Dragon Blood King



The next day, Ma Lan, who had just returned to the main camp, rushed over to Liu Yunxuan's camp the moment she found out that Liu Yunxuan had woken up. When she arrived, she did not see Liu Yunxuan.    


Ma Lan then went over to the temporary beast pen built for Silver Wind and saw Liu Yunxuan accompanying Silver Wind at his side, looking exhausted.    


"Cousin." When Ma Lan saw that her cousin was safe and sound, she heaved a sigh of relief. At first, she looked happy, but when she saw the sad look on her face, the light in her eyes dimmed.    


Liu Yunxuan raised her head upon hearing him, and seeing Ma Lan, she stood up to welcome him. She asked curiously: "Cousin sister, didn't father say you went to Logistics Battalion? Why are you back so soon? The message father has sent you, should still not have reached the Logistics Battalion … "    


"I was worried about my cousin, so I came back." Ma Lan found an excuse.    


"Idiot, am I not fine?" Liu Yunxuan lightly tapped Ma Lan's forehead with her white jade finger and forced a smile as she said this.    


"Cousin, are you really alright? Do you remember what happened to you? " Ma Lan tried to probe him out, thinking that her uncle probably hadn't told his cousin about it.    


"Of course I do. I am no longer a virgin. " Liu Yunxuan's eyes were serene, but she spoke very calmly.    


Ma Lan was slightly taken aback by Liu Yunxuan's words. It seemed as if she was surprised that Liu Yunxuan knew what had happened to her. However, her reaction was too calm. However, she was worried that this might just be Liu Yunxuan deliberately concealing her feelings in front of her. In fact, she already hated Bai Yuhao so much that she clenched her teeth, so she immediately said, "Cousin, don't blame Bai Yuhao. He might just be temporarily befuddled, and I know you won't be able to forgive him.    


"Cousin sister, what do you mean by befuddled? What can't forgive him? " On the other hand, what Ma Lan said made Liu Yunxuan feel incredible.    


"Didn't Bai Yuhao say that to you, Cousin …" Didn't he do it? " Ma Lan couldn't help but ask.    


"Yes …" It's him … "However, you all have misunderstood, he only …" Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but think of everything that had happened in the cave that had caused her to feel crazy and passionate. Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but think of everything that had happened in the cave that had caused her heart to palpitate, and she couldn't stop her heart from pounding.    


"To save you?" Ma Lan was stunned. After a while, she reacted, "So, the reason Bai Yuhao did that to you is to save you. It's not a conspiracy."    


Liu Yunxuan nodded in agreement.    


"So we've all misunderstood him." It was unknown whether Ma Lan was happy or sad, but her emotions were inexplicably complicated.    


"Is he all right?" Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but ask as she glanced at Ma Lan.    


"Him? "Of course it's good." Ma Lan said in a low voice.    


"Did he ever complain that his father had wronged him?" Liu Yunxuan asked with a light frown.    


Ma Lan shook her head.    


"I don't understand why he didn't explain it to my father." Liu Yunxuan was actually puzzled by Bai Yuhao's action of not explaining anything.    


"At that time, uncle was angry, and even if Bai Yuhao had explained, he still wouldn't have listened. Uncle also saw the two letters that were found within the clothes that you changed, so I thought Bai Yuhao purposefully lured you to the Qiyun Mountain, then plotted to frame you, and did that kind of thing to you …" Ma Lan explained.    


"Is that so? Father is too impulsive. " Liu Yunxuan sighed faintly.    


"Cousin sister, why did you return to the Qiyun Mountain? And how did Bai Yuhao know you were in Qiyun Mountain, and then saved you? " Ma Lan naturally wanted to know everything.    


"All of this was part of Woodgod Kingdom's scheme, and in the end, the Woodgod Kingdom still succeeded. It seems like it will be difficult to get Bai Yuhao to come back! " Liu Yunxuan said softly, as if she expected this to happen.    


Ma Lan went silent when she heard this.    


"Looks like I have to find Bai Yuhao myself." However, we need to wait until Silver Wind is safe and sound. " Liu Yunxuan had already thought about it, but she wasn't ready to see Bai Yuhao.    


"Cousin, you and Bai Yuhao have already … Don't you blame him at all? After all, he took away your chastity, which is the most precious thing to us! " Ma Lan thought for a moment. From the start till now, what Liu Yunxuan had displayed did not seem like the calmness of a forced woman at all, which made her feel very strange.    


"Why do you blame him? If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you right now. "Moreover …" Liu Yunxuan blinked, hesitating to speak. Actually, it wasn't until the moment she became Bai Yuhao's woman that she realized she had an indescribable feeling towards Bai Yuhao. Although it wasn't strong, she didn't reject Bai Yuhao from the bottom of her heart and at that moment, she willingly became Bai Yuhao's woman. Therefore, she also felt that she was very contradictory because she didn't think that she liked Bai Yuhao. However, Bai Yuhao seemed to be a very special existence to her.    


"Cousin, what are you trying to say?" When Ma Lan saw the expression on her cousin's face, she also felt that it was strange and a sense of unease arose in her heart.    


"Nothing." Liu Yunxuan shook her head.    


"Can Cousin really face what happened between you and Bai Yuhao in peace?" Ma Lan couldn't help but ask again. After all, Bai Yuhao had taken away her cousin's chastity. Even though she had no other choice, her cousin should still have a difficult time facing him. However, his cousin was surprisingly calm. This was definitely a very strange thing.    


"Why not? After all, he was the one who saved me. " Perhaps it was because Bai Yuhao was her first man, but even if she wanted to hate him, she couldn't. It was an indescribable feeling.    


Liu Yunxuan's words made Ma Lan speechless, because Ma Lan could tell that her cousin's expression when she mentioned Bai Yuhao was very different from before. If it was her cousin's personality, even if she didn't resent Bai Yuhao, she definitely wouldn't want to see Bai Yuhao again for a short period of time. However, her cousin said she was going to find Bai Yuhao.    


Ma Lan suddenly felt a sense of crisis, because she had a feeling that even though she wasn't sure, she felt that her cousin might have the same unbreakable relationship with Bai Yuhao as her.    


In other words, if her cousin also liked Bai Yuhao, then it would be hard for her to accept it. Furthermore, she didn't know how to choose …    




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