Dragon Blood King



"Open the door." Bai Yuhao repeated.    


That leader was slightly afraid, but he still relied on his own power to reply, "Sealing the city gates was Sir Commander's order. "If you have the ability, ask Lord Commander to order the door to be opened …"    


Bai Yuhao sneered. Immediately, his Spiritual Light swelled up and at the same time, he pulled out his Frost Wind and waved it in the air. Then, he continued to walk forward.    


When the leader saw the Frost Wind in Bai Yuhao's hand and the completely different aura it was emitting, he was also shocked. His face was pale as paper, but he still braced himself and shouted: "If you continue approaching us, don't blame us for being impolite."    


However, Bai Yuhao turned a deaf ear to it. He immediately leaped and rushed towards the city gate.    


"Stop him …" Noticing that the situation was not looking good, the captain quickly gave the order.    


In an instant, hundreds of city guards rushed towards Bai Yuhao, wanting to stop him.    


Bai Yuhao's whole body was suddenly set ablaze as if he was possessed by Evil God, making him look terrifying. He scared the city guards so much that they didn't dare to move forward, and even their legs turned soft as they fell to the ground.    


In the end, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Bai Yuhao's Frost Wind s waved twice in the air, and in an instant, like a cross, a fiery light whizzed out, smashing onto the city gates.    


There was only the sound of an explosion, and in an instant, the entire city gate was blasted into smithereens, shattering into pieces.    


When the people of Yi City saw that the city gate was opened, they immediately stirred up, and then rushed towards the city gate with all their might.    


Those city guards were obviously shocked by Bai Yuhao's move. They didn't even have time to react before they were swallowed by the dense stream of people.    


Bai Yuhao kept his Frost Wind and walked straight back to Dragon-like's side, turning his body he jumped onto Dragon-like.    


"Big Brother Bai, if the Yi City is broken, then these people will be homeless. Is there really no other way?" Sue looked at the Yi City citizens who were rushing out of the city gate like they were escaping for their lives, and couldn't help but to ask Bai Yuhao.    


Bai Yuhao's gaze was focused, but he didn't answer Susu's question.    


"Big Brother Bai, I really don't want to leave. "Miss treats me very well, so I want to stay by her side as well …" Susu said as if she felt wronged and her eyes gradually turned red.    


Seeing that, Bai Yuhao's expression changed. After hesitating for a bit, he asked: "You really don't want to leave the Yi City?"    


Susu nodded vigorously.    


"I'll send you to a safe place first." Bai Yuhao looked at Su Su Su, and then let Dragon-like fly into the air, heading out of the northern city.    


At the same time, Ma Lan and the rest of the commanders had already temporarily returned to the main camp's meeting room. All of their expressions were exhausted, and the armor on their bodies was almost entirely dyed red by the flames of war and blood. And after tomorrow, the Yi City would fall into the hands of the Woodgod Kingdom.    


"In today's battle, more than half of the defending troops of Yi City have been lost, with less than eight thousand remaining, and at least twenty thousand of Woodgod Kingdom remain. If we were to attack with all our might tomorrow, the Yi City would definitely fall." Commander Wang shook his head and sighed again.    


"Looks like we can't hold on to the Yi City anymore. How about, we withdraw our Yi City as soon as possible, at least we can preserve a bit of our forces. When the reinforcements arrive, it will not be too late to call back the Yi City again. " Commander Li suggested.    


"Impossible, Yi City is the base camp of Red Dragon Legion. If we withdraw our troops like this, if word of this gets out, it would be equivalent to discredit Red Dragon Legion …" Ma Lan said flatly.    


"Commander Ma is right. The loss of Yi City has a huge impact on the morale of the Crimson Dragon Army. Other than that, if the Woodgod Kingdom attack us, and we continue to move forward, it will be even more difficult to stop us. " Commander Rui nodded and said.    


"Therefore, no matter what, you must guard the Yi City." Ma Lan said firmly.    


"But how should we defend? No matter if it's the strength or the morale, we have lost to Woodgod Kingdom. Adding the Woodgod Kingdom and the five Giant-Horned Rage Rhino s, it is impossible for us to stop them … " Commander Li questioned.    


"I feel that Commander Li is right, I know that I have lost, and if we continue to fight, then we will naturally suffer more casualties. I might as well withdraw my Yi City first and store up energy, wait for the reinforcements to arrive before taking back my Yi City …" There were also commanders who stood by Commander Li's side.    


"I also feel that it would be better to withdraw my Yi City first …"    


"If we withdraw our Yi City like this, wouldn't our Red Dragon Legion be mocked by the people of the world …"    




In the span of a moment, all the commanders were divided into two factions, and they were at a dispute.    


"You bastards, is this all you have?" At this moment, a stern and aged voice came from outside.    


All the commanders turned to look, and they saw two figures walk in side by side.    


"Master Xu …"    


"Commander Ji …"    


When the commanders saw the two people who entered, they were startled.    


"Even if we can't defend the Yi City, we can't let the Woodgod Kingdom easily obtain it, and your Grand Commander wouldn't hope for you to give up so easily …" Old Man Xu looked at the commanders seriously.    


When many commanders heard this, they couldn't help but lower their heads in shame.    


"Grandmaster Xu is right. Even if we're fighting to the last man, we can't give up so easily." Ji Wushuang nodded in agreement.    


"However, in this current situation, it is impossible for us to guard the Yi City." Commander Wang said helplessly.    


"If Bai Yuhao was here, he might be able to think of a way, but he …" I'm so disappointed in him. " Ma Lan was extremely conflicted when she thought of Bai Yuhao.    


"In my opinion, he's just a coward that fears death …" Zhao Zhaofeng said in disdain.    


"If he was afraid of death, his Red Dragon Legion would have already lost at the third trial." Ji Wushuang retorted coldly.    


When all the commanders heard this, their expressions became extremely unsightly, because what Ji Wushuang said was right. If it wasn't for Bai Yuhao, the Crimson Dragon Army might have already been defeated in the three stages.    


"Since we still have time now, let's think of a way to deal with the enemy. Even if we lose, we have to lose in value. From now on, I will be in charge of the Yi City garrison …" No matter what, she was still one of the vice commander-in-chiefs of the Skyfrost Legion s of the Four Major Legions. At such a critical time, she naturally had to take on such a great responsibility.    


Upon hearing Ji Wushuang's words, all the commanders immediately revealed looks of admiration. After all, Ji Wushuang's strength was right in front of them, so with Ji Wushuang in command of the Yi City, they naturally saw some hope.    


"Haha, little girl, you're too much to my taste. This time, I'll make an exception and meddle in other people's business …" Old Man Xu, who was at the side, laughed.    


When the various commanders saw that even Old Man Xu, who had been in seclusion for a long time, was willing to help, they also revealed looks of astonishment. Of course, they also gained a bit more confidence …    




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