Dragon Blood King



After Bai Yuhao left Liu Yi's tent, he went towards Logistics Battalion's beast stable. When he arrived at the beast stables, he saw that the entire stables were like a garbage dump, piled high with all kinds of miscellaneous items, in a complete mess.    


"He actually made the beast stables become like this …" Bai Yuhao frowned and revealed a look of dissatisfaction. As he walked into the beast stables, a strong stench immediately assaulted his nostrils. The Spirit Control's feces could be seen everywhere; it was obvious that no one had cleaned it before.    


There were twenty to thirty Spirit Control that had all kinds of injuries on their bodies. They were all thin and yellow, as if they had not eaten in a long time. They were completely abused.    


Bai Yuhao's gaze froze for a moment, then he went back to the outside of the stable and looked at all kinds of sundries. Bai Yuhao's eyes froze for a moment, then he went back to the outside of the stall and looked at all kinds of sundries.    


After that, Bai Yuhao walked into the stable and chased all the Spirit Control out of the stable. He called out Dragon-like and Long Chi to watch them, then took out a few big buckets of water from the ditch beside the stable and washed the entire stable. Afterwards, he burned all the debris into ashes and scattered them all over the stables, absorbing the remaining stench from the stables.    


After cleaning the beast stables, Bai Yuhao walked outside, asked Dragon-like and Long Chi to help him clean the dirty Spirit Control one by one. After that, he would check their injuries and re-arrange their stalls according to the condition of their injuries, so that he could treat them in the following order.    


When he had finished, it was late afternoon, and the last rays of the sunset fell on the open space outside the stable.    


Right at this moment, two delicate figures approached the multicolored light. Under the contrast of the multicolored light, they had a myriad of different types of grace and charm.    


They were Ma Lan and Ji Wushuang.    


Bai Yuhao, who had just walked out of the stable, couldn't help but admire the two girls as they approached them. This beauty was a beauty. No matter what scene she was in, she could easily attract the attention of others.    


"Why are you guys here?" Bai Yuhao was busy to the point that he was covered in sweat. His face was covered with dust and his body emitted an unpleasant smell.    


As the two girls got closer, they stopped and stared at Bai Yuhao while covering their noses with their hands.    


"What's that smell on your body? Is it so smelly?" Ma Lan immediately retorted.    


"Will it?" Bai Yuhao sniffed his own body. Perhaps he was used to the smell, so he didn't think much of it.    


"Go wash up. It's dirty and smelly, like a beggar." Ji WushuangliLeng glared at him and said.    


Bai Yuhao winked and smiled, then said with a serious look, "Oh yeah, you guys should have told Battalion Commander Liu about my situation, right?"    


"No. I was only telling him that you have been temporarily transferred back to the Logistics Battalion. I didn't say anything else. Battalion Commander Liu is quite tactful, and did not ask about the reason. " She almost forgot that Bai Yuhao was still wearing the clothes of a criminal, and she was ordered to monitor Bai Yuhao, preventing him from leaving Logistics Battalion.    


"Oh." After Bai Yuhao heard this, he didn't say anything and planned to leave.    


"Where are you going?" Ma Lan asked when she saw that Bai Yuhao was about to leave.    


"Bath, of course." Bai Yuhao turned around and answered. Then, his lips curled up into an evil smile as he stared at Ma Lan lecherously, "Commander Ma, do you want to come with me? "I don't mind …"    


She glared a few times at Bai Yuhao in anger, because this made her recall that time in Northeast Military Camp, in her room, she and Bai Yuhao were extremely ambiguous. Even at that time, Bai Yuhao did not act excessively towards her, so she did not understand why Bai Yuhao would do that kind of thing to her cousin!    


At this moment, Ma Lan couldn't help but have some contradictions, she suddenly didn't believe that Bai Yuhao would really do that kind of thing. Although Bai Yuhao seemed to be sloppy all day, sometimes strange, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, but she knew Bai Yuhao wasn't the kind of beast that would meet a pervert. However, she didn't understand why Bai Yuhao wouldn't explain what had happened.    


It might be a guilty conscience, but Bai Yuhao insisted on waiting for her cousin to wake up before he could explain.    


"Cough!" At this moment, a cold voice sounded from the side. It was Ji Wushuang with a cold expression, her cold eyes sharp like a knife as she looked at Bai Yuhao. "Because Bai Yuhao's words also made her recall that time at Red Phoenix House, when she saw Bai Yuhao. That was definitely the first time she saw a man's body.    


"Could it be that Commander Ji wants to …" Bai Yuhao flirted with her fearlessly.    


"Well, if you don't want to be a man for the rest of your life." Ji Wushuang said sharply.    


"You're too cruel." Bai Yuhao's expression changed when he heard that. However, from Ji Wushuang's expression, he believed that her words were not a joke.    


Ma Lan couldn't help but giggle when she saw Bai Yuhao's expression.    


"Actually, Commander Ma still looks better when he laughs, so stop frowning. Also, don't worry about me running away. As I said, once the vice commander-in-chief wakes up, everything will be clear. What I've done, although it can't be said to be right, is what I have to do in that situation. " Bai Yuhao's expression suddenly became serious as he looked at the two girls.    


The two girls couldn't help but be shocked. They didn't seem to understand the meaning behind Bai Yuhao's words. However, when they regained their senses, Bai Yuhao had already left with his back facing them.    


Not long after, Bai Yuhao entered Liu Yi's tent again.    


"Commander Bai …" When Liu Yi saw Bai Yuhao enter, he immediately cupped his hands and said.    


"I am no longer a commander. Just a keeper. "Therefore, the Battalion Commander can just call me by my name." Bai Yuhao replied with his arms crossed.    


"That doesn't seem right." Liu Yi also knew that no matter what Bai Yuhao had done for the Crimson Dragon Army, although he didn't know why Bai Yuhao suddenly returned to the Logistics Battalion, in his opinion, Bai Yuhao definitely didn't stay there for long, and perhaps he would return to the front lines to lead his troops into battle soon.    


"Then whatever you call me, just don't call me Commander." Bai Yuhao raised his eyebrows slightly.    


"Then let's call it Captain of White Team." Liu Yi considered for a moment.    


Bai Yuhao shrugged and didn't object.    


"Captain of White Team, you came back at the perfect time." Actually, I was worried about Grand Commander's order recently. " At this time, Liu Yi cupped his hands and said.    




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