Dragon Blood King



On the other side, the Scarlet Dragon Army led by Liu Yunxuan was still unable to break through the firm defensive line set up by the Woodgod Kingdom.    


At this moment, Liu Yunxuan was alone in the command tent, racking her brains to come up with a new strategy. The defensive line of Woodgod Kingdom was like an iron wall, rendering the Scarlet Dragon Army helpless.    


"Should I really call that guy back?" At this moment, the image of Bai Yuhao appeared in Liu Yunxuan's mind. Although she had questioned the commanders of the Crimson Dragon Army not long ago, could it be that the Crimson Dragon Army couldn't do without Bai Yuhao? However, at this point, she couldn't think of any other way to destroy the enemy, so she couldn't help but waver.    


Actually, Liu Yunxuan was also a bit angry at Bai Yuhao's actions of running away, but even though she was angry, she understood that the Crimson Dragon Army really did not lack Bai Yuhao.    


Just as Liu Yunxuan was hesitating, a burly figure walked in from outside the camp.    


Liu Yunxuan looked up and saw Ti Dan walking in.    


"Commander Ti? What's the matter? " Liu Yunxuan asked with blinking eyes when she saw Ti Dan.    


"Vice Commander, I just received a message." Ti Dan cupped his hands and said with a weird expression.    


"A message? "Where did it come from?" Liu Yunxuan noticed Ti Dan's strange expression and immediately asked.    


"It's better if the commander sees for himself." Ti Dan passed a small piece of paper to Liu Yunxuan.    


After Liu Yunxuan received it, she opened it and saw that on the letter was written "I am trapped in Qiyun Mountain", and the name written on the letter was actually Bai Yuhao.    


"When did it come?" Liu Yunxuan asked anxiously when she saw Bai Yuhao's signature.    


"An hour ago …" Ti Dan replied.    


"Are you sure this is Bai Yuhao's handwriting?" Liu Yunxuan asked cautiously, because this could also be a conspiracy of the enemy, deliberately pretending to be Bai Yuhao to lure them in.    


"This is the message Bai Yuhao sent to Battalion Commander Liu Yi, Logistics Battalion. "I just sent someone to get it from Battalion Commander Liu Yi." Ti Dan immediately handed over another piece of paper.    


Liu Yunxuan matched the handwriting on the two pieces of paper. The handwriting was almost identical, as if it was really from Bai Yuhao.    


"What is Bai Yuhao doing in Qiyun Mountain? "What does it mean to be trapped?" Liu Yunxuan frowned, confused.    


"I don't know. However, the Qiyun Mountain isn't far from the Kylin Valley. I think Commander Bai might have met with some sort of danger? It is very possible that we have been targeted by Woodgod Kingdom. After all, Commander Bai has already plotted against our Woodgod Kingdom many times. If we can grasp Commander Bai's situation, I think we will deal with him … " Ti Dan guessed nervously.    


Liu Yunxuan couldn't help but reveal an uneasy expression when she heard Ti Dan's words. If that was really the case, then Bai Yuhao's current situation must be very dangerous.    


"However, I feel that this could also be a trap set up by the enemies of Woodgod Kingdom. Maybe they have already captured Commander Bai and forced him to send this message back, hoping to lure us in. I feel that for the sake of safety, it would be better for me to first bring a few people with me to rush to Qiyun Mountain and investigate exactly … " Ti Dan introduced himself.    


"It's too slow. If Bai Yuhao really encounters some danger, by the time you guys arrive, it'll probably be too late." "And if it really is a trap, then you must not bring anyone with you. If you do, it will only cause more damage …" Liu Yunxuan pondered for a moment.    


"Then what should we do now?" Ti Dan was confused.    


"Alright, I'll first ride Silver Wind and head to the Qiyun Mountain to check out the situation. At that time, if there's anything I need help with, I'll send a message to you." Liu Yunxuan said after some thought.    


"How can I do that? It's too dangerous." What if it's an enemy trap? " Ti Dan's expression immediately changed.    


"Silver Wind and I should be fine together, I know what I'm doing. In addition, for the time being, don't let anyone else know about it. "Wait for my message …" Liu Yunxuan spoke a few words before walking out of the camp.    


Ti Dan, who was watching Liu Yunxuan's back as she left, had a sinister look on his face as he sneered, "Don't worry, no one will know!"    


After Liu Yunxuan left the commander camp, she summoned Silver Wind, riding Silver Wind and flew away from the camp towards the Qiyun Mountain.    


The Qiyun Mountain was located twenty kilometers to the west of the Kylin Valley.    


Liu Yunxuan spent two hours to fly to the Qiyun Mountain and then had Silver Wind circle around the Qiyun Mountain to fly at a low altitude, searching for traces of Bai Yuhao. Not long after, she discovered that there was smoke coming out from the west side of Qiyun Mountain. It seemed like a signal. Therefore, he immediately sent Silver Wind flying over.    


After Silver Wind landed on the ground, Liu Yunxuan discovered that what was emitting thick smoke was a pile of charcoal. But other than this place, she didn't see any trace of Bai Yuhao.    


"Bai Yuhao …" Liu Yunxuan immediately called out a few times, but no one answered.    


Just as Liu Yunxuan was planning to ride Silver Wind and look around, suddenly, she felt the ground beneath her feet shake. Six totemic wooden pillars rose up from the ground, on them were carvings of patterns that looked like dragons and phoenixes.    


After the six totem pillars rose up, the engravings on all the pillars started to shine brightly, and started to flow along the lines. At the same time, in between the six pillars, the lightning like Spiritual Energy s began to interweave with each other, forming a network.    


"A trap!?" Liu Yunxuan's beautiful face changed, she did not dare hesitate and immediately mounted Silver Wind.    


Silver Wind flapped his wings and was about to rise into the sky, but just as he was about to reach the height of the six totem pillars, the six totem pillars suddenly shot out Spiritual Energy s that were as fast as lightning with a crackling sound. The six pillars shot out simultaneously and instantly struck Silver Wind's body.    


Silver Wind immediately released a wail, his figure flashed, and quickly dropped to the ground. With a boom, he kicked up a cloud of dust.    


Luckily, Liu Yun reacted in time and immediately jumped off Silver Wind's body, and floated down to the ground.    


"Silver Wind?" Liu Yunxuan looked at Silver Wind who was lying on the ground in pain, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, her delicate body immediately started to move, and in that moment, her body started to spin, the aura was extremely strong, the Heavenly Sect Level 8 cultivation immediately revealed itself, the powerful Spiritual Energy s continued to spread out from her body, it was extremely dazzling.    


Liu Yunxuan raised her lily-white arm and a strong wind shot out from it like a spiral. It turned into a dragon made of wind, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws as it whizzed towards one of the six wooden pillars.    


However, after the Wind Dragon struck one of the totem pillars, it should have caused a great deal of damage. However, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, disappearing without a sound …    




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