Woodgod Kingdom will allocate at least two thousand troops to surround you in place, and the remaining troops will converge to the forces that were attracted to us along the way. And at the southwest end of Base Camp, there was a gunpowder depot. When the time comes, you should think of ways to lure these two thousand troops to the periphery of the gunpowder depot. After that, you can ignite the gunpowder depot, and with the explosive power of the depot, at least hundreds of people will be killed, or even more. Furthermore, it will create chaos. Bai Yuhao said in a wise and farsighted manner.    


When the commanders heard this, they finally understood that Bai Yuhao wanted to use the enemy's victory mentality to create an opportunity. However, they couldn't help but admire Bai Yuhao. He could actually think of such a bold yet unexpected plan at a time like this.    


"However, if this is the case, wouldn't Commander Bai have to face at least six thousand members of the Woodgod Kingdom along the way? With two thousand against six thousand, I'm afraid …" Commander Wang said worriedly.    


"I have ways to delay these six thousand troops. After you finish your plan, go to the northwest end of the base as soon as possible. That is to say, the training field to act as a soldier. Ambush behind the enemy lines and wait for my signal. Bai Yuhao promised.    


When the commanders heard this, they looked at each other, then nodded.    


"If you understand, then start preparing. I'll leave Commander Wang to you." Bai Yuhao looked at Commander Wang and said seriously.    


"I will do my best!" Commander Wang nodded his head solemnly. Although he was an experienced veteran, but in this situation where he was at a disadvantage, he could not be as calm as Bai Yuhao. Furthermore, he could think of such a plan, which made Commander Wang feel that he was inferior.    


Bai Yuhao stared at her for a second and then turned his head around. Coincidentally, he saw Ma Lan's face in front of him.    


"I want to go with you and Sister Wushuang …" Ma Lan said confidently.    


"It's better for you to go with Commander Wang and the others. When the time comes, the situation will be very dangerous …" Bai Yuhao said with a slight smile.    


"I don't need your protection." Ma Lan couldn't help but pout her lips, as if Bai Yuhao had seen through her. She was, after all, an expert in Celestial Master Stage, so no matter how dangerous the situation was, she still had the ability to protect herself.    


"Up to you." Bai Yuhao saw that Ma Lan was determined. If he refused, Ma Lan would probably come along herself, so he was too lazy to say more and walked towards Ji Wushuang.    


"Wait a moment, bring your people first …" Bai Yuhao walked to Ji Wushuang's side and whispered to her.    


"Isn't this too dangerous, you alone …" Ji Wushuang revealed a worried expression.    


"That Sixth Prince is more interested in me, so he won't hurt me that easily." Bai Yuhao crossed his arms and said.    


"You must be careful, don't act recklessly again." Ji Wushuang knew that Bai Yuhao never took any risks, so she was worried that if Bai Yuhao tried to force her too much, there might be a problem.    


"I will try my best to stall for time, but I won't be able to hold on for long. So, you must be fast." Bai Yuhao nodded.    


"Then I'll go first." After Ji Wushuang finished speaking, she called over Ma Lan, and immediately gathered the first two thousand Yi City s that were not enough to defend the northern end of the city.    


On the other side, Commander Wang and the rest of the commanders had also made their preparations, and led the two thousand Yi City guards to retreat towards the southwest.    


At the same time, the Woodgod Kingdom army had already pushed their way in, and was constantly narrowing the distance between them and the Yi City defending army.    


"Report!" At this time, Spirit Controller, who was in charge of investigating the movements of the Yi City's defending troops, rushed back and reported to Mu Ziye, "The Yi City's defending troops have split into two, heading towards the northwest along the way, all the way towards the southwest …"    


"Sixth Prince, it seems like the Yi City garrison is at the end of their road. We can only split up and retreat, and try our best to stall for time." A Woodgod Kingdom Commander said while cupping his hands.    


"Split the troops into two?" Mu Ziye's gaze darkened. After thinking for a moment, he gave the order: "We will split up our forces and attack as well. We must finish this quickly and not give any more opportunities to the Yi City guards!"    


Following that, under Mu Ziye's orders, the eight thousand troops of Woodgod Kingdom were also divided into two sides, with four thousand people on each road, chasing towards the northwest and the southwest respectively.    


At this moment, on the road to the northwest, the houses on the left and right sides were all ignited with a strong black flame.    


In the middle of the main road, a man and two beasts stood side by side, watching as the black mass of figures gradually appeared.    


"Next, it's time for our show." Bai Yuhao looked at the approaching silhouettes, the corners of his mouth curled up into an evil smile that would cause chills to run down one's spine …    




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