Dragon Blood King



"It's Ti Dan." After Liu Yunxuan fell into the trap, from Mu Lingluo's words, she could guess that this traitor was Ti Dan, and Ti Dan was the one who gave her the fake news.    


"It really is him." The person Bai Yuhao was suspicious of was Ti Dan. Because he had always been trying to get close to Ti Dan, he felt that it was a bit strange and seemed to pay attention to his actions.    


"If Ti Dan is really a traitor, then it would be normal for Mu Lingluo to know about you so well." Liu Yunxuan nodded thoughtfully.    


"But Ti Dan had just risen to the base camp not too long ago, and he's always been at the Small Camp. How did he gather information?" Bai Yuhao raised his doubts very quickly.    


"That's right, according to the degree of information Woodgod Kingdom have on our Red Dragon Legion, this traitor has most likely been hiding in our base camp for many years." Liu Yunxuan felt that Bai Yuhao's suspicions were very reasonable.    


"It seems like this pool really isn't of ordinary depth …" Bai Yuhao slightly frowned, then suddenly looked at Liu Yunxuan and asked: "However, why did you fall into the Woodgod Kingdom's trap so easily? "Why did you come here alone …"    


"Isn't it because … Forget it, there's nothing much to explain. " Liu Yunxuan, of course, wouldn't let Bai Yuhao know. Actually, she was afraid that Bai Yuhao would fall into a trap, so she hesitated to speak and purposely avoided speaking.    


Bai Yuhao saw that Liu Yunxuan intended to avoid him, so he was very clear in his heart. It looks like Liu Yunxuan fell into Woodgod Kingdom's trap because she was worried about him, but it wasn't a wise decision for Liu Yunxuan to come here alone.    


"If there's a chance, ride Silver Wind and leave immediately. I'll cover for you." Bai Yuhao was right.    


"No, I can't leave you behind." Liu Yunxuan flatly refused.    


"This is not the time to be playful with your temper. Your influence on the Crimson Dragon Army is much more important than mine. If Mu Lingluo uses you as a hostage to threaten Grand Commander, then it will be fatal for the Crimson Dragon Army." He was not joking. This Liu Yunxuan was also a soul of the Crimson Dragon Army, and she was also Liu Cheng's daughter, so she had a great influence on the Crimson Dragon Army.    


"You actually dare to say that I have a mischievous personality. I was tricked, and it was all because of you." Liu Yunxuan's voice was filled with resentment as she spoke.    


"So, you want to escape from here even more, or do you want me to feel guilty and hurt you in such a way?" Bai Yuhao smiled coldly.    


Liu Yunxuan was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say. Of course, she didn't want Bai Yuhao to feel guilty. She wasn't a stingy person. She just didn't want to leave Bai Yuhao behind and certainly didn't want him to get hurt.    


"No matter what, I will never leave you behind." Liu Yunxuan insisted.    


"Then I can only knock you out, and have Silver Wind send you back." Bai Yuhao's gaze focused.    


"Can you beat me?" Liu Yunxuan glanced at Bai Yuhao.    


"I'll get help from the people outside." Bai Yuhao smiled, pointed at Expert of the Celestial Master Stage who was outside the trap array and said.    


"You …" Liu Yunxuan glared at him angrily.    


"In short, I'll leave as soon as I get the chance." Bai Yuhao looked at Liu Yunxuan and said confidently.    


Liu Yunxuan immediately turned her head away as if she was feeling wronged. Seeing that, Bai Yuhao also closed his eyes and started to rest.    


At this moment, Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but sneakily turn her head to look at Bai Yuhao. Looking at Bai Yuhao's resolute face, her heart was full of mixed feelings. In fact, she also had an inexplicable feeling when she saw Bai Yuhao come to save her, although she didn't want Bai Yuhao to save her, but the moment she saw Bai Yuhao, her heart felt as if it was filled with something.    


"What happened to me? "I obviously didn't want him to save me, but …" Liu Yunxuan could not imagine why she had become so contradictory.    


About an hour later, Mu Ziye and his personal bodyguard, Lie Yang, appeared in front of the Demon Trapping Pillar Formation.    


When Bai Yuhao sensed that Spirit Controller's Celestial Master Stage had appeared again, he immediately opened his eyes and looked over. He immediately saw Mu Ziye and his expression could not help but freeze. It seemed that the person who lured him here after coming out of this trap was Mu Ziye.    


"This man is a prince of Woodgod Kingdom." At this time, Liu Yunxuan's Dainty Voice sounded beside Bai Yuhao's ear.    


"So he's actually the prince of Woodgod Kingdom." Although they had already guessed at Mu Ziye's identity, they never thought that Mu Ziye would actually be a prince of Woodgod Kingdom.    


"You know him?" Liu Yunxuan asked in surprise when she heard Bai Yuhao's tone.    


"He's the one who made the Crimson Dragon Army suffer three times in the Hippofield. Although I've only met him twice, I felt that he was different at that time. Bai Yuhao nodded, then stood up and walked over with a faint smile.    


Seeing this, Liu Yunxuan also stood up and followed him.    


"Commander Bai, we meet again." Mu Ziye said as he saw Bai Yuhao walking over.    


"Then I must thank all of you for your kind invitation." Bai Yuhao's gaze turned serious and a sinister smile appeared on his face.    


"Using such a method to invite Young Master Bai was also due to helplessness. However, Young Master Bai doesn't have to worry. However, I guarantee that Young Master Bai will be safe and sound." Mu Ziye cupped his hands and smiled.    


"Is that so? That's good, because I'm more afraid of death. " Bai Yuhao joked, then said: "I didn't expect you to be a prince of Woodgod Kingdom, if you knew, I would definitely catch you alive in the Hippofield."    


"Impudent, do not be rude to the prince." Several Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage immediately shouted.    


"Commander Bai, I advise you to be more sensible and become a hero. Rather than staying in the Crimson Dragon Army, which has no future, why not join Woodgod Kingdom? It's rare for prince to admire you so much. At this moment, Lie Yang, who was beside Mu Ziye, spoke up. However, since the last time he saw Bai Yuhao's frightening side, he had some lingering fear towards Bai Yuhao.    


"Being able to receive the appreciation of the Woodgod Kingdom Prince has truly shocked and flattered me!" Bai Yuhao replied with an exaggerated expression.    


"However, since you all wish to rope me in, isn't this a bit too insincere? Shouldn't we find a place to sit down and drink some tea before chatting?" Bai Yuhao smiled calmly, with a tone that was easy to negotiate with.    


"That's true. As long as you're willing to talk about it, everything is fine." Mu Ziye nodded and said.    


"Prince, do you really believe that he will rely on our Woodgod Kingdom?" Lie Yang suddenly sneered as if he didn't believe Bai Yuhao's words.    


"Don't worry about this, I am the most afraid of death, and when I was at Jiayu Pass, the Scarlet Dragon Army's Grand Commander used a Middle Ranker Black Desire Egg and a High Ranker Black Desire Egg, which led him to invite me. So, if Woodgod Kingdom wants to rope me in, it's also very simple. As long as you give me what I want, I will immediately rely on your Woodgod Kingdom, and even guarantee that you will be captured by the Crimson Dragon Army within a month. " Bai Yuhao said with a shrewd and calculating expression.    


"Bai Yuhao, you …" When Liu Yunxuan heard Bai Yuhao's words, she immediately became angry. Previously, this fellow said that he would sacrifice her to save her, but now, he actually said that he would rely on Woodgod Kingdom …    




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