Dragon Blood King



"Why is Mu Great Godly General's unique Heavenly Snow Imprint on this Spirit Treasure …" Ma Lan could not help but exclaim in surprise as she stared at the Frost Wind in her hands. Of course, she already had the answer in her heart, but she couldn't imagine it. This was because the Frost Wind was obviously owned by Mu Yinv, otherwise, it would not have the Heavenly Snow Mark. Furthermore, the Frost Wind was an extremely rare Spirit Weapon, which was equivalent to a treasure among treasures, and it was extremely rare. With the Heavenly Snow Mark, it meant that the Frost Wind was Mu Yinv's beloved item.    


Thinking about it this way, the question arose. If the Frost Wind was Mu Yinv's item, then why did it fall into Bai Yuhao's hands? Logically speaking, such a precious spiritual item, even if it was Mu Yinv, she would definitely keep it close to her. Therefore, no matter how one looked at it, it was impossible for Bai Yuhao to obtain the Frost Wind using any other means. The only possibility was that Mu Yinv gave the Frost Wind to Bai Yuhao. If that was really the case, then what kind of status did Bai Yuhao have to make Mu Yinv give him such a treasure?    


"Could this be related to his top secret identity?" The more Ma Lan thought about it, the more she felt that something was amiss. However, with this Frost Wind and what Ji Wushuang had previously said, she was ordered to protect Bai Yuhao, linking the two of them, and only had one conclusion, which was that Bai Yuhao definitely had some unfathomable relationship with Mu Yinv. And Ji Wushuang was also sent by Mu Yinv to protect Bai Yuhao.    


Obviously, Mu Yinv had personally sent her disciple to protect Bai Yuhao. This also showed that Bai Yuhao was quite important to Mu Yinv.    


Ma Lan was also confused for a moment. Just who was this Bai Yuhao and why was he implicated in so many secrets, even including one of the three Great Godly General's, Mu Yinv's, Holy Dragon Kingdom. In addition, Grand Commander also said that Bai Yuhao might be a member of the royal family, although it is not certain, but from all the indications, Bai Yuhao Li is more and more likely to be a member of the royal family.    


Right at this moment, Ma Lan suddenly felt another Qi aura appear behind her. She immediately turned around to see that Ji Wushuang had appeared out of nowhere and was standing behind her, staring at the Frost Wind in her hands.    


"Sister Ji, this …" Ma Lan couldn't help but want to ask Ji Wushuang about the Frost Wind, because it was impossible for Ji Wushuang to not know that the Frost Wind belonged to her master.    


"Let's find another place first …" Ji Wushuang said in a low voice as she turned around and looked at Bai Yuhao, who was sitting on a nearby rock and cultivating.    


Ma Lan nodded and looked at the Frost Wind again before putting it back to its original place.    


Immediately afterwards, the two women disappeared at the same time.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao, who was sitting on the rock, slightly opened his eyes. The corner of his mouth curled up and revealed an enigmatic smile.    


On the other side, Ma Lan followed Ji Wushuang to a secluded place with blossoming peach blossoms.    


"Sister Ji, did Mu Great Godly General give that spiritual weapon to Bai Yuhao?" Ma Lan asked impatiently.    


Ji Wushuang stared coldly at Ma Lan. Since Ma Lan recognized that the Frost Wind was her master, it was normal for her to have such a guess. Of course, this was also the truth.    


"Could it really be …" Ma Lan's expression was aghast because Ji Wushuang's silence meant that she had tacitly agreed.    


"Then what is the relationship between Bai Yuhao and Mu Great Godly General? Why would Mu Great Godly General give such a good treasure to Bai Yuhao? Could it be that you know Bai Yuhao's true identity? " Ma Lan asked.    


"Little sister, you ask too many questions, and I don't know how to answer them. Actually, I don't know much about Bai Yuhao either. However, I hope you can keep this a secret for me. Master told me that no one should know that she was the one who sent me to protect Bai Yuhao. Although you may have already guessed, as long as I do not admit it, no one can be sure. " Ji Wushuang replied with a frown.    


"You don't know?" Ma Lan was surprised that even Ji Wushuang, who was sent to protect Bai Yuhao, did not know Bai Yuhao's identity.    


"Previously, I also didn't understand why Master would send me to protect Bai Yuhao, but after what happened recently, I already somewhat understand Master's original intention. I can only tell you that no matter what sort of identity Bai Yuhao has, he is still a very dangerous person. You cannot get too close to him, and even more so, it is impossible for you to like him. Ji Wushuang said with a serious expression.    


"Like him? Sister Ji, why do I like him? " Ma Lan hurriedly replied when she heard him.    


"Don't lie to yourself. You can tell from the way you look at him that you've already fallen for him. When Grand Commander said that he wanted to kill Bai Yuhao, your nervousness and your gaze all exceeded your due attitude towards Bai Yuhao. Furthermore, Yunxuan is your cousin. If Bai Yuhao really did that kind of thing to Yunxuan, you definitely wouldn't be able to forgive him. "But at that time, you had a glimmer of hope that Bai Yuhao didn't do it, and you didn't want him to die, did you?" Ji Wushuang said one word at a time, like countless sharp arrows piercing into Ma Lan's heart.    


Ma Lan's delicate body trembled. Even though she wanted to deny it, she understood that what Ji Wushuang said was an undeniable truth. She didn't know where it came from, but she did have feelings for Bai Yuhao.    


"It's better for you to go back. You staying by his side will not benefit you in any way. Instead, it will cause your imagination to run wild." Ji Wushuang said coldly.    


"But Grand Commander told me to …" Ma Lan was indeed upset when she saw Bai Yuhao.    


"I'll keep an eye on him. You should go back and take care of Yunxuan." Once she wakes up, you'll know the truth, but you'll probably have to be prepared. " Ji Wushuang reminded him.    


"Could it be that Sister Ji thinks that he did it too?" Ma Lan naturally understood the meaning behind Ji Wushuang's words.    


"I only know that Yunxuan can give us the answer. However, Grand Commander's decision this time was exactly what Bai Yuhao had said. He would definitely regret it. To the Crimson Dragon Army, this is definitely not a good thing, and might even … " Ji Wushuang seemed to have thought of something.    


"Maybe what?" Ma Lan asked when she saw Ji Wushuang suddenly stop.    


"Nothing, just go back. Remember to send me a message when Yunxuan wakes up." Actually, she also wanted to know what the truth was.    


Ma Lan hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head, called out her Qing Ling, mounted her mount, and bid her farewells.    




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